afterlife conclusion.


i have made up my mind and come to a conclusion. i am going to believe in an afterlife and have faith in it from now on, simply for the fact of playing it safe,

because i think it is a real possibility that our minds are more powerful than we understand so far, and i thought, well what if when you die whatever you think your fate and reality will be might actualy come true,

so if i think i will just die and enter into an eternal unconscious void of nothingness, that might come true simply because i believe it.

and if i think i will enter into another existence or what we call an afterlife, that might come true simply because thats what my mind truly has faith in,

maybe your own faith decides your destiny, and i figured well if i believe in an afterlife it may pay off in the end. and whats the harm in believing such a thign anyway, it will make me happier aswell,

so i have nothing to lose,

i think we relive our life again and again that why we have that dejavu feeling

yes i have thought that myself before, and everytime i meet a "new" person i always end up thinking i was supposed to meet them, and that we had met before and already deep down knew of each other.

ofcourse anything could be true,

It's never a good idea to be comfortable lying to yourself, even if you want to be convinced that it is truth. Don't abandon reason. You say that whatever you think will become your eternal end. Are you worried that your thoughts are going to translate to an empty void of eternal nothingness? I can tell you that not thinking equates to exactly that.
It's never a good idea to be comfortable lying to yourself, even if you want to be convinced that it is truth. Don't abandon reason. You say that whatever you think will become your eternal end. Are you worried that your thoughts are going to translate to an empty void of eternal nothingness? I can tell you that not thinking equates to exactly that.

i didnt say that. i said it might be true, and its not lying to yourself if you dont know what will happen. you can only lie if you know the truth,

my mind is made up and i do it for a logical reason,


i have no idea. maybe if we believe that they last forever when we die they will last forever.

ofcourse i could be way off the mark with this whole non-scientific theory, but just to play it safe i am going to place my faith in myself living on after the death of my body on this earth.

just imagine that its true because for all we know it might be. none of us has the power to know such things, but we hasve good minds and can guess and ponder, just imagine thats all there is to it, all you have to do is have faith in something and as you die it comes true,

i could have just wished myself into an eternal void when all it took was to have a little faith in another existence to save myself from nothingness,

makes sense to me, as i said before i dont have anything to gain from thinking i will not exist, and i have nothing to lose in thinking i will have an afterlife, and ontop of all of this it would make humans happier if they thought they had an afterlife, so i really dont see any objections and reasons to not do what i just decided to do.

its logical to me, im still going to be the same person so i dont care.

and ontop of all of this it would make humans happier if they thought they had an afterlife, so i really dont see any objections and reasons to not do what i just decided to do.

its logical to me, im still going to be the same person so i dont care.

Now we are getting somewhere. That's why campfire stories/astrology/gods/god came about in the first place, to make us "happy".

Now the last thing you said is especially important, this is the path of successful humanity. I'm still going to be the same person - so i dont care.
Now we are getting somewhere. That's why campfire stories/astrology/gods/god came about in the first place, to make us "happy".

Now the last thing you said is especially important, this is the path of successful humanity. I'm still going to be the same person - so i dont care.

yeah i figure being happy is a great thing, we might aswell be happy even if it means having faith in something that might not be true,

but i do honestly think that our minds may decide our own fate after death, like say people believe in heaven and hell. and some guy done bad things and thought he would go to hell no matter what, what if he sends himself to hell just because of his own guilty mind?

i think this universe is way too amazing to count things like this out, seriously this whole universe and existence is a miracle and far beyond amazing its untrue,

we might aswell be happy especialy if it doesent change who we are, i still want to learn more, i still want a long lifespan on this earth, i still want science to progress, i still want to uncover more truths about the universe, i still want the human race to aspire and reach out like we strive to,

but now i believe in an afterlife aswell, im still the same guy just with a new belief.

but i do honestly think that our minds may decide our own fate after death, like say people believe in heaven and hell. and some guy done bad things and thought he would go to hell no matter what, what if he sends himself to hell just because of his own guilty mind?


I have thought something similar to this. I have examined a lot of cases of the near death experience and my own conclusion is, it is largely based on beliefs or myths the person was exposed to. Now I also think these are the last few thoughts before brain death, which *might* seem like eternity(however long THAT is).

Anyhoo, I would just rather get the TRUTH. I do not want to live believing in a lie, I do not like to be fooled.

As for what happens in this world, the world that REALLY matters to you and I, I firmly believe what you and I think of the death, should not affect us and how we interact here and now. That is to say finding alignment in this world should not depend on beliefs about the next.
I have thought something similar to this. I have examined a lot of cases of the near death experience and my own conclusion is, it is largely based on beliefs or myths the person was exposed to. Now I also think these are the last few thoughts before brain death, which *might* seem like eternity(however long THAT is).

Anyhoo, I would just rather get the TRUTH. I do not want to live believing in a lie, I do not like to be fooled.

As for what happens in this world, the world that REALLY matters to you and I, I firmly believe what you and I think of the death, should not affect us and how we interact here and now. That is to say finding alignment in this world should not depend on beliefs about the next.

im still open to every type of philosophy, i dont think im "right" im just tricking the universe, if i make myself believe it then i can be sure that i wont lose from that angle. i see death as a defeat, and i see not existing as a flawless victory to the other guy lol,

i also think that its possible for us all to be summoned here on earth for a great battle after we die, and we all all here to suffer and train for the fight ahead, and we are sent to a harsh world to test our mettle,

anything is possible and i am open to any type of philosophy, but i just have to cover myself from all directions, i have to defend myself even after death. and if this theory is correct, (non scientific theory, i have to say that before the vultures peck at me) then i would have saved my soul from perishing, simply by believing that i live on after death,

take that universe you bastard. think you can fool me with your bullshit, think again.

A noble and futile effort. As you well know, there is always someone or something more powerful.

If that was true, you have given the omnicent universe a lot of ammo to play with you like a toy.

Fear nothing, fear no possiblity of death and you will truly get what you want.
I get the feeling that you choose to believe in this line of reasoning because you feel that if your brain creates your postmortem existence, you will live in an eternal state of reality based on your thoughts in this life.

Forgiving the assumptions and getting to your theory, what kind of universe do you expect to live in once you die? What will your reality be?

take that universe you bastard. think you can fool me with your bullshit, think again.

I hope it's not a universe that intends to make a fool of you forever.