Abortion and the Religious Right

well as long as you believe you are absolutely right, all those who differ in view are absolutely wrong.
Absolute morality is the belief in the existence of a perfect, absolute law; it is not believing that one's own moral law is absolutely right. Nevertheless, I believe what I say is the truth. If you don't believe what you say is absolutely true, then I suggest that you concede this argument because the burden of absolute truth is on the abortionist. Only when someone is absolutely sure that the fetus has no soul and is not a human person can murder be justified.

moral absolutism is always dangerous. it means that you cannot even begin to understand or even tolerate those who hold a different view.
What does toleration have to do with one's morals? If someone believes in absolute toleration, isn't that better than believing in relative toleration? I believe that some choices are better left to the individual person, while others that affect society should be enforced by law. But this need not mean that the choices that the choices unenforced by law are morally good. Each individual has absolute free will to choose to go to hell or heaven. It would be wrong to take away that free will, though society should do everything possible to protect themselves while at the same time allowing the individual free will.

hence the wars and genocide that saw often occur from your moral absolutism.
Most of the modern cases of genocide such as Hitler's were cause in part by social darwinism.
alain said:
James R "Well, how can anybody hope to argue with that? You have spoken, and your word is law!" leave aires alone. Hes basically showing support and voting for his side, the more people that say abortion is wrong, the more people will be convinced
M*W: The more people that say "abortion is wrong," the more unwanted people will end up here. What kind of quality of life could that result in? If abortion is murder, let the courts call it murder, but it's NOT the courts calling it murder, it's Christians calling it murder. (You remember those folks who gave us Christianity--the Popes, the Inquisitors, the Crusaders, the witch burners, the Nazis,...). What respect for human life did these despots have? I'm all for abortion. It potentially reduces the number of Christians. Statistics prove that more Christians have abortions than any other religious group. Furthermore, there are more Jewish abortionists than any other group. You do the math.
M*W, how can you say that no one wants abortion, yet at the same time say that you are all for abortion?

The more people that say "abortion is wrong," the more unwanted people will end up here
The unwanted people are not a problem. Researchers have, in fact, discovered that the wanted people often suffer more problems, because they are wanted. If you go out and buy the most expensive car that you've always wanted, then when it gets a scratch perchance, you will be more angry than the scratch on a cheaper model.

You remember those folks who gave us Christianity--the Popes
Your problem with the Pope or the Popes is?

the Inquisitors
Someone had to be within Catholic church to be charged with heresy. Most of the brutality was caused by the secular goverments, such as Spain.

the Crusaders
There were valid reasons for the crusades.

the Nazis
I've already quoted from Hitler that shows that he was anti-christian. You and Hitler have much in common. Your fantasy world of Paul, the 'anti-christ', is similar to Hitler's.

Furthermore, there are more Jewish abortionists than any other group. You do the math.
No, according to one of my Jewish professors, Jews don't believe in abortion. What are you trying to imply?
ypur jewish professor was making a flwed assumption just as you so often do.
Well, I would think that Jews who are not reformed would be pro-life. Basically, I'm asking M*W back up what she says with statistics.
"M*W: The more people that say "abortion is wrong," the more unwanted people will end up here." i am also for abortions until it is proved that feotus's feel pain/saddness. But i honestly dont care which side this guy is on, he opened his mouth in a free speech website, and got insulted, anyone else notice that he doesnt really have free speech
okinrus said:
M*W, how can you say that no one wants abortion, yet at the same time say that you are all for abortion?
M*W: No one "likes" abortion. I don't "like" abortion. It would be better to just avoid getting pregnant. Abortionists are board certified OB/Gyn physicians. They are not some seedy crones or barbers with a twig in back alleys everywhere. They have regular practices to keep them busy. This image of abortionists is outdated. No one "likes" abortion, but there are those that need it for whatever reason. Even the young women (sometimes older women, too), come to the clinic, and they wish they weren't there. They wish their pregnancy hadn't happened. It's traumatic for everyone. You don't even have the foggiest idea of what it's like to experience this type of medical treatment on a day-to-day basis with death all around you. Working in this environment for a period of time is when I realized that there is no death to the soul--all that remained was unwanted human tissue.

The abortionists are in the business of making a quick buck. It's easy work for them. Every board certified OB/Gyn physician has had to perform abortions during the course of his/her medical education. It's routine. It's clinical. The majority of physicians who perform abortion in addition to their regular practice just happen to be Jewish. I don't know why this is, but it is.

QUOTE: pub156.ezboard.com/fthefulltruthforum60735frm42.showMessage?topicID=71.topic

"When you realize that all of the enabling and funding laws and regulations behind the Abortions Industry in America had been drafted by Jews, and that the bulk of Abortion Clinics are owned and/or controlled by Jews, and that very many of the physicians who actually perform the abortions are Jews, but that few if any Jewish women receive abortions while most abortions are performed on Caucasian women, then you will reasonably suspect that the Abortion Industry is serving the religious and political interests of the Zionists."

QUOTE: Press Release Anti-Semitism-USA (Edited to shorten post)


ADL Investigation Reveals Strain of Anti-Semitism in Extreme Factions of the Anti-Abortion Movement
New York, NY, October 30, 1998

"A strain of anti-Semitism runs through the extreme factions of the anti-abortion movement, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). In the days following the fatal shooting of Dr. Barnett Slepian, a Buffalo, NY gynecologist-obstetrician who performed abortions, speculation has surfaced as to whether Dr. Slepian may have been targeted because he was a Jew. Four of the five abortion providers shot by a sniper or snipers in Canada and the United States since 1994 have been Jewish."

"While there is no evidence to suggest that anti-Semitism was a motive for the attacks, we are deeply concerned about the strain of anti-Semitism running through some extreme factions of the movement," said Abraham H. Foxman ADL National Director. "They make insidious claims that Jewish doctors control the practice and industry of abortion, often comparing them to Nazi war criminals." He named Human Life International, a major anti-abortion group with a history of anti-Semitism, as ‘inordinately preoccupied with Jews."

While most of the organized anti-abortion movement decries bigotry and violence, ADL’s investigation revealed that some anti-abortion groups and a few individuals, along with some extremist anti-Semitic groups, single out Jewish doctors who perform the procedure or describe Jews as controlling the abortion "industry."

Followings are some examples of the use anti-Semitism and the Holocaust by anti-abortion extremists:

Human Life International (HLI), a Virginia-based anti-abortion group, has singled out Jews as disproportionately responsible for, even controlling, the abortion-rights movement. The organization’s founder, Father Paul Marx, wrote as long ago as 1977: "I do not blame the Jews for the abortion movement. I do say, and will say because it is the truth, that it is a strange thing how many leaders in the abortion movement are Jewish." Marx supported his observation by noting, "A famous genetics professor in Paris told me that the leaders of the abortion movement in France were Jewish. I saw one, a Jewish female liar, do her thing on behalf of abortion at the World Population Conference in Bucharest."
Marx also stated: "The fact is, I am surprised and shocked by the number of Jews who lead the abortion movement in so many countries after their horrendous experience with Hitler…. My medical friends, and I have many, have told me again and again how many Jewish doctors do abortions freely. From a highly reliable source in a city I shall not name for the moment, I learned of a Jewish doctor who does sixteen abortions every Saturday morning for $300.00 each."

In 1993, an article in HLI’s newsletter declared: "Today, certain members of this people whose ancient religion and culture managed to survive Auschwitz and Buchenwald are presiding over the greatest Holocaust in the history of the world. American Jews have been leaders in establishing and defending the efficient destruction of more than 30 million preborn children in this country….Why are the victims of one Holocaust perpetrating another?"
The unwanted people are not a problem. Researchers have, in fact, discovered that the wanted people often suffer more problems, because they are wanted. If you go out and buy the most expensive car that you've always wanted, then when it gets a scratch perchance, you will be more angry than the scratch on a cheaper model.
M*W: okinrus, how can you say "the unwanted people are not a problem?" They end up in orphanages or in homes that don't want them. What kind of life is that? They are uneducated for the most part. Sometimes they are a stigma in the family. I don't see what your analogy about the expensive car with a scratch as opposed to a cheaper car means.
Your problem with the Pope or the Popes is?
M*W: I don't have a problem with the Pope, the man. He professes what I believed for a time. The old guy is at the end of his life. I have nothing bad to say about him. As far as I can tell, he was a good pope. He certainly was the Pope I believed in. He was the pope I met and shook hands with. It makes me even wonder why, after this experience with the Pope, why I became enlightened. I can't even explain it. My problem is with Paul, the Gospel writers, and the early movement of pseudo-christianity.
Someone had to be within Catholic church to be charged with heresy. Most of the brutality was caused by the secular goverments, such as Spain.
M*W: There were no secular governments. They were ruled by the HRE. Anyone bowing to secular governments in those days were beheaded or burned at the stake.
There were valid reasons for the crusades.
M*W: There were NO valid reasons for the crusades except for the crusaders to rape and pillage everyone in their pathway in the HRE to accumulate wealth for the RCC.
I've already quoted from Hitler that shows that he was anti-christian. You and Hitler have much in common. Your fantasy world of Paul, the 'anti-christ', is similar to Hitler's.
M*W: The Pope sided with Hitler during the war. You don't know what you're talking about. Pope JPII publically apologized for the church's involvement in the holocaust!
No, according to one of my Jewish professors, Jews don't believe in abortion. What are you trying to imply?
M*W: Facts are facts. I'm not trying to "imply" anything. I've already done the math. Jews have cornered the market on abortion. It's their "eye for an eye revenge" for the holocaust.

Okinrus, here's some advice. You're a guy. You will never experience a fetus in your body. You said you don't even have a girlfriend right now. When and if you do, or if you wait until you are married, perhaps your wife will experience what it's like to have human life in her womb. I hope when that time comes, it was be loved and wanted and will have a good life. Until then, the only basis you have to disagree with abortion is what your religion has taught you. Your religion is outdated. I personally believe that the fetus does not contain a portion of the One Spirit of God. Therefore, the fetus does not go to limbo, purgatory or hell. It does not go to heaven. It simply does not exist. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. It serves no purpose in life. However, in this life, there is a fine balance between nature and energy and time. The aborted fetus was not destined to carry the One Spirit of God across the face of the Earth. That's the ONLY reason we are here in the first place. The loss of that particular fetus was part of the fine balance of nature, energy and time. There will be other fetuses to compensate for that one. This requires faith in humanity (God) to understand the fine balance of nature. There are no accidents in the universe, and there is synchronicity in all things. The important thing is that there is no death to the soul.

I appreciate your value for human life. Spend your time helping those who are already here. See to it that their quality of life is promising. Adopt a child or even a pet. Life is life. Since you are pro-life, do something pro-life to counter balance abortion. This will ensure a more positive pro-life role for you. It will also enable you to grow spiritually. Focus on the positive and not on the negative. The most important thing you could do is FORGIVE all those women who abort. FORGIVE all the abortionists for their deeds. FORGIVE all the abortion clinics. FORGIVE the fetuses for whatever reasons it was not their time on Earth. FORGIVE yourself, too. I believe forgiveness is the most powerful tool we have. Use it frequently.
You don't even have the foggiest idea of what it's like to experience this type of medical treatment on a day-to-day basis with death all around you. Working in this environment for a period of time is when I realized that there is no death to the soul--all that remained was unwanted human tissue.
You ought to get out before you have any other unwanted realizations. It will make you feel better about yourself.

M*W: The Pope sided with Hitler during the war. You don't know what you're talking about. Pope JPII publically apologized for the church's involvement in the holocaust!
Pope Pious did not side with Hitler. How many Jews did Pious save? Pope Pious appeared silent in order to save more Jews. The apology was not because of Pope Pious' actions, but that of Catholics who remained silent, thereby commiting a sin of ommision.

FORGIVE all the abortionists for their deeds. FORGIVE all the abortion clinics. FORGIVE the fetuses for whatever reasons it was not their time on Earth. FORGIVE yourself, too. I believe forgiveness is the most powerful tool we have. Use it frequently.
I don't forgive someone until they make amends and stop what they're doing.

M*W: okinrus, how can you say "the unwanted people are not a problem?" They end up in orphanages or in homes that don't want them.
How do you know? Care to go ask them whether they wanted to exist or not? Do these unwanted people have their portion of the Spirit of God? No or yes? I believe that God loves the poor more than the rich who are prideful.

What kind of life is that? They are uneducated for the most part.
I know many people who are uneducated and more happy then myself.

I don't see what your analogy about the expensive car with a scratch as opposed to a cheaper car means.
Children who are wanted also suffer psychologically because more is expected of them. This pattern leads to the children becoming what their parents want them to be, not what they truly are.
okinrus said:
You ought to get out before you have any other unwanted realizations. It will make you feel better about yourself.
M*W: What makes you think my realizatons are "unwanted?" I don't have a problem where I need to "feel better" about myself! I never indicated any such thing. It's YOUR wishful thinking!
Pope Pious did not side with Hitler. How many Jews did Pious save? Pope Pious appeared silent in order to save more Jews. The apology was not because of Pope Pious' actions, but that of Catholics who remained silent, thereby commiting a sin of ommision.
M*W: Show me your references for this. Christianity including the RCC has always been anti-semitic. Unfortunately, there were some Catholics who were martyred in the holocaust. Pope JPII made a PUBLIC apology for the RCC siding with Hitler. If it didn't happen, why did the Pope apologize for it?
I don't forgive someone until they make amends and stop what they're doing.
M*W: Then your soul must be very heavy laden with hate. Who are YOU to judge other people for what they are doing? Who are YOU to determine what is wrong or right? Making a statement like this about your inability to forgive others shows everyone on this forum what harm Christianity has done to to YOU. You have just given the perfect example of why Christianity must die. If you can't forgive others, how could you possibly believe that Christianity would save YOU? It's that simple. I've tried to cut you some slack because you're young and ignorant, but your inability to forgive others without judging them shows what Christianity teaches to those who blindly follow a lie. okinrus, your soul has been pathetically stunted by your religion.
How do you know? Care to go ask them whether they wanted to exist or not? Do these unwanted people have their portion of the Spirit of God? No or yes? I believe that God loves the poor more than the rich who are prideful.
M*W: I believe that praying for knowledge and enlightenment, wisdom will come. It's when we close our minds, like you do, we don't receive wisdom. It doesn't matter if "they wanted to exist." "They" have no rights under the law. "They" are neither citizens nor taxpayers. If that were the case, then we would be able to claim our fetuses before they're born on our income tax returns as dependents. A fetuses life is worth nothing unless it was wanted. The law stands behind the "people," the citizens and taxpayers. Maybe that's harsh, but that's the law. The whole issue of banning abortion on religious grounds bastardizes the separation of church and state. Because you believe in banning abortion, I would say that you are anti-American!
I know many people who are uneducated and more happy then myself.
M*W: What are you trying to say here? You know a lot of uneducated but happy people who are happier than you? Although that's pretty obvious, what is your point?
Children who are wanted also suffer psychologically because more is expected of them. This pattern leads to the children becoming what their parents want them to be, not what they truly are.
M*W: Where do you get these data? I believe you must be referring to your own life. Perhaps you see yourself in an aborted fetus? Do you ever ponder why you're here? I think you need to see a doctor about depression. You're a sad character.
M*W: What makes you think my realizatons are "unwanted?" I don't have a problem where I need to "feel better" about myself! I never indicated any such thing. It's YOUR wishful thinking!
I thought you wanted me to focus on the positive?

M*W: Show me your references for this. Christianity including the RCC has always been anti-semitic. Unfortunately, there were some Catholics who were martyred in the holocaust. Pope JPII made a PUBLIC apology for the RCC siding with Hitler. If it didn't happen, why did the Pope apologize for it?
The Pope qualified his <a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/675361.stm">statement</a> to only include those Catholics and Christians who committed a sin of ommision. It was apology concerning individuals, not a universal apology. Nevertheless, Pope Pious did not commit this sin AFAIK. The Vatican also released documents to scholars concerning Pope Pious' role in saving Jews. He is possible candidate for sainthood.

The myth that Pope Pious was a secretly a Nazi was promulgated by a film made by a communist. Before the film Pope Pious was portrayed as a hero. http://users.binary.net/polycarp/piusxii.html

Then your soul must be very heavy laden with hate. Who are YOU to judge other people for what they are doing?
Did I say that I judge people? No. I don't see any reason for me to forgive those who do not amend their ways, but are truly obstinate. Although it's practically impossible for me to tell if someone is truly obstinate, I see no reason to restore a relationship with a murder until he or she stops murdering.

Making a statement like this about your inability to forgive others shows everyone on this forum what harm Christianity has done to to YOU.
Did I say I was unable to forgive someone? I see no reason to forgive someone who does not want my forgiveness. I won't hate them, but I won't be friends with them since they do not want to be friends with me.

okinrus, your soul has been pathetically stunted by your religion.
You just said not to judge, yet everything that you say is judgemental.
okinrus said:
I thought you wanted me to focus on the positive?
M*W: okinrus, I don't think it is possible for you to focus on the positive. You are a lost soul.
I was apology concerning individuals, not a universal apology. Nevertheless, Pope Pious did not commit this sin AFAIK. The Vatican also released documents to scholars concerning Pope Pious' role in saving Jews. He is possible candidate for sainthood.
M*W: A sin of "omission" is still a full-fleged sin. Sainthood comes to those who remit.
The myth that Pope Pious was a secretly a Nazi was promulgated by a film made by a communist. Before the film Pope Pious was portrayed as a hero.
M*W: There is a lot to be said about this issue. Why would the Pope side with tyranny? If Hitlerism wasn't the word of the day, why did it judge people? Therefore, killing 6 million Jews? No. I don't see any reason for me to forgive those who do not amend their ways, but are truly obstinate. Although it's practically impossible for me to tell if someone is truly obstinate, I see no reason to restore a relationship with a murder until he or she stops murdering.
Did I say I was unable to forgive someone? I see no reason to forgive someone who does not want my forgiveness. I won't hate them, but I won't be friends with them since they do not want to be friends with me.
M*W: okinrus, you made it very clear you could not forgive someone who did not amend his/her ways. Everyone wants/needs forgiveness. Especially YOU!. You need to spend more time being forgiving and less time being a xian. It's heavy laden on YOUR soul, not mine...not the innocents. YOU need to show compassion to the God who created YOU! You are too busy showing prejudice to God's creation. How on Earth do YOU think YOU are saved?

You just said not to judge, yet everything that you say is judgemental.
M*W: okinrus, YOU are judgmental! YOU should give up your false religion and be greatful for your life! Everything you say is Satanic. I'm shocked that others haven't seen your evil ways. First, you need to grow up. Second, you need to be forgiven for your multitude of sins; third, you need to accept God's grace. You are a lost soul. Instead of fighting against something you have no knowledge of, you need to LEARN TO FORGIVE everyone else so YOUR sins can be forgiven!!! You are living in a state of hell right now. YOU need to forgive everyone you have transgressed against! You need to give up xianity before you lose your soul.
Okinrus - "I don't forgive someone until they make amends and stop what they're doing."
your own bible commands you to, does it not, forgive and forget, Jesus fargave those who put him up on the cross, why cant you try that?
okinrus said:
Did I say that I judge people? No. I don't see any reason for me to forgive those who do not amend their ways, but are truly obstinate. Although it's practically impossible for me to tell if someone is truly obstinate, I see no reason to restore a relationship with a murder until he or she stops murdering.

Did I say I was unable to forgive someone? I see no reason to forgive someone who does not want my forgiveness. I won't hate them, but I won't be friends with them since they do not want to be friends with me.
I'm sorry, but who are you to tell anyone that it is others who must change for you to forgive them? Who are you to judge and then grant them forgiveness? They have not done anything to you, their actions have not affected you in any way, shape or form, so why should YOU be the one to grant forgiveness? You claim yourself to be a christian, but your statements are in clear denial of the christian ethos. Okinrus, you are not God, do not put yourself in a position to claim that you have a right to grant forgiveness to sinners. I thought only God was the one to grant the final absolution and to pass the final judgement. Isn't that a central tenet of Christianity? Why do you think you have the right to judge anyone and to grant them forgiveness, especially for something that does not affect you in any way?
your own bible commands you to, does it not, forgive and forget, Jesus fargave those who put him up on the cross, why cant you try that?
I see. The misconception is that some think that forgiveness means forgetting. Nothing could be further from the truth. Although at times the expression "I will remember not their sin is used" with respect to God, God of course knows all of their sins. Rather, forgiveness is being truly healed and that requires active consent.

Jesus did not forgive all of those who put him up on the cross, but only those who seeked and wanted forgiveness. It's not in God's nature to forgive those who do not want to be forgiven, but rather, it is implicit in the definition of forgiveness that the penitent have a contrite heart because true forgiveness restores the relationship, not ignores faults. Not forgiving someone who remains obstinate does not mean that one hates that person, but that they have not forgiven all of the faults that person has done. The relationship with them won't be restored until both parties work out their differences. I do not see how this can be done unless if both parties want to work their differences.

The Catholic Church requires someone to have a contrite heart before they are forgiven by the Church and God along with all Protestants that I've spoken to. If the relationship with God is of primary importance, I see no reason not to have the same standards for friendship.

M*W: okinrus, YOU are judgmental! YOU should give up your false religion and be greatful for your life! Everything you say is Satanic.

I'm sorry, but who are you to tell anyone that it is others who must change for you to forgive them? Who are you to judge and then grant them forgiveness? They have not done anything to you, their actions have not affected you in any way, shape or form, so why should YOU be the one to grant forgiveness?
I'm speaking of personal relationships with friends which pretty much disqualifies everything else that you said in your post. I'm speaking of people who have done something wrong against me. I won't forgive them unless if they want my forgiveness. Naturally, I might have hope of forgiving them, but no one is forgiven by me unless if they want to be forgiven.
okinrus said:
Jesus did not forgive all of those who put him up on the cross, but only those who seeked and wanted forgiveness.

Oh please.....Jesus didn't forgive anyone...he only prayed to god to forgive the ignorant and the sinners. No word back from god on whether he'll pardon such people. Jesus said. "God forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing". Jesus is asking god to forgive the ignorant who commit sin without knowing that it is a sin.
okinrus said:
I see. The misconception is that some think that forgiveness means forgetting. Nothing could be further from the truth. Although at times the expression "I will remember not their sin is used" with respect to God, God of course knows all of their sins. Rather, forgiveness is being truly healed and that requires active consent.
M*W: If one truly forgives another, they will put the transgression behind them and think of it no more. It's not true forgiveness if the offended one keeps talking about it. Even Jesus allegedly said to "turn the other cheek." You've finally convinced me that you are not Christian since you have no forgiveness in your heart. Your forgiveness is conditional. How sad for your soul! You must be proud of yourself. Don't tell me pride is not the basis of all evil. So, yes, you are definitely satanic. Deal with it. Forgiveness is not "being truly healed." Forgiveness is the very first step toward healing the soul. Forgiveness comes from the heart and not the mind. Forgiveness from the mind is rational, conditional and judgmental. It comes from the ego. It's based on pride. It's not true forgiveness. Forgiveness DOES NOT need "consent!" Did you rub both your brain cells together to come up with this statement? True forgiveness does not require "consent." True forgiveness is a gift that builds the soul. True forgiveness heals ONE from within. True forgiveness heals ALL from within. True forgiveness lightens the heavy heart and burdened soul. As much as I'd like to drop kick you into the next century, I'll have compassion for you and forgive you for your ignorance.
okinrus: Jesus did not forgive all of those who put him up on the cross, but only those who seeked and wanted forgiveness.
M*W: Or, for God's sake! I'm an ex-xian and an ex-catholic, but you are so caught up in your own pride that your heart is too impure to have forgiveness! Now you are judging Jesus' motives for forgiveness! Please don't get me started defending a dying demigod savior on account of your ignorance.
okinrus: It's not in God's nature to forgive those who do not want to be forgiven, but rather, it is implicit in the definition of forgiveness that the penitent have a contrite heart because true forgiveness restores the relationship, not ignores faults.
M*W: How the hell do YOU know what's in "God's nature?" You're starting to sound like Jenyar making assumptions like this. You're playing God! You said YOU "cannot forgive," because "forgiveness requires consent." True forgiveness does not have a price or a condition. TRUE FORGIVENESS comes from within your soul where the kingdom of god resides. YOU, yourself, have nothing to do with the function of forgiveness. Your pride controls forgiveness for you. How sad! True forgiveness emanates from the most perfect place in your soul--God. You seem to be the one controlling the pure positive energy which makes up YOU! Your inability to "forgive" others will hurt you and you will receive no forgiveness. It's the law of nature and balances. What you give, you will receive. What you hoard, you will need.
okinrus: Not forgiving someone who remains obstinate does not mean that one hates that person, but that they have not forgiven all of the faults that person has done.
M*W: Did you ever think that forgiving someone without them knowing it just might enlighten their soul? It's not about faults or remaining obstinate. It's about healing the soul--theirs AND yours! When you forgive someone unconditionally (which I don't think you are capable of doing), you are actually healing your own soul. That's how it works. Nature and balances. Synchronicity in the universe.
okinrus: The relationship with them won't be restored until both parties work out their differences. I do not see how this can be done unless if both parties want to work their differences.
M*W: You do not see forgiveness as a spiritual issue. You can only see forgiveness in the physical world. That's why we have mediators and courts of law. okinrus, I'm getting the feeling that you have been deeply hurt by someone and you are unable to forgive them. Swallow your pride--better yet, don't swallow, just spit it out! Get it out of your soul and start over on the road to forgiveness. Forgiveness is POWERFUL. Everyone has the potential to truly forgive others as well as be forgiven. Forgiveness is not just on God's job description. It's on every one of our souls. There's hardly a day that goes by that I'm not silently forgiving others in my heart regardless of what they have done to me or what I might have done to them. All of that is on the worldly plane. Forgiveness is from the soul. Most of all, I remember to forgive myself, too. I think you should forgive yourself. That's the best place to start. Forgive yourself everyday from now on, and see how happy your life will become!
okinrus: The Catholic Church requires someone to have a contrite heart before they are forgiven by the Church and God along with all Protestants that I've spoken to. If the relationship with God is of primary importance, I see no reason not to have the same standards for friendship.
M*W: How do you know what's in the hearts of others? You don't. You only can know what is in your heart, but I don't think you do. Is your heart contrite? No, it isn't, because you don't know how to forgive. Only someone with a contrite heart (lacking pride) is able to forgive. Quit worrying if other's hearts are contrite and focus on your own!
okinrus: Satanic?
M*W: Satanic. Negative energy, pride, inertia, vacuum, evil, cold, dark, abysmal, devilish, empty, powerless, soulless, dead.
okinrus: I'm speaking of personal relationships with friends which pretty much disqualifies everything else that you said in your post.
M*W: What do your "personal relationships" have to do with me? Think about it. Maybe that's why you don't have personal relationships. That's something else that occurs within your own soul. It has nothing to do with me or anyone else.
okinrus: I'm speaking of people who have done something wrong against me. I won't forgive them unless if they want my forgiveness. Naturally, I might have hope of forgiving them, but no one is forgiven by me unless if they want to be forgiven.
M*W: okinrus, are you sure you haven't set yourself up as a doormat? Nothing can happen to you unless you let it. Sounds to me like you've let people take advantage of you. Maybe you do this unconsciously. Sounds like a lot of people need your forgiveness, most of all--YOU! Don't let your pride prevent you from having the most powerful gift of all--forgiveness. As much as I'd like to slap you silly, I forgive you. That's a start.
okinrus said:
He did not say God Flores, but "Father."

How do you know, Jesus spoke an ancient language that is no longer spoken. The bible you read is deficient in vocublry. Sometimes it calls god, god, then it calls him father, then it calls him lord, then it calls him elohim, then elle, ect, ect....And it calls all dads fathers, and it calls all leaders lords...very confusing stuff, and of course, our lovely catholic Roman empire must have enjoyed mising up and putting fathers, sons, lords, elohims, whereever it deemed fit.

Here's Jesus talking to your so called daddy, except that he used different terminology to describe him

[46] And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

I Guess, Jesus used other words that sound more like Allah (god) to speak to his daddy when he was asking for help or complaining about his fate.
Your forgiveness is conditional. How sad for your soul! You must be proud of yourself. Don't tell me pride is not the basis of all evil. So, yes, you are definitely satanic. Deal with it. Forgiveness is not "being truly healed." Forgiveness is the very first step toward healing the soul. Forgiveness comes from the heart and not the mind.
Forgiveness begins with loving the other person, but if that person chooses hatred then they are never truly forgiven, and the relationship is never truly restored. That is why Jesus not only said to forgive, but also to settle disputes with a brother. The settling of disputes is forgiveness. A relationship cannot be restored unless if both parties want it to be restored. Forgiveness is not merely the abstence of knowledge. Hence, as soon as someone does wrong to me, I can and should forgive them unconditionally, the forgiveness is only fullfilled when that someone accepts my forgiveness. Sorry, if confused you by making the distinction between forgiveness that has been fullfilled and incomplete forgiveness.

How sad for your soul! You must be proud of yourself. Don't tell me pride is not the basis of all evil. So, yes, you are definitely satanic. Deal with it.
I stated specifically what forgiveness was. God won't forgive someone's pride unless if they are willing to give up their pride. While that person won't remove his own pride on his own, he must be willing to concede to God's will.

How do you know what's in the hearts of others? You don't. You only can know what is in your heart, but I don't think you do. Is your heart contrite? No, it isn't, because you don't know how to forgive. Only someone with a contrite heart (lacking pride) is able to forgive. Quit worrying if other's hearts are contrite and focus on your own!
You disparage me for not knowing what's within someone's heart, yet at the same time you think you know what's inside my heart?

What do your "personal relationships" have to do with me? Think about it. Maybe that's why you don't have personal relationships. That's something else that occurs within your own soul. It has nothing to do with me or anyone else.
It seems that Bells was confused about whether I was forgiving sins or forgiving those who have done personal wrong to me. Obviously, I can only do the latter.
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How do you know, Jesus spoke an ancient language that is no longer spoken. The bible you read is deficient in vocublry. Sometimes it calls god, god, then it calls him father, then it calls him lord, then it calls him elohim, then elle, ect, ect
The bible was created over a vast number of years, which would explain the authors not sharing common usage of words. Elohim and El(this is a Babylonian god, I believe) are words use before Moses and in use for sometime after Moses. Not always do they refer specifically to God. Adonai refers to Lord with the semantics of God's complete authority; Yahweh refers to God everlasting who was not created; and Abba is what Jesus would have used to refers to the Father. Eli, I believe, is the Hebrew, not Aramaic, word for Father, but I will have to check on that. I remember before this quote is odd because Eli is in Hebrew where as the rest of it is in Aramaic.