a world without religion?

I have reduced nothing, just stated my knowledge.
My thoughts change nothing of the actual state.
Neither do thoughts of religious people.
My thoughts change nothing of the actual state.
Neither do thoughts of religious people.

I think that the desire to be with God is at the very core of our being, and from that desire springs religion. Also, all religions seems to imply that, yes, God is here; but we fail to see it or accept it, hence the need for faith.
Again, you are misinterpreting what actually is god in mythology, like much of the rest of the judaic religion/mythology followers or those grown up in judaic religion culture, you have no idea what gods mean to other cultures and in other times.
The concept of god is everywhere, it's a primary archetype, you find it in all cultures, but nowhere it is the judaic type except in the judaic religions which have made that error in interpretation. Their problem is that they are stuck with the metaphor and not what that metaphor transcends.

God is you, the nature of the world is you (quite scientifically), all that gods are in mythologies are there so you see them (the dynamics of the universe) in yourself. So you know your nature and yourself, gods are there to go past them, like checkpoints of realisation.
Man wasn't breathed into the earth, man came out of the earth.

If I am mistaken, help me understand your view. Are we the product of intelligent design or simply a happening? :D
We are happening, but not simply, :D
for all we know today we (or our brain in particular) is the most complex thing in the universe,
it certainly is the most complex atomic structure on Earth.

As said by the British Astronomer Royal Sir Martin Rees a few years ago: what is remarkable is that atoms have assembled themselves into structures that are able to ponder on their very own origin.
Also, all religions seems to imply that, yes, God is here; but we fail to see it or accept it, hence the need for faith.
But my dear forumer, no faith is needed if we have knowledge.

A problem that most of the humanity shares is that we have knowledge, we have data, but we are not aware what it means.

Also, all religions seems to imply that, yes, God is here; but we fail to see it or accept it, hence the need for faith.
Please, open a book and physics and cosmology, it says and proves the exact thing with no faith needed, because that is known.

Humans are not aware in their daily lives that they are the primal and only energy of the universe,
they seek for some divine power that affects their lives, but don't notice the gravity and other laws of nature that affect them each and every second of their existance. Nothing in this universe is above the laws of nature.

They seek immortality, but are not aware that the atoms of their bodies are not destroyed, they just assemble themselves into other forms and structures: living and inanimate.
And even when the Sun will consume the Earth in some 4 billion years or so the energy encased in those atoms will be released and made into other atoms.

Some seek reincarnation, but don't see reincarnations that occur every day on atomic level.

Basically most humans just are not aware what they are, though the knowledge is there.
And they are so attached to their bodies and consciousness that are not aware and don't want to be aware that it doesn't even exist in terms like everything else exists.
Think they are above the laws of nature, not being aware that every nanosecod of their lives they are dependent and governed by the same laws that they don't wish to know.

Does that change anything? Nothing at all actually. Just people living incomplete lives without being aware of what they are.