Aboriginal child abuse and the NT Intervention

LOL at how prickly the local Australians are about their ongoing imperialism towards the natives. Apparently they thought that whole apology for the Stolen Generation thing would provide more cover than it did...

Thanks for teaching Gustav some elementary statistics. Well put.
LOL at how prickly the local Australians are about their ongoing imperialism towards the natives.

No. It's more about people who don't have a clue what they're talking about making unfounded assumptions.

Got anything more than a sound-bite about "ongoing imperialism", or are you only in this thread because I am?

Apparently they thought that whole apology for the Stolen Generation thing would provide more cover than it did...

I think you're just flaming. No substance. Usual modus operandi.
You missread your own link. What it talks about is the rates of specific types of abuse as a percentage of the whole which makes it useless for the comparison you want to make.

For instance if group A has 10,000 cases of abuse and of that 1% of.these cases are sexual then that amounts to 100 cases

If group B has 100 cases of abuse but 50% of them are sexual then that's only 50 cases of sexual abuse.

If we looked at a break down like your then it would say that group be has ALOT more cases of sexual abuse: 50% compared to 1% where as in reality the real rates have group A with twice the number of cases

thats absurd. the point of the table is to make a comparison.
the number sampled from the respective groups has to be the same to give a meaningful result. that would be the reasonable assumption.
Where does your table say that? It doesn't hense your exactly right, its usless and is no good as a comparison. Now if you were really interested in acuracy rather than propergander then you would go to the one place you would get unbiased and unmanipulated statistics, the ABS
No. It's more about people who don't have a clue what they're talking about making unfounded assumptions.

That wouldn't have generated 7 pages of angry back-and-forth. If it were just a matter of SAM's usual antics, this thread would have died days ago. It's only the hilarious insecurity on the Aussie side that has sustained this spectacle.

If y'all were really so secure in your convictions, you'd not have been bothered by SAM's statements, nor invested yourself in disputing them. But you're neither secure nor smart enough to hide this fact from trolls, so now you've given SAM yet another hot button to press any time she wants to wind you up.

But hey, at least the rest of us get to enjoy the lulz :]

Got anything more than a sound-bite about "ongoing imperialism"

Sure, this thread has pages and pages and pages of examples. And regardless of any of the statistics or other nitpicks, it's Anglo Australians treating the natives as objects to be debated and dealt with via state power. They aren't people, so much as a policy problem. The term is "White Man's Burden."

or are you only in this thread because I am?

You're such a cute little narcissist :]

This thread was a hilarious hot mess of Aussie insecurity and SAMian hostile obtusity before you showed up. Although I'll admit that your ongoing efforts to bolster Aussia solidarity in service of your vendetta against SAM have indeed upped the ante. I don't think I've seen anyone successfully troll 3 moderators simultaneously before, so I'm mostly here to tip my hat to SAM on that one.

I think you're just flaming. No substance. Usual modus operandi.

Takes one to know one - how many vacuous posts in this thread have you spent just on telling Gustav to fuck off, for example? Let alone all the other bullshit.

If there were a Michelin Guide for troll feeding, you'd surely receive 3 stars. This is some gourmet shit - it's got righteous indignation, a brittle superiority complex, and plenty of uncritical side-picking and emotive response. If it weren't for Hanlon's Razor I'd think you a mastermind...
Where does your table say that? It doesn't hense your exactly right, its usless and is no good as a comparison. Now if you were really interested in acuracy rather than propergander then you would go to the one place you would get unbiased and unmanipulated statistics, the ABS

the NCPC is funded by the FaHCSIA
Where does your table say that? It doesn't hense your exactly right, its usless and is no good as a comparison. Now if you were really interested in acuracy rather than propergander then you would go to the one place you would get unbiased and unmanipulated statistics, the ABS

Okay, lets see some statistics where CSA among Aboriginal Australians and non-Aboriginal Australians is compared after correction for poverty, unemployment, alcoholism and health

Also, what is the reason for the high frequency of child removal from aboriginal communities? And also the removal of carers from families? How many non-Aboriginal children are placed in Aboriginal communities?

The Western Australian Aboriginal Child Health Survey (WAACHS) 2002 provides a robust scientific evidence-base of the intergenerational effects on today’s Indigenous children and their carers of past child removal practices. The WAACHS surveyed the health and wellbeing of 5,289 Western Australian Indigenous children aged 0-17 years and their carers.

In the survey, around 12.3 per cent of primary carers and 12.3 per cent of secondary carers reported they had been subject to such separation. Carers were also asked whether either of their parents had been forcibly separated from their natural family. Some 20.3 per cent of the mothers of primary carers (e.g. grandmothers of the survey children) and 12.6 per cent of the fathers of primary carers (e.g. grandfathers of the survey children) had been forcibly separated.

Among all of the Aboriginal children and young people living in Western Australia, 35.3 per cent were found to be living in households where a carer or a carer’s parent (e.g. grandparent) was reported to have been forcibly separated from their natural family.

It was found that carers who had been forcibly separated from their natural families (compared with carers of Aboriginal children who had not been forcibly separated) were:

* 1.95 times more likely to have been arrested or charged with an offence
* 1.61 times more likely to report the overuse of alcohol caused problems in the household
* 2.10 times more likely to report that betting or gambling caused problems in the household
* Less than half as likely to have social support in the form of someone they can ‘yarn’ to about problems
* 1.50 times more likely to have had contact with Mental Health Services in Western Australia.

Further, Aboriginal children whose primary carer had been forcibly separated from their natural family were found to be 2.34 times more likely to be at high risk of clinically significant emotional or behavioral difficulties than children whose carers were not forcibly separated.


The "aboriginals are pedophiles" argument is a simple extension of the "black people are violent" claim made in other societies. I also note that the contribution of non-Aboriginals to the sexual abuse of aboriginal children is not considered a problem worthy of intervention.
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The "aboriginals are pedophiles" argument is a simple extension of the "black people are violent" claim made in other societies.

You do realise that no one has ever used the term "Aboriginals are pedophiles" except for you?

I have been out of this thread for a day or two. I'd like to say thankyou to you for doing such a great job of bringing SAM up to speed on some of the real issues. She started off knowing nothing about the NT intervention. By now she may be starting to get some inkling of the complexities.

Thankyou very much for providing useful links to reports etc. What this thread really needs is much less of SAM's socialist propaganda and more on-the-ground facts.

Meh.. I'd bother to keep going but the last round of treatment has left me with severe nausea and vomitting, so can't really concentrate much atm.. Not enough to respond to each point.

I'll be back later on (probably in a few days) when I feel less meh and able to read words on the screen without throwing up.
When a military intervention is undertaken by non-Aboriginal Australians against indigenous communities to protect their children from child abuse you don't need a memo to understand the implications. Imagine a similar initiative taken against black people for violence.
Sam just for your Infomation there is a policy I strongly support and wish governments had the guts to put in place, that is that the government hires some builders, gets a stock standed house plan and builds a whole heep of houses and sell they at cost to low income earners as a way to fix the housing crisis. Now if the government decided to use the army to do that then YAY, even cheeper.


would you know how to go about interpreting this? pick a state and type of abuse

God's didn't you do any maths at school? This is exactly the same as the last one.
BTW I don't even think either of the statistics are correct, the neglect percentages for both Aboriginal and non are no where near high enough. Anything less than 30% for neglect means they have been manipulated
in all but two of the states, the non-indigent children suffered from higher incidences of csa than the natives

in 1 state they were the same

in the last, they are 9 vs 5 per hundred substantiated cases

therefore pedophilia is a greater problem in non indigenous populations
the recommendation is a tactical nuclear strike



would you know how to go about interpreting this? pick a state and type of abuse


Sure. Its a break up of the type of abuse that children are subjected to by region and indigenous/non-indigenous. Ideally, I'd like to see the raw data [its a must for such tables as they could be a meta-analysis]

What it shows is the proportion of abused children [indigenous/non-indigenous] who suffer from physical, sexual, emotional abuses and neglect [and "other"] across NSW, Victoria, Queensland, South A, West A, Tasmania, Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory.

I'm going to describe the statistics for the northern territory, since that is the focus of this thread. For the purposes of discussion let us assume that there are 1000 indigenous and non-indigenous children each and assuming that aboriginals have massive child abuse let us say that the number of abused aboriginal children is 500 and the number of abused non-indgenous children is 100

According to this table, 43% of abused indigenous children [AIC] in NT were subjected to physical abuse as compared to 45% of abused non-indigenous children [ANC] in the same territory. So if there were 1000 aboriginal children of whom 500 were abused then 215 of them had been physically abused. Similarly, if there were 1000 non-indigenous children of whom 100 had been abused then 45 of them had been physically abused.

Similarly, out of the 500 AIC, 45 had been sexually abused while out of the 100 ANC, 9 had been sexually abused.

Based on these figures, it would appear that apart from neglect, the kind of abuse is equivalent across both indigenous and non-indigenous peoples in NT

It says nothing however about the rate of abuse, ie the proportion of abused children to the total number of children in NT.
in all but two of the states, the non-indigent children suffered from higher incidences of csa than the natives

in 1 state they were the same

in the last, they are 9 vs 5 per hundred substantiated cases

therefore pedophilia is a greater problem in non indigenous populations
the recommendation is a tactical nuclear strike

Once again, only if by some fluke the total numbers were EXACTLY the same. I've told you that 3 separate times now. SAM has also told you this now too
When a military intervention is undertaken by non-Aboriginal Australians against indigenous communities to protect their children from child abuse you don't need a memo to understand the implications. Imagine a similar initiative taken against black people for violence.

Have you been reading in this thread at all? Or just too busy spouting shite?

Few people agreed with the military intervention or with the level of intervention itself. When news first broke that the Government was putting billions into Aboriginal communities to combat child abuse and alcoholism and all that accompanied it, there was a sigh of relief. However when the extent of what was going to happen became clear, people were less relieved. We've all been saying it and you've been ignoring it. There are some Elders who agree at the type of intervention, but not all. There are some who suggested at some of the measures in the intervention.

Was intervention necessary? Yes. But not how it took place. Aboriginal Elders across the NT proposed a 5 year term/intervention, where programs would be put in place to promote education and awareness. And then you have issues which arose in some communities where the police would try to get involved in child sex abuse issues, only to be warned back by the Elders, being told it would inflame the community. A balance needed to be found. Unfortunately the Government went in the complete opposite direction.

Children were going to school and simulating sex acts in classrooms, that they saw in porno movies they would be made or allowed to watch with their parents.

In another case, the inquiry heard that a seven-year-old girl had taken down her pants in class, simulating sexual intercourse and placing plastic objects inside her vagina.

Police interviewed her, but she did not make any disclosures about sexual abuse, though she was diagnosed with chlamydia about the same time.


Pretty much everyone agreed that something had to be done because that kind of thing was not uncommon, but had become common. Elders across the NT recommended tighter controls on pornography and alcohol. The Government took the route that other States have in place, which is to ban it entirely from certain communities.

The Little Children Are Sacred report confirmed what many Aboriginal people had been saying for years: that many of their communities had broken down to the point that widespread violence, suicide, alcohol and other substance abuse, and the abuse of children, had become a way of life. Until this report, however, pleas for help had fallen on deaf ears. As Indigenous lawyer and academic Larissa Behrendt suggested, this was ‘the national emergency that was sitting neglected for over thirty years’ (Behrendt 2007, 15).


Initial responses to the intervention emphasised the relief that many Aboriginal people felt that the issue of child sexual abuse and community decline more generally were at last on the government radar. The large budget attached to the program was also welcomed. However, this early optimism soon turned to anger as many Aboriginal leaders and activists realised that the intervention would have a dire impact on everyday life.


That paper goes on to discuss self determination and Aboriginal dependency on Government services and payments. There are some who call for the complete withdrawal of all welfare payments - and cite it as being a means of complacency and a destruction of communities themselves. It is a very interesting paper about what we have been discussing and one I would recommend you read.

Few people agreed with the ceasing of land as punishment. I think the only people who agreed to that have been the Government and they were soundly beaten down by this by the community in general.

I should note, when this intervention commenced and the confusion that came with it, there was a lot of misinformation in the general media. A work colleague and friend, who is an Aboriginal, commented at the time of the protests that 'they are complaining because they're losing their dole'. And in a way he was right. But he was also wrong. They were and continue to protest about the whole scheme itself because of what else it did. While you concentrate on the denial of porn and alcohol in some communities as being a bad thing, many disagree with you and they include those who live in communities that were involved - control and bans were needed in some instances. Was there a need for intervention? Yes. But I think all agree that the intervention that took place was not what was needed.

The intervention should have been as the Elders proposed - that lasted several years and would reduce Aboriginal dependency on White Australia and lead to self Governance. As our history has shown, that won't happen anytime soon. Those of us who understand the issue know that it is complex and one that can't simply be fixed easily. A delicate balance needs to be found in providing support to communities to get them back on track - but they need to work to do it - and that is where many fall short - which again ties in to the reliance and dependency on welfare payments.

Parents don't bother about their children not going to school because they don't care - the kids grow up and follow in their footsteps of claiming welfare and it is a continuous cycle. So how do you get them interested in rebuilding their community if they can just sit on their arses and claim the Dole and do nothing? Cut the dole? Won't work. They need to eat. So there needs to be a balance. We can stop sending teachers and doctors to work in their communities and force them to become teachers and doctors themselves - but what happens in the meantime? Again.. balance and the only way to combat it is to work directly with them as equals. That hasn't happened yet. Self determination takes work and motivation on both sides. It's easy for you to talk the talking points, but putting it into practice is not so easy.

We've been arguing in circles about this and frankly, I'm tired. So say what you want, do what you want. At the end of the day you're irrelevant to this debate. Your attempt to tie this to Iran hanging homosexuals was amusing though - You are the first to claim that hanging homosexual is a part of Iranian culture. Classic comedy. But yeah.. I'm tired and I'm done.