Against Religious Tolerance

However, I would argue that those drives exist as part of our human nature.
You mean dishonesty. Which does not justify it. You can't evasively separate these so called drives from religion or christianity and say they did not hold christian values. The old testament of the bible blatantly justifies the prejudice, oppression and total annhilation of different peoples. That is a part of their religion, to separate them is a deceitful ploy to drop accountability for their religious beliefs.

In the absence of strong and benign religious beliefs, those same drives can be exploitated for ruthless political ends.

like christianity
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Nazis; Hello? You need to study history. They burned the bible. Christianity was outlawed and forbidden to those in the party. The Nazis were a neo-pagan movement.
interesting notes, perhaps i can use them, although I already know all about Plato's flaws. The real demon is Aristotle!

And with that statement you truly show us the extent of your ignorance!

Phylosophical history 101

Ayn Rand, whose philosophy is a form of Aristotelianism, had the highest admiration for Aristotle (384-322 B.C.). She intellectually stood on Aristotle’s shoulders as she praised him above all other philosophers. Rand acknowledged Aristotle as a genius and as the only thinker throughout the ages to whom she owed a philosophical debt. According to Rand, Aristotle, the teacher of those who know, is the fountainhead behind every achievement in civilized society including science, technology, progress, freedom, aesthetics (including romantic art) and the birth of America itself. Aristotle’s philosophy has underpinned the achievements of the Renaissance and of all scientific advances and technological progress to this very day. He is the most significant thinker and most successful individual who has ever lived.


Origins of Mysticism

I think I've made my point clear. :cool:

Just because they burned the bible does not mean they did not use some christian principles. They believed god was on their side. And more importantly does not justify christianity or exonerate it. A criminal in prison killing another inmate does not automatically equate to the inherent innocence of the victim.
Ayn Rand? You actually read that trash?
I should have known better than to offer you a compliment.
Now whose the ignorant one?
Ayn Rand is Aristotle for the disciples of Evil.
She is of the Devil.
Look, 'Jack', I took a look at your propaganda links. I dont agree with your view of history. Its diametrically opposed to everything that is acceptable about reality. To me its complete ignorance and brainwashing. So just go sniff that intellectual dung heap on your own.

Ayn Rand? You actually read that trash?
I should have known better than to offer you a compliment.
Now whose the ignorant one?
Ayn Rand is Aristotle for the disciples of Evil.
She is of the Devil.
They stand for reason which is diametrically opposite to your irrational faith based perspective, so naturally you would demonize such views.

Its diametrically opposed to everything that is acceptable about reality. To me its complete ignorance and brainwashing.
Wow - words fail me - I guess Godless' s statements do indeed sum up the best responses.
I hold nothing against you and enjoy your pernicious posts.
Please do not encourage Godless' bad behavior.
Lawdog said:
I hold nothing against you and enjoy your pernicious posts.
Please do not encourage Godless' bad behavior.

M*W: Bad behavior??? And the nerve of you to talk like that to a moderator! Now THAT's "bad behavior." Lapdog, like I've said many times before, you are not of the same level of intellect that this forum represents. Your only fund of knowledge is about christianity, and your accuracy about that is even questionable.

Why is it that Christians infiltrate religion forums when their range of knowledge is lacking in intelligent discussion? If the rest of us needed to learn more about christianity, we would know where to look. Problem is that we already know everything there is to know about christianity -- that's why we're atheists and agnostics!
Personally, I find lapdog fascinating. His story about joining a cult only to re-join his indoctrinated one later in life is of particular interest. It is completely consistent with the hypothesis that humans are hard-wired to believe in the paranormal and to willingly accept magical thinking in place of reason and logic. This hardwiring can be overcome, however. Perhaps not by the particularly gullible, but with education and application of critical thought, just about anything may be possible.
Ok but how do we begin to penetrate that shield of irrationality that surrounds him? How do we show him how to think independently of his indoctrination? He is currently not open to logical reasoning since he is drowning in his particular chosen fantasy. I suspect that only time and his own intellect will allow him to eventually reject his current programming.

But really what could we do to help speed that process? This is not a new problem. We have seen many come through here who have been equally screwed by these insidious institutions. But all the time they see us as the enemy then we are never likely to gain their attention and make them think. There have been several execptions who have crossed over. I'm not aware of any who have gone the other way.
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But first he needs to realize he needs the help. He doesn't see any problems with his way of thinking yet.
Ok but how do we begin to penetrate that shield of irrationality that surrounds him?

We can't until the subject becomes totaly aware that his/her's believes are purely delusional.

As stated the most accurate definition of the term "delusion" by psychiatrists is:

The act or process of deluding.
The state of being deluded.
A false belief or opinion: labored under the delusion that success was at hand.
Psychiatry. A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness: delusions of persecution.

How do we show him how to think independently of his indoctrination?

We can't because there's no proving a negative. Thus he will cling to fantasy unless someone can disprove god. We can try and explain logic, to him but he will just simply claim that "his god" invented logic, reason, our minds, etc.

But if the kid likes to read, perhaps there's a tiny chance that we can appeal to him by reason.

Understanding Delusion

You seem to be trying to examine my psychology like one might examine the neuro-system of a laboratory animal. Thats good, your doing what scientists like to do. I have already studied Aristotelean Logic in a formal class taught by a top-rated Philosopher.

I do not mind being called crazy, I think the same must have been said of Our Lord.
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I don't think we confuse the beauty of art with the concepts of religious belief.

The challenge is to show someone the differrence between an imaginative speculation about a concept and the irrational conviction that it is true despite the absence of factual support.

If you've studied logic why don't you use it? It feels like the emotional appeal of your beliefs has overpowered your ability to see the illogic of your position.