
It would be so cramped to be in a comma for nine months.

I haven't seen such a shitload of baseless assertions and empty prating outside of Dr. Laura.
Originally posted by airavata
abortion should be made legal everywhere. when the mother carries the foetus inside her, the foetus is not a seperate life. it s a part of the mother, if the mother dies, it dies. a person should be able to have control over any part of his body. if a person can cut off his hand or foot, why not carry out an abortion. it's the mother's wish entirely, and if she so wishes, who are we to say no?

A DNA test would determine whether the unborn child is separate being or just a mass of tissue inside the womb of the mother.
The baby is a seperate life from the
mother yet it is also dependant on the mother
seen by the baby kicking. The blood type of the unborn baby and the born baby are the same and can be different from the mother.
dna test would not show anything. all tissue is going to have dna. i think this is a moot point. it is still a simple system of celss
Pro Chioce

Thus far, the best anti-abortion arguements has been that the child may be a life thus killing it would be murder. All the other arguments were baseless and thougthless.

To address the only near valid arguement...

I do agree that the fetus, embryo, baby...whatever is alive. But to what extent does it exsist? If a man became brain-dead after an accident and his family decided to pull the plug, why is it not murder? People decide that the man's "quality of life" is so minisucle (if there at all) that he would be better off dead. A baby's "quality of life" at 8 months and 29 days couldn't be much more exciting then a man in a coma, so what's the problem with aborting it? Compare the baby's consciousness at nine months (which probably amounts to that of a happy carrot) to the stress and drama of a women who wants to abort her child for whatever reason. The baby has very little to lose if aborted compared to the mother who is looking at a lifetime of unwanted hardship. Think on that.
Originally posted by Siddhartha
I'm not trying to start a fight, merely to present another side of the argument. You stated that it's ok to kill the baby because it would be difficult for the mother emotionally or mentally.
If I have emotional difficulty with my ex-girlfriend, is it ok for me to kill her? On what grounds does emotional pain and difficulty make it ok to kill and why?

Do you frequenty date amionetic fluid in a sac. Or are you in the habits of calling a grown human that can whip you to shape a blood clot....Please go get a prespective before you start advocating that we jeoperdize our women mental and physical health over amionetic flduid.
I do agree that the fetus, embryo, baby...whatever is alive. But to what extent does it exsist? If a man became brain-dead after an accident and his family decided to pull the plug, why is it not murder? People decide that the man's "quality of life" is so minisucle (if there at all) that he would be better off dead. A baby's "quality of life" at 8 months and 29 days couldn't be much more exciting then a man in a coma, so what's the problem with aborting it? Compare the baby's consciousness at nine months (which probably amounts to that of a happy carrot) to the stress and drama of a women who wants to abort her child for whatever reason. The baby has very little to lose if aborted compared to the mother who is looking at a lifetime of unwanted hardship. Think on that.
Ok one of my best friends was in a comma for 9 or so months.
Do we pull the plug on him? Often time those in
a comma effectly lose much of their consciousness
and are pretty much mentaly retarded. The
time, money and surgery to keep him alive was around a million
bucks and was much more than the cost of keeping a baby.
The stress and drama do not need to be there but
it is irrevalent. The stress is general side effect of
a corrupted society that places weight on sex without
the consequences. If more of society did see pregant
mothers in school then their would not be as much stigma.
After the birth the child she can give up her baby to adoption
and so its not really a lifetime but 9 months.
Reasons why I'm pro-choice:

1) Fetuses have no friends or loved-ones. There will be no mourning of it's death.

2) Fetuses have no precious life memories that will be lost, or enough life experience to dred the concept of death. Simply put, the fetuses don't care one way or the other.

3) Fetuses probably don't perceive much pain, if any at all. Don't ask me to prove this, because it doesn't matter anyway. Laws can be made to use maditory anithestic(spell-check).

4) Fetuses have no more potential than any of the millions of other possible sperm/egg combinations that never came to be. Potential means nothing unless that potential is perceived and wanted by a life. Our highly emotional attachment to potential life experience should not be transfered no a non-emotional, virtually lifeless organism.

5) A mother should not have to suffer through life, just so some slimey, worthless bag of cells can have a life.

If you were disgusted by my previous sentence, then you need to be more objective about this subject. There is no need for emotional transference to fetuses. Fetuses are not emotional creatures.
1) Fetuses have no friends or loved-ones. There will be no mourning of it's death.
Unfortuantly no. I love all unborn childs and all innocents.
This is one of the crimes that cry up to God as well yet
you are robbing the unborn even the chance to cry.

2) Fetuses have no precious life memories that will be lost, or enough life experience to dred the concept of death. Simply put, the fetutes don't care one way or the other.
I do not dread death nor do I base a moral system
on the fear of death.

3) Fetuses probably don't perceive much pain, if any at all. Don't ask me to prove this, because it doesn't matter anyway. Laws can be made to use maditory anithestic(spell-check).
What does pain have to prove here?

5) A mother should not have to suffer through life, just so some slimey, worthless bag of cells can have a life.

If you were disgusted by my previous sentence, then you need to be more objective about this subject. There is no need for emotional transference to fetuses. Fetuses are not emotional creatures.
You are not an emotional creature either.

You are not an emotional creature either.

You are right, I'm am not as emotional as other people. That usually keeps me on the right path in my opinion. Anyhow, I am a very understanding and caring person, which is why I feel so strongly about my views on abortion. I care about the mothers because they are the ones who suffer, not the fetuses.

Unfortuantly no. I love all unborn childs and all innocents.
This is one of the crimes that cry up to God as well yet
you are robbing the unborn even the chance to cry.

All I can really say about this is that you are obviously too emotional a person if you love fetuses that much. Emotion should not be your moral compass.
All I can really say about this is that you are obviously too emotional a person if you love fetuses that much. Emotion should not be your moral compass.
I believe in the heart that exist outside the emotional and physical realm. Nevertheless it is certain that we cannot use only rational thinking to develop our morals. It is only possible to
decompose specific actions into primative moral
situations that we "know" to be immoral.
Abortion is MURDER!!!!!

When God created the Ten Commandments, he stated in commandment # 6 saying that thou shalt not kill, meaning that one may not take another's life. By doing this you are not only going against gods wishes but you are commiting an unlawful crime, MURDER! In the Old Testament, even before the law, God
said," Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed:for the image of god made he man"(Genesis 9:6) No-matter what way you look at it, abortion will ALWAYS be murder. It is the equivlent of murder, and in this instance the murder of an unborn infant. Like ANY other act of killing it is murder. Secondly, the fetus is a human being- a person- from the time of conception. Some persons have foolishly said that the unborn child is nothing more than a blob of flesh, but it is simply not true! The bible also teaches that the
fetus, from conception is a person and, consequently, a living soul! Third, the psychological pain of abortion is never quite erased from the mother'd heart and mind. The mother will always wonder: What would the baby have looked like? Would he have looked like me? Would he have curly hair? What color would his hair have been? Would it have been a boy or a girl? The fact is that abortion is a sin. Killing an unborn child is a terrible sin and again it is murder! To slay the innocent because he cannot protest or swear out a warrent is a sin as well.The scripture says,"Be sure your sin WILL find you out."(Numbers 32:23) Where do we go from here? Will the next class of humanity be destroyed? No, abortion is NOT of God. It is totally ungodly, a terrible case of man's inhumanity to man, and one day man will answer to God for this terrible sin. :mad:
ok to me the bible is a book written by people. i do not believe the claims it makes. also having an abortion is not murder. you are killing a parasitic group of cells. cells donot equal a person!
The one true God.

ok to me the bible is a book written by people. i do not believe the claims it makes. also having an abortion is not murder. you are killing a parasitic group of cells. cells donot equal a person!
The group of cells have all the information
to turn into a full grown adult correct? Thus
you are in fact effectively killing an adult.
incorrect okinrus. potential does not equate with actual. it is a group of cells that is dependent on the mother for its development. if the mother does not want these cells to develop for whatever reason she can cease it. this occurs all the time in nature with birds. or in many animals if the mother spots a drain on her resources amongst her litter she will eat it. :)
the only thing a mother is effectively doing is removing an undue burden on her life. the mother must way her potential over that of the undeveloped cells. okinrus you should really study some biology
Originally posted by okinrus
The one true God.

The group of cells have all the information
to turn into a full grown adult correct? Thus
you are in fact effectively killing an adult.
It still needs nutrients, etc.

My sperm has information needed to turn into a full grown adult correct? Thus if I do not go out and have sex (by rape if necessary) I am in fact effectively killing an adult.

You can take this back even further if you want. The point is that it isn't a very valid argument because it is based on 'what ifs'. The simple fact is that you consider a pre-fetus as being human while others do not. Niether side really has any backing for when a human is human, and thus has no right to regulate it.

When God created the Ten Commandments...
Problem 1: not everybody believes this, which makes the point void. Let's just assume you are right here though...

By doing this you are not only going against gods wishes but you are commiting an unlawful crime, MURDER!

So when I take antibiotics, am I a murderer? Do you eat plants or vegtables? That's (as you put it) MURDER! If you are only talking about humans, we have another problem. Is it human?

Secondly, the fetus is a human being- a person- from the time of conception. Some persons have foolishly said that the unborn child is nothing more than a blob of flesh, but it is simply not true!

You'll forgive me if I say that what you said "is simply not true!" If you have no logical reason to believe it, don't claim it as the truth.

Third, the psychological pain of abortion is never quite erased from the mother'd heart and mind.

That's not any reason to take the option away from the mother. The physical pain and burden of childbirth is never quite erased either. The mother will always wonder: What could I have done with my life if I didn't have this brat?

The fact is that abortion is a sin.

Lol, it's been upgraded to a fact now. That's some weak definition of 'fact' you are using.

No, abortion is NOT of God. It is totally ungodly

No, the internet is NOT of God. It is totally ungodly. You are going to hell. Burn baby burn.

a terrible case of man's inhumanity to man, and one day man will answer to God for this terrible sin

In conlusion, it's not a sin just because your book says it is. If you can't find any better reasons please shut it.
incorrect okinrus. potential does not equate with actual. it is a group of cells that is dependent on the mother for its development. if the mother does not want these cells to develop for whatever reason she can cease it. this occurs all the time in nature with birds. or in many animals if the mother spots a drain on her resources amongst her litter she will eat it.
the only thing a mother is effectively doing is removing an undue burden on her life. the mother must way her potential over that of the undeveloped cells. okinrus you should really study some biology
All living beings in this world need nutrients.
The fetus has all the genetic information to form
into an adult. If science and computing advances enough to
look at the DNA and determine physical
attributes you could even create a picture
at 5 years old. The only difference here
is that one is further on the path than the other.

My sperm has information needed to turn into a full grown adult correct? Thus if I do not go out and have sex (by rape if necessary) I am in fact effectively killing an adult.
No your missing the genetic information of the female.
Until the egg is fertilize we do not have a human being
because we do not know the DNA of fetus.
Nonexistance of birth is not death since to kill you must
kill a living human being.

So when I take antibiotics, am I a murderer? Do you eat plants or vegtables? That's (as you put it) MURDER! If you are only talking about humans, we have another problem. Is it human?
Yes. The DNA of the fetus is the same DNA of the born baby.