a world without religion?

So what drives evolution?

I'm going to assume you meant, what causes evolution?

There are five elements as to what causes evolution: natural selection, genetic drift, mutation, gene flow and nonrandom mating.
I suggest that these elements ie "genetic drift, gene flow, and nonrandom mating" do not have the brains to invent a gene. So where does a gene come from? I am going back to the remark that spirit does not exist and I am suggesting that before the physical universe and life there had to have existed a non physical or,if you will, "spirit". Call it what you will. It caused the universe to be. I also suggest that in life becoming more complex "It" also causes evolution. Regretably this sounds like religion but thankfully the new physics contains the idea of strings vibrating and includes consciousness as a factor. So there is something that is there and causes the universe to be. So there can be an explanation of a non physical, causative or"spiritual" realm that exists without religion to explain it to us.
c7ityi_ said:
but what causes the attractive and repulsive forces?

It is in the nature of "It". I believe that at say, level one there is no attraction and repulsion. Then say at level two, whatever "is" splits into 2 parts which have the nature of attraction and repulsion of each other.

No religion. Just existence.

So what is existence? :D

but what causes the attractive and repulsive forces?
These are the building blocks of the universe. There is no reason that they should be caused.
Cris said:

The raw basic physical laws of attractive and repulsive forces.



But there, must be a brain or at least a diagram of what to create. Raw forces need guidance. No?
I suggest that these elements ie "genetic drift, gene flow, and nonrandom mating" do not have the brains to invent a gene. So where does a gene come from?

"Brains" were not required for those processes to take place. Genes weren't 'invented,' they were a result of those processes. It's not intelligence, its simple cause and effect.

I am suggesting that before the physical universe and life there had to have existed a non physical or,if you will, "spirit". Call it what you will. It caused the universe to be.

You may suggest. What do you base it on?

new physics contains the idea of strings vibrating and includes consciousness as a factor.

Uh, string theory is merely convuluted mathematics, most likely a passing fad. Consciousness???

But there, must be a brain or at least a diagram of what to create. Raw forces need guidance. No?
Apparently not. Take a closer look at the periodic table and do some basic chemistry. I always found it amazing how such simple forces can create so much complexity and reaction.
The notion that there would be peace without religion has many fallacies.

For instance, the Soviet Union was non-religious, and was there peace and happiness? They were anti-religious.

What about China? It has a 99.99% athiest population, and they keep picking on Tibet?

It's like I said before, whether religion exists or not, there would be still be people psychologically conditioned to behave "bad" and others to behave "good".
A Free Thought I had this morning at breakfast over my Nutri Grain was... "What would a world without religion be like?"

Religion begs us to ask questions regarding our own nature. I wonder, would we still search for God if there were no religions to point the way?
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VitalOne said:
The notion that there would be peace without religion has many fallacies.

For instance, the Soviet Union was non-religious, and was there peace and happiness? They were anti-religious.

What about China? It has a 99.99% athiest population, and they keep picking on Tibet?

It's like I said before, whether religion exists or not, there would be still be people psychologically conditioned to behave "bad" and others to behave "good".

Please note the difference between secular democracies and communism.
Just like scientific discoveries.
God is a metaphor.

Some would say that without God there would be no scientific discoveries. The Host of Hosts metaphor.
Yes, and some say that there dwells a pink bunny rabbit in the zeta dimension on the other side of the multiverse, but that doesn't make that true
Yes, and some say that there dwells a pink bunny rabbit in the zeta dimension on the other side of the multiverse, but that doesn't make that true

God is an object of much larger thought than are pink bunnies. Wouldn't you agree?
I can imagine a godly bunny.
But seriously though, a god or godess is and always has been a metaphor for some dynamic of the universe, or like the dancing shiva - all dynamics of the universe.
It's a metaphor and an archetype. a symbol which makes for people easier to grasp and understand the natural world.
only in judaism and the related religions and cults does god has lost its metaphorical quality and has become a fact - that originated from people misinterpreting mythology, which can not be read as historical and factual information, it has to be read like poetry, not prose

any high hindu priest will tell the same about hindu deities, as well as buddhist and other
god or godess is and always has been a metaphor for some dynamic of the universe, or like the dancing shiva - all dynamics of the universe.
It's a metaphor and an archetype. a symbol which makes for people easier to grasp and understand the natural world.

Curious thought regarding your place in the Universe. What are you?
The universe of course,
for what else are the atoms of my brain and body,
those same atoms have been in this place of the universe for at least 5 billion years,
and the energy that is enclosed in them is since the big bang for it can not be destroyed.
On that energetic level there is no difference and no distinction, and that also is the real ground so to speak.

Human consciousness is just a process of the brain evaluating the incoming (or new) information <s>with</s> against the data already stored in the brain, consequently what you think is yourself really does not even exist, it exists only as a process that arises <s>from</s> through the biochemical and electrical interactions in your brain.

To put everything in other words - I'm the energy of the universe, a complex gathering of about 3 trillion atoms or so that through different linked processes has become the eyes and the mouth of the universe.
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Human consciousness is just a process of the brain evaluating the incoming (or new) information with the data already stored in the brain, consequently what you think is yourself really does not even exist, it exists only as a process that arises from the biochemical and electrical interactions in your brain.

It reads as though you have reduced us into self-aware machines.