afterlife conclusion.

who said anything about god?

Oh right... forgive me for bringing up something so ridiculous when we are talking about something very rational.

i have concluded that the mind is very powerful and may effect my death afterwards.

I think your brain rots after you die? What you are suggesting is as silly as saying your eyes can see after death, that your lungs can breathe after death.

and yes i am the same person why am i not a skeptic of things? just because believe in an afterlife it doesent mean i trust everything now.

The afterlife and god are the only remaining things to kick our ego in the stomache... since the dawn of rational thinking, man has discovered that the universe is not actually revolved around humans... and I rather think that notions of the afterlife fall in the same category. If we humans can develope a sound scientific understanding of the mind, and it's dependence on the physical brain... then that will knock the afterlife fantasy flat on it's arse.

and im not a theist, and if i wanted to include god in this thread i would have said the word god but i didnt,

Just because you don't mention 'god', doesn't mean your points carry more weight... It's the same magical thinking nonsense that has been proven false time after time.

maybe you want to include god for some reason, my mind is made up and has not swayed reading your post,

Defiance... ah... the most commonly used tool in the armoury of the theist/magical thinker.

lol and what do you mean "what about me" who said anything in this universe was fair? if you dont get an afterlife because you didnt have faith in one and believe in it, then its not anybodies fault. what has fairness and god got to do with anything?

Well it just seems like such a strange picture you have painted... so much resting on the whimsical nature of wether you believe in something or not. Well I can blow your picture right out of the water, because I can believe I will wake up in Paris Hiltons bed tommorrow, but that just ain't gonna happen is it? So what good is belief?

i do not fear nothingness, i just dont like it, not liking something and fearing it are different you know. i dont fear being punched in the face but i dont like it either.

So you're saying you didn't like nothingness when you didn't exist? :D
Oh right... forgive me for bringing up something so ridiculous when we are talking about something very rational.

I think your brain rots after you die? What you are suggesting is as silly as saying your eyes can see after death, that your lungs can breathe after death.

The afterlife and god are the only remaining things to kick our ego in the stomache... since the dawn of rational thinking, man has discovered that the universe is not actually revolved around humans... and I rather think that notions of the afterlife fall in the same category. If we humans can develope a sound scientific understanding of the mind, and it's dependence on the physical brain... then that will knock the afterlife fantasy flat on it's arse.

Just because you don't mention 'god', doesn't mean your points carry more weight... It's the same magical thinking nonsense that has been proven false time after time.

Defiance... ah... the most commonly used tool in the armoury of the theist/magical thinker.

Well it just seems like such a strange picture you have painted... so much resting on the whimsical nature of wether you believe in something or not. Well I can blow your picture right out of the water, because I can believe I will wake up in Paris Hiltons bed tommorrow, but that just ain't gonna happen is it? So what good is belief?

So you're saying you didn't like nothingness when you didn't exist? :D

lol nice try but im not swayed, im still happy and my mind is made up. you are trying to debunk my thread and i will not give you ammunition, you cant draw me in like those religious theists.

i havent claimed anything to be true, so you cant say im wrong, because i didnt say i right, but i see you have a phobia of religion and afterlife.


kenny this thread is not a debate, i know your trying to press arguments about god into the debate, but it would be appreciated if you took your anti-god issues elsewhere, because this thread had a nice philosophical element to it, without debate. a good discussion. and it seems you are trying to make it into another theist Vs atheist thread, and its not welcome here,

we was not talking about god, and this thread is not about god, and i would thank you for not de-railing my thread, because we all know what happens when god is spoke about in religious threads,

i dont understand the last part, about re-experiencing yourself as soemthing other instantly.



Well i guess its a convoluted form of reincarnation if you like.

Why are you experincing life as 'you' at this point in time and not your friend or neighbour? why are you experiencing yourself as a human on earth? etc etc.
Some philosophers have posited that in ever changing, dying/rebirthing universe you could eventially experience yourself as everything given enough time.
I used to think that was pure whimsy, but when you realise that the universe is just a finite resource, its really not inconceivable that 'you' could reappear at some stage within it.

Interesting sidenote: if i/we have already experienced ourselves as everything else, then this could actually explain unified states of consciousness. i.e. If i forget or trigger myself to forget that i exist (meditation/drugs) i can experience a kind of holistic inter-connectivity.
kenny this thread is not a debate, i know your trying to press arguments about god into the debate, but it would be appreciated if you took your anti-god issues elsewhere, because this thread had a nice philosophical element to it, without debate. a good discussion. and it seems you are trying to make it into another theist Vs atheist thread, and its not welcome here,

we was not talking about god, and this thread is not about god, and i would thank you for not de-railing my thread, because we all know what happens when god is spoke about in religious threads,


LOL Calm down... if you didn't notice I was focusing on your falacies RE the afterlife. You are the one that seems obsessed about god. Just because you avoided using god doesn't mean you are no longer a lunatic. Your comments about believing in an afterlife are ridiculous and I am merely telling you why... If you don't want anybody to tell you how dumb your 'beliefs' are, then stop posting them on a forum and keep them to yourself.
LOL Calm down... if you didn't notice I was focusing on your falacies RE the afterlife. You are the one that seems obsessed about god. Just because you avoided using god doesn't mean you are no longer a lunatic. Your comments about believing in an afterlife are ridiculous and I am merely telling you why... If you don't want anybody to tell you how dumb your 'beliefs' are, then stop posting them on a forum and keep them to yourself.

why are you spending your time talking to a lunatic then.dont waste your time. my belief is dumb ok i agree to disagree, have anything else to say?

Originally posted by Wisdom_Seeker
I believe the main obstacle to achieve this happiness is our ego. The ego that we have created unconsciously in order to "fit" into society. But by creating an ego, you are no longer an individual, you are nothing but another society-manipulated person, one sheep of the heard.

What is ego?

Originally posted by EmptyForceOfChi
i know your trying to press arguments about god into the debate, but it would be appreciated if you took your anti-god issues elsewhere, because this thread had a nice philosophical element to it, without debate.

God? He said nothing about God, only beliefs and death. There was no debate because there is no argument.
Well it sounds as though you are trying to second guess 'god' or whatever it is will reward you. I mean, it seems that instead of simply being yourself, you are trying to do some mental aerobatics to get what you want. It seems sly, something which god would surely not approve of?

Sounds like he is using the term "god" to define whatever you think it is that will allow your ego to exist after death.
Sounds like he is using the term "god" to define whatever you think it is that will allow your ego to exist after death.

you said he didnt bring god into it, and im pretty sure mentioning god is bringing god into it,

and why didnt you quote both times he said god.

What, this?

Just because you don't mention 'god', doesn't mean your points carry more weight... It's the same magical thinking nonsense that has been proven false time after time.

I guess it IS worth repeating.
so now im not allowed to want something either? are you going to try and debunk what i want aswell?

i have to have scientific proof to want something now aswell?

You're allowed to believe whatever you want. Am I allowed to laugh and say it's stupid?
What is ego?

God? He said nothing about God, only beliefs and death. There was no debate because there is no argument.

Ego is that what we create to survive in society. the set of thoughts on which we judge others, and judge ourselves in the process. It is not the truth, but a creation of society.

It is the ego that suffers, it is the ego that hates.

An animal in the wild has no ego, therefore, there are no suicidal or depressed animals in the wild.

If you put an animal into a cage, his brain creates an ego, in order to think that is the real thing, that there is no other way, in order to survive in the cage. But that is the way to depress an animal, put him into a cage.

The same happens to us, society being the giant cage we live in.

The question is, what is good or what is bad?
Mostly, your thoughts about this are borrowed from others, from your parents, from society. If you judge others by those standards, you will inminently judge yourself as well with the same standards.

For example a priest that thinks sex is evil, but his body is begging to differ. His ego is not letting him be himself, he wants to have sex, but he can´t because of the standards he set himself up to. He is judging others and judging himself by that standard. He think prostitutes are evil, but in reality a priest has the same sexual dessire as a prostitute. So this creates a struggle, they become pedophiles, they become total nutjobs.

Your intuition, instinct and intelligence are the opposite of the ego.
if it makes you feel good about yourself then stroke your chin

Good about myself? O...k then.

I think it's been mentioned before but.. you go onto a public discussion forum and say you believe in the dragonball z universe where you're going when you die. You must expect to get a response. If you didn't want one, don't use public discussion forums to share your belief in the dragonball z afterlife.