AIDS Class Action Lawsuit

I suppose it's a bit late in the thread for this to really be seen by anyone actually still interested in being informed rather than either babbling or bashing their head repeatedly against a brick-wall of stupid, but frontline recently did a very long and extensive episode on the history of the AIDS epidemic.

You can watch the entire documentary online for free, as with all episodes of frontline made in the last 5 years.

This documentary is definitely educational, and I think it also gives insightful perspective into the whole matter. Those are three things that this thread is most certainly lacking.
James R said:
Let's see your graph for the whole world.

James, I've already provided that information. It's from WHO and the UN. Check out the links I provided which say TB is the number one cause of death in the entire world, fueled in part by the world AIDS crisis.
Mystech said:
I suppose it's a bit late in the thread for this to really be seen by anyone actually still interested in being informed rather than either babbling or bashing their head repeatedly against a brick-wall of stupid, but frontline recently did a very long and extensive episode on the history of the AIDS epidemic.

You can watch the entire documentary online for free, as with all episodes of frontline made in the last 5 years.

This documentary is definitely educational, and I think it also gives insightful perspective into the whole matter. Those are three things that this thread is most certainly lacking.


I looked over some of it: how about these quotes:

"It has become incontrovertible," says virologist Dr. George Shaw, "that the HIV-1 virus that currently infects over 60 million humans arose as a consequence of a single transmission event from a single chimpanzee in West Central Africa to one human."

The transmission likely came through blood contact in chimpanzee hunters.

"The Age of AIDS" begins with the medical and scientific mystery that emerged in 1981 when five gay men in Los Angeles were diagnosed with a new disease.

LA is also the porn industry capital of the world, by the way.

As far as the political indifference goes, the Gay-Activists have done an awful lot to protect AIDS. I've already provided the information. They'll do anything to fight a quarantine order, ANYTHING.
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Mystech said:
If you bought a similar lawsuit against the US federal government you might have a case - they have, after all, banned funding of any AIDS prevention and education programs which target Homosexuals in any way. You've got your fellow conservative religious nut-jobs to blame for that.

Also, what schools promote same-sex relationships? Are you completely mental?

I just read the facts, that's all. I know you find this upsetting.

It's the Gay activists that got us into this mess. Might I snip a headline for you, from a previous post in this same thread:

San Franciso Indy Media in year 2001:

AIDS Quarantine Flap Results In Multiple Felony Charges Against Controversial Activists

San Francisco -- Two AIDS activists were arrested today following a hearing on temporary restraining orders stemming from a series of allegedly harassing phone calls. Michael Petrelis and ACT UP San Francisco member David Pasquarelli shouted "Stop AIDS Quarantine" as police placed them under arrest. Charged with numerous felonies, Pasquarelli and Petrelis are being held for an exorbitant half million dollars bail each for their involvement in a national campaign to speak out against federal quarantine of people with AIDS.

ACT UP San Francisco members fear that the recent terrorist attacks will foster an atmosphere where million dollar bails and felony charges will become the norm for actions that should be First Amendment protected speech. ACT UP members vow to continue their efforts to bring attention to the pending quarantine legislation, including increasing pressure on local officials to exercise their power today to protect future generations tomorrow from this quarantine act. The next hearing for Pasquarelli and Petrelis is set for December 20 at 10:30 AM in Dept. 206, 400 McAllister Street, San Francisco.


Yer local quarantine protester -- gay of course.

Roman said:
Dude, that's standing up for your rights. Dumbshit.

And that is exactly the gay-activist mindset I'm talking about here. AIDS is a right for homosexuals to have and transmit to others, thanks to gay-activists. The evidence is undeniable. You can see it right here on this forum. IT's a RIGHT, DUDE!!! Get it.

So tell me Mystech, how do you propose to stop the AIDS epidemic without a quarantine?

You've got your fellow conservative religious nut-jobs to blame for that.

I'll agree with you on one thing, some liberal politicians have been mighty accommodating to the problem alright, like these two:

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Here is the word coming from ACT-UP

HIV does not cause AIDS...
HIV antibody tests are flawed and dangerous...
AIDS drugs are poison...


Since the 1980s, America has been bombarded with anti-gay, anti-sex propaganda insisting that a new sexually transmitted retrovirus called HIV is causing a plague of death. Based on past models of infectious disease, predictions were made during the Reagan years about the devastation to be caused by HIV yet now, with the clarity of hindsight, we are able to see through the fear-based propaganda.

Where's their data?

How about that Mystech -- according to ACT-UP a militant gay-activist organization: The Reagan administration over-reacted to the problem. According to them, The AIDS problem is GONE.

more from ACT-UP:

The fact is that there is no plague of contagious AIDS. Every year of the so-called AIDS "epidemic" in the United States more people died from car accidents than from AIDS. Government estimates of the number of HIV positive Americans has been continually revised downward from 1.5 million in the mid-1980s to between 400,000 to 600,000 today. In addition, the life span of HIV positives that refuse toxic AIDS treatments is over twenty years -- as long as HIV has supposedly been around.

Where's their data?

According to the CDC, a responsible organization that is sincerely devoted to protecting the general public from diseases, the picture looks more like this:


As you can see from the graph. The AIDS prevalence (number of people living with AIDS) CLEARLY increase every year. There is no doubt about it. ACT-UP is a bunch of liars that belong in prison, or at a minimum, they deserve to be sued.

The truth is, AIDS deaths have gone down thanks to treatments after infection, the reported cases have gone down, but the total number of people living with AIDS has gone up. The evidence is unbiased, undeniable, and would only be debated by a total bigot.

Mystech, it looks like you're just another pro-gay liberal bigot. You appear to be incapable of an objective view. If your obstinance continues in the face of proven facts, I'll put you on my ignore list.

Also, what schools promote same-sex relationships?

Practically all of the schools in the USA. Do I need to show you the latest headline on that flap?

Are you completely mental?

I just read the news.
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