ADHD Advice needed!

LA have you tried Dexeranpimine?

if you havent try that insted of ritlin because if he is already vilont ritlin can make him worse

I had the adverse effects of ritilin too. It never worked, so they put me on valium instead.
ADHD is not a problem, its misdirected energy. Find something he really enjoys and is constructive (drawing, martial arts, etc..) and direct the energy towards that.
I would build cars out of legos when I was younger (with directions of course!) which had pistons, driveshaft, transmission, etc.. most of the working parts of actual cars and work on them hours at a time. Fun as hell.

Focus is learned by practice.


Did you even know, that a positive thought has been scientifically proven to be 100 times more powerful in magnitude than a negative thought. Reflecting on this, i could argue that ''The Law of Attraction,'' can be attrubuted to the displacement of energy, where the ADHD or of a ADD spectrum, children often feel more negative thoughts than positive, and this may have influenced the negativity that inexorably followed it, such as the relationships between my parents, which is, of course, one of Lucifers Angels points.
i have a drum kit, and before now i insisted that he be kept away from it, but i'll give it a go, it can't get any worse can it?

I would get the headphones and setup like draqon suggested or you might be at the mercy of a child with drumsticks and drums, who has the power to make himself be heard by the whole you are one brave woman giving any child drums
no wizard.

valium (which is the brand name for diazampram) is a seditive. Its used to treat anixiaty, used to sedate agressive people in hospitals, used to control sizures ect. Sometimes its used insted of medazalam

The treatment for bipolor is lithium, its a mood stabiliser NOT a seditive
I would get the headphones and setup like draqon suggested or you might be at the mercy of a child with drumsticks and drums, who has the power to make himself be heard by the whole you are one brave woman giving any child drums

we are lucky, both myswlf and my daughter have drum practise twice a week and the neighbours dont mind, because the drums are in the sumemr house with a little sound proofing
no wizard.

valium (which is the brand name for diazampram) is a seditive. Its used to treat anixiaty, used to sedate agressive people in hospitals, used to control sizures ect. Sometimes its used insted of medazalam

The treatment for bipolor is lithium, its a mood stabiliser NOT a seditive

ok thanks.

Yeah, Ritalin is a stimulant.. which is why I like it.. I dont feel it slows me down at all. It just lets me concentrate on one thing for a long time.
But valium is a mood-controler, and that worked on me fine. The doctors choice of drug was perfect in my example...
And yes, valium itself has many different effects for different people. For some, it makes them feal bold and brave, stimulant and seductive, just depends on the chemicals at work in one's head.
its still a seditive reiku. The only difference between valium and achole is that valium has a longer half life which makes it more usefull in a hospital setting, they are both nevious system depressants however
''its still a seditive reiku.''

I know, for i said:

''But valium is a mood-controler''

And i never mentioned alcohol. I said the effects of valium friend, effects people in different ways. I should know. Iv'e seen it, been there and worn the t-shirt.
LA, take your kid to martial arts or boxing classes. They are excellent ways to let out aggression in a controlled manner, very good for teaching self discipline. Your son is the perfect age to get into that sort of stuff. It will definitely pay dividends for him (and you) later on. I seriously recommend that.

And don't let him play violent video games or watch violent movies, he's still just a little kid. But make sure you provide him with a real alternative, maybe football games, puzzles. (airfix models etc.)
LA, take your kid to martial arts or boxing classes.

yeah and than...hey son I am back from work to pick up my son...."LA"...I got to talk to you, your son has just beat up 10 kids at my school...some are seriously hurt, others dont have eyes anymore, some are dead...


yeah and than...hey son I am back from work to pick up my son...."LA"...I got to talk to you, your son has just beat up 10 kids at my school...some are seriously hurt, others dont have eyes anymore, some are dead...


Guys that don't follow the rules won't ever become masters at whatever martial art - you need to be disciplined and dedicated, you need a cool head on your shoulders - its not about kicking the shit out of other people. LA's son is the perfect age to get involved, there will also be older guys (men) there and that will help as well. I remember when me and my brother went kickboxing, the guy we went to was as hard as hell and he knew our father, he had real authority, we respected/feared him - the experience is good in moulding youngsters. It is really good in the long run.

LA, don't just take him to any guy, get some recommendations and when you find the right one make sure you tell him everything about your son. You need to tackle this problem on as many fronts as possible, diet, gaming and watching habits, hobbies, discipline etc.

Does your husband help out? sometimes mums cannot reach a son in a way a father can. A strong father figure is very important.