ADHD Advice needed!

im sorry your wrong Reiku, your mixing a whole heeps of DIFFERENT classes of drugs and calling them all mood stabilisers. There not, they each have there own seperate funtion which is why they can be used conjuntivly in certian situations but they are still not all mood stabilizers. ESPECIALLY not dizapram

Mood Stabilizers

A mood stabilizer is a psychiatric medication used to treat mood disorders characterized by intense and sustained mood shifts, which is not the same as "feeling good one minute and then bad the next." The most common is bipolar disorder, where mood stabilizers suppress swings between mania and depression, and these drugs are also used in borderline personality disorder. Most mood stabilizers are anticonvulsants, with the important exception of lithium, which is the oldest and best known mood stabilizing drug.


A sedative-hypnotic is a substance that depresses the central nervous system (CNS),[1] resulting in calmness, relaxation, reduction of anxiety, sleepiness, and slowed breathing, and possibly - at higher doses - slurred speech, staggering gait, poor judgment, and slow, uncertain reflexes. Doses of sedative-hypnotics when used as a hypnotic to induce sleep tend to be higher than those used to relieve anxiety. Sedative-hypnotics may be referred to as tranquilizers, depressants, anxiolytics, soporifics, and sleeping pills. Sedative-hypnotics can be abused to produce an overly-calming effect (alcohol being the classic and most common sedating drug). At high doses or when they are abused, many of these drugs can cause unconsciousness (see hypnotic) and even death.

This is where diazepam (Valium) comes in though its use in bipola is as an ANTICONVULSANT rather than as a seditive

ADD and ADHD medication are STIMULANTS

Stimulants increase the activity of either the sympathetic nervous system, the central nervous system (CNS) or both. Some stimulants produce a sense of euphoria, in particular the stimulants which exert influence on the CNS. Stimulants are used therapeutically to increase or maintain alertness, to counteract fatigue in situations where sleep is not practical (e.g. while operating vehicles), to counteract abnormal states that diminish alertness consciousness (such as in narcolepsy), to promote weight loss (phentermine) as well as to enhance the ability to concentrate in people diagnosed with attentional disruptions (especially ADHD). Occasionally, they are also used to treat depression. Stimulants are sometimes used to boost endurance and productivity as well as to suppress appetite, therefore also known to promote eating disorders such as anorexia if abused. The euphoria produced by some stimulants leads to their recreational use, although this is illegal in the majority of jurisdictions.[1]

Caffeine, found in beverages such as coffee and soft drinks, as well as nicotine, which is found in tobacco, are among some of the world's most commonly used stimulants.

Examples of other well known stimulants include ephedrine, amphetamines, cocaine, methylphenidate, MDMA, and modafinil. Stimulants are commonly referred in slang as "uppers".

Stimulants with significant abuse potential are very carefully controlled substances in America and most other jurisdictions. Some may be legally available only by prescription (e.g. methamphetamine, brand name Desoxyn, mixed amphetamine salts, brand name Adderall, dexamphetamine, brand name Dexedrine) or not at all (e.g. methcathinone).

Amphetamine, and related drugs such as methamphetamine are a group of drugs that act by increasing levels of norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine in the brain[3]. It includes prescription CNS drugs commonly used to treat attention-deficit disorder (ADD) and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults and children. It is also used to treat symptoms of traumatic brain injury and the daytime drowsiness symptoms of narcolepsy and chronic fatigue syndrome. Initially it was more popularly used to diminish the appetite and to control weight. Brand names of the drugs that contain amphetamine include Adderall and Dexedrine. The drug is also used illegally as a recreational club drug and as a performance enhancer. The name amphetamine is derived from its chemical name: alpha-methylphenethylamine. Some biochemistry textbooks also claim that the name 'amphetamine' is derived from an abbreviation for "amphoteric amine," as it was one of the first amine compounds found to exhibit stereoisometry (levo and dextro-rotary forms.) The name is also used to refer to the class of compounds derived from amphetamine, often referred to as the substituted amphetamines

And last but not least we have SSRI's and other anti depressants

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are a class of antidepressants used in the treatment of depression, anxiety disorders, and some personality disorders. They are also typically effective and used in treating premature ejaculation problems.

SSRIs increase the extracellular level of the neurotransmitter serotonin by inhibiting its reuptake into the presynaptic cell, increasing the level of serotonin available to bind to the postsynaptic receptor. They have varying degrees of selectivity for the other monoamine transporters, having little binding affinity for the noradrenaline and dopamine transporters.

The first class of psychotropic drugs to be rationally designed, SSRIs are the most widely prescribed antidepressants in many countries.[1] Their effectiveness and safety have been questioned.

There is one other main class of psychiatric drugs and thats the Antipsychotic's
Oh and about the matial arts thing, its usless. Actually its worse than useless, it will put a weapon in the hands of a person who CANT control there own behavor. You might as well give the kid a gun and some bullets and think that will help the situation.

Dizampram MAY help to calm him, something like ritilin or a tri cyclic antidepressant may work to. Even deep mussle relaxation or meditation could work if you are interested in a non medical aproch. BUT STAY AWAY FROM MATIAL ARTS
we are lucky, both myswlf and my daughter have drum practise twice a week and the neighbours dont mind, because the drums are in the sumemr house with a little sound proofing

LOL give him the keys to the summer house ,let him bang away....

Oh and about the matial arts thing, its usless. Actually its worse than useless, it

maybe when he is a bit older it would be good it does promote control rather than fury...but I don't think younger people are really able to understand that aspect of martial arts
im not saying kids cant be taught control but your all making sugestions like he is just a "naughty kid", hes not. He had a pyciatric illness

Look at another example, would anyone suggest that the way to get over suicidle depression was to keep a gun under your pillow?

No that would be stupid

He CANT control his actions PERIOD, doesnt matter if you teach him control or not. Its like trying to teach shakespear to someone who cant understand your language, it wont work. However he WILL pick up the actual moves and one day when he is so angry and out of control he will use them without thought, he will regret it latter but by then someone could be dead or seriously injured.

If you want to try to "burn off his energy" get him to play REAL football (Aussie rules) or something like that, the worst that will happen with that is he will be really fit (LOTS of running with aussie rules). However as its a concentration problem meditation might work better
umm, no?

OCD is by its DEFINTION a disorder as is ADHD. Besides the names however the definition for wether to treat someone is if it effects there regular day.

Take OCD, if it effects them because they are washing there hands so much that the skin is comming off then YES they will treat it. However if they are washing there hands obsessivly because they are a surgen then no they wont treat it. The treatment for OCD is actually the same as for depression and anxiaty, SSRI's and diazapram.

ADHD certainly IS treated, what do you think we are discussing?
im not saying kids cant be taught control but your all making sugestions like he is just a "naughty kid", hes not. He had a pyciatric illness

Look at another example, would anyone suggest that the way to get over suicidle depression was to keep a gun under your pillow?

No that would be stupid

He CANT control his actions PERIOD, doesnt matter if you teach him control or not. Its like trying to teach shakespear to someone who cant understand your language, it wont work. However he WILL pick up the actual moves and one day when he is so angry and out of control he will use them without thought, he will regret it latter but by then someone could be dead or seriously injured.

If you want to try to "burn off his energy" get him to play REAL football (Aussie rules) or something like that, the worst that will happen with that is he will be really fit (LOTS of running with aussie rules). However as its a concentration problem meditation might work better

martial arts is not somthing i will consider for that reason, anyway we are back at his consultants office today so we'll see what he says,