

Reality is in the Minds Eye
Registered Senior Member
I have extreme views on abortion and they are: It is only a "good thing" if the woman was a victim of rape or may die if she has the baby.. in ALL other cases I see it as wrong. One reason I am so against it because a Dr. or two tried to get my mom to abort me but being the good woman that she is, I was let live. Look at me. I have rights, just because they kill me when I'm young doesn't mean I shouldn't have human rights. As the old saying goes:"A nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope."
I agree with you

Abortion should only be considered if rape is involved. I do not judge people for having it done above it all, I guess we cannot truely understand what is going on in the persons head at the time. I used to think it should be ok for everyone to do but as I matured I realized it is taking an inoccent life before it has a chance to truely live.

Have a good day!!
Indeed, yet I think it is wrong on any and every level, I shall be back to support my statement.
abortion should be made legal everywhere. when the mother carries the foetus inside her, the foetus is not a seperate life. it s a part of the mother, if the mother dies, it dies. a person should be able to have control over any part of his body. if a person can cut off his hand or foot, why not carry out an abortion. it's the mother's wish entirely, and if she so wishes, who are we to say no?
Originally posted by airavata
abortion should be made legal everywhere. when the mother carries the foetus inside her, the foetus is not a seperate life. it s a part of the mother, if the mother dies, it dies. a person should be able to have control over any part of his body. if a person can cut off his hand or foot, why not carry out an abortion. it's the mother's wish entirely, and if she so wishes, who are we to say no?

Airavata, you make claims that can't be backed up. Where did you get your information saying that the foetus is not a seperate life? There is no accurate way of identifying when a new 'life' starts. Some say its from the moment sperm enters an egg, others say its when the foetal stage of development begins. The fact is, no one knows or has evidence to proove this. Therefore, ending the development of a foetus, at the moment, is not the same as cutting off a limb, for all we know, it's murder.
I agree with Airvata,
I'm prochoice. And for ManmadeUFOs, you should be prochoice too, because if it wasn't for your mom choice, you wouldn't be here. You are not here because of anti abortion laws, you are here because of woman choice. Women don't need a law to force them to carry a baby, women carry their babies because they want to and love them to death.
Airavata, you make claims that can't be backed up. Where did you get your information saying that the foetus is not a seperate life? There is no accurate way of identifying when a new 'life' starts. Some say its from the moment sperm enters an egg, others say its when the foetal stage of development begins. The fact is, no one knows or has evidence to proove this. Therefore, ending the development of a foetus, at the moment, is not the same as cutting off a limb, for all we know, it's murder.

you can argue all you want about biological technicalities. the fact is, if the mother dies, the baby dies. that dosen't sound like a seperate life to me. the foetus is attached to the mother through it's umbilical cord and is entirely dependant upon the mother for it's nourishment and oxygen. dosen't sound very independant and seperate to me.

fact is, it's a part of the mother's body, and if she wants to kill it, she should be allowed to. society can't impose a limit on what you can do to your body.
There I must definately disagree, you say that a fetus is part of the mother, like a foot or an arm am I correct in saying this?
The fact is that my arm, no matter how long I wait will no fall off of me and go on living and growing. It does not have the ability to spawn an entire generation or reproduce. My arm will never be able to love, or feel pain on it's own.

I suppose you could argue that a fetus will never love or doesn't feel pain on it's own either. To this I shall say that it has the ability to, or shall sortly. From the very time that sperm meets egg does it not now have the ability to become a full fledged human? Yet, you may also argue that since it has the ability to become human it is not a human yet. I shall respond that indeed it will never be able to survive on it's own without the mother the same way that you will not survive without water. However, does this mean that we then have the right to destroy this life? I for one see an inherent value in the life of humans and of cells which may one day become human. I do not collect sperm or eggs because they too may one day become human for in my opinion when an egg meets a sperm inside of a women that is human life and must be protected.

Some argue that people "make mistakes" and should be allowed to make up for them. Well couldn't you consider it a mistake if I shoot someone in the head on accident. Even that way I killed him on accident, with abortion it's intentional.

Men and women shall go off to fight in war. We kill ourselves off and punish each other for it. Yet the business of death has taken a new role. The death of those who know not love, nor pride, nor pity, nor mercy. Those who do not know how life would feel. Please do not argue that the child may have been miserable for even the worst off child felt some laughter in his/her lifetime, some security, some joy at being alive, isn't that worth protecting? Isn't the future worth protecting?
the mother carries the foetus inside her. she is entirely responsible for the survival of the foetus. it's a part of her body so if she wants to kill it and go on living a motherless life, that's her wish. The man-water analogy can be applied to almost anything.... food, clothing etc. They are inanimate.
Fine the water-man analogy is false, but then so is your limb analogy. The fetus cannot survive on it's own, but no matter how much I take care of it it will never be able to take care of itself on it's own. A fetus will grow and let us not forget what it grows into...
i am all for abortion. i think i look at it from a less emotional perspective than you guys though. i look at it biologically. i see the fetus as a simple celled organism. i see an abortion as being no different than dropping an egg on the ground.

some people would argue that the potential the fetus has is the important thing. i dont think potential is adequate justification though. you would have to weigh the potential of the fetus against the potential damage to the woman's lifestyle, hopes, goals, etc. i dont see how anyone can impose their will on the potential that the woman sees for herself. she is afterall the one who is giving the fetus the nourishment and organic material it needs to simply exist.
Why is it ok to abort in event of rape? Is it ok to kill the child because it was not the mother's intention to bear it?
Originally posted by Siddhartha
Why is it ok to abort in event of rape? Is it ok to kill the child because it was not the mother's intention to bear it?

Yes, Rape has serious effects on the women, and raising the product of a rape is not an easy task that all women opt for.

Also, carrying the product of the rape might itself pose much mental and physical stress on the woman that in cases can be unbearable.

The woman choice regarding keeping or not the baby as a rape victim should be respected. I don't think our governments is interested in raping these women rights and adding to these women plight.
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I'm not trying to start a fight, merely to present another side of the argument. You stated that it's ok to kill the baby because it would be difficult for the mother emotionally or mentally.
If I have emotional difficulty with my ex-girlfriend, is it ok for me to kill her? On what grounds does emotional pain and difficulty make it ok to kill and why?
i agree sidd.

how do you determine where to draw the line? it is similar to weighing the potential of te fetus to that of the pregnant mother
If we consider abortion after rape
then we cannot make the claim that
it is killing an innocent human being.
Originally posted by ManmadeUFOs
I have extreme views on abortion and they are: It is only a "good thing" if the woman was a victim of rape or may die if she has the baby.. in ALL other cases I see it as wrong. One reason I am so against it because a Dr. or two tried to get my mom to abort me but being the good woman that she is, I was let live. Look at me. I have rights, just because they kill me when I'm young doesn't mean I shouldn't have human rights. As the old saying goes:"A nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope."

If your mother had aborted you it wouldn't make any difference to you because your conciousness wouldn't exist; and then you wouldn't be here to whine about the possibility.

Listen to Women, especially on issues that involve their health
Originally posted by okinrus
If we consider abortion after rape
then we cannot make the claim that
it is killing an innocent human being.
What has the child in the mother's womb done? Why are you advocating that the child be killed?
What has the child in the mother's womb done? Why are you advocating that the child be killed?
I'm definitly not. We have to be all against this
or not at all. The only specific instance
where abortion cannot be considered
a crime is when the mother is sure to die without
the abortion. The choice here should then be
the mothers but letting the baby live would show

An infant shows more signs of life
than someone in a comma for 9 months.
Both cannot recieve food themselves but one
we choose to abort and the other one lives?

Pretty soon we will evolve into a sparta society
where we will make unfit babies die on the hill.