Absurd things Christians say...


midnatt klarhet
Registered Senior Member
This thread is a response to my amusement at the things that some people say in regards to their feeble, must-have faiths, particularly of the Christian type [and in the 'Someone who knows God' thread].

I've heard alot of absolutely bizzare things come out of Christian's mouths in my lifetime, but even moreso lately. And I'm sure many of you have as well.
By all means, share them!

[I'm not sure if I should have put this in Free Thoughts, but I'm sure someone will move it for me if need be].

And all of you that think I am being unjust, I'll start a thread about the rediculous things atheists say [I am an atheist]. So don't get you're feelings hurt.
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Lets start with:

"Everyone is born with a birth defect that hinders communion with god and everyone suffers from everyones defect."
Absurd things atheists say number 1:

And Christians: I'll respect your beliefs if you respect mine; which apparently is impossible for you to do.

Notice the odd way all Christians are addressed as if they were one person.
Notice the context.
This thread is a response to my amusement at the things that some people say in regards to their feeble, must-have faiths, particularly of the Christian type [and in the 'Someone who knows God' thread].

I've heard alot of absolutely bizzare things come out of Christian's mouths in my lifetime, but even moreso lately. And I'm sure many of you have as well.
By all means, share them!

[I'm not sure if I should have put this in Free Thoughts, but I'm sure someone will move it for me if need be].

And all of you that think I am being unjust, I'll start a thread about the rediculous things atheists say [I am a proud atheist]. So don't get you're feelings hurt.

So, you're an atheist... I am Christian.
What has made you conclude yourself to atheism?

Oh, really?

How is it that people are always using that ignorant excuse?
Fuck that. Does that excuse make it easier for you?
Science is possible due to what, takethewarhome?

It's just there, isn't it? For no reason? Huh?

There's a beginning and an end to everything. Always a creator.
Oh, really?

How is it that people are always using that ignorant excuse?
Fuck that. Does that excuse make it easier for you?
Science is possible due to what, takethewarhome?

It's just there, isn't it? For no reason? Huh?

There's a beginning and an end to everything. Always a creator.

Science has found no evidence of a creator.

AND YES, it IS just there for no reason. That's so hard for some of you to accept, isn't it?
And thank you for providing us with the first non-thread starter amusing absurd thing that Christians say.

This is not a thread about how we came to our conclusions, but maybe you missed the most of that...
Blackfoundations, let me ask you two questions:

[1]. Do you believe in science?

[2]. Do you believe in divine intervention?
What has made you conclude yourself to Christianity?

I have concluded myself to Christianity due to all of my mental and physical experiences.
It would be ridiculous not to have faith. I was just born this way.
I'm not scared either. Nor was I brainwashed. Nor am I hypocritical.
I have ran through glass on my way to self-discovery, and even after all of that, I never forgot Jesus.

It would be like living for nothing, having no meaning to my life.
We are all miracles. Can't you see that?
Even the most hated person on earth was meant to be loved..
And when everyone has turned against you, God will always be there.
Science has found no evidence of a creator.

AND YES, it IS just there for no reason. That's so hard for some of you to accept, isn't it?
And thank you for providing us with the first non-thread starter amusing absurd thing that Christians say.

This is not a thread about how we came to our conclusions, but maybe you missed the most of that...

You are damn right there is no scientific evidence.
The evidence is all you can't see.
And thank God some human didn't put a label on that too.
The evidence is all around your feelings.

How do you think it's here for no reason?
You are damn right there is no scientific evidence.
The evidence is all you can't see.
And thank God some human didn't put a label on that too.
The evidence is all around your feelings.

How do you think it's here for no reason?

I say it again, THIS IS NOT A THREAD ABOUT OUR CONVICTIONS, CONCLUSIONS, BELIEFS, OR EVIDENCE. It's about the rediculous things we all end up saying in defense or offense on the subject of faith.

Quit making this into a crusade to try and "turn" us away from our wicked, sinful ways.... [Yawn].
The crusades were corrupt and bloody and ended hundreds of years ago.
Give it a rest.
[1]. I do believe in science, but I don't believe it's the answer to everything.

[2]. Yes, I do.

So basically, this is what I can deduce from these answers:

You believe and recognize the absoluteness of science [science cannot be part of the time, it is constant]... And therefore, by believing in devine intervention, you debunk this previous statement.

How can science be absolute, like you said it was by answering yes to that inquiry, if God just reaches his hand down and messes with things?
It can't.

So one or the other is false, correct?
Now you think long and hard and you answer me which one that is. Maybe even do some research into physics before you answer.
And that is IT. No more talk of this. Just amusing absurd things you've heard, people. Thank you. I'll refrain as well.
I just got done reading a romance novel with all kinds of sex in it. All the 'Jesus Christ!!' and "God Dammit!!" had been whited out. Apparently someone who loved reading sex scenes, but didn't like the lord's name taken in vain had read the book before me.
I say it again, THIS IS NOT A THREAD ABOUT OUR CONVICTIONS, CONCLUSIONS, BELIEFS, OR EVIDENCE. It's about the rediculous things we all end up saying in defense or offense on the subject of faith.

Quit making this into a crusade to try and "turn" us away from our wicked, sinful ways.... [Yawn].
The crusades were corrupt and bloody and ended hundreds of years ago.
Give it a rest.

I'm not trying to convert you into a Christian.
I even sin, I am even "wicked". But I try not to be.
Fuck my thoughts. They don't matter to anyone, anyway.

I think you need to stop being such a hard-ass and gain a conscience...
This loop hole is temporary.

I don't try and see views of whatever religion "ridiculous". I hate to judge.
Unlike you.