AIDS denial is immoral

Also, so what if those papers date back to the 1990s? You wouldn't hesitate to use a paper from that time to support your side, so stop insulting my intelligence.
I am sorry to have to interrupt this thread again, but seeing that yet again a posting was aimed directly, here we go again, directly:

That's the thing I do not understand. Why delete? Don't you know that doing so will draw more attention? Or is that the ultimate aim?

Before shooting your foul mouth off, Learn to read:

Sauna said:
I have reported such instances before but nothing came from that, no reply, nothing at all, notwithstading the obvious abuse, so if then the only possibility to deter is to delete messages and to respond in kind, then that is what is going to have to happen.

thus in the hope that this was meant seriously:

invert said:
He's just going to constantly throw little fits and delete everything he says, so why bother even addressing him?

With the record deleted the hope would be to deny the trolls the chance to attend, so why not leave it at that?

To seek attention I would start threads to talk about me and all my woes and worries, which I never did. The real World version is that others turn up in the middle of threads about something else to talk about me instead, off subject, when they were never once invited to.

In case then you have not yet got the message:

Fuck off. Shut up. Stick to the subject.

Clear enough yet?

There are some here with views intelligent enough to appreciate, every now and then. You are not one of them. Nothing you ever wrote was ever of any use or interest to me, none whatsoever, except to be obliged to defend myself against the malice, the delusion of it.

Bells said:
What exactly am I lying about? Have links to prove that I am somehow lying? What have I made up?

What goes on in your head of your problem.

Mine is this:

Bells said:
.. But with the return of one member, you returned as well.. like a bad smell. And instead of a new, fresh start, you revert to your old ways with the same veiled innuendos and threats. Predictable to a tea is what you are Sauna.

If there was ever an objection, such a reversion, no doubt you would already have referred to that exactly, in detail, or found somebody else to back up the allegation, which is unfortunately impossible because there was no such threat, no such complaint, no such report, no other member to say so, no moderator comment or action to refer to.

That is nowhere else but in your mind.
I am sorry to have to interrupt this thread again, but seeing that yet again a posting was aimed directly, here we go again, directly:

Before shooting your foul mouth off, Learn to read:

thus in the hope that this was meant seriously:

With the record deleted the hope would be to deny the trolls the chance to attend, so why not leave it at that?

To seek attention I would start threads to talk about me and all my woes and worries, which I never did. The real World version is that others turn up in the middle of threads about something else to talk about me instead, off subject, when they were never once invited to.

In case then you have not yet got the message:

Fuck off. Shut up. Stick to the subject.

Clear enough yet?

There are some here with views intelligent enough to appreciate, every now and then. You are not one of them. Nothing you ever wrote was ever of any use or interest to me, none whatsoever, except to be obliged to defend myself against the malice, the delusion of it.

What goes on in your head of your problem.

Mine is this:

If there was ever an objection, such a reversion, no doubt you would already have referred to that exactly, in detail, or found somebody else to back up the allegation, which is unfortunately impossible because there was no such threat, no such complaint, no such report, no other member to say so, no moderator comment or action to refer to.

That is nowhere else but in your mind.

Oh dear lord you take the cake.

For someone who poses absolutely no interest to you, you definately can't help but reply. You did the same in PM's as well, remember?

As to my foul mouth, I'd suggest you read through your own posts before making such accusations. I have not sworn at you or abused you in this thread. Merely asked "why do you bother deleting so much" and funnily enough, I did not even originally pose the question to you, but to Invert as a form of comment about it. Because I simply cannot fathom why someone would bother to take the time to delete all their posts, and then start posting back in the same thread again. Your reaction is noted and I must admit, quite telling. Maybe you should just calm down, take a deep breath and actually think before going off the deep end of rage.

I was having quite an interesting conversation with Meta before you butted back in. But I had forgotten how much you just love the attention. You can't help yourself and you are the type of person who simply must get the last word.
Also, so what if those papers date back to the 1990s? You wouldn't hesitate to use a paper from that time to support your side, so stop insulting my intelligence.
Am I insulting it?

Or am I asking why don't you have anything more recent to back up your claims.

After all, the original claims made in the early 90's have appeared to have been proven wrong. So why don't the denialists have more (recent) evidence to back up their theories? Why do sites such as still rely on articles that date back so far when HIV/AIDS is one of the most researched diseases on this planet. Surely some scientists who question the validity of the existence of HIV (for example), would have come up with some new theories as to why the general medical and scientific community is wrong?

In short, why the silence from the denialists in the last 10 years?

I think it is a valid question, don't you think?
Oh wait, I was wrong. I found something on Duesberg's site, which I must say is quite interesting.

Here we propose that AIDS is a collection of chemical epidemics, caused by recreational drugs, anti-HIV drugs, and malnutrition. According to this hypothesis AIDS is not contagious, not immunogenic, not treatable by vaccines or antiviral drugs, and HIV is just a passenger virus.

So now AIDS is not contagious at all?

Do you actually buy into that Meta? Would you risk having unprotected sex with a woman who told you she had AIDS (hey if Duesberg says it is not contagious and you're taking your vitamins, don't suffer from malnutrition and don't use recreational drugs, you should be fine right?)? Would you take that risk?

Would you be willing to stand by any person who made a public claim that AIDS is not contagious, even though all the evidence points to the contrary?