AIDS denial is immoral

hour and 20 minute documentary about the AIDS hoax.

i would like your comments metakron.

a synopsis from google video:
Injection is the real-life story of six health care workers falsely accused and jailed by an Arab dictator, the deplorable conditions that led to their arrest, and the simple solution that might have prevented not only this injustice, but millions of needless infections.

n Libya in 1999, five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor were arrested and convicted of infecting over four hundred Libyan children with HIV in a Benghazi hospital. Libyan dictator Moammar Khadaffi proclaimed before the trial that the nurses conspired with the American CIA and the Israeli Mossad to maliciously infect the children. The accused, now known as The Benghazi Six, are still in a Libyan prison awaiting re-trial.

Widespread reuse of disposable syringes is responsible for as many as seven million cases of AIDS in Africa. Public health officials are reluctant to discuss this problem, perhaps in fear that Africans will avoid critical medical care, such as inoculations for malaria and other virulent diseases. The thrust of public AIDS prevention campaigns is on safe sex, and healthcare risks are critically overlooked.

In this investigative documentary, Mickey Grant travels to Kenya, Bangkok, Sofia, Benghazi, Tripoli, Rome and London in an attempt to discover the truth. He follows the trail of syringes from hospital to garbage dump, and then back into Africa’s health care system.

You'll hear moving testimony from leaders of the World Health Organization, Amnesty International, African government officials, the Khadaffi opposition, journalists, medical scientists, doctors, and health care workers. You'll also hear from one of the accused, the son of Moammar Kaddafi, a spokesman for the infected children, and other participants.

Could these healthcare workers have committed this horrific crime? Or, are they scapegoats to divert attention from institutional shortcomings? Is Moammar Khadaffi responsible for this tragedy? Is re-use of contaminated syringes a common practice in Libya and the rest of Africa? Are safer syringes available, and if so, why aren't they in common use?

These questions are explored in INJECTION.
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If that video represents a paper drawn up from peer-reviewed sources, I will read it. Otherwise, no. It sounds like the usual yellow journalism.
I'm sorry, Leopold. I didn't know how to say it right.

I'm not sure what I am going to do with the video but I'm probably not going to spend an hour and twenty minutes watching it. I wish that the author had written something that I could read because it takes less time and it's a lot easier to refer back to the text when I need to.

A lot has been made of different theories about HIV's sturdiness, but when you look around and find out that they measure its presence by looking for a protein that exists in a healthy human, I've got problems believing what anyone says about it. They used to say that the virus died if its temperature was more than a few degrees from normal human body temperature. Now they say that they think that it lasts down to about 4 degrees C. I don't know of anyone who has claimed that HIV outlives any attempts at sterilization using high temperatures or chemicals. They used to say that HIV was really sensitive to chemicals.

I don't think that the surrogate markers issue has been solved to the satisfaction of anyone but the truly faithful. Researchers seem to be in the habit, and the way the wind blows they'd better be in the habit, of saying that viable HIV exists if their ELISA or Western Blot says it exists. This saves them a lot of work and of course it's approved.
In treated persons, the alleged HIV RNA levels are predictive of loss of T cells because the loss of T cells is caused by the medications, which doctors increase when they see "increasing viral load."
Calm down Meta.

All I said was that you should use a condom regardless of your stance on HIV/AIDS. Safe sex practices should be used at all times whatever your stance on AIDS happens to be. I did not ask you to sacrifice your first born in the name of the AIDS gods.:rolleyes:

And what exactly is "my kind"? So far I have said that I find your stance to be immoral, which ties in to what this particular thread is about. You on the other hand have been abusive, rude and down right insulting. You have also advocated that I should somehow have violent and disgusting acts done to me because I believe that HIV exists and I am an advocator of safe sex. You say that people who believe HIV exists have been abusive and rude? So far in the last few pages you have not only been both abusive and rude, but also shown yourself to be a believer in violent action against those who oppose you and your stance, all because I asked you a couple of questions about what you have said.

You have more than opened my eyes to your ideals, ideology and to what kind of person you happen to be.

I am the kind of person who protests against an authoritarian regime that thinks that it can simply put itself in place as long as it waves flags like "security" and "disease control." When this GARBAGE started, people should have told the church-ladies where to stuff it. The phony crisis is in part a failure of regular people to protect themselves from the usual moral majority freaks.

It is a responsible attitude that I am promoting. When a person has a life, he has a responsibility towards maintaining it. When you say "wear a condom in case we are right", that is asking us to give up a slice of our lives to this thing that you refer to as a scientific finding and declare a fact long before there is enough supporting evidence to support doing more than research. Consider the fact that the supporters of AIDS also cut out the people who would research the opposing side of this, and Bells, I've seen you support this just like a prosecutor who demands that exculpatory evidence be withheld from the jury. That very fact tells anyone with any sense that you already know that you are likely to lose on any level playing field. I have a responsibility to myself that I do not give away what I own or betray myself, my family, or my beliefs, just because you think you have something and you think that it justifies playing dirty.

My insulting you and throwing insults back at you does not constitute playing nearly as dirty as someone who wants to silence dissent.
To sum it up: Who the hell do they think they are anyway? That's why humans make up gods with extremely poor morals, emotional maturity, and real intelligence. It's to make it easy to play God. Then a human can play God by pointing guns at people, soiling his diapers, and being a general pain in the ass.
hour and 20 minute documentary about the AIDS hoax.

i would like your comments metakron.

I never noticed the phrase, "AIDS Hoax", not in that video.

There are two basic themes to it:

One is to suggest in effect that the heath of Africans would be enormously improved by affording a small fraction of the hundreds of billions of dollars spent on "AIDS research", if not for the profit motive.

The core of the argument is expressed in this passage, 50 minutes in from the start: of the Exhibitors at AIDS Conference in this booth show here: Becton Dickinson didn't have a safe syringe in 1997 but they denied competitors who had safesyringes access to health care markets.
They did this through a consipracy to monopolize the market. At 2004 they paid a settlement of 100 Million Dollars in an anti trust Law suit that alleged just that.
This company put pofits before the walfare of millions,
by preventing safe syringes from being available to people who needed them most.
Q: What are you doing here?
A: "We are just handing out T-Shirts and that is about it....."


...pandemic growing out of control. If that is the case after 20 years of investing billions of dollars on
HIV prevention and perhaps 15 or 20 conferences like the one here at Bangkok and they still haven't made dent on the epidemic, it suggestes to me it is time to have other other people look at how things are being approached. Go back to the drawing board and begin with equality in HIV prevention. Safe Health care is a neccessary part of preventing HIV, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B and other terrible diseases.

......this message, it is not that it hasn't been recognised; it has been actively repressed. We have been making this case but when the people who organise this Conference put it on, they don't put in...

This link reports the Becton Dickinson settlement:

The other basic theme is the nature of the Libyan Government. Gaddafi is accused of obstructing syringe supply, that along with the WHO advising not tell Aficans that syringes are re-used.
We have a "pandemic growing out of control" only for people who have no idea what numbers mean. Twenty years ago, about two million people in Africa were dying each year of "AIDS." These days, about two million people in Africa are dying of "AIDS." At some mythical time in the past the number shot up that high, then somehow the numbers of cases magically stopped increasing, and it's been steady since then despite our best efforts.
This is the kind of thing that most health authorities do not want us to know:

"After years of claims by the AIDS establishment that a link between HIV and immune supression had been established a High Court found the claim without merit and a unfounded deception. This is the first legal trail of the HUV/AIDS hypothesis and a historic defeat for AID$ Inc."
We have people here who believe that a valid test can be made for a virus that was never isolated. They also believe that a medication is "lifesaving" and "safe and effective" when its only possible mode of action destroyes nuclear and mitichondrial DNA. And you're trying to imply that I am foolish?
And the brand of Teflon that HIV apologists use is just amazing. Everything slides right off no matter how badly the HIV apologists are caught with their pants down.