Against Religious Tolerance

Crunchy Cta,

Finding a concrete way to fulfill human behavioral needs without relying on fantasy will be necessary.
Agreed. When their religious crutches are removed there will need to be a better form of support.
We should make that mandatory viewing for everyone who posts here.
Not 14%, thats absurd. Perhaps .14% of the worlds population is atheist. Most folk turn religious when death is near anyway. Those who do not are admirible but gravely mistaken.
Yeah ive also noticed that the majority of the religious are actually far more influenced
by the secular tenants of modern society rather than the tenants of their Holy books, and are useally completely unaware of this fact about themselves haha.
Lawdog said:
Not 14%, thats absurd. Perhaps .14% of the worlds population is atheist. Most folk turn religious when death is near anyway. Those who do not are admirible but gravely mistaken.

I'd like to see your sources for both assertions. While 14% is a high number for actual "atheist," .14% is simply bullshit you made up.

When looking at the non-religious in the world's population, the average is 16%, which includes atheist, agnostic and those that simply say they "don't believe in god."

Barrett (2001) classified 2.5% of the world population as atheist and 12.7% as non-religious, for a total of 15.2%.

Some countries have higher proportions of atheists versus the deluded. Zuckerman (2005) found that 41-49% of Germany's population is atheist and between 46-85% of Sweden to be atheist. Zuckerman's numbers have such ranges because he used a meta-analysis of the work of others (linked below) and is comparing/contrasting their methods, but he also found that 3-9% of the U.S. considers itself to be atheist.


Barrett, David; et al (2001). World Christian Encyclopedia: A comparative survey of churches and religions - AD 30 to 2200. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Zuckerman, Phil. (2005). "Atheism: Contemporary Rates and Patterns", in The Cambridge Companion to Atheism, ed. by Michael Martin, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Sam Harris and another speaker video: worried about religious killing? Presuming God's will???

Isnt that what the atheistic abortionists do as well? Log in your own eye!!!!
Why are they so alarmed that there are so many who believe in a God of Love?

WHOA....after hearing those atheist madmen I know that Antichrist walks the earth.

ps. Thanks!
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Sam Harris and another speaker video: worried about religious killing? Presuming God's will???

Isnt that what the atheistic abortionists do as well? Log in your own eye!!!!
Why are they so alarmed that there are so many who believe in a God of Love?

What he said about PC religious tolerance was correct.
Religious moderates indeed are intellectually bankrupt.
Christ said: "Be hot or cold, the lukewarm I will spit from my mouth."
I would rather be martyred in an intolerant society by you atheists trying to get rid of us.
Thats ok with me. But no crap about "respecting beliefs."
Save for his atheism I totally agree with most of what he said.
What he said about medievalism etc was true.
Aquinas etc. He knows what he talking about there.
I gotta respect this guy.

An atheist I actually agree with on a very important point!!!!

WHOA....after hearing those atheist madmen I know
that Antichrist walks the earth.

ps. Thanks!
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Lawdog said:
Sam Harris and another speaker video: worried about religious killing? Presuming God's will???

Isnt that what the atheistic abortionists do as well? Log in your own eye!!!!
Why are they so alarmed that there are so many who believe in a God of Love?

WHOA....after hearing those atheist madmen I know that Antichrist walks the earth.

ps. Thanks!

You're proving yourself to be very ignorant once again. No wonder *MW* calls you "lapdog."

From an anti-abortion source:

The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform said:
Women identifying themselves as Protestants obtain 37.4% of all abortions in the U.S.; Catholic women account for 31.3%, Jewish women account for 1.3%, and women with no religious affiliation obtain 23.7% of all abortions. 18% of all abortions are performed on women who identify themselves as "Born-again/Evangelical".

Once again, the evidence that the non-religious and secular have higher moral standards than the superstitious is confirmed.
Ok point taken. But do they really believe in God?
Obviously not. They use religion as a cloak.
The Atheist does not even see abortion as wrong.
Leo Volont said:
Against Religious Tolerance

But we need to suppose that the primary philosophical basis that makes any form of Religious Tolerance possible can be only one of two things or both, and they are, firstly, that all Religions are equally False, or, secondly, that the Truth and details of any Religion is inconsequential.

Are you against political tolerance? Identical arguments could be made...

"But we need to suppose that the primary philosophical basis that makes any form of Political Tolerance possible can be only one of two things or both, and they are, firstly, that all Political Parties views are equally False, or, secondly, that the Truth and details of any Political view is inconsequential"
The reason for religious tolerance and finding common ground is:

1) No-one has a monopoly on truth
2) Religious traditions might learn something
3) Most religions value brother/sisterhood and the breaking down of division and hatred.

Leo Volont said:
Our Secular Atheists, by imposing Religious Tolerance upon us, thought they won their battle, but what they have done, in the long run, was to disarm us in our fight against a truly evil Religion. They destroyed any advocacy for the Good only to open the Gates for the Bad.
I don't agree that religious tolerance was imposed by secular atheists - It is a product of the challenge to 'Authority' from the Reformation, and the skepticism and rational enquiry of the Enlightenment. These have also given rise both to empiricism, science and ultimately to skeptical atheism.
Lawdog said:
Is the ad hominem attack so necessary for you to feel superior, tough guy?

I'm not really that tough. Moreover, I'm simply making an observation. Do you feel attacked?

If I called you a dumb-ass, that would be an attack. But I usually refrain from stating the obvious.
Lawdog said:
Isnt that what the atheistic abortionists do as well? Log in your own eye!!!!

M*W: What makes you think abortionists are atheists? Legally, an abortionist must be a board certified obstetric/gynecologist. Most that I've met have been Jews. Abortion in Judaism is sanctioned until day 40. I don't recall what it is in Islam, but it's pretty close to that. All OB/Gyns are trained in abortion as are some Family and General Practice physicians. Just because they are skilled in the procedure of dilatation and evacuation does not mean they are atheists. That same procedure can remove fibroid tumors that many women have, and that's not considered an abortion even though they are removing the contents of the uterus. The embryo could not live outside the host's womb unless it was processed and frozen for future implantation. Once it's removed from the uterus, it is no longer viable, and until it is born and assigned a social security number, it does not exist as a citizen of this country. What then? It cannot decide which country it is a citizen of!
Just because someone aligns themselves with a certain religion doesnt make them believers.

SkinWalker, go back to your little new-ager hole from which you crawled.
Typical logical fallacy ... expected from religious nutbars: special pleading and moving the goalpost. Whenever the immorality of a religious nutbar is pointed out, other religious nutbars will claim they aren't true-believers.
And I suppose the same does not hold true with Atheists...

Besides, at least they know that they are doing wrong.
You will end up in Hell (God forbid) for not believing.
Thats worst.
Are you judging whether we go to hell or not? I believe thats a mortal sin in the Bible..