Abortion in Islam

Then there have been no schisms within Christianity, either - merely sects that attempt to kill each other, and large groups dismissed as "heretics", and so forth.

Thats fine by me; it has no bearing on me at all.

Now in another thread you described abortion as taking place "placidly" and without undue fuss in many Islamic countries.

Sure, but only along the prescribed rules. As I said, most Muslims choose to avoid abortions.

That map shows many large white areas where abortion statistics - and accurate health statistics generally - are not available.

Yup, which is why I said I don't know, but am speaking from available data and my own experiences.
Almost all human cultures have recognized means of abortion. Thailand and Indonesia, for example - white on the map - have many traditional healers who can supply abortifacients. To conclude that abortion is not found in areas where it is not reported is naive. Abortion has always been common - at least common enough for recognised means to be available - in most human cultures - it requires a truly severe or oppressive authoritarian setup to banish it in reality.

Quite possibly, but that is speculation, is it not? And if it is before 40 days (or in some cases, 120 days) it is not a problem

Most non-barrier forms of contraception cause abortion, at least occasionally. If that matters.

Like coitus interruptus?

Control of the sexual behavior of women is one of the core supports of fundie, patriarchal, theistic, religions. If you allow women to have abortions, you lose a significant source of leverage on their behavior. So we see that in SAM's posts, Muslim "men/women" do not choose abortion. How would a Muslim man choose or not choose abortion?

More extrapolation from Western standards.

In general, Muslim men do choose abortion when their wives lives are in danger (and the wives do not wish to choose abortion, then the doctors ask the husband); however they don't choose abortions if the wives are pregnant by accident.

Also it is permitted to use sterilisation if the couple feel they have more children than they can look after, so abortion is not required.
SAM said:
Control of the sexual behavior of women is one of the core supports of fundie, patriarchal, theistic, religions. If you allow women to have abortions, you lose a significant source of leverage on their behavior. So we see that in SAM's posts, Muslim "men/women" do not choose abortion. How would a Muslim man choose or not choose abortion? ”

More extrapolation from Western standards.

In general, Muslim men do choose abortion when their wives lives are in danger (and the wives do not wish to choose abortion, then the doctors ask the husband); however they don't choose abortions if the wives are pregnant by accident.
Yep - extrapolation from "Western standards". Otherwise known as the standards of reason and enlightenment, in the case of women's rights and the nature of religious oppression.

Or why do all these fundie theistic types ban abortion without male permission? How is it that men are doing the choosing here ?
Yep - extrapolation from "Western standards". Otherwise known as the standards of reason and enlightenment, in the case of women's rights and the nature of religious oppression.

Or why do all these fundie theistic types ban abortion without male permission? How is it that men are doing the choosing here ?

Because its usually for health reasons? :confused:

At least in Saudi Arabia, abortion is permitted for physical and mental health of mother. In such cases, consent is usually signed by the husband as he is responsible for her welfare. (Patients rarely sign consent forms for themselves, that is the job of family). Or another family member if there is no husband.
Sam, is it alright for a Muslim to have an abortion because of:
a) Income reasons?
b) Depressive or Stress reasons ie cannot handle any more children

Many Sheiks say a lot of things so i wasn't too sure.
Sorry, i'll go into more depth. To have an accidental pregnancy would it be fine to have an abortion under the above circumstances?