AIDS denial is immoral

Sauna deleted all his posts again.
Time to start ignoring him altogether then.
Once is stupid.
Twice is too much.
He's just going to constantly throw little fits and delete everything he says, so why bother even addressing him?
Sauna deleted all his posts again.
Time to start ignoring him altogether then.
Once is stupid.
Twice is too much.
He's just going to constantly throw little fits and delete everything he says, so why bother even addressing him?

Once was already too much.

The less that Sauna sees of the your shit, the better for Sauna.

Sauna had previously avoided the "address" and felt a lot better for it then.
Sauna deleted all his posts again.
Time to start ignoring him altogether then.
Once is stupid.
Twice is too much.
He's just going to constantly throw little fits and delete everything he says, so why bother even addressing him?
One has to wonder why he even bothers to post at all.
No one does not.

There is absolutely no need to.

Get a life.

Mind your own.
Fester fester..

As to my life, I have one, as evidenced by the fact that I don't sit here for hours typing out responses and then deleting them all.. only to start all over again.

Reminds me of the fellow who used to harrass people in PM about suing them for libel. Now there was one person who had no life.:)


This thread should be closed. Debating with Meta and those of his ilk is akin to smashing one's head against a brick wall. We must face facts that there are some people in this world who are so intent upon their delusions that no amount of proof will allow them to see the actual truth. Let them wallow in their foolishness.

There is a reason why conspiracy theorists exist. They are living proof that some people will just believe everything they are told, regardless of the mountain of evidence to the contrary. That the HIV denialists have been proven wrong is irrelavent. The sites exist and are stupidly out of date, but that does not matter. The fact they exist means they must be true, to some people, regardless of the material that proves otherwise.
Fester fester..

As to my life, I have one, as evidenced by the fact that I don't sit here for hours typing out responses and then deleting them all.. only to start all over again.

Reminds me of the fellow who used to harrass people in PM about suing them for libel. Now there was one person who had no life.:)

People with lives would need to indulge themselves with that sort of flaming.

Were it possible to use the system to declare the infraction there would be one now for that.
The comment has nothing to do with thread topic.
It is a personal insult, and deliberately inflammatory.

I have reported such instances before but nothing came from that, no reply, nothing at all, notwithstading the obvious abuse, so if then the only possibility to deter is to delete messages and to respond in kind, then that is what is going to have to happen.

There was no start all over again from me.
I had never referred to anything previous.

For as far as I was concerned previous topics and issues were done with over, deleted, gone.
I was minded to avoid the bait.
It is rather an assortment of depraved idiot creeps, now laughingly called "moderators", who appear to have determined themselves to start again, reluctant to leave well enough alone.

If blood is what they want, let them pick their own scabs, and use their own shit to rub in, if that is what serves to amuse them.

Sick of it?

Yes I am.

Sick of that.
Were it possible to use the system to declare the infraction there would be one now for that.
The comment has nothing to do with thread topic.
It is a personal insult, and deliberately inflammatory.
Hardly an insult or inflammatory when it is the truth Sauna.

This topic has never stayed on its true purpose or track. You made sure of that.

My response has been to point out the hypocrisy of your replies. You wish to report me for being inflammatory, go right ahead. The report button is right there. But just a word of warning, if you are going to accuse anyone, remember that some of us do save our PM's. Deny whatever you wish, delete whatever you want. In the end it only shows your foolishness. You deleted all before and we thought that was it from you. But with the return of one member, you returned as well.. like a bad smell. And instead of a new, fresh start, you revert to your old ways with the same veiled innuendos and threats. Predictable to a tea is what you are Sauna.

I have reported such instances before but nothing came from that, no reply, nothing at all, notwithstading the obvious abuse, so if then the only possibility to deter is to delete messages and to respond in kind, then that is what is going to have to happen.
Do you know why Sauna? Cry wolf one too many times and after a while, people will just ignore you.

If you are going to blame anyone for abuse or throw accusations at anyone, remember that your past record will also be looked at and investigated.

It is rather an assortment of depraved idiot creeps, now laughingly called "moderators", who appear to have determined themselves to start again, reluctant to leave well enough alone.
Consider it a blast from the past from those of us who know you from your previous life. You bite, do not expect anyone to never bite back. You are the one who never left anything alone. Your return to your old ways ensured that it was all brought back to the forefront once again.

As for your insults regarding the moderators, have a problem? Report button. Put up or shut up as they say. You have not been treated unfairly by anyone. Any "flaming" you may be on the receiving end of is mirrored.
You deleted all before and we thought that was it from you. But with the return of one member, you returned as well..

I deleted previous postings 30th December.

I don't even know who returned after that.


I posted one message to one of her threads which she did not respond to.

She has not even posted to this thread, which is pretty much the only one I posted to since.

Do you know why Sauna? Cry wolf one too many times and after a while, people will just ignore you.

That is not what ignoring looks like.

I reported two or three instances.

What is the wolf limit?

The more convincing way to ignore would be to piss off and shut up.

Threads that I posted to are already downloaded.

You bite, do not expect anyone to never bite back. You are the one who never left anything alone. Your return to your old ways ensured that it was all brought back to the forefront once again.

There was one infraction, about a rude discussion with samcdkey, which was not even declared by that member. Apart from that I was not aware of any complaint or report against me, none whatsoever apart from the course of the threads.

.... remember that your past record will also be looked at and investigated..... You bite, do not expect anyone to never bite back. You are the one who never left anything alone. Your return to your old ways ensured that it was all brought back to the forefront once again.

Go on then, lie about that. Make it all up.

Let us then refer to the cache, with previous postings intact, to show what a liar you are.

People with lives would not need to indulge themselves with that sort of flaming.

There was no start all over again from me.
I had never referred to anything previous.

For as far as I was concerned previous topics and issues were done with over, deleted, gone.
I was minded to avoid the bait.

If blood is what they want, let them pick their own scabs, and use their own shit to rub in, if that is what serves to amuse them.

Sick of it?

Yes I am.

Sick of that.
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This thread should be closed. Debating with Meta and those of his ilk is akin to smashing one's head against a brick wall. We must face facts that there are some people in this world who are so intent upon their delusions that no amount of proof will allow them to see the actual truth. Let them wallow in their foolishness.

There is a reason why conspiracy theorists exist. They are living proof that some people will just believe everything they are told, regardless of the mountain of evidence to the contrary. That the HIV denialists have been proven wrong is irrelavent. The sites exist and are stupidly out of date, but that does not matter. The fact they exist means they must be true, to some people, regardless of the material that proves otherwise.

Another reason that conspiracy theorists exist is because of people like you. You use and condone dishonest and nasty tactics. You try to shut people up using any excuse. Your actions justify the existence of conspiracy theories and theorists.

Also, you have a foul mouth when people disagree with you.
I deleted previous postings 30th December.

I don't even know who returned after that.


I posted one message to one of her threads which she did not respond to.

She has not even posted to this thread, which is pretty much the only one I posted to since.
That's the thing I do not understand. Why delete? Don't you know that doing so will draw more attention? Or is that the ultimate aim?

That is not what ignoring looks like.

I reported two or three instances.

What is the wolf limit?
I don't know actually.

When I start howling, I'll let you know however.

There was one infraction, about a rude discussion with samcdkey, which was not even declared by that member. Apart from that I was not aware of any complaint or report against me, none whatsoever apart from the course of the threads.

Go on then, lie about that. Make it all up.

Let us then refer to the cache, with previous postings intact, to show what a liar you are.
What exactly am I lying about? Have links to prove that I am somehow lying? What have I made up? That you delete your posts and then return to the thread again, only to start deleting again and so on? Ummm hate to break it to you Sauna, but I'd hardly be lying if I said that since you have admitted it yourself.

Your current behaviour in this thread is so... old.. and.. you.. We all know it. The proof as they say is in the pudding, and this is one huge pudding.

People with lives would not need to indulge themselves with that sort of flaming.

There was no start all over again from me.
I had never referred to anything previous.
Well you couldn't could you. You had deleted it all. It would appear to be a bit silly if you then started to refer to deleted material, wouldn't it? So you delete and what have you then? Ah yes, a clean slate. But then it all begins again, so back you go to the delete button.

Last time you were on the little deleting rampage, it lasted a couple of hours didn't it? I remember going out, coming home, having a nap, playing with my son, turned the computer on to check my email, checked some replies on here and you were still going.

Ah, now that is living.:rolleyes:


Metakron said:
Bells, you're pretty obnoxious yourself.
Your point?

Meta, you have added nothing new to this thread. You have made ridiculously false claims and have had no proof to back them up. This was proven by your claims that it was the HIV drugs given to people in Africa that caused them to develop AIDS, when it is common knowledge that the millions of deaths in Africa so far have been largely caused by the African leaders also being HIV/AIDS denialists, therefore preventing any of the HIV drugs from being made available to the populace.

Now if that is not obnoxious in itself, I don't know what is. You have proven yourself to not only be obnoxious, but highly immoral as well. I am only thankful that you are not in a position of power or influence where your words or beliefs could have an impact on the lives of others.

You have also made racist and homophobic claims into how HIV/AIDS is diagnosed in people. Nothing you have said has been backed up. As far as I am concerned, you are the main reason as to why this thread needs to be locked. You have discounted everything put before you with reckless abandon and have offered nothing in return. You then have the nerve to cry foul when you are ignored.

Call me obnoxious as much as you like. Call me whatever you wish. I, at least, know I can sleep at night knowing that I do not belong to the group of people who have the beliefs that has ultimately resulted in the deaths of millions.

Another reason that conspiracy theorists exist is because of people like you. You use and condone dishonest and nasty tactics. You try to shut people up using any excuse. Your actions justify the existence of conspiracy theories and theorists.
So your insanity is a product of people like me?


How have I tried to shut you up? I would think that after 25 pages, you would have been given ample opportunity to back up your claims with research that did not date back to the 80's and 90's. You rely on old research that has been discounted and disproven many times. After 25 pages of exactly the same thing from you, I doubt my saying this thread should be close could be construed as somehow trying to shut you up.

Had I wanted to shut you up, I'd have been calling for the closure of this thread right from the start. You have had more than enough chances to prove your claims and you have failed each and every single time. You have also posted false and spurious information and theories with absolutely nothing to prove you are indeed correct. When shown how wrong you actually are, you literally refuse to acknowledge it and call those attempting to educate you, liars.

Also, you have a foul mouth when people disagree with you.
Have I sworn at you? Abused you? Called you names? I said you were immoral from the claims you have made. That is what this thread is about after all and you kind of do fit the thread title. So hardly "foul mouthed" now is it. I think I may have called you stupid and idiotic, again, hardly foul mouthed.

I think that throughout this thread, you have been treated with politeness you frankly did not deserve if your behaviour and words are any indication. You have been given more chances than most would have in these forums.

Had I really had a foul mouth, you would have been on the receiving end of it.
On topic, I don't think AIDS denial is immoral. If it was teh government or the drug companies denying AIDS, it would be different. Most AIDS conspiricist are losers who won't ever do anything, so their opinion doesn't matter.
On topic, I don't think AIDS denial is immoral. If it was teh government or the drug companies denying AIDS, it would be different. Most AIDS conspiricist are losers who won't ever do anything, so their opinion doesn't matter.
Hence the issue. There are and have been governments who have denied that the existence of HIV and AIDS or denied it was ever a problem, and they have used the arguments put forward by the conspiracy theorists to make their claims of denial. The result is what we see today in Africa. It has only been in the last couple of years that some African nations have actually acknowledged that HIV and AIDS is real and that the people need help. However it has come too little, too late for millions. Some still don't take it seriously enough to give it the funding it needs and deserves, leaving millions without care.