Yet, they haven't been bothered. I bet they get a lot of crank callers duendy!
me))what ya mean crank callers. now, we've not being called 'woo woo' right cause tis is different ...err genre. now anyone who questions what YOU believe in regarding THIS issue is 'crank'.....a term i aint heard you use is sodoforums. tho you've used nearly every OTHERput-down term fo sho!
Did they? What evidence did they get rid off? They magicked away the Aluminium Oxide, did they? What with, a mind ray?
me))tis Alumininium Oxide thang is really the main key fo your defence of the neo-cons ever-so-sweet doings i take it?
have yo seen latest link i've given 'Muslim terrorstis defy laws of physics'? that author too is sarcastic like you, but i feel in a more insightful way.....tho i could be wrong. I, actually, am investgating this.
You read wrong, a few other loons agree with him, but his views have been disavowed by the Dept of Structural Engineering from his own University. If you do a web search on his name, you'll find his paper, and various discussions of it, and he is pretty much out on his own. Do you own research if YOU are making the claim, woowoo.
me))))aahhhh here we are people, his other terms to put dissenters down's creepin in, 'loons' 'woowoos'. knew wouldn't have to wait fo long. yu never dissapoint my predictable phlo
There aren't any. There are spurious eyewitness reports, giving misleading info, but those aren't 'official', justr because some crackpot publication featured them!
me)))no phlo. THe only surefire abslutely non-subjective objectivit sanest people on planet earth andmaybe EVEn the unknown universe are your FRIENDS who you claim witnessed the 911 events and hey....agree wit YOU. hey!
How do you know there was evidence if it disappeared?
me))))oooooooo, smart move mr defence attorny for the neo cons. errrrm. CAUSEit disappeared in a fokin hurry?
me)))))wonder if you know where tat term originated from. bechadont...? yu USE it enuf, ya should....
No more spectacular than it would have been if Al Quaeda had succeeded in their attempt in 1993.
me))not so dramatic then, pre box-cutters tho ...was it?
Living in Manchester, so what?
me)))))whats that supposed to mean? that i haveto be tented in Ground Zero to smeall a rat.....already?
I think you are convolving a few issues there. One at a time, please/
me)))oh we aint got time for one-at-a-time. MOSt of us are seeing the bigger picture. your draggin behind!
Nope, I'm not naive enough to believe something without evidence, as you are.
me))))))you are as sweet as you are....ahhhhhhhhh
Anyway, please feel free to add some more weight to the claim about the Thermite reaction countering my rebuttal of it.