Accepting the reality of God is painful to many:

because EVERY body knows those other characters aren't real,
while some naive immature individuals still believe in "god"

their tiny mind cannot even comprehend the concept of there simply being no such thing.

you don't get it do you, atheists aren't angry at "god", they don't believe "god" exists in the first place. atheists are angry at people who come and preach to them as if their deluded beliefs are better than everyone elses.

see how ridiculous it is? santa really isn't any different. just a made up character that stands for some people's biggest hopes and fears.

Why is that when you start discussing god soemtimes some people get really really angry? I mean if god is after all imaginary why get angry? Do they get angry at the easter bunny, santa claus, or other sky daddies like the flying spaghetti monster, pink unicorns, or invisible hairy leprechauns?
Mainly because the ideas of the easter bunny and lepracauns don't inspire people to strap bombs to themsleves and kill innocent people.

Religion is very dangerous and people should be rightly angry at such irresponsible institutions.
Cris: Except the people who strap bombs to themselves are harmless in comparison to the majority who are behind the "extremists". The Muslim support for martyrdom, the Christian support for the war on terror...

It is a violent circle with with religion being the spoon that stirs it all.
Cris said:

Mainly because the ideas of the easter bunny and lepracauns don't inspire people to strap bombs to themsleves and kill innocent people.

Religion is very dangerous and people should be rightly angry at such irresponsible institutions.

Sometimes people do hold ups with santa claus or easter bunny masks ... the question remains why do you remain to be angry with people who practice religion and don't strap bombs to themself (I don't know where you can find the statistics of religius practioners who strap bombs to themselves vs religious practioners who don't)

How many religious practioners who strap bombs to themselves does there have to be to overide the general trend of religion - does that ratio also apply to bank robbers who wear santa claus masks and the abolishment of christmas?
lightgigantic: How many religious practitioners support someone strapping a bomb to their chest? How many religious practioners support starting illegal wars? It's not the acts themselves, but those who support it which is the dangerous thing.

Christian and Muslim nutjobs really have turned the world into a right mess in the last 5 years lightgigantic, incase you hadn't noticed. How do you wish to explain this? Oh let me guess, religion has nothing to do with it, right?
not to mention its selfish to only adhere to morals and ethics because of fear/hopes of the "afterlife"

i mean really, grow up. act morally and ethically because you choose to, for the sake of respecting others.
KennyJC said:
lightgigantic: How many religious practitioners support someone strapping a bomb to their chest? How many religious practioners support starting illegal wars? It's not the acts themselves, but those who support it which is the dangerous thing.

Christian and Muslim nutjobs really have turned the world into a right mess in the last 5 years lightgigantic, incase you hadn't noticed. How do you wish to explain this? Oh let me guess, religion has nothing to do with it, right?

Middle easterner straps the bombs to their chest.
Middle easterner was muslim.
Conclusion : muslim straps bombs to their chest.

If I change the muslim to open variable "X", will the logic still valid?
Assuming X met precondition of what is happening in middle east; the game of resources control.
thats a totally different argument

besides, i could totally argue that the majority of wars and the majority of suicide bombers are religious
Assuming X met precondition of what is happening in middle east; the game of resources control.

In the face of overwhelming religious violence, you think that all the violence is completely due to 'resource control'?

Don't make me laugh.
KennyJC said:
In the face of overwhelming religious violence, you think that all the violence is completely due to 'resource control'?

Don't make me laugh.

and still you think the violence is completely due to religion.
and still you think the violence is completely due to religion.

WHERE am I saying this?

What you need to swallow is that religious extremism and violence go hand in hand as you are now seeing in the daily news coming out of the Middle East. Why is martyrdom prominent in the Muslim world? Even a secular society like the UK has over 400,000 Muslims who believe the 7/7 bombers should be considered martyrs. Those 400,000 British Muslims are not fighting over resources.
KennyJC said:
WHERE am I saying this?

What you need to swallow is that religious extremism and violence go hand in hand as you are now seeing in the daily news coming out of the Middle East. Why is martyrdom prominent in the Muslim world? Even a secular society like the UK has over 400,000 Muslims who believe the 7/7 bombers should be considered martyrs. Those 400,000 British Muslims are not fighting over resources.

Its very simple; because for the past 5 years their beliefs have been publicly mocked.

You should know how easy it is to get riled when emotions are involved.
Its very simple; because for the past 5 years their beliefs have been publicly mocked.

You should know how easy it is to get riled when emotions are involved.

Haha. samcdkey, you say the funniest things.

Carry on killing in the name of Allah. You completely justified their cause.

I'm off to kill someone because someone mocked my atheism :mad:
KennyJC said:
In the face of overwhelming religious violence, you think that all the violence is completely due to 'resource control'?

Don't make me laugh.

So Al-Qaeda is targeting the US because they are Christians; foolish don't you think? Why not a smaller country less able to defend itself? Why not a score of smaller countries; why specifically target the US?

In the above article, do you notice the common link among the groups Osama recruited from?

If not just type the country's name in google followed by the words "foreign policy".
KennyJC said:
Haha. samcdkey, you say the funniest things.

Carry on killing in the name of Allah. You completely justified their cause.

I'm off to kill someone because someone mocked my atheism :mad:

You are mistaking anger for support.

Anger is not support; it is a result of being misunderstood or misrepresented.
KennyJC said:
WHERE am I saying this?

You didn't. Only my conclusion from 3 choices of ur view regarding violence:
- completely due to religion.
- completely due to resource control
- not both of them (could means partially).

My apology if I had made mistake in taking conclusion.

KennyJC said:
What you need to swallow is that religious extremism and violence go hand in hand as you are now seeing in the daily news coming out of the Middle East. Why is martyrdom prominent in the Muslim world? Even a secular society like the UK has over 400,000 Muslims who believe the 7/7 bombers should be considered martyrs. Those 400,000 British Muslims are not fighting over resources.

This kind of statement which directed me to the wrong conclusion.
Samcdkey: Your blatant ignorance and denial that religion and religious extremism contributes problems and violence to our world is pathetic. Moderates like yourself defend religion no matter what acts are carried out in its name. This is the point I've been making that it is not necessarily the religious extremists who are dangerous, but the millions of people like you who defend against religion as their prime aggrivator.

If it is purely political, then everyone in every part of the world would have reason to strap a bomb to their chest and be called a martyr by their supporters. Although funnily enough, the only people doing this in secular parts of the world are Muslims themselves, acting through the virus of religious extremism.

Your retort to this was to say "because for the past 5 years their beliefs have been publicly mocked." What?! You will go to absolutely any length - even if it makes no sense - to defend this violent faith.

Your links are meaningless. You dish them out like confetti without even reading them as Q pointed out.