A U.N. resolution seeks to criminalize opinions that differ with the Islamic faith.

There should be no wars to begin with. Then no one would die in them.

Aside from the propaganda and that persons opinion, people need to get along and get off their power trips.
As I have previously said, Mecca is a city. Even if you convert it to glass, its still Mecca. Even if you kill everyone there and flatten it to dust, it is still Mecca. As long as there is anyone alive who remembers the notion of Mecca, it exists.
According to Gideon Polya (an Australian researcher), more than one billion Muslims have been killed between the years 1950 to 2000, most of them by invasions by Western countries, including Russia.

That is a lie.

You clearly did not read the article and you fabricated a lie. And, we are to believe what you claim about the oppression of Muslims when you, a Muslim, fabricate such lies?

SAM has the right to speak for Muslims, because she is Muslim herself, though an unorthodox one.

Sam fabricates monstrous whoppers, just like you. Neither of you seem able to demonstrate your points without resorting to lies.
I read the Gideon Polya paper where he reported 550 million [half a billion] Muslims killed since 1950 due to western interventions.
I read the Gideon Polya paper where he reported 550 million [half a billion] Muslims killed since 1950 due to western interventions.

This is looking like an auction. When you get down to 11M: SELL!
That's an article about the infant mortality rate, he wrote another on actual total morality (adults, children, and infants). This isn't his only paper. I'll attempt to find it but I'm kind of busy at the moment.
I read the Gideon Polya paper where he reported 550 million [half a billion] Muslims killed since 1950 due to western interventions.

He also talks about the Afghanistan Holocaust, and the Afghanistan genocide (yes the recent US invasion). I see where you get your kooky ideas.
If it were not for Westernized modern medicine billions of Muslims (and Hindus and Shinto and Tao) would not be alive today. Geee Western intervention how great.
Interesting thread. It seems to be more of an online bitch session between SAM and everyone else. I'm still trying to figure out where a westernized Muslim resides when basic human rights are at risk. Certainly their sympathies don't rest with the fascism of the middle-east. :shrug:

Nonetheless, my personal opinion is that the UN resolution clearly attempts to bolster an Islamic agenda while also trying to remove from the public podium critical thought and honest evaluation of religion. I do believe it is being promoted for the sake of Muslim desires to control free expression of opposing views, but I don't think such a dictum will fly here in the US. We will ignore it if it should pass. Nobody here loves Islam.
The Nazis were very much opposed to free speech. Diamondhearts and SAM seem to view this thread as a personal attack against them. They divide the world into us and them, and then proceed to explain why they are victims and we are aggressors, and therefore we have no cause to complain about any aspect of their culture or religion. This is ridiculous. I myself have much cause to complain about my own government, the religions of America, and the hypocracy evident throughout society. I have to wonder wether there is something about Islam that generates absolutist black and white thinking.
Keep to the subject at hand, please. Anti-religious sentiments are common in the Islamic world, they only object when the religion in question is theirs, which evidently is never to be questioned.

Jews and christians are the same but you don't seem to mind when they do it.
Well.. Im hoping my country wont give in to this retarded notion. Islam needs to be criticized more, its teachings discussed more, and its fantatics like SAM educated. Any religion that has a hard on for pedophillic prophets obviously is sick.
haven't read the bible lately have you
Liberation was a feeble Bush lie. When there was communism, it was felt (arguably justifiably) that anything is better than communism, even a dictatorship.
Liberation was a feeble Bush lie. When there was communism, it was felt (arguably justifiably) that anything is better than communism, even a dictatorship.

Correct, so its not a liberation, so much as an imposition of your own value systems on another by force. Which is no different from colonialism really.
So is this UN resolution, which seeks to impose the Islamic value system on others, which is no different than jihad.
That no one can say anything that could be interpreted to disrespect Islam, which is thought to be infallible.