ABC News primetime special on UFOs

Agitprop said:
Please don't bother me with drivel. I'm here for an honest discussion. Thank you.

Mouse, Nice try. Not up to my usual standards for response.
Here for an honest discussion? Clearly not for a polite one.
Agitprop said:
And of course it's pointless to argue with those who have an agenda.
How true that is. Welcome to my ignore list.
The debunking crowd are remarkably thin skinned. It's fair to call people delusional, infer that they're stupid, ignore the specific issues they bring up in their posts, resort to evasion, changing the subject, dodging, weaving and insult. When a new poster (target) lets them know, in no uncertain terms, that they don't want to be irritated in this way, they get all huffy. Press the ignore button? Debunkers have pressed their internal "ignore" buttons, long ago, so it's the logical next step, and actually reassuring to those who wish to have, an honest discussion.
From the Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed. (1989):

debunk -v. "To remove the ‘nonsense’ or false sentiment from; to expose (false claims or pretensions); hence, to remove (a person) from his ‘pedestal’ or ‘pinnacle’."

Ophiolite thin-skinned? Perhaps. But not about your pseudoscientific views. Knowing him, it was your pretensious and rude attitude as perceived by him. Personally, I could care less about such things. In fact, Ophiolite, I would suggest not placing Agitprop on your ignore list so hastily as it was I that provoked her impertinent yet scurrilous remarks. Such proponents of pseudoscience deserve responses from those that are capable of enunciating them, if only to speak to the lurking masses and googlers.
Ophiolite said:
Here for an honest discussion? Clearly not for a polite one.
How true that is. Welcome to my ignore list.

I always find it amusing when people 'Announce' they're putting someone on their ignore list.

Agitprop, Keep posting. It's because of you that I've begun to visit this site more often lately.
I've given this subject a great deal of thought as a political analyst and am trying to wake up the scientific community.

The scientific community is not interested in listening to alien visiting folklore, so its unlikely they'd be interesting in listening to a political analyst spouting alien visiting folklore.

It is a subject that has to be viewed from a scientific and political perspective, simultaneously.

Science and politics have nothing to do with one another. Science deals with hard evidence while politics deals with rhetoric.

I'm here to have a rational discussion with those who are more conceptually sophisticated.

Do you mean those who only agree with you?

I would provide credible links about ufos showing up on radar

Credible for UFO's but not for visiting aliens.

Then, evidence of a craft, along with a missing chunk of debris would be required. If I could somehow produce highly credible evidence for that, you'd need a body.

That's where you're wrong. A chunk of debris that is clearly not of this earth would be sufficient hard evidence to initiate further study of the phenomenon. Got one?

I didn't think so.

And of course it's pointless to argue with those who have an agenda.

Those who disagree?
(Q) Thank you for your response. Unfortunately it doesn't meet my criteria of detached objectivity, required for a more lengthy response, on my part. Again, thank you for your efforts.
Agitprop said:
(Q) Thank you for your response. Unfortunately it doesn't meet my criteria of detached objectivity, required for a more lengthy response, on my part. Again, thank you for your efforts.

Very well said Agitprop. ;)
Avatar, Your response, though poignant and I'm sure heartfelt, is not scientific. Perhaps posting on a different forum would be a better fit?
Yes, perhaps you are right, in the forum of "THE SECOND GREAT COMING OF THE DIVINE ETIs" or in the forum of "THE CHURCH OF UFOLOGY".
VRob said:
I always find it amusing when people 'Announce' they're putting someone on their ignore list.
Glad I could amuse you. What is it that attracts you to poorly reasoned arguments? A misguided evaluation of the quality of those arguments or a fascination with the possibilities "if only they were true".
You still haven't addressed my question.
What is it that attracts you to poorly reasoned arguments? A misguided evaluation of the quality of those arguments or a fascination with the possibilities "if only they were true". Or other? (Please specify.)
Ophiolite said:
You still haven't addressed my question.
What is it that attracts you to poorly reasoned arguments?

And what poorly reasoned arguement have I shown an attraction too?
Unfortunately it doesn't meet my criteria of detached objectivity, required for a more lengthy response, on my part.

Ah, so I was spot on then... that's what I thought.

Your response... is not scientific.

Neither is the topic, the forum or anything you've stated thus far. So what?
Then, evidence of a craft, along with a missing chunk of debris would be required. If I could somehow produce highly credible evidence for that, you'd need a body.

by Q:
That's where you're wrong. A chunk of debris that is clearly not of this earth would be sufficient hard evidence to initiate further study of the phenomenon. Got one?

Why, Q, I thought you would know you can get anything you want on eBay. Want an
authentic alien corpse? No problem.

Of course, it can't be a real alien. The seller says it doesn't smell, and everybody knows that real aliens stink!
Ophiolite thin-skinned? Perhaps. But not about your pseudoscientific views. Knowing him, it was your pretensious and rude attitude as perceived by him. Personally, I could care less about such things. In fact, Ophiolite, I would suggest not placing Agitprop on your ignore list so hastily as it was I that provoked her impertinent yet scurrilous remarks.
Fear not, I never placed her on ignore or intended to. I just thought it was a more polite way of expressing my distaste for her rudeness and disdain for her views than saying "**** off you gormless bitch." ;)
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Ophiolate's suppository essay:

Fear not, I never placed her on ignore or intended to. I just thought it was a more polite way of expressing my distaste for her rudeness and disdain for her views than saying "**** off you gormless bitch."--- End of essay.

Ophiolate gets an A for effort. Can anyone point out to him where he is being coarse, and why his views, along with his emotional outbursts should not be taken seriously? Better luck next time, O. We are all rooting for you.
Can anyone point out to him where he is being coarse, and why his views, along with his emotional outbursts should not be taken seriously?

hehe - being taken seriously is one of your many delusions.