Acid throwing muslim men!!!!!

In the Mid 90s a million people were massacred in the space of 1 week in Rawanda, YES christians against there fellow christians because they were a different race,Yes its fully documented, babies burn't alive,women beheaded and burn't..yes all by christians...not once but a million friend its when people turn away from religion be it muslims or christians that these things happen..
With All Due Respect Africa Was Introduced To Western Religions Within What The Last 100 Years Give Or Take

So You Can Hardly Compare Africa With The West In Terms Of Religion They Are Hundreds Of Years Behind Us

You Refer To Christians Here I Am Catholic Not Christian I Neither
Stand By There Views No Do I Claim To Understand Them I Only Understand About My Own Faith And Also Islam

Because Since 1986 When I First Became Aware Of The Dangers Of Islam In The Case I Mentioned In My Last Mail

About The Pregnant Uk Girl Sent To Be A Human Bomb By Her Boyfriend That Case Stuck In My Mind And It Made Me Aware Of A Religion That Could Brainwash Its Followers To Such An Extent That One Them Would Sacrifice His Future Wife And Unborn Child
In Such Away, For What Purpose I Could Not Fathom Then And I Still Do Not Now

Was He Trying To Warn The World Of The Dangers Of Islam And How Fanitical They Were All Becoming

No He Was Trying To Kill As Many Jews As Possible On A Jewish Airline And It Did Not Matter To Him At All That The Bomb Were His Family. The Hatred Was Burned Into His Sole

What Do All These Terroists Achieve
They Say They Are Trying To Draw Attention To Israel And Also Topple The Royal Families Of Kuwait And Saudi Arabia And Oman And United Arab Emirates And Bahrain And Quatar

These 6 Countries Have Been The Most Peacfull Of All The Middle East Countries. And I Must Say The Governments There Have Done A Good Job

But There Lies The Problem These Terroists Do Not Want Peace In The Middle East They Want Chaos Because When You Have A Chaos They Thrive

Now They Are Trying To Disrupt Saudi Arabia Before Then Kuwait
Yes They Long To Control The Worlds Oil And Blackmail The World

They Say In Palestine By Being A Human Bomb They Are Trying To Draw The Worlds Attention To There Plight And Also Kill Jews

But What Do They Actually Achieve Zero
Because Nobody On This Planet Other Than A Muslim Understands Or Accepts A Suicide Bomber

All They Are Doing Is Making People In The West Hate Them

They Have A Problem With The Jewish Government. Well Then Bomb The Israeli Government Kill Israeli Soldiers By Doing That And Attacking Military Targets Only They Will Not Be Depised Around The World. Did The Jews Not Use Bombs Against Brit Soldiers Before The Birth Of Israel
This I Can Understand

I Have No Love For Jews I Have Worked There For 6 Months On A Moshav I Found Them Paronoid
About Every One And Everything I Found Them Unfriendly

And Out Of Talking To Both Arabs And Jews In Israel I Liked The Arabs Better

But Why Kill Civilians Nobody Understands The Killing Of Civilians You Might Say Israel Kills Arab Civilians In Palestine
I Know They Do They Also Killed A Bbc Reporter Once On Purpose I Guess And So Did The Bbc Guess I Know They Have Killed Many Palestine Children

So You Can See I Have No Love For Israel I Find Them A Thorn In The Whole Worlds Ass

But There Is One Thing Israel Does Not Do They Do Not Strap Dynamite To Themselves And Blow Themelves And Civilians Up
Nobody Understands This Mentality

Nobody Understood The Japenese Kamikaze Of World War 2
And Nobody Understands The Suicide Bomber Of Today

The World Will Only Listen To Islam When The Suicide Bombing Stops And Takes Its Place In History
Well, if the muslims haven't learnt anything ( as you say), a Catholic demonstrated he certainly has. Not quite sure what, or where from though. Certainly not a Catholic leader, as you have pointed out - no Catholic leader preaches killing.
Note : I'm merely using your generalisations to show you the double-edged sword of such thoughts.

Why are you setting in motion the urge to see through the things you talk about? You are adding a problem, to an already vast pool of them. No-one here needs to hear what you said, it's well known - like you said it's in the news everyday . Have you a solution, or a conclusion?

I, agree with you on the need to stop religious killings, but you then go on & on.

Lets shove off holy ground shall we? A chap named Hofstadter wrote a book called "meta magical themas - questing for the essence of mind & pattern" - see if you can pull that off the rack next time you in the library. This guy's theory shows how, a pattern can develop in the mind.

example ...this simple statement "the villian is harming "x"
x being your favourite group - be it the defenceless, etc .This immediately inspires a desire to stop the villian. But the villian is too powerful for 1 person, so the statement is passed to someone else, thereby enlisting their help (knowingly or unknowingly) to stop this villian.
The 'plan' to stop this villian may be clear to you, but after the idea has stepped 3 or 4 rungs it better not fall in the lap of a fanatic. BOOM. Whether it be gunshots or mushroom cloud the driving force is an idea, backed by the motive - to stop the villian.

The villian is the West - in the West the villian is the Muslim.. the villian is seemingly everywhere.

Adopt a cause , if you feel you need 1, but why wear the emblem of the Catholics in your incapsulated tirade is my point?
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The Thing I Despise More Than Anything Are Religous Killings As You Put It,
Because Truly Religous People Who Believe In God Do Not Kill In Gods Name , And Do Not Hide Behind God For Justification For What They Have Done, And I Get So Angry When I See These People Call It A Holy War Or There Doing Gods Work

The Bottom Line Is This God Does Not Nead A Hitman Of Any Faith
vincent28uk said:
With All Due Respect Africa Was Introduced To Western Religions Within What The Last 100 Years Give Or Take

So You Can Hardly Compare Africa With The West In Terms Of Religion They Are Hundreds Of Years Behind Us

You Refer To Christians Here I Am Catholic Not Christian I Neither
Stand By There Views No Do I Claim To Understand Them I Only Understand About My Own Faith And Also Islam

Because Since 1986 When I First Became Aware Of The Dangers Of Islam In The Case I Mentioned In My Last Mail

About The Pregnant Uk Girl Sent To Be A Human Bomb By Her Boyfriend That Case Stuck In My Mind And It Made Me Aware Of A Religion That Could Brainwash Its Followers To Such An Extent That One Them Would Sacrifice His Future Wife And Unborn Child
In Such Away, For What Purpose I Could Not Fathom Then And I Still Do Not Now

Was He Trying To Warn The World Of The Dangers Of Islam And How Fanitical They Were All Becoming

No He Was Trying To Kill As Many Jews As Possible On A Jewish Airline And It Did Not Matter To Him At All That The Bomb Were His Family. The Hatred Was Burned Into His Sole

What Do All These Terroists Achieve
They Say They Are Trying To Draw Attention To Israel And Also Topple The Royal Families Of Kuwait And Saudi Arabia And Oman And United Arab Emirates And Bahrain And Quatar

These 6 Countries Have Been The Most Peacfull Of All The Middle East Countries. And I Must Say The Governments There Have Done A Good Job

But There Lies The Problem These Terroists Do Not Want Peace In The Middle East They Want Chaos Because When You Have A Chaos They Thrive

Now They Are Trying To Disrupt Saudi Arabia Before Then Kuwait
Yes They Long To Control The Worlds Oil And Blackmail The World

They Say In Palestine By Being A Human Bomb They Are Trying To Draw The Worlds Attention To There Plight And Also Kill Jews

But What Do They Actually Achieve Zero
Because Nobody On This Planet Other Than A Muslim Understands Or Accepts A Suicide Bomber

All They Are Doing Is Making People In The West Hate Them

They Have A Problem With The Jewish Government. Well Then Bomb The Israeli Government Kill Israeli Soldiers By Doing That And Attacking Military Targets Only They Will Not Be Depised Around The World. Did The Jews Not Use Bombs Against Brit Soldiers Before The Birth Of Israel
This I Can Understand

I Have No Love For Jews I Have Worked There For 6 Months On A Moshav I Found Them Paronoid
About Every One And Everything I Found Them Unfriendly

And Out Of Talking To Both Arabs And Jews In Israel I Liked The Arabs Better

But Why Kill Civilians Nobody Understands The Killing Of Civilians You Might Say Israel Kills Arab Civilians In Palestine
I Know They Do They Also Killed A Bbc Reporter Once On Purpose I Guess And So Did The Bbc Guess I Know They Have Killed Many Palestine Children

So You Can See I Have No Love For Israel I Find Them A Thorn In The Whole Worlds Ass

But There Is One Thing Israel Does Not Do They Do Not Strap Dynamite To Themselves And Blow Themelves And Civilians Up

Nobody Understands This Mentality

Nobody Understood The Japenese Kamikaze Of World War 2
And Nobody Understands The Suicide Bomber Of Today

The World Will Only Listen To Islam When The Suicide Bombing Stops And Takes Its Place In History

Well I do agree with alotta what you say(i am muslim :eek: ) but israel doesnt have to strap bombs to themselves they can just drop them from 30k feet.I do agree that suicide bombers are wrong and the Koran does condemn it because the Koran does give specific instructions for warfare and one of them is to not kill innocents.The Koran also states that to save one human life is like saving all of humanity so suicde bombers are commiting a "double crime" by killing themselves and killing innocents. But although these crimes are commited in Muslim lands doesnt mean that everyone who commits them are muslims and are doing it for God. Suppose an Arab man loses his family (baby daughter, mother, new wife etc....)because of a bomb that "goes off target" he loses everything including hope and only wants revenge for what has happened to him he then figures that he want to make Americans/Israeli's pay as he has paid and then becomes a suicide bomber.Are you saying that is because he is a muslim? Are you saying that you or nobody you know would never want to react the same way? You see that "virgin in heaven thing" is a Western myth taken out of context the truth is that Muslims(remember i am one) want to see their children and grandchildren and like to play games and see their children grow up and be successful just like anyone else. The problem is that only in Islam is the religion the cause of the crime....if a Catholic Priest molestes some little boy he is a deviant(even when the church helps cover it up) yet when a muslim commits a crime it's an "Islamic crime" why is that? Their are 1.5 billion muslims in the world yet we all cant be suicide bombers can we? so the only option left is either we all are or we arent true muslims right?
Yes But Israel Can Always Say They Were Targeting Hamas When They Accidently Kill Civilians

But When A Suicide Bomber Walks Into Bar Or Cafe And Blows Himself Up He Can Hardly Say He Was Aiming For A Military Target

Countries Can Always Hide Behind That Military Target Statement And Get Away With It, The Americans Bombed The Chinese Embassy In Old Yugaslavia And Got A Way With Because They Said They Were Targeting A Military Site

So If Palastine Can Stay Out Of Cafes And Bars With There Bombs Maybe Oneday Thay Will Not Be Seen As The Badguys

I Have No Love For Either The Fat Jewish Leader Or Arafat I Think They Are Both Very Old And Spiteful People Set In There Ways There Pair Will Never Change

I Find Arafat Totally Corrupt And He Is Not Acting In His Peoples Or His Countries Best Interests Most Of The Time I Think He Is Acting For His Own Interests

I Find The Fat Jewish Leader Sharon Will Go Down In History For Building The Most Stupidest Wall Ever In History I Find It Absolutley Ridiculous
And The Only American President Who Would Let Him Built It I Feel Is That Ostrich Bush

Bush Has Had His Head In The Sand Like A Ostrich Over The Middle East And Only Noticed It Was On The Map After Sept 11

So Israel, America, And Palestine Have Had The 3 Biggest Idiotic Leaders The World Has Ever Seen, And I Can Only Hope This Will Change, And New Leaders With At Least Half A Brain Will Take There Places

Because These Trio Of Leaders Like The 3 Stooges Are Without Any Brains
I Have Seen More Intelligence Creeping On A Cabbage In My Garden
Well actually I dont htink Arafat has much power in Palestine....he cant keep Hamas Hezbollah etc.... under wraps or he would be considered to be "selling out" I agree with you about what the US and Israel say about targeting "terrorists" I can remember during the last two wars(afghanistan iraq) they bombed Al Jeezerra's office both is that possible? i told you that 99% of muslims disagree with suicide bombers especially when a bomber may kill 10 or 15 people and then Israel goes and kills 50 or 60 palestinians....thats just bad math. As far as Sharon is concerened rember that Israel is in direct violation of 69 UN resoultions yet the US went to war with Iraq for violating7(i think it was 7)....again bad math and hypocrasy If the US really wanted to stop terrorism then they would need to "take the steam outta the movement" but not giving the terrorists a rally cry to hide behind..its not unreasonable for the Palestinians to have a place to call home everyone deserves that dont they?...peace
Just To Share One Hilarious But At The Time It Was Not A Incident In Eilat In Israel

After Finishing My 6 Months Of Working On A Moshav In Israel I Decided On A 2 Week Vacation In Egypt After Which I Would Return To Israel For My Flight Back To The Uk

So I Crossed The Eilat Border Into Egypt And My Holiday Was Good I Enjoyed Myself There

After My Holiday I Returned To The Eilat Border On Which I Was Treated To A Barrage Of Questions Along The Lines Of Why On Earth I Had Went To Egypt For A Holiday Which I Repied With To Enjoy Myself

Then For Punishment I Thought For Making A Statement Like That. The Israeli Border Patrol Guard Started Searching My Bag His First Find Was 14 Walkman Tapes He Promptly Opened Up Each Tape Looking For I Dont Know What My Anger Was Starting To Grow

His Next Find Was 3 Small Packets Of Salted Nuts In My Bag
His Next Action Which Resulted In Me Loosing My Temper Like I Have Never Done Before In A Public Place, Was To Start Opening My Packets Of Salted Nuts Yes 3 Tiny Bags Of Nuts

Then I Let Go I Started To Raise My Voice And Said What Are Looking For A Bomb I Said You Have Searched My Music Tapes And Now Your Opening Up Sealed Packets Of Nuts, I Said What Is Wrong With You People I Have Worked In Israel For 6 Months In That Time I Never Made One Jewish Friend I Made Plenty Of Foriegn Friends Including Bedoiuns, I Said You People Are All Paronoid About Foriegners I Said I Am From The Uk I Dont Walk About With Bombs In Packets Of Salted Nuts, His Response Was To Ignore Me But I Really Embarrased The Idiot In Front Of Many Tourists

To This Day That Was Over 12 Years Ago Nobody At Any Airport Has Done Anything As Completley Nuts As That Guard Did To Me With Such A Nutty Search.

As Soon As American Presidents Stop Going For The Jewish Vote And Start Looking At The Middle East Equally Will There Be A Good Chance To Talk Real Peace In Palestine

In Uk Politics Governments Dont Determine There Foriegn Policy Based On Appealing To Any Minority In The Uk

America Can Only Be Great When They Stop Trying To Get Jewish Votes In America By Supporting Israel Whether Openly Or Not Over Things Like The Great Wall(folly) Of Israel

Why Dont They Try Just Once Appealing To The Whole Of America For Votes
Instead Of The Jewish Minority Which Seems To Have America By The Balls And Is Squeezing Them So Much Americans Eyes Are Watering With The Pain

But Anything And Everthing In America Is All About That Oh So Important Jewish Vote

That Oh So Important Jewish Vote Has Got America On The Brink Of Bankruptcy.
US budget deficit to hit $445bn
What A Very Expensive Vote It Is

Shalom America
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vincent28uk said:

IN Vietnam there are 2 million graves, thanks to America of course.

in Japan there are 2 big holes in the ground.

( i could go on for quite a bit as to what America has left behind as it has been in war since its birth and bombed 22 countries since WW2

and continuing with my "vincents Logic" stuff. If Muslims made a state in your country and put in a puppet leader who jacked all the countrys money and torutred people and fucked yhour country up, do you think you would have a big Islam banner on the Expressway with roses on it?


above is a real picture of a deformed baby as a result of Agent Orange, what America has left in Vietnam.
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vincent28uk said:
With All Due Respect Africa Was Introduced To Western Religions Within What The Last 100 Years Give Or Take

ok fine the Vincent lets go into the past then :D

only a few hundred years ago Europeans were Literally sitting in their own shit (they thought this would drive the Black Plauge out) and Catholics were burning scientists and anyone who thought about Science, they were having baths once a year and KINGS AND QUEENS were having baths three times a year (they thought bathing rubs the skin off) and Protestans were being burned alive by Queen Mary, a catholic (or the other way round). you were hunting long nosed women who were witches and killing people non religious people.

and all of this thanks to the rule of the chruch while at the other end of the Globe Muslims were on great civilisations with loads of doh. do you know where the idea of flying carpets came from? the Muslims were so advanced that the Europeans imagined that (persian) Muslims must be flying by now (and dumb Europeans believed it).

back then the Chruch controlled things and Europe was a fucked up, backward, idiotic, barbaric place to live in and all thanks to the Church who encounraged this. the only reason you arent sitting in your own shit now (read above) is becasue people have distanced themseleves from the Church and dont listen to loony bins any more.
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vincent28uk said:
These 6 Countries Have Been The Most Peacfull Of All The Middle East Countries. And I Must Say The Governments There Have Done A Good Job

are you joking? those kings are the worst evil dictators in the world. and you do realise that "they've done a good job" is the only thing youi can say about them. if you say anything bad you will be killed.

vincent28uk said:
But There Lies The Problem These Terroists Do Not Want Peace In The Middle East They Want Chaos Because When You Have A Chaos They Thrive

be more specific? which terrorist groups.

vincent28uk said:
But What Do They Actually Achieve Zero
Because Nobody On This Planet Other Than A Muslim Understands Or Accepts A Suicide Bomber

do you think the Pals care? they only want an end to the occupation and not the west to think good of them. and Suicide bombers do achieve something, they kill ocupiers and they scare Israelis. if it wasn;t for Pals "terroism" Israel will be filled with almost all of the worlds Jews who would be laughing, living in peace on their stolen land and Pals aren;t gonna let them have that.

vincent28uk said:
They Have A Problem With The Jewish Government. Well Then Bomb The Israeli Government Kill Israeli Soldiers By Doing That And Attacking Military Targets Only They Will Not Be Depised Around The World.

erm how? and what is Israel doing?

vincent28uk said:
Did The Jews Not Use Bombs Against Brit Soldiers Before The Birth Of Israel
This I Can Understand

i dont understand what your saying. but anyway, Israel was founded by terrorism and the Israeli govermant accpet that. 400 villages, schools, hospitals were burnt be Jews with people still in them.

vincent28uk said:
I Have No Love For Jews I Have Worked There For 6 Months On A Moshav I Found Them Paronoid
About Every One And Everything I Found Them Unfriendly

i dont agree with you saying about Jews but about Israelis i do. and maybe now you know why Israel does this everyday

and what do Israelis expect after stuff like this but to get blown up?

vincent28uk said:
And Out Of Talking To Both Arabs And Jews In Israel I Liked The Arabs Better

once again i dont think you should generalise but under Arab rule Jews, Christians and Muslims lived in total peace and horamony. Arans even saved the Jews from extinction (and now they want to kill of the Arabs) and helped them rebuild the wailing wall (and now they want to demolish Al Aqsa mosque).

under Christian rule (crusade) what happened? in 2 days 40,000 people were killed

under Jewish contol, we have the problem of today.
vincent28uk said:

i suggest reading the news:

also, to make a small list:
-modern science; read Durant, Sarton, Goldstein, Briffault, Tannery, Renan, etc.
-11th century Biruni wrote over 200 books on emprimentation; many times those by Galileo & Newton combined.
-the fact that the earth revoles around the sun and not the other way around; copernicus did not make this discovery in 16th century, was known by At-Tusi in the 14th century.
-the telescope; invented by Ibn Al-Haythem and further developed by Ibn Firnas.
-modern chemistry labs and experiments, burners, ladles, etc; read Durant, Mathes, Bernal, Dampier, Humboldt, etc. As a matter of fact, Lavoisier's writing was highly based on, and even quotes, Al-Jabr's Chemical Compositions.
-purified alcohol.
-the first mention of geological formations; wasnot Desmarest, 1756 but by Ibn Sina & Al-Biruni in the 11th century.
-Kerosene and frational distillation; read encyclopadia britannica.
-Many of Leonardo Da Vince geological finds in the 16th century were pointed out by Al-Biruni in the 11th centruy (fossils, watery orinigns of the earth, etc).
-Columbus quoted from texts of Ibn-Rushd.
-Trigonometery; read Durant or De Vaux.
-Logarithms; not founded by 1614 by Napier, but by Al-Khwarizmi in 13th century.
-Using algebra to solve geometrical problems; not by Descartes in 17th century, but by Thabit bin Qurrah and Abu'l wafa in 10th century.
-Binomial Theory; studied by Umar Khayyam in 10th or 11th century, 600 years prior to Newton.
-You are still using arabic numerals today (no reference needed).
-Blood circulation; Ibn Zuhr made this claim in his "the heart: a one way pump" in the 10th century, later developed by Al-Nafis in the 13th century, further developed by Ibn Al-Quff in the 14th century. Later "discovered" by William Harvey in the 17th century.
-Pharmacopoeia; read Phillip Hitti.
-Pathology; Ibn Zuhr, Az-Zahrawi, Al-Quff, An-Nafis, many before Giovanni Morgagni.
-Physician forceps; earliest documentation showed Az-Zawahri used several types in Spain in the 10th century long before Peter Chamberlen in the 17th century.
-Anesthesia; Paracelsus quoted Ibn-Sina's texts. Ibn-Sina developed the administration of opium extracts.
-Bending of light; Al-Haythem first bent light through glass in the 11th century. He was leter quoted by Galileo and Newton.
-Preliminary flight; Ibn-Firnas studied, constructed and tested model flying machines and aerodnamics in 800AD spain. Roger Bacon and Da Vinci have been documented to using his texts for further flight development.

need more?

now, i dont expect you to believe anything i write, as you reject any mention of muslim scholars (evident by the language and nature/intent of your posts). but i urge you to read, read, read. your local library will have books, texts, documentation of everything mentioned above.

i am not saying muslims discovered/invented/studied everything or anything. all cultures/civilizations contributed to the advancement. in reality it is an unfair statement to even say muslim scholars. because it does not mean that if they were not muslims they wouldnt have done what they did.

but this a response to your question that you have so pressed for an answer. there you have answer.

vincent28uk said:
Because Nobody On This Planet Other Than A Muslim Understands Or Accepts A Suicide Bomber

trust me (a very hopeful statement), there are many muslims who neither understand or accept this act.

suicide is suicide, murder is murder, no matter how you put it.

the end does not jusitfy the means. i dont care what religion/race/creed anyone is.

"the telescope; invented by Ibn Al-Haythem and further developed by Ibn Firnas."



Dutch eyeglass maker, Hans Lippershey, has been given credit for the invention of the telescope in 1608; when he offered it to the government for military use, they required that it be converted to binocular form. By 1610, Galileo announced the telescopic observations of the moon and planets which signaled the end of the Ptolemaic theory of the heliocentric solar system. Galileo’s telescope was a simple refractor, employing two lenses in a tube. Keppler invented the form of the refracting telescope which is the basis for modern refractors; it has a convex lens placed in back of the focus. The reflecting telescope invented by Isaac Newton used an on-axis planar mirror to move the focus of the parabolic reflector to a point outside the light collecting cylinder; reflector telescopes avoid the problem of lens chromatic aberration which affect refractors. Variations of the Newtonian reflector in which the light was reflected back through a hole in the primary mirror were invented by James Gregory in 1663 and by Cassegrain in 1672. A lens design which resolved the problem of chromatic aberration for refractor telescope was discovered in 1733 by Hall but kept secret until it was uncovered and used commercially in 1759 by John Dolland and his son. A third type of telescope, which uses a spherical mirror and a correcting lens, was invented in 1930 by Bernhard Schmidt. The Schmidt telescope serves astronomy as a wide angle camera.
Hans Lippershey (1570-1619), a native of Wesel, Germany who had settled in the Netherlands, applied for a patent for the telescope in 1608. At least two other Dutch spectacle makers made telescopes about the same time, and there were rumors of some such sort of magical device during the 16th century. Nevertheless, Lippershey was the first to describe the telescope in writing. He was paid handsomely by the government to construct several telescopes, but the patent was denied because it was felt that it could be not kept secret. Certainly, within a short time, three-power telescopes were being made and sold by Parisian eyeglass makers.

I Suggest You Start A Campaign To Run For American President
Because Intelligence Wise You Are On A Equal Footing With George Bush
Mr Bush The Man Who Will Go Down In History As The Thickest U.s. President Ever

Regards And Kisses
To The Next President,

President Knife
W Bush is the thickest u.s. president ever?
i see
basicly a president need not to be smart,you know why
because he has dumbass advisors to tell him what to do.
now tell me
is w bush smart or dumb?

Philosopher Philocrazy
vincent28uk said:

"the telescope; invented by Ibn Al-Haythem and further developed by Ibn Firnas."



Dutch eyeglass maker, Hans Lippershey, has been given credit for the invention of the telescope in 1608; when he offered it to the government for military use, they required that it be converted to binocular form. By 1610, Galileo announced the telescopic observations of the moon and planets which signaled the end of the Ptolemaic theory of the heliocentric solar system. Galileo’s telescope was a simple refractor, employing two lenses in a tube. Keppler invented the form of the refracting telescope which is the basis for modern refractors; it has a convex lens placed in back of the focus. The reflecting telescope invented by Isaac Newton used an on-axis planar mirror to move the focus of the parabolic reflector to a point outside the light collecting cylinder; reflector telescopes avoid the problem of lens chromatic aberration which affect refractors. Variations of the Newtonian reflector in which the light was reflected back through a hole in the primary mirror were invented by James Gregory in 1663 and by Cassegrain in 1672. A lens design which resolved the problem of chromatic aberration for refractor telescope was discovered in 1733 by Hall but kept secret until it was uncovered and used commercially in 1759 by John Dolland and his son. A third type of telescope, which uses a spherical mirror and a correcting lens, was invented in 1930 by Bernhard Schmidt. The Schmidt telescope serves astronomy as a wide angle camera.
Hans Lippershey (1570-1619), a native of Wesel, Germany who had settled in the Netherlands, applied for a patent for the telescope in 1608. At least two other Dutch spectacle makers made telescopes about the same time, and there were rumors of some such sort of magical device during the 16th century. Nevertheless, Lippershey was the first to describe the telescope in writing. He was paid handsomely by the government to construct several telescopes, but the patent was denied because it was felt that it could be not kept secret. Certainly, within a short time, three-power telescopes were being made and sold by Parisian eyeglass makers.


first of all, i quote myself:

Knife said:
now, i dont expect you to believe anything i write, as you reject any mention of muslim scholars (evident by the language and nature/intent of your posts). but i urge you to read, read, read. your local library will have books, texts, documentation of everything mentioned above.

i recommend you reference and READ, The Optics of Ibn al-Haytham, Books I-III. On Direct Vision, Properties of Triangles in Respect of Perpendiculars and Discourse on Light. All written by Ibn al-Haythem (965-1039). actually, the chinese also made some advancements in this field by observing supernovas around the same time. besides, how could Galileo announce the telescopic observations of the moon and planets, when chinese astonomers (not metioning any arabs/muslims here) were doing that for a couple of hunderd years?

again, not asking you to believe because it makes no difference who invented the telescope. just stating that history that is read today has some serious gaps from about 600AD - 1600AD. thus, many important inventions/discoveries/studies done by other cultures (east asian, arab, african, central asian) have been missed. when history started to write again, it located information that was closer to them. it took time to realize that as news spread most of the stuff was already known. but by then history had already been written.

everyone has played their part.


if you dont mind me asking, what is your educational background/field/major?
"People say believe half of what you see
Son, and none of what you hear" -- Marvin Gaye
"because it makes no difference who invented the telescope. just stating that history that is read today has some serious gaps from about 600AD - 1600AD. "


some serious gaps from about 600AD - 1600AD




"if you dont mind me asking, what is your educational background/field/major?"


Knife SAYS
Familyman G (94 posts)

"People say believe half of what you see
Son, and none of what you hear" -- Marvin Gaye


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