A world with a loving God.

EDIT: What I can't understand is I've been given charities money to buy water pumps in some places in Africe, like Ethopia back in the 80/90s, 30 years and it still hasn't changed?
In some places it has. There are a lot of villages in Africa that have decent wells and pumps now. It often doesn't change their lives very much, but it makes things a little easier.
Cherry picking quotes for another uninspiring trip down pointless lane.
your meaningless reply indicates you can offer no reply that addresses the simple question in the op ... I understand you have nothing and I have embarrassed you by pointing out that obvious fact.
your meaningless reply indicates you can offer no reply that addresses the simple question in the op ... I understand you have nothing and I have embarrassed you by pointing out that obvious fact.
Wonderful, someone with a worse memory then me. I said "Let's pretend God doesn't exit" meaning, let's draw the line and deal with the actual problem. Humans.
In some places it has. There are a lot of villages in Africa that have decent wells and pumps now. It often doesn't change their lives very much, but it makes things a little easier.
Yeah, 30 years paying, that's just me. The UK at least 30 million in the UK saw the liveaid concert and threw money at the problem, and it went on for 30 years. They could cover the moon in water pumps for the money that must have passed through these wonderful charity peoples hands.
Nope. Jan is claiming that God makes sure we are not left to starve. Millions are in fact left to starve. So either God has it in for those people - or it's just a side effect of human callousness.
Not one creature is left to starve.
All starvation is down to us.
Good point:

Matthew 6:26

EDIT: Who he was talking to may explain it, instead of meaning it for everyone.

EDIT: I forgot, Jan doesn't think Jesus is God in the flesh.
Nooooo! It’s not a good point. Don’t encourage him.:rolleyes:
Starvation is a human problem.
God has provided us with everything all creatures need, free of charge. And this is what we do with it.
Those who have taken the time to understand it, do accept it, that is, unless their fragile faith based egos fear it. Can't help them.
Gosh! You’re so arrogant.
Because not not everybody accepts your religion, you label them as ignorant, even other scientists?
Lay off the darwin stew mate, it’s messing with you.
Excuse me while I flip through the Bible here... uh huh... just as I suspected. Right after God says, "Go forth and multiply", we find absolutely nothing on how to manage the food supply for everyone, or any other such global stewardship guidelines. God sticks us here and leaves us to ourselves to manage the world. Fail.

ps. We need more emojis.
Why would I doubt these experts?
I don’t think it matters whether you doubt them or not. Only a handful would seriously care, because it makes no difference to most people’s lives.
We see evolution in action.
We don’t see Darwin’s ideas in action. We have to take the modern priests (pop scientists)word for it.

“Love evolved because homo sapien realised it would a better model for blah! blah! blah!
It’s all nonsense. It’s time to grow up.
We have no reason not to accept it, other then having been brain washed into accepting a myth that may or may not give one a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
We have every reason not to accept. It’s a fairytale for adult atheists.
Atheists always bring up the Catholic Church acceptance of it, as if to say “look it’s not an atheist thing”. But it very much is an atheist belief.
I'm not into theology or religious studies, but I'm pretty sure we have had many different gods throughout the ages, depending on where and when one was indocrinated.
If you are into science as much as you say you are, then you should be more thorough. Rather than just spouting dumb, atheist cliches, like “which god”.
You should notice that when theist talk about the Almighty God, they use upper-“G”, and when talking about the numerous, lesser gods they use the lower case “g”. You don’t have to be a theist to respect that.
You should also realise that there can only be one God. You should note what the characteristics of that God is, whether you believe in God or not. This way you can know that people are referring to the one God.
If you were really into science, you would look at everything objectively, instead of just taking sides.
So excuse if I’m currently a bit skeptical of your love of science. But we’ll see how you carry on in future.
:D We all are inclined to push our beliefs. My agenda is the scientific method and what evolves from that. Despite being a rank amateur. Probably my one regret in life, in that when I did leave school, I preferred fun and games to further education. No one to blame other then myself. This is a science forum but, first and foremost and as such the scientific methodology should prevail.
You sound reasonable, and I hope you are being truthful, But you have to stop with the dumb atheist cliches, in order to convince me.
We have enough of those types on here. Too much darwin stew if you ask me.:D
Gosh! You’re so arrogant.
Because not not everybody accepts your religion, you label them as ignorant, even other scientists?
Lay off the darwin stew mate, it’s messing with you.

Calling science a religion is just... well, really dumb.

And, to say that the "religion" is messing with me and that I'd better lay off as if it's a bad thing, what does that say about your religion?
Nooooo! It’s not a good point. Don’t encourage him.:rolleyes:
Starvation is a human problem.
God has provided us with everything all creatures need, free of charge. And this is what we do with it.

Why then, if starvation is a human problem, did God not give us directions and guidelines on how to feed everyone considering he gave us guidelines on how to hate gays, keep slaves and kill our children when they disobey, free of charge? Funny how you just ignore stuff in the Bible when it suits your purpose.
Calling science a religion is just... well, really dumb.
Never said science was a religion.
And, to say that the "religion" is messing with me and that I'd better lay off as if it's a bad thing, what does that say about your religion?
It says that my religion kicks you religions a$$ everyday of the week except Saturdays. Give your religion a chance to have a disco. :D
Why then, if starvation is a human problem, did God not give us directions and guidelines on how to feed everyone considering he gave us guidelines on how to hate gays, keep slaves and kill our children when they disobey, free of charge? Funny how you just ignore stuff in the Bible when it suits your purpose.
Most of us have a conscience. When God was handing them out, you were probably too busy stealing Darwin stew out of the pantry.
But for most of us, people starving, is immoral.
No one, no matter their circumstance, should have to starve to death.
IOW, it’s already within us to help those who are helpless.
What I can't understand is I've been given charities money to buy water pumps in some places in Africe, like Ethopia back in the 80/90s, 30 years and it still hasn't changed?
Dave, I'm sure there are '' true spiritual people'' organising and delivering these things to the needy. And, I'm sure they have been doing it longer than 30 years for other forms of help. Don't be too hard on them.
We don’t see Darwin’s ideas in action. We have to take the modern priests (pop scientists)word for it.
Darwin's ideas? Which ones are these? The theory of the evolution of life arose because of his excellent perception and observation. Some modifications over the years but its still the same theory, or actually now fact due to the preponderance of evidence.
“Love evolved because homo sapien realised it would a better model for blah! blah! blah!
It’s all nonsense. It’s time to grow up.

We have every reason not to accept. It’s a fairytale for adult atheists.
Atheists always bring up the Catholic Church acceptance of it, as if to say “look it’s not an atheist thing”. But it very much is an atheist belief.
This is a science forum Jan and as such all claims need to run the gauntlet of the scientific method. Yours so far fail dismally, and let me add if you want to be treated with respect [which I'm trying to do] stop making childish dumb statements re evolution being a fairy tail. It's a fact.
If you are into science as much as you say you are, then you should be more thorough. Rather than just spouting dumb, atheist cliches, like “which god”
You should notice that when theist talk about the Almighty God, they use upper-“G”, and when talking about the numerous, lesser gods they use the lower case “g”. You don’t have to be a theist to respect that.
You should also realise that there can only be one God. You should note what the characteristics of that God is, whether you believe in God or not. This way you can know that people are referring to the one God.
Ahhh, I think I get it! All the other gods are myth but your god is the real honky dory fair dinkum real one!! Is that what you want me and others to believe?
If you were really into science, you would look at everything objectively, instead of just taking sides.
So excuse if I’m currently a bit skeptical of your love of science. But we’ll see how you carry on in future.
As an amateur my love of science does not mean I'm infallible, and whether your skeptical of that fact or not matters SFA to me.
And with regards to "taking sides" all you need to do is come up with some bit of evidence showing that this big wide universe we inhabit and the fart arse little blue orb we all live on, is somehow part of a great design and I'll consider it, OK?
You sound reasonable, and I hope you are being truthful, But you have to stop with the dumb atheist cliches, in order to convince me.
We have enough of those types on here. Too much darwin stew if you ask me.:D
I hope I am reasonable and yes sometimes these atheistic cliches align with the truth which hurts particularly when that truth deflates the belief someone has held for years.
I know all the types we get here. I have crossed swords with many of them on different subjects, that have tried to bully their nonsense in place of science.
Why then, if starvation is a human problem, did God not give us directions and guidelines on how to feed everyone
He did. You can feed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes. Make sure it's a boy who delivers them.
The Feeding of the 5,000 is also known as the "miracle of the five loaves and two fishes"; the Gospel of John reports that Jesus used five loaves and two fishes supplied by a boy to feed a multitude.
Funny how you just ignore stuff in the Bible when it suits your purpose.
Yep, if only we did not ignore the Bible, all would be well.
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