
madanthonywayne said:
I would limit abortion based on fetal development to probably 6-8 weeks. This has nothing whatsoever to do with "controlling" anyone. It has to do only with protecting innocent life.

What limits would you place on killing adult animals and eating them?
Your scenario is certainly misogynistic. But you can't expect people to take you seriously if you try to portray legal roadblocks to abortion on demand as a way to protect women from misogyny.
I'm pointing out that abortion itself can be used to "control women". Abortion absolutists go around assigning motives to people that don't agree with them as though they could read their minds. Never realizing that your position is just as inflexible and simplistic as the anti-abortion absolutists you hate. You're two sides of the same coin.
It removes her right to decide what is best for herself and puts it in the hands of faceless bureaucrats.
No, it removes her "right" to kill someone who has the misfortune of being located in her uterus. She can do whatever she wants to 'herself'.

And if you've read the whole thread, you'll see that I base my limits on brain function in the baby. I have no objection to the morning after pill when the baby is still just a mass of cells. But once it has a brain, it stops being a 'mass of cells', and becomes a person.

What limits would you place on killing adult animals and eating them?
None whatsoever. I don't treat humans and animals as if there was no difference between them. They are different. And animals are a natural, healthy part of our diet.

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I'm pointing out that abortion itself can be used to "control women".
Only if it is done against her will. In your scenario, a woman could carry the child to term, and sue for child support (and almost certainly win). The fact that she could choose to end the pregnancy does not mean she is compelled to.

Abortion absolutists go around assigning motives to people that don't agree with them as though they could read their minds.

If you don't have an aversion to abortion based on some religious dogma, please enlighten us. What is the basis for your opposition to the status quo?

The best opponents can hope for is for Roe V Wade to be overturned. This would leave it to the states, which would result in a patchwork quilt of legal limitations, outright bans, and states like California where there is virtually no chance of anything changing. Poor women in states where it is banned would have to try and leave the state, and there might even be legislation making it illegal to leave the state to seek an abortion. That would bring the back alley abortionists back, leading all of the negative consequences of underground abortions. Death, sterility, maybe even jail time. The wealthy would be able to leave with no consequence.

Never realizing that your position is just as inflexible and simplistic as the anti-abortion absolutists you hate. You're two sides of the same coin.

Yes, allowing people to seek abortions is just the same as telling them that they cannot.
If you don't have an aversion to abortion based on some religious dogma, please enlighten us. What is the basis for your opposition to the status quo?
I believe that, at some point in the pregnancy, the "fetus" becomes a baby. Past that point, killing it is murder unless done in self defense (imminent threat of death), or the baby is so sick it won't survive anyway.

Do you believe abortion should be legal until the moment the baby is actually born? Why not?
Yes, allowing people to seek abortions is just the same as telling them that they cannot.
Claiming that anyone who disagrees with you has bad motives, is a misogynist, and want to control women is the same as an anti-abortion person saying all those in favor of abortion are evil. It's the demonization of your opponents that makes you the same.
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Really? You're really asking that question?

Madanthonywayne said:

How is banning abortion exercising dominion over women?

You're telling women they don't have governance over a part of their own body.

Ah, yes. The Tiassa "I don't take you seriously" maneuver. A classic.

Well, why should anyone take you seriously?

Do I remember every woman I ever hit on? Hell no.

That's beside the point. I could care less if you remember them. Hell, I wouldn't know the names of some of the people I've hit on.

And why would an affidavit be needed?

Just to clear things up. You're so intent on blaming the woman for something that requires two people's genetic material that I'm trying to remind you of the man's responsibility.
On health and emancipation

Source: Planned Parenthood
Title: "Roe v. Wade: Its History and Impact", by Susanne Pichler (revised by Deborah Golub, MPH)
Date: December 29, 2006 (May 16, 2007)

I came across this while following up on another topic. There is some information worth considering here:

In 1965, abortion was so unsafe that 17 percent of all deaths due to pregnancy and childbirth were the result of illegal abortion (Gold, 1999; NCHS, 1967). Today, abortion is one of the most commonly performed clinical procedures, and fewer than 0.3 percent of women undergoing legal abortion procedures sustain a serious complication (Boonstra et al., 2006; Henshaw, 1999). The risk of death associated with abortion increases with the length of pregnancy, from one death for every one million vacuum aspiration abortions at eight or fewer weeks to 8.9 deaths after 20 weeks’ gestation (Boonstra et al., 2006). In 2003, the maternal mortality rate in the U.S. was 12.1 deaths per 100,000 live births — a significant difference in maternal mortality rates between terminating a pregnancy by abortion after 20 weeks’ gestation and carrying it to term (Hoyert et al., 2006; Paul et al., 1999). The risk of death from medication abortion through 63 days’ gestation is about one per 100,000 procedures (Grimes, 2005). In comparison, the risk of death from miscarriage is about one per 100,000 (Saraiya et al., 1999). And the risk of death associated with childbirth is about 10 times as high as that associated with all abortion (Christiansen & Collins, 2006).

The right to make childbearing decisions has also enabled women to pursue educational and employment opportunities that were often unthinkable before Roe. The Supreme Court noted in 1992 that “the ability of women to participate equally in the economic and social life of the Nation has been facilitated by their ability to control their reproductive lives (Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, 1992).” Justice Harry Blackmun, the author of Roe, called the decision “a step that had to be taken as we go down the road toward the full emancipation of women (Greenhouse, 1994).”

([url=http://www.plannedparenthood.org/issues-action/courts-judiciary/roe-v-wade-6578.htm]Pichler and Golub
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No, it removes her "right" to kill someone who has the misfortune of being located in her uterus.

Arguments can be had, of course, over how much of a "someone" there is to be killed.

What seems to be largely ignored by pro-lifers are all the responsibilities and obligations that go with carrying a child to term and providing for it thereafter. Abortion is so often not just a matter of mere "convenience" or whim, although it is often portrayed as such, and admittedly it can be for a few.

And if you've read the whole thread, you'll see that I base my limits on brain function in the baby. I have no objection to the morning after pill when the baby is still just a mass of cells. But once it has a brain, it stops being a 'mass of cells', and becomes a person.

That's fair enough. Everybody has to draw the line somewhere, as I said to Lou Natic.

Is that line absolute for you, or are you willing to adjust depending on circumstances? If the continued pregnancy would threaten the life of the mother, would you permit termination? What about if it would have long-term negative health implications for the mother? What about long-term psychological effects?

None whatsoever. I don't treat humans and animals as if there was no difference between them. They are different. And animals are a natural, healthy part of our diet.

This is an argument for another thread, and I think we've already had it. My position is that it is hypocritical to proclaim that you are "pro-life" and at the same time advocate the death penalty for crimes, meat-eating as a lifestyle choice and the bombing of people labelled as terrorists. And yet, so often we find people who claim to hold all those views simultaneously. It suggests to me that they don't have a consistent moral compass.

Do you believe abortion should be legal until the moment the baby is actually born? Why not?

I believe that it ought to depend on the individual circumstances. And I mean ALL the circumstances, not just a consideration of the interests of the "baby". Late-term abortions should only be performed with good reason.

On the other hand, I am very wary of the slide down the slippery slope. Once you start limiting the time that abortion is theoretically available, there's a risk of chipping away and chipping away until suddenly we find that legal abortion is no longer permitted in any circumstance. Then, we're back to the bad old days of backyard abortionists killing both child and mother.
Is that line absolute for you, or are you willing to adjust depending on circumstances? If the continued pregnancy would threaten the life of the mother, would you permit termination? What about if it would have long-term negative health implications for the mother? What about long-term psychological effects?
Life of mother? That's self defense. I'd certainly allow it at any point in the pregnancy. Health? It would depend on the exact circumstance. But overall, yes. Again under the concept of self defense. But I would absolutely not allow any "mental health" exception. That's been shown to be a blank check.
My position is that it is hypocritical to proclaim that you are "pro-life" and at the same time advocate the death penalty for crimes
, meat-eating as a lifestyle choice and the bombing of people labelled as terrorists.
The issue is protecting innocent human life. Protect the innocent, punish the guilty, fight evil. Very consistent in my eyes.
yes, the guy who go the girl pregnant should have a say, but he shouldn't have the final say.

I think some of you have a fairy tale view of the father sticking around.
Do you believe abortion should be legal until the moment the baby is actually born? Why not?

Being a relatively normal human, I'll admit to some discomfort over late term abortions. It's a good thing they are extremely rare. Whether or not they should happen is between a woman and her doctor.
Of the 1.6 million abortions performed in the U.S. each year, 91 percent are performed during the first trimester (12 or fewer weeks' gestation); 9 percent are performed in the second trimester (24 or fewer weeks' gestation); and only about 100 are performed in the third trimester (more than 24 weeks' gestation), approximately .01 percent of all abortions performed.

Claiming that anyone who disagrees with you has bad motives, is a misogynist, and want to control women is the same as an anti-abortion person saying all those in favor of abortion are evil. It's the demonization of your opponents that makes you the same.

There may be some who are genuinely pro life. People who aren't drunk on religious dogma, aren't pro war and pro death penalty. I've at least heard of some Catholics who tried to be consistent about those issues (but then they undercut their credibility by being against sperm banks because of their opposition to masturbation!). But you never hear from these people. But who could forget Randall Terry, the leader of Operation Rescue?

I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good ... if a Christian voted for Clinton, he sinned against God. It's that simple. Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a biblical duty, we are called by God to conquer this country... "

"There is no difference between killing a four year-old child and aborting a pre-born 3-month-old [fetus]."

"I am not a pacifist, I celebrate the Fourth of July and all that that means, which was guns and bullets to get freedom."

I don't have to demonize these people; hearing the insanity they spew does that well enough. Not all who oppose abortion are in favor of a theocracy, but I've never heard of a proponent of theocracy who wasn't rabidly anti-abortion (and birth control as well for that matter).

Anyone even passingly familiar with the history of the issue in this country knows that things were not better for women when abortions were criminalized.

If you are truly pro life, you could impress me by putting your money where your mouth is. Supporting a less belligerent foreign policy, universal health care (babies are expensive, and economics plays a major role in the decision to terminate a pregnancy) subsidized day care, subsidized birth control.

The overwhelming majority of those who oppose abortion are motivated by a desire to punish those who live in a way that does not meet with their approval (and it's almost always justified with religious dogma). Nothing posted in this thread has changed my mind about that.
Being a relatively normal human, I'll admit to some discomfort over late term abortions. It's a good thing they are extremely rare. Whether or not they should happen is between a woman and her doctor.


There may be some who are genuinely pro life. People who aren't drunk on religious dogma, aren't pro war and pro death penalty. I've at least heard of some Catholics who tried to be consistent about those issues (but then they undercut their credibility by being against sperm banks because of their opposition to masturbation!). But you never hear from these people. But who could forget Randall Terry, the leader of Operation Rescue?

I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good ... if a Christian voted for Clinton, he sinned against God. It's that simple. Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a biblical duty, we are called by God to conquer this country... "

"There is no difference between killing a four year-old child and aborting a pre-born 3-month-old [fetus]."

"I am not a pacifist, I celebrate the Fourth of July and all that that means, which was guns and bullets to get freedom."

I don't have to demonize these people; hearing the insanity they spew does that well enough. Not all who oppose abortion are in favor of a theocracy, but I've never heard of a proponent of theocracy who wasn't rabidly anti-abortion (and birth control as well for that matter).

Anyone even passingly familiar with the history of the issue in this country knows that things were not better for women when abortions were criminalized.

If you are truly pro life, you could impress me by putting your money where your mouth is. Supporting a less belligerent foreign policy, universal health care (babies are expensive, and economics plays a major role in the decision to terminate a pregnancy) subsidized day care, subsidized birth control.

The overwhelming majority of those who oppose abortion are motivated by a desire to punish those who live in a way that does not meet with their approval (and it's almost always justified with religious dogma). Nothing posted in this thread has changed my mind about that.

i am with you on this repo
Being a relatively normal human, I'll admit to some discomfort over late term abortions. It's a good thing they are extremely rare. Whether or not they should happen is between a woman and her doctor.
So if a woman decides to abort her full term infant, while she's in labor because she's pissed at the biological father, no problem? But once the baby passes thru the birth canal, then it's murder? Well, like they say: location, location, location.
There may be some who are genuinely pro life. People who aren't drunk on religious dogma, aren't pro war and pro death penalty.
Why is it so hard for you to differentiate between protecting innocent human life, and punishing the worst criminals? There is no contradiction there whatsoever. You execute murderers, in part, to help protect the innocent.
I've at least heard of some Catholics who tried to be consistent about those issues (but then they undercut their credibility by being against sperm banks because of their opposition to masturbation!).
But you never hear from these people. But who could forget Randall Terry, the leader of Operation Rescue?
Clearly, he's a zealot.
I don't have to demonize these people; hearing the insanity they spew does that well enough.
Quoting one of the most extreme zealots as though he were representative of the majority of pro-life people is demonizing them.
If you are truly pro life, you could impress me by putting your money where your mouth is. Supporting a less belligerent foreign policy, universal health care (babies are expensive, and economics plays a major role in the decision to terminate a pregnancy) subsidized day care, subsidized birth control.
LOL. So I have to be a pacifist socialist to not want to murder babies? What about you, if you support all that other stuff (I'll bet you do), why aren't you pro-life? Isn't that inconsistent? Shouldn't you also support the death penalty, since there's no difference between murdering babies and executing convicted murderers? Oh, and shouldn't you also be "pro-war"?
The overwhelming majority of those who oppose abortion are motivated by a desire to punish those who live in a way that does not meet with their approval (and it's almost always justified with religious dogma). Nothing posted in this thread has changed my mind about that.
Stop assigning motives to people. What are you, the Amazing Kreskin?
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So if a woman decides to abort her full term infant, while she's in labor because she's pissed at the biological father, no problem? But once the baby passes thru the birth canal, then it's murder? Well, like they say: location, location, location.
This is a ludicrous straw man fallacy. You are harming your credibility if you think that even approaches a serious counterpoint.
Why is it so hard for you to differentiate between protecting innocent human life, and punishing the worst criminals? There is no contradiction there whatsoever. You execute murderers, in part, to help protect the innocent.

Killing people in order to impress on people that killing is wrong? Doesn't the book you believe in say "Thou shalt not kill"?
Romans 12:19-21 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave itto the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” 20 To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Clearly, he's a zealot.
Quoting one of the most extreme zealots as though he were representative of the majority of pro-life people is demonizing them.

He was the leader of one of the largest, and most vocal "pro life" groups in the U.S. Where are all of the moderates who denounce him? When operation rescue was in full swing in the early '90s, I certainly don't remember any mainstream Christians denouncing him, or his tactics. Nor have I come across any since then.

LOL. So I have to be a pacifist socialist to not want to murder babies? What about you, if you support all that other stuff (I'll bet you do), why aren't you pro-life? Isn't that inconsistent? Shouldn't you also support the death penalty, since there's no difference between murdering babies and executing convicted murderers? Oh, and shouldn't you also be "pro-war"?

Though I'm in favor of the status quo, I'm also in favor of any alternatives that might reduce the need for an abortion in the first place. The crucial difference is that I believe they should be freely chosen, rather than enforced by the state. If couples choose to have an abortion rather than a baby because they have no insurance, and cannot pay for the medical expenses, that is tragic. If they are choosing to have an abortion rather than a baby because they could not get birth control, or they weren't educated in its proper use, that is tragic. The list goes on and on.

My stance is always in favor of reducing or eliminating suffering. That means no wars that could have been avoided, because war will always mean the death of innocents.

Stop assigning motives to people. What are you, the Amazing Kreskin?

You don't need clairvoyance; all it takes is reading what the majority of anti- abortion people freely say.
yes, the guy who go the girl pregnant should have a say, but he shouldn't have the final say.

I think some of you have a fairy tale view of the father sticking around.

no your right fathers dont alwasy stick around, so should young girls have abortions just in case the father walks away?
I'll grant you this much MadAnt; you're at least willing to allow for some legal abortion, and you don't seem to have an objection to birth control. With people like this out there, you seem moderate and sane by comparison.

After Idalia and Jose Moran's son was born by C-section, Idalia Moran's doctor advised her not to get pregnant again for two to three years, and prescribed the pill.

When she went to the pharmacy, the cashier said, "You know what? I cannot refill them because the pharmacist says it's against his religion because it's abortion."

Moran told CBS she was stunned and ashamed.

"I felt really bad, because I thought maybe these are for abortion," Moran said. "I don't know."

Across the country, more and more pharmacists are refusing to fill prescriptions for religious reasons.
Orleander i think you should devide two issues here. One being comited relationships and the other being short term relationships

In the first YES most fathers will stick around to deal with it. Of corse there is a chance that they wouldnt but then sometime in the future the mother might walk away from the family too so thats an irrational argument

In short term relationships however your right people are likly to walk away. They arnt comited to eachother so why should they be comited to a child.

At this point i would like to ask a question of you.

Say you had a one night stand and got pregnant, the father says "ill pay half the abortion costs". You say "no thanks im keeping it". Would you then feel you had anyright to force the father to pay for that desision?
no your right fathers dont alwasy stick around, so should young girls have abortions just in case the father walks away?

No, but I think the say should be hers. Not the guy who got her pregnant, not her parents who judge, not her friends who gossip, etc.

Its a personal decision being made one woman at a time. I don't understand why so many people think they have a say in it. (especially the men)
...Say you had a one night stand and got pregnant, the father says "ill pay half the abortion costs". You say "no thanks im keeping it". Would you then feel you had anyright to force the father to pay for that desision?

Yep. There is an easier way for him to control who has his children than by telling women to get an abortion. Its called wearing a condom or not having sex.