Accepting the reality of God is painful to many:

**is god real? does god exist?
to answer these questions you must first answer the question 'what is the nature of god?'
to my knowledge the question hasn't been answered.**

Actually Leo the very first question that needs to be addressed and answered is "what is god?"

Wether it's real or it exists or not, does not matter without having a defenition of what it is. :rolleyes:
imaplanck. said:
Aw im really scared!!! You aren't by any chance a bishop are you?
Do you really think such a base threat will work on an adult atheist though? surely your target audience should be small children.

nah, if he said that to small children they would tell their mommies who would get their daddies to kill him :p
Godless said:
**is god real? does god exist?
to answer these questions you must first answer the question 'what is the nature of god?'
to my knowledge the question hasn't been answered.**

Actually Leo the very first question that needs to be addressed and answered is "what is god?"

Wether it's real or it exists or not, does not matter without having a defenition of what it is. :rolleyes:
Huh? You two are saying the same thing.
Lawdog said:
Atheists, Agnostics, and others, either consciously or subconsciously, have habituated themselves to thinking of God as some sort of adversary, and to his followers in Christ as enemies. As an atheist, try to catch yourself doing this and you will see that its true.

But nothing about God could be further from the truth.

God loves Atheists and Agnostics so much that many Christians, if they discovered how much, would be scandalized by it!

The true reason that they will not acknowledge God is far from 'intellectual freedom." To acknowledge the existance of God they must say that they were wrong. Pride of their life prevents them from this admission.

Therefore we must beg them to seek true humility.

many have adopted a sinful lifestyle which they refuse to change or in any way alter. They wrongly think that God wants them to change every little imperfection all at once. This is not the case. God wants them to change gradually, little by little, until they are ready to give themselves full to God.

Even those believers who call themselves "saved" as if their relationship to God were based on some sort of contractual moment, and who think that they were saved because they went up to "the altar call," ....are not saved, but they must continue to work towards salvation.

God does not look with more favor upon believers than unbelievers, but he doles out good things to both, hoping that the believer will improve himself and expecting much from him, and hoping that the unbeliever will repent of his unbelief and begin to live in Christ.
hey since you seem to know this big dog so well ,
how about if you tell him/her/it to come down from the cloud and show its ugly mug to all the people in the world at the same time and have him tell us exactly what it wants and whether it wants to be worshiped and so on otherwise we will all think that youre just regurgitating the same old horseshit all the preachers pumped into your deluded litle brain matter.
if you cant make your god do that I will say youre just another brainwashed religious nut who cant think for himself.
Huh? You two are saying the same thing.

Not exactly.

Asking wether god exist or not, or wether it's real. Implies a defenition of what god is.

There's no defenition of what god is,until then we may determine of it's existence or lack thereof. Since no one can truly define god, then the logical conclusion is non-existent.


Atheists, Agnostics, and others, either consciously or subconsciously, have habituated themselves to thinking of God as some sort of adversary,
No they haven’t – that’s Catholic propaganda and entirely wrong. Something that can’t be shown to exist can’t be an adversary.

The real enemies are the intuitions that propagate and maintain the idiotic fantasies of religious belief and who attempt to keep humanity living in the dark ages, a period when the church ruled the world.

And to his followers in Christ as enemies
Only when they try to impose their idiocies on us.

But nothing about God could be further from the truth.
You made a mistake there, I’ll correct it for you. But nothing about God is near to the truth.

The true reason that they will not acknowledge God is far from 'intellectual freedom." To acknowledge the existance of God they must say that they were wrong. Pride of their life prevents them from this admission.
No. It is simply a total absence of anything that might suggest he actually exists.

Therefore we must beg them to seek true humility.
Don’t be so arrogant and condescending. Go first and learn some logic and reason and then come back when you realize that the god concept you are peddling and preaching doesn’t represent anything real.

many have adopted a sinful lifestyle which they refuse to change or in any way alter.
Prison population statistics show the exact same proportion of religious to non-religious as occur outside pf prison. So it looks like Christians are just as immoral as everyone else, but of course there are far more of them than non-believers.

They wrongly think that God wants them to change every little imperfection all at once.
No they don’t. Please stop spewing this crap. You must understand it is not that the non-believer rejects God because that would imply that God exists, but it is that we don’t accept your assertion that he exists so we have no feelings one way or another about what your fantasy might want.

Moderator comment – You are in danger of preaching here which violates forum rules. Please be careful.

Please dont bother leave something like "That's really stupid Lawdog, cus God dont exist anyway, so its just not even logical...prove it"

Mathematic axioms are not visible, yet they exist and are self evident, non demonstratable. Evidence of mathematic reality is all around us.
Then find some other way that would be convincing of his aleged existence. Without that your claims are indistinguishable from the infinitely more believable state of delusion.
It is my understanding that God is all and therfore selfevident. The improbability of your own existence might be considered.

It is my understanding that God is all and therfore selfevident
All what? All fantasy, right? What else could it be?

The improbability of your own existence might be considered.
Yet here we are, existing.
Why is that when you start discussing god soemtimes some people get really really angry? I mean if god is after all imaginary why get angry? Do they get angry at the easter bunny, santa claus, or other sky daddies like the flying spaghetti monster, pink unicorns, or invisible hairy leprechauns?
everybody knows those characters are "make believe"
how is "god" any different?

seriously, i could just as easily argue the following: (and i'm sure it would piss you off)

santa has flying reindeer that pull his flying sleigh.
does your "god" have flying reindeer and a sleigh?
didn't think so.

santa brings me presents, he came down my chimney.
when was the last time your imaginary "god" came down your chimney, and gave you presents?

didn't think so,

Santa is real, and I know it because i love him and he loves me and brings me presents. maybe if you tried believing in him and loving him he would bring you presents.

(how is that any more irrational than trying to deny Evolution in favour of "intelligent design")

santa told me he didn't bring you any presents because you are naughty because you believe in some "god" and use it as an excuse to attack people you think are different than you.
lightgigantic said:
Then why do people get angry at god in ways that they don't get angry at the before mentioned?

Because some people that believe in God want to shape the planet into what God wants (be it laws, education, humand animal rights, etc). Rather than say it's what they want, they bring God to the table and quote the Bible, rant about Jesus, etc. Those that do not follow religious beliefs find this offensive.
Santa claus also causes a literal song and dance and a great influence on such mammoth social hulks as the economy. Do you find santa claus also of a similar offensive callibre?
lightgigantic said:
Santa claus also causes a literal song and dance and a great influence on such mammoth social hulks as the economy. Do you find santa claus also of a similar offensive callibre?

Santa Claus is only a big deal for young children, up until they realise their parents are the ones giving them gifts.
The Christmas holiday is what causes a song and dance and huge economic fluctuations, obviously because people spend a fortune on gifts, food, travelling, etc. Even if the Santa Claus myth stopped being told to children, we would still have the Christmas holidays.
Plenty of adults get worked up over christmas - anticipating great fruitive rewards and losses - santa has a lot to answer for don't you think
lightgigantic said:
Plenty of adults get worked up over christmas - anticipating great fruitive rewards and losses - santa has a lot to answer for don't you think

Now now Light, you can't blame the Santa myth on human greed and affluenza. Like I said before, the whole Santa story is a fairy tale for kids enjoyment, it doesn't have anything to do with me visiting my parents and buying my brother a dvd player at Christmas time. Telling me gay people will go to Hell and that gay marriage should not be allowed (for example) has a lot to do with belief in God.
Well if there's any consilation of a pagan holiday made christian, christmas is not about celebrating some birth of a demigod, it actually was a pagan holiday addopted by christianity as their own birth of their savior.

There is no Biblical warrant, precedent, nor precept for remembrance of the day of Christ's birth as a day of special religious celebration. This is not to say that we shouldn't remember Christ's birth and its significance, but for religious commemorations or celebrations, we must have Biblical command or precedent! The fact of the matter is this -- the early church did not celebrate Christ's birth, but such celebration only came into the church with the "Christianization" of pagan rites as Catholicism was made the state religion by Constantine in the fourth century A.D. Since the Word of God does not support the tradition of Christmas, a Christian's conscience ought not and must not be bound.
click ref.

Saint Nick:

Santa Claus is a variation of a European folk tale based on the historical figure Saint Nicholas, a bishop from the region that is now present-day Turkey, who gave presents to the poor. This inspired the mythical figure of Sinterklaas, the subject of a major celebration in the Netherlands and Belgium, Germany (where his alleged date of death, December 6, is celebrated the evening before on December 5), which in turn inspired both the myth and the name of Santa Claus (actually a mispronunciation of the Dutch word "Sinterklaas" by the English settlers of New Amsterdam (later renamed New York)), in those countries Saint Nicholas is celebrated as a distinct character with a religious touch, Santa Claus is also celebrated on Christmas eve.

Plenty of adults get worked up over christmas

No they don't, they get worked up over holiday pressures, sales datelines, buying gifts for family members, parties, etc.. that's not Saint Nicks fault but their own. ;)
