
Do You Believe in Abortion

  • Yes, its my body, its my right

    Votes: 23 41.1%
  • Yes, I Have Had One And It Made My Life Better

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Yes (other reason)

    Votes: 19 33.9%
  • No, Wheres the Babys Rights? He/She is an American Too

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • No, It is Murder

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • No, (Other Reason)

    Votes: 5 8.9%

  • Total voters
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I agree. I am against the seat belt laws. Even so, in spite of many minor challenges, they stand.

But not correct for the reasons you gave?
If a person has the right to do whatever they want with their body, then they have the right to hurl it through a windshield.

Umm... I think we are in general agreement here. Yes? No?
Umm... I think we are in general agreement here. Yes? No?

Generally, we probably are. I was just pointing out some of the inconsistency of the claims I commonly hear.
There are Minor points we seem to disagree with-- over the last couple posts and I've only made a couple in this thread.:p
do i believe it should be legal? i don't feel great about living in a country that says it's an ok thing to do, and i sure as fuck don't want my tax dollars paying for the tragic results of what is most often immensely irresponsible behavior. but that seems to be our government's role more and more. :(

You faled to answr the queston you posed.. "do you beleive aborton shud be legal.???"
You faled to answr the queston you posed.. "do you beleive aborton shud be legal.???"

Be careful how you answer Lori. If you say no, then you give the legal right to the government to control your body. Similar to China which currently mandates abortion under certain circumstances.
Be careful how you answer Lori. If you say no, then you give the legal right to the government to control your body.

In what particular aspect?

Let's break it down to what it is.

Is it illegal to Kill?
Yes, but not always. Some circumstances allow for necessity to kill. Some circumstances show killing as murder. Abortion can be veiwed very similarly.

It is not Lori's body that is in question. Rather, the body of the CHILD that is in question.
do i believe in it? i believe it happens...i had one a long time ago, and it was the worst thing i've ever done, imo. it was a horrific cop out.

do i believe it should be legal? i don't feel great about living in a country that says it's an ok thing to do, and i sure as fuck don't want my tax dollars paying for the tragic results of what is most often immensely irresponsible behavior. but that seems to be our government's role more and more. :(

Why does it matter to you, how the girl or woman came to need an abortion?

Why is it ok if it's a nice responsible married woman who can't afford an 8th son or daughter, but not ok for a 13 year old who didn't have the spine to insist on using a condom?? You'd force her to have a baby while still growing, and mess her body up??

Did you consider this point:

me said:
Even if it is at a point where it has some consciousness, we should keep that in perspective. Which is more important? The real, existing life of the woman, who has school/family or a career to negotiate, or the mere potential life of something that has just enough sentience to wiggle its legs??

You honestly think that even a zygote should take precedence over a woman's autonomy??!! If you didn't mean that, I take that back.
It has always been my belief that life begins at conception. The baby's heart is beating and brain is forming at 4-5 weeks. This is no blob. Calling the baby names (like blob, clump of cells, zygote etc) is just a way to minimalize it. It is a growing baby. To kill it is despicable imo. The word "abortion" is a pc way of saying "baby-killing". Pregnancy is preventable. Baby-killing is never ok.
It has always been my belief that life begins at conception. The baby's heart is beating and brain is forming at 4-5 weeks. This is no blob. Calling the baby names (like blob, clump of cells, zygote etc) is just a way to minimalize it. It is a growing baby. To kill it is despicable imo. The word "abortion" is a pc way of saying "baby-killing". Pregnancy is preventable. Baby-killing is never ok.

LIFE, technically, begins at conception, in that it grows and metabolizes, but CONSCIOUSNESS doesn't.

Calling it a zygote is not 'namecalling'. 'Zygote' is the medical word for a fertilized egg.

Do you honestly see a cluster of cells as a baby? I don't hear those little jellylike orbs crying, or waving their arms and legs about.

Pregnancy is not always preventable. Even the most reliable methods of contraception sometimes fail. Even HYSTERECTOMY can fail (yeah, I heard of a woman who had it done then got an ectopic pregnancy and nearly hemorrhaged to death).

What if the girl is too young to have the child safely?? You would force a 13 year old who scarcely has flared hips, to have the child and face the dangers? Nice. Very Christian of you.
Well, the zealots have got the "Personhood" on the ballot again this season....


My question is why do they continue to use the phrase "when life begins"? I'm sorry but dealing with ignorant morons gives me a massive headache. The debate is NOT about "when life begins". Every cell in your body is 'life'. A sperm is alive. An egg is life (although both of those are haploid cells an cannot divide and grow). A zygote is life. So what?

... You would force a 13 year old who scarcely has flared hips, to have the child and face the dangers? Nice. Very Christian of you.
I wouldn't force anyone to do anything. It's their choice. I just find baby-killing repulsive. This is not about me so you can stop the personal
attacks. :(
In what particular aspect?

Let's break it down to what it is.

Is it illegal to Kill?
Yes, but not always. Some circumstances allow for necessity to kill. Some circumstances show killing as murder. Abortion can be veiwed very similarly.

It is not Lori's body that is in question. Rather, the body of the CHILD that is in question.

This is completely wrong. The ONLY body that counts is Lori's. A fully realized person. She harbors a parasite (that she ma love more than her own life and has a right to see it through to birth no matter what happens to her - it's her choice) that can and often does kill the host. Think of it that way. The fetus is not a person. Cannot feel any sensation until (my understanding) at minimum the beginning of T3, has no neocortex, and therefore no consciousness, no hopes, fears, dreams, etc. that define a person. Lori has and always will have (whether it's legal or not - check the history and stats) ultimate veto power over this non-person growing in her womb. As it should be.

He intentions in getting pregnant are totally irrelevant. There is no moral wrong that can be committed against a non-person.

As an aside, The Great Apes and Dolphins, to name a few, have (we are coming to learn) all of the attributes required for personhood. Factor that into your assessments...
I wouldn't force anyone to do anything. It's their choice. I just find baby-killing repulsive. This is not about me so you can stop the personal
attacks. :(

But your use of the word "baby" to describe a T1 to T2 zygote / fetus is inflammatory and implies that other pro-choice people are somehow morally beneath you. Stop doing it.
Yeah, I would sooner vote for "Personhood" for great apes then fetuses...

Maybe I'll start a movement to get that on the ballot...
Yeah, I would sooner vote for "Personhood" for great apes then fetuses...

Maybe I'll start a movement to get that on the ballot...

Yep. I find the killing of innocent "persons" of any sentient species to be repulsive.
I wouldn't force anyone to do anything. It's their choice. I just find baby-killing repulsive. This is not about me so you can stop the personal
attacks. :(

I'm attacking the things you say. Not you as a person.

Yay, at least you don't believe in forcing people to have babies.

By the way, as others said, please quit calling abortion baby-killing. A zygote or a recently divided fertilized egg is not a baby. As superluminal said, too, something with no neocortex has no consciousness and therefore is not a being.
If a person kills a pregnant woman he is charged with two murders. Why? Because that baby is a life. And yet abortion is legal. What a contradiction.
I'm attacking the things you say. Not you as a person.

Yay, at least you don't believe in forcing people to have babies.

By the way, as others said, please quit calling abortion baby-killing. A zygote or a recently divided fertilized egg is not a baby. As superluminal said, too, something with no neocortex has no consciousness and therefore is not a being.

That means I can kill a vegetable ( not the food, a brain dead person ) and nobody will care?
If a person kills a pregnant woman he is charged with two murders. Why? Because that baby is a life. And yet abortion is legal. What a contradiction.

1) The double murder charge is statutory. Meaning that the state has decided that the killing of the fetus is punishable under the same laws that govern the killing of the mother because...

2) ... not only was the mothers right to her life taken illegally, but her fetus was also illegally killed by an outside force. This in no way contradicts the sovereign right of a person to control the fate of their own body.

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