a world without religion?

Oh my god, here's necrophilia!

And he that is the high priest among his brethren, upon whose head the anointing oil was poured, and that is consecrated to put on the garments, shall not uncover his head, nor rend his clothes;
Neither shall he go in to any dead body, nor defile himself for his father, or for his mother;

The scripture says what the consequences of disbelief in the God almighty are. I suggest reading the first twenty Psalms. What does it say about those who refuse to believe in God? It DIRECTLY addresses the atheist. You will, if you read, find out what it says about the terror that will befall the ungodly. It will also lay out the path of destruction for those who mock God and those who strive to live by his ways.
Of all the religions in the world Christianity is probably the most terrifying. Or at least it was to those who lived in times where superstition ruled the world, and where knowledge about nature (e.g. the laws of physics) was unknown. Christianity was made official by politicians and those who desired power over people, and in times when tyranny and subjugation was the normal method of control. What better way to achieve this than to make people believe the terror that would befall them if they didn’t conform.

Times have changes and many of us are no longer intimidated by archaic propaganda designed for the ignorant and illiterate. Your post could be mistaken for a terrorist threat. Isn’t this really why Christianity has lasted so long and why it must go away as soon as possible?
I have been thinking about this topic for some time. In the past I believed, and this really is a leap, that religiion would be replaced by the truth being revealed. This would involve a revelation from "the Truth".

Well that is a reach.....

I agree with your points and your questions. It is something to seriously persue. And I really mean seriously. Religion drives people to acts of complete insanity. We lose our humanity and our Godliness(our decency and humanity) in religion.

I would like to explore, to imagine, a world without religion.

If there is any interest out there I would like to really get this discussion going.
The thing is, any species in this universe of a similar intelligence to us will have used religion too. We had all this brain power, but not yet any facts to explain our existence and everything around us. So quite natrually we had to come up with our own explanations. This was innevitable and probably quite useful up to a point, until it got distorted into the christianity and the such we see to day, which is a dramatic obstacle to the persuit of knowledge.

I would hope that with the easy access to knowledge in this day and age, that each generation will sort of, improve and begin to leave the silliness behind.
Perhaps it is not so much that religion exists as that we use it to justify our evil deeds. It is not that religion has nothing to offer, there is beauty and wisdom in any religion,but the worst elements within these religions pervert them to the point of erradicating the beauty.
I would like to see a movement develop that enlightens people from any backround to kindness, love of one another, a sense of being a part of a greater creation that includes all faces of humanity. Let it be a cosmic awareness in which the one is a part of the all in a state of love.
People get the idea that religion is a horrible thing. It's not. As a matter of fact, it's a valuable part of our history and, believe it or not, has helped humans greatly. Religion has shaped the world in such a way that it is safe to say that it would have been a totally different place without it.

Many point out that great misdeeds are done with religion being the center of attention. It's not the religion's fault that people go to war for it. I am an atheist, but I understand that Christianity teaches passion, love for life, and humbleness, and that's how many of its followers live their lives.

That some dumbass gave it as a reason for a war, such as a crusade, is irrelevant. Wars like that would have happened either way: they are the product of greediness and ambition, not true religion.

Evil deeds are not done because of religion. People twist religion into justifying their evil deeds.
ASSUME: Flying on an airliner we do not want a pilot who believes he can fly and land the plane, we want one who Knows. We do not want a surgeon who believes he can perform a delicate surgery, we want one who Knows. Throughout our lifetime if we are wise we always attempt to choose someone who knows how to test our eyes or diagnose our illness. Beleivers are not chose ...UNTIL... we chose philosophy and religion, and we turn to ministers or teachers who are beleivers. The one who has directely accessed the Supreme Reality is fit to discuss That Which Is. All the divorces and lawsuits and arguements and wars take place due to not Knowing. Who is the culprit, who is at fault. Take two fingers and point them at the sides of your head and proceed inward. This is the heavyweight champion of error. How many times has this mind allowed you to purchase something cheaply made that didn' work. Chose freinds that were anything but, ate or drank unhealthy things. there is an original-unified mind "earth term". By moving back into this area truth or real is found. Be Still and KNOW..Paul...unfortunately when we pose this knowledge to mind watch its reaction.. There will b e no other God but me......MIND
aciescomplio said:
A Free Thought I had this morning at breakfast over my Nutri Grain was... "What would a world without religion be like?"

Would there be peace?
If not would it be more possible?

Think about it,
-Thousands of wars would have been prevented
-we wouldn't have had World War 2
-the Fight over Jeruselem
-Al-Queda's differences at the moment with the Western world

I don't think so, all those wars might not have taken place, but others would take its place. There will always be man's lust for more power.
but how would you know that, talk to atheists in this day and age and try to translate that reasoning to humanity and eradicate any god/gods/religion in the past, then try to grasp a world of pure thought, of goodness, of love for each and every man, of respect for life.
now can you see any wars happening, I not saying it's not at all possible, that would be irrational, but it would be extremely rare. we would have advanced ten fold by now, and possibly be exploring the universe and living on other planets.
religion is just a evil that needs to be irradicated.
It doesn't matter whether religion exists or not people will always have different beliefs from each other (like democratic or republican) and different philosophies, so everything would basically be the same.

People would still be fighting and there would still be wars.

People would still be fighting and there would still be wars.
Until we evolve with greater intelligence when we can all see how stupid those things are.
Many of the arguments presented appear to assume a world without religion but with most of history intact.

One must first go waaaaaaay back to when religion first made its appearance and have it quashed at that time. We can then move forward through history replacing it with what would have happened had religion never made it out of the starting gate and rationale and reason ruled.

Religion has dramatically shaped our history hence our history would be very different had that not been the case. Wars, famine, disease, etc. could have been a thing of the past had not religion been there all along to poison the mind with ignorance. So much could have been achieved throughout the centuries such that our whole way of life would be considerably altered. All that which religion has defined as good and evil or 'sinful' would not even exist
OK, let someone propose what history might have been without religion. Do we eradicate all spirituality or just organized religion?

How do we answer questions like, what am I and how did I get here?

I propose that any system that creates Us verses Them creates conflict. "Imagine all the people living for today.......no country etc.."

We would need something that unites, that gives us a sense that we are all together, one family.

So write this history! Tell us a story.
Do we eradicate all spirituality or just organized religion?

No need to eradicate spirituality - it doesn't exist anyways.

How do we answer questions like, what am I and how did I get here? We would need something that unites, that gives us a sense that we are all together, one family.

Evolution is the answer.
I assumed joeyw was talking about people as opposed to the universe. But you would be correct in regards to the universe.

Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
living for today...

Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

Imagine no possesions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.

Writen by: John Lennon
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