AIDS Class Action Lawsuit

Woody said:
What is a romantic relationship without some kind of sexual chemistry going on? If this is what's going on, then yes, they are homosexual.

Yes. What is it???

I once had a cat. Felis catus. A feline. My birthday present when I turned eight years old.
He was a good friend of mine. I kept him close when I was growing up. He was mine, after all.
Towards the end of his little life, I regarded him as a child. I loved him very much. I grieved very much when he passed from this life.
One time, I was petting him. I felt such warm feelings toward him at that time that I started getting an erection. Yes. You heard me right. I got an erection from petting my cat. And it wasn't sexual. I just felt so close to him, and so loving, that it was almost like a subconscious reaction.

So am I now also pro-bestiality? I advocate sex with cats???

I'm sure that happens here and there, and people don't talk about it. ;)

I never had sexual fantasies about my cat, by any measure, yet once (or possibly twice) I got an erection by petting my cat. It was beyond sexuality, but the erection was derived from a physical reaction, a result, of my deep feelings for my little feline.

I'm not ashamed of that at all. :)

And you say adamantly that two men or two women who are in a romantic relationship without sex are still homosexual? Despite these unstoppable, subconscious reactions? Is this what you are talking about?

Or do you just want to shut them off forever?

You either love the opposite sex, or you love Jesus, and shut your mouth?

You never really commented about marriage either. What is marriage??? You never told me the prerequisites for marriage. What makes marriage good, or bad.

You don't know. You don't know anything other than "Man/Woman"???

The Bible certainly doesn't talk about marriage ceremonies, and who's right for the job.

Woody said:
So in other words, if I agree, then I should just say nothing and let it happen, right GB. After all they are getting what they deserve and who am I to stop God's punishment on Gay's? -- right GB.

Yes. All the spurned wives, children, etc. and also the "gay" people who got AIDS clearly by some other's prerogative are all "getting what they deserve". This was God's decision. Let us not care about them. They have received their just measure.
Woody said:
It is not a practical contol measure for cold germs, which are common everywhere in the world. Cold germs are not life threatening.

Neither is it a practical control measure for staph germs, which are everywhere.

Epidemic control is more appropriate for things like West Nile Virus, polio, smallpox, anthrax, typhoid, rabies, and AIDS.

AIDS is easily controlled on a personal level. Obstain from sex or use a condom.

Hence no epidemic control is necessary. Just personal responsibility.
Woody said:
As I already said before, you're on my ignore list so don't bother responding to me. You have nothing intelligent to say. Whatta waste of time.

Let's try this again. Someone please provide a reasonably intelligent answer to the following question:

What's wrong with everyone getting an AIDS test?

Can anybody answer this question with intelligence?
I LOVE the genjivitis post!!!!!!!! :p All I can say is ANALSEXANALSEXANALSEXANALSEXANALSEXANALSEXANALSEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why are you guys feeding flames to the fire? I don't know..

Must be the general malaise around here.
spuriousmonkey said:


apparently obstain isn't even a word. Feel free to give it new meaning.

Obstain: the practice of arguing with people you really, really are getting pissed off with, since the arguments change neither your nor their views, but they do give your fingers a workout.
Etymology: Sciforums :D
But there's no need to quarantine people with AIDS. AIDS is only transmitted by direct blood contact. You can sit next to an AIDS patient on the bus, and have no problem at all. But sit next to somebody with a cold on the bus, and you risk catching it.
James R said:
But there's no need to quarantine people with AIDS. AIDS is only transmitted by direct blood contact. You can sit next to an AIDS patient on the bus, and have no problem at all. But sit next to somebody with a cold on the bus, and you risk catching it.

People with AIDS typically carry a host of other diseases because their immunity system doesn't work. I wouldn't want to sit beside one with TB.

Tuberculosis is on the rise due to vulnerability of AIDS victims. They are the primary carriers, and TB can't be effectively controlled until AIDS is controlled. This is true for other diseases as well, which AIDS victims are more susceptible to -- indeed that's what eventually kills AIDS victims, rather than the AIDS virus itself.

My sister was a social worker at an AIDS ward in Greensboro, NC. While she was there four of the health care workers got AIDS: one from a needle stick, one through chapped hands, one from blood spattering on her face acne during an operation, and I don't remember the fourth. Are you sure people can't get AIDS from bug bites like mosquitos, fleas, horseflies, etc.? But that's not really the point.

AIDS comes primarily from sex, and men are more likely to get it than women. What about people that don't tell their sex partner they have AIDS? That's where the real problem is.
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Woody said:
My sister was a social worker at an AIDS ward in Greensboro, NC. While she was there four of the health care workers got AIDS: one from a needle stick, one through chapped hands, one from blood spattering on her face acne during an operation, and I don't remember the fourth. Are you sure people can't get AIDS from bug bites like mosquitos, fleas, horseflies, etc.? But that's not really the point.

AIDS comes primarily from sex, and men are more likely to get it than women. What about people that don't tell their sex partner they have AIDS? That's where the real problem is.
You sound like you just climbed out of a time capsule from 1985. Have you looked at whom AIDS/HIV is killing most in the world? Straight US blacks, African women (contracting it from straight men) and Asian sex workers, servicing Western straight men. There has been a small rebound in Western gay men getting it but NOTHING remotely close to the devastation the disease is bringing to sub-Saharan Africa and African Americans. You seem to revel in the diseases ravages, the suffering it brings to humanity. A tiny minority you hate was hit hard by it in the 80's. It's 2006 Woody. As a man of faith where is your compassion? I believe if there was a Jesus he would be washing the feet of these victims.
Does everyone agree that Gay-Activist organizations have impeded the authorities, and this has contributed to the AIDS epidemic?
Only very early on, when they were active for protecting their rights at the bathhouses in SF. Since then, they have been on the forefront for getting the gov to pay attention to the AIDS crisis.

AIDS likely began when an African butchered an AIDS infected monkey. Why don't you sue the monkey?
Woody said:
Wait a minute, when I give blood I am tested for HIV, and our nation's blood supply isn't tainted. Are you saying that our nation's blood supply is tainted from HIV positive donors?

There is a lot more to say than that, but I am saying that the reliability of the tests is already known to be so poor that there must be false negatives as well as false positives. One of the things that causes false positives is being the recipient of a blood transfusion, as the HIV tests also ping on just about any reaction to the introduction of a foreign protein into someone's system.
Genji said:
You sound like you just climbed out of a time capsule from 1985. Have you looked at whom AIDS/HIV is killing most in the world? Straight US blacks, African women (contracting it from straight men) and Asian sex workers, servicing Western straight men. There has been a small rebound in Western gay men getting it but NOTHING remotely close to the devastation the disease is bringing to sub-Saharan Africa and African Americans. You seem to revel in the diseases ravages, the suffering it brings to humanity. A tiny minority you hate was hit hard by it in the 80's. It's 2006 Woody. As a man of faith where is your compassion? I believe if there was a Jesus he would be washing the feet of these victims.

I don't think Woody really cares who's actually being hit the hardest by AIDS. He's out to prove a point about gay people, so he can apparently show that the Bible is justified in "hating" them also.
MetaKron said:
There is a lot more to say than that, but I am saying that the reliability of the tests is already known to be so poor that there must be false negatives as well as false positives. One of the things that causes false positives is being the recipient of a blood transfusion, as the HIV tests also ping on just about any reaction to the introduction of a foreign protein into someone's system.

Wait a minute, false positives/false negatives, what's the incidence per ten thousamd, and can't you take a second, thirdf, fourth, fifth test etc. just to vindicates yourself the same as with employment drug screening?
Giambattista said:
I don't think Woody really cares who's actually being hit the hardest by AIDS. He's out to prove a point about gay people, so he can apparently show that the Bible is justified in "hating" them also.

Genji said:
You sound like you just climbed out of a time capsule from 1985. Have you looked at whom AIDS/HIV is killing most in the world? Straight US blacks, African women (contracting it from straight men) and Asian sex workers, servicing Western straight men. There has been a small rebound in Western gay men getting it but NOTHING remotely close to the devastation the disease is bringing to sub-Saharan Africa and African Americans. You seem to revel in the diseases ravages, the suffering it brings to humanity. A tiny minority you hate was hit hard by it in the 80's. It's 2006 Woody. As a man of faith where is your compassion? I believe if there was a Jesus he would be washing the feet of these victims.

I think you and Genjivitus are both biggots and liars. You keep proposing evidence tht clearly just isn't there. Here's what the CDC says about Genjivitus's claim:


Can either of you even read a graph? Genjivitus is a janitor so somebody help him. In the USA his claim is totally unfounded. The data goes all the way to 2003. AIDS IS a growing epidemic right here in the USA, and It's primarily related to male-to-male sexual contact as the graph proves without even the slightest doubt. Second place is IV drug use (another moral problem).

I can't believe I wasted 15 minutes of my life responding to idiots like you two. Both of you go to my ignore list. I don't have time for this. Why don't you two research your stupid statements before you make such idiotic claims.

Both of you go to my ignore list. I don't have time time for this stupidity.
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AIDS is a logistical staging area to launch other epidemics such as tuberculosis:

From NIAID government source:

The Global Burden of Tuberculosis

Infectious diseases remain the largest cause of death in the world, and among infectious diseases tuberculosis is responsible for the greatest number of deaths. Each year, 54 million people are infected with the tubercle bacillus (Mycobacterium tuberculosis), 6.8 million develop clinical disease and 2.4 million people die of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is responsible for 5% of all deaths worldwide, and 9.6% of adult deaths in the 15-59 age group. Tuberculosis kills more women worldwide than all causes of maternal mortality. The case fatality rate of tuberculosis is high; approximately 50% of untreated cases die of the disease.

Tuberculosis is transmitted by the respiratory route, and the principal risk factor for acquiring infection is breathing.

Until the mid-1980s, tuberculosis in the United States had been declining, a trend which probably began over 70 years previously due in large part to improved living conditions and public health measures.

Then starting in 1986 there was a dramatic rise in the number of new cases (to 27,000 in 1992). This increase has been attributed to a number of factors, including deterioration in the public health infrastructure, rising numbers of homeless individuals and the growing AIDS epidemic.

In recent years explosive outbreaks of tuberculosis have devastated hospitals, prisons and schools, and new strains have emerged with increased transmissibility.

Compounding the impact of tuberculosis is the co-epidemic of HIV/AIDS. Susceptibility to tuberculosis is one of the earliest manifestations of immunosuppression in HIV infection, and tuberculosis has been shown to be the attributable cause of death in a third of AIDS patients in Africa. While the lifetime risk of developing tuberculosis for immunocompetent individuals in the US is approximately 10%, for HIV infected individuals the risk is markedly increased to 4-8% annually.

Whoaa that is somekind of risk for AIDS victims. Here on sciforums I can't believe everyone is hearing this for the first time. I thought this was an educated community, some even work in the health care field -- but all oblivious to the the government reports.

When you just consider what homosexuals DO, isn't it pretty easy to figure out WHY they have all these disease problems?
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OK: here's another interesting graph:


Shall we quarantine heterosexual women and children as well? Admittedly the reported figures aren't as high as for gay men but you can see that the number of infections is rising alarmingly. What's your reason for focusing solely on gay men?

Here's an overview which puts things into some kind of perspective:

Spotlight: Commemorating 25 Years of HIV/AIDS

An estimated 40,000 Americans still become infected with HIV every year, and many of these are young persons under the age of 25. African American men and women are among the hardest hit populations in the U.S. In 2004, they accounted for half of all new HIV diagnoses in this country and more than a third of AIDS deaths to date. African American men who have sex with men (MSM) are especially hard hit. Recent data show significant declines in HIV diagnoses in nearly every group of African Americans except black MSM. Women also remain a particularly vulnerable population, accounting for 29% of all HIV diagnoses in 2004.

Again, what's your reason for focusing on gay men? Maybe we should only quarantine black gay men, who are one of the prime risk groups.

Or maybe we should put aside our prejudices and try to maintain a balanced perspective on the whole thing?