A world with a loving God.


So it seems the Catholic Church doesn't, in fact, just accept scientific evolution, that more Democrats still don't know that Earth revolves around the sun (I'm guessing because they trust scientists to know that for them), and that Galileo wasn't just in conflict with the church.
Okay. Better to say, then, that the Catholic Church's attitude to evolution is not necessarily incompatible with the findings of science. It is interesting that the great minds of the Catholic Church have not been able to decide whether there was a literal special creation in an actual 6 day period, as opposed to the scientific explanation of origins. Also interesting that they haven't been able to work out whether humans were specially created or if they evolved naturally.

You missed one.
I specifically noted that my list was not exhaustive.

But you also don't specify what is being denied. You seem to presume that the science on any given subject is settled, when that's not something science actually does, e.g. prove or disprove stuff.
Some facts are settled beyond reasonable doubt. It is settled that pi is not 3. It is settled that evolution by natural selection occurs.
Re Flat Earth...here is an entertaining video.
It is a polite presentation where three flat Earth proponents and three scientists discuss a flat Earth.

Re Photo touch up.
Sure you can manipulate photos and "touch them up"..It has been going on for years. I worked for a newspaper in the early 1960s (SMH copy boy) and they employed at least half a dozen artists to "touch up" photos to make them better for reproducing via the presses.
These days we have software, such as Photoshop, that is employed simply to make photos better.
I expect that most photographers using a digital camera touch up their results in Photoshop or simar software. No doubt NASA touch up photos but that is to be expected. If one wishes to claim they create false images one should offer strong evidence in support or shut up and stop lieing. And why would they try to hide a flat Earth I wonder?
For those claiming a flat Earth perhaps they should address and explain a mechanism for comets.
So where did the flat Earth idea come from?
Many cultures held a cosmology having the start of the universe as a cosmic egg... The egg was cut in half..the top half becoming the heavens and the bottom the Earth etc...needless to say the surface of the bottom half of the egg was flat. One will be surprised how widespread the cosmic egg was in early times.
Many humans are simplistic, I can recognise this feature in my own make up to a very small degree, and so they believe what their eyes tell them they see...they see a flat surface and so the Earth is flat..some seek support from their good book relying on vague references as further authority. Add to that the fact like to feel special by holding secret knowledge and "smarter" than others the appeal to babble flat Earth becomes particularly appealing..I see that quality in the flat Earthers in the video.. you can notice they are all in a rush to jump up when a question is asked...attention getters...so little in their lives they have that need I suspect.
However I do understand what Jan is trying to say...if he cant stand back in space such that he personally observe that the Earth is a sphere the prospect will remain for him that there is a possibility that the Earth could be flat.. however I doubt he believes such for one moment but cant resist the opportunity to stir folk up by presenting his thoughts in a way that causes folk to burr up... it seems reasonable to speculate that Jan presents the proposition in a manner that will have people biting.
Okay. Better to say, then, that the Catholic Church's attitude to evolution is not necessarily incompatible with the findings of science. It is interesting that the great minds of the Catholic Church have not been able to decide whether there was a literal special creation in an actual 6 day period, as opposed to the scientific explanation of origins. Also interesting that they haven't been able to work out whether humans were specially created or if they evolved naturally.
Um, literal and special creation are two different things. And my citation clearly says that evolution held by Catholicism is "initiated and continued" "under the guidance of God". According to most atheists, that isn't "evolved naturally".

Some facts are settled beyond reasonable doubt. It is settled that pi is not 3. It is settled that evolution by natural selection occurs.
Did you not read my comments about the inaccurate cubit and the Bible's contemporary audience? Are trying to erect the straw man that anyone denies the value of pi? You're better than that.
Because the alternative is to join the ranks of conspiracy theorists, who are characterised by refusing to believe anything from any "authority", with the exception that they accept their fellow conspiracy theorists as unquestionable authorities.

In a nutshell, then, the answer is: you'd have to be a bit nutty, or some kind of fundamentalist to seriously doubt it, in the absence of any rational reason to do so.
Why don’t you answer the question posed?
Your waffle is of no value.:D
Here it is again;

How do you know that is a genuine image of this planet?
I don't use the term but hear it from theists who use it ...perhaps some passing theists could jump in and explain what they mean.
I did.
It went over your head.
How can I define the term...mmm...I can only interpreted it as what theists say...God loves you...repeated enough to hint that this God they have invented loves them I guess...
That’s what this thread is based on?
So why didn’t you accept the reason I gave, that was attached to the metaphor “a loving father”?
but it certainly can't mean he sends them flowers or spends quality time with them...
A declaration of love is not love.
Anyways Jan we both know it's not about actually addressing the OP because we both know to seriously do so we end up knee deep in hypocrisy that theists must employ to hide the fact that their concept of a loving God is pure nonsense.
You can’t learn anything (if that was your intention with this thread) if you keep interjecting your atheist philosophy. Otherwise you may as well not make enquires, because you already have the answers.
My problem is I want the world to work from a position that the truth is paramount and unfortunately if it was we would lose so much...think of all those preachers and pastors who must be basically unemployable ...what to do with them?...
I thought this was about God, not preachers and pastors.
Please do not troll.
Jan I tried to work out what you mean when you started talking this way earlier but I can't see what you are driving at.
May I ask you to give a definition to each of Darwinism and Evolution and perhaps identify in greater depth the difference you personally see between the two terms.
I would really appreciate you taking your time to help me understand you view.
There’s no need.
You already have enough to get an idea.
Darwinism, aside from being an endless stream of waffle, is all but dead. It is not a topic f interest anymore.
It wasn’t my intention to turn it into a discussion on here. Unfortunately when you mention darwinism, it brings out the dinosaur in believers.
I say let’s talk about God, and let darwinism die in peace.:wink::D
Video is unavailable in my country.

I take it you are in full agreement with my quote, and the video you posted, expressed that full agreement?
Of course.

What country do you live in? Maybe turn on a VPN. I live in Canada
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I did.
It went over your head.
Yet knowing that you don't care but use it as an opportunity to be unkind...very god like of you Jan.

So why didn’t you accept the reason I gave, that was attached to the metaphor “a loving father”?

You have already observed it went over my head yet all you can do is seize the opportunity to be unkind and mock me rather than behave decently...why?
I encourage you to try and be more kind to folk less intelligent than you and avoid the desire to look down upon them.

A declaration of love is not love.

I find it curious that you could make such an observation ...So you are telling me there are folk out there who declare love but they dont mean it?
I find it difficult to accept the world can be just so terrible..I do wish there really was a god who cared enough to change things for the better.

You can’t learn anything (if that was your intention with this thread) if you keep interjecting your atheist philosophy.

Sorry Jan in the future I will keep my opinions to myself. So with that in mind please go ahead and present the theist view in answer to the op.

I thought this was about God, not preachers and pastors.

The thread was always about seeking truth...I question your truth, which I understand has it that there is a loving God by asking if the world could be better if there was indeed a loving God and you it seems are unable to address such a question which indicates many things to me and others no doubt. Is it so difficult for you to look at the world and conclude it could be a great deal better if a god was at the wheel...it is obvious that there is no god at the wheel and all you can do is avoid addressing the issue and be unkind being the smarty pants type that you say you don't like.
Oops is that injecting my atheist philosophy...sorry.
And rather than offer meaningful input to my thread you take it over using it as a stage you monopolize and take the center...no it's not about preachers, pastors or even god that much is clear as you have seen to it that it is all about Jan.
But that's ok I can understand your need...
There’s no need.
You already have enough to get an idea.
Very helpful Jan it seems you miss
no opportunity to be difficult but I guess you just don't understand how to be a good communicator...there is a responsibility on both sides and it is of little value for someone to become indignant and pout saying you should understand what I am talking about..I feel a reasonable person could take time to better explain their words if it is clear the recipient has not understood their meaning. I feel such is a decent approach to communication.
Darwinism, aside from being an endless stream of waffle, is all but dead.
You are the master of wild unsupported claims ... Does that make you feel good about yourself? I know you don't think that of yourself nor do I think you would want to be that type of person but in your interest I make that observation..not to mock you but to help you..I feel that is how I can help you be more acceptable to others who don't try to understand you and resort to mocking you.

It is not a topic f interest anymore.

Yes we all understand that having reached the point where to actually become informed on the subject you find you need to actually learn about it, you find it becomes of no interest. Sure beats becoming informed ...just change the subject...so Jan like but you could change that simple approach and take time to become informed and appear competent. But perhaps try to avoid folk like Ray..he seems nice but he has a business to run, his small capital base suggests he needs more money to retire so his needs are somewhat urgent and his views may not be genuine and formed more by the need to draw in gullible folk than to publish truth..he is not the guy to listen to, of that I am sure. Please take the time to learn about the subject so you can be as an equal to folk who currently look down on you for what they consider academic lazyness.

It wasn’t my intention to turn it into a discussion on here.

I say your intention has always been to take center stage and divert discussion away from the op that will expose the truth about the concept of a loving God playing any part whatsoever in our world, driven by your insatiable desire to be and remain the centre of attention, all the while ridiculing established science and avoiding decent behaviour and adherence to sensible discussion. That may seem cruel and I don't want it to be that way but I feel one must be honest with people as that is the only way you can help...

Unfortunately when you mention darwinism, it brings out the dinosaur in believers.

Now having committed the crime of antagonizing folk by trashing established science you have the hide to try and suggest that somehow it is all my doing. That is wrong Jan and you force me to be blunt..but only in an effort to help you.
My hands are clean but you are up to your armpits in mud could be a reasonable observation..but let's not make lite of your actions with silly metaphors and just consider your behaviour...all I can comment is your actions would not please most people and they should not please you..you are capable of so much more.

I say let’s talk about God, and let darwinism die in peace

Why? You seem uninformed on either subject. You certainly can't explain your understanding of Darwinism as you call it, and yet you feel qualified to ridicule the strawman you have made in its image but hidden from others for fear that your lack of knowledge is exposed...and god ... really what do you know about god? Your failure over time to offer specifics suggest you don't have a clue but indeed use the notion of God to gain that which is your only prize..center stage...where you sprout what most see as meaningless nonsense knowing that it can only draw attention..the attention that you crave...
And Jan that is ok that is what humans do with their free will...we all do it...so I hope that you don't feel bad from anything that I have said...Besides the character flaws you share with all of us I know that past that you are a fine human being.
You are just one in seven odd billion and I can understand your need to be noticed..it really does all seem pointless and so I understand why you need to have a god to feel special somehow.
Thanks for sharing a little something of yourself and you have a wonderful life.
There’s no need.
You already have enough to get an idea.
Darwinism, aside from being an endless stream of waffle, is all but dead. It is not a topic f interest anymore.
It wasn’t my intention to turn it into a discussion on here. Unfortunately when you mention darwinism, it brings out the dinosaur in believers.
I say let’s talk about God, and let darwinism die in peace.:wink::D

Lol. One of the most successful theories ever discovered and Jan believes it's dying and that we should talk about an invisible, undetectable God, of which Jan still cannot offer any explanations, descriptions or definitions that make sense.

Sure Jan, let's just go back a couple thousand years and talk like they did.
It can’t have been discovered.
But yes, it is dying.

How do you know that? Show me the statistics?

No need.
We can talk now.
You see, you’re learning new stuff already.

I've learned you can no more show me a loving God than you can understand evolution.

So, what's to talk about with an invisible undetectable God?
Yet knowing that you don't care but use it as an opportunity to be unkind...very god like of you Jan.
Yes, because I claimed I was a god. Didn’t I.
And the evidence of that is the same place evidence of darwinian evolution resides.
You have already observed it went over my head yet all you can do is seize the opportunity to be unkind and mock me rather than behave decently...why?
I encourage you to try and be more kind to folk less intelligent than you and avoid the desire to look down upon them.
Lol!! Playing the victim doesn’t suit you Alex.
So you are telling me there are folk out there who declare love but they dont mean it?
I find it difficult to accept the world can be just so terrible..I do wish there really was a god who cared enough to change things for the better.
This utter fabrication is only ever so slightly more convincing than the darwinian one.
.it is obvious that there is no god at the wheel
Don’t you think it would be strange if an atheist did believe there was a god at the wheel?
Oops is that injecting my atheist philosophy...sorry.
Apology accepted.
And rather than offer meaningful input to my thread you take it over using it as a stage you monopolize and take the center...no it's not about preachers, pastors or even god that much is clear as you have seen to it that it is all about Jan.
Would like me to vacate the thread?
Very helpful Jan it seems you miss
no opportunity to be difficult but I guess you just don't understand how to be a good communicator...t
I know how this goes Alex.
Because no one can produce any evidence for the fairytale, the next step is the endless stream of waffle. Believe me, when I tell you don’t want that in your thread.:D
I feel that is how I can help you be more acceptable to others who don't try to understand you and resort to mocking you.
Mockery is all you have.
That’s what makes it fun.
all the while ridiculing established science
Tell me why you think the theory of evolution is established science.
Now having committed the crime of antagonizing folk by trashing established science
Where have I trashed “established science”?
If darwinism is true, why don’t YOU show me.
How do you know that? Show me the statistics?

I've learned you can no more show me a loving God than you can understand evolution.

So, what's to talk about with an invisible undetectable God?
It seems you are rattled.
There’s no point in this discussing this subject anymore.