Accepting Defeat


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Not an easy thing to do for anyone. From kids to adults and in all facets of life we will be faced with defeat. It could be as simple as losing a coin toss or as complicated as losing a war.

I'm not an American and I like history which means I've read about their exploits now & then. When I think about their Civil War I often have wondered why the South never really took on the North again once it was over. Sure there was the usual animosity, sporadic skirmishes and the like but in general not much happened. The South still maintains an identity of sorts but the overall picture paints a united country.

In WWII Europe was under German occupation. I don't think you will find too many people from that time and place today that would admit they accepted defeat. Resistance and partisan groups were proof that at least some didn't. Anyway, the Germans lost for the second time and it appears that they too finally accepted defeat and moved on. Japan too.

Is there a good side to admitting defeat? When should one admit defeat? Should the defeated be trusted? Is there honor in defeat?

oops! forgot this one: Are statistics for those who cannot accept defeat?
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It is very easy for me to admit defeat to myself, which is most important, & to others.

honor in saving lives is when defeat is an honor.

There is honor in admitting defeat.

wrong, its a shame.

You've demonstrated in these forums you know little of honor & care less.

Do you think playing sports is a good way of learning to accept defeat? Personally I played sports to win and never accepted losing.

Not the way it's done in the USA 99% of the time.
Saving as many innocent lives that otherwise would be killed because you know that you are outgunned and will lose the battle to protect them, I believe.
Do you think playing sports is a good way of learning to accept defeat? Personally I played sports to win and never accepted losing.

So you refuse to accept reality ? How can that be healthy ?

By admitting defeat you maintain your dignity.
So you refuse to accept reality ? How can that be healthy ?

By admitting defeat you maintain your dignity.

Reality, I accept. Losing is something I don't have to accept personally. I don't like to lose but don't get me wrong, I realize 'you can't win 'em all'. Victory on the other hand is much easier to accept:D
Reality, I accept. Losing is something I don't have to accept personally. I don't like to lose but don't get me wrong, I realize 'you can't win 'em all'. Victory on the other hand is much easier to accept:D

Of course, but I thought we were talking about 'after the fact'.

Victory is sweet though, I know, but you'll be a bigger person for it if you can admit defeat :)
I've many times said I didn't know about many things that were asked of me but I did look them up afterwords and then knew more about those things that before I didn't. I also just read things here to learn as well from others. ;)
The best example I have heard of this is the almost complete destruction of the Romans by Hannibals army. If the Romans had accepted defeat (which by every rational criteria they should have) there never would have been a Roman empire, the spread of Latin, Jesus or Christianity as we have it today, the English language as it is today or the systems of government based on the Roman Senate.

So should they have accepted defeat?
The best example I have heard of this is the almost complete destruction of the Romans by Hannibals army. If the Romans had accepted defeat (which by every rational criteria they should have) there never would have been a Roman empire, the spread of Latin, Jesus or Christianity as we have it today, the English language as it is today or the systems of government based on the Roman Senate.

So should they have accepted defeat?

They obviously did accept defeat, and learned from their mistakes.
If you don't admit that you are defeated how are you ever going to learn from your mistakes ?