
the fetus is in the woman's body.

if babies are in heaven just waiting in line for a body, who cares if they have to wait a little longer. i wouldve thought god would have been wise enough to understand supply and demand
Preexistance of souls is not believed by most christians.
well then what are we arguing about?

the fetus is a growth in the woman's body, if she doesnt it want it there, it shouldnt have to be there.
Excuse me, but in my few it's not about life; but more about sentient life. I wouldn't make a differnce between a foetus and say a lab-rat. Both show to few sentient ability for me to object to there deaths. And i'm definitly against people saying:" that a women MUST carry her foetus to it's full term". WHO in the world gives a person the right to judge and meddle in someone's private live, especially during times when they are vunerable and emotioly stressed.

ps. I wonder how may of the prolifers, were pro-war
Shrubby...There are always two sides to every story. Yes, rape is a cruel act. But, I'd like to think a woman is intelligent enough to know that the child she is carrying is not just the rapest, but it's her baby as well. How does justifying destoying a new life any better than the rape itself?
If for that reason and that reason alone...I feel a woman would want the satisfatction of turning something negative into something positive.
You are trying to comment on something you know nothing about. Every woman is different. Some may want an abortion, others may not. It all depends on the person.

I'm a woman who lost a full term baby after carrying him for nine months. I'll tell you one thing. From the time of conception, he was "my child" who was growing inside me. You never forget about the life you lost regardless of how old the fetus was. I wouldn't wish this on anybody. A child is a part of you. There's not a day that goes by I wonder what could have been.
But that's YOUR opinion! Don't you see? YOUR opinion. Not every pregnant woman has your opinion!

Just cells? Most abortions are done after eight weeks. Have you ever looked at an eight week old fetus?
I heard that most abortions are done before 4 months... hmmmmmm
the fetus shows no emergent properties of the human. it is not a life in the terms that a human is.

dna does not define a human either. that website galt purports to prove something is some sort arbitrary attempt at extrapolating unsubstantiated assumptions. dna does not think, it does not run, it is not conscious, it cannot learn to read, write, do math, ride a bike, play baseball, etc. fact is dna is not a person nor does it show any of the properties of the person. locating dna somewhere does not make something a person either. the fetus has dna, a stem cell has dna, and my hand has dna in it. fact is, none of these things are people.

galt i am sure you result in the death of things with dna everyday. how can you be such a murderer? sperm and an egg have dna as well. is not fertilizing an egg also an abortion

the analogy between a fetus and a brain damaged person it totally flawed. the fundamental premise is lacking. the fetus is not a person so it cannot be compared in this way. furthermore, i see no problem in taking a person off the ventilator or whatever and letting him die. there comes a point where people must realize the brain is too damaged, this person's is mind is gone. the only thing left is a shell. to keep that person alive in that manner is simlply selfish. i speak on this point from experience. my mom fell off a ladder and hit her head. sure we could have kept her alive longer on a ventilator and artificial nourishment, but doing so was only a selfish endeavor. she had been a coma for 3 months already and showed no sign of recovery. the doctors made it clear from the beginning her brain was no longer functioning. pulling the plug is the humane thing to do.

sorry hare, i was in a hurry this morning when i left for my lab.
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Sorry about your mum, pegasus.

You make good arguments. Can you paragraph them? I find it a bit difficult to read a huge chunk of text. Thanx.