A U.N. resolution seeks to criminalize opinions that differ with the Islamic faith.

You know, things like not being able to make a pictural representation of Mohammed. It's Islam, but the same value is represented in this resolution.
You know, things like not being able to make a pictural representation of Mohammed. It's Islam, but the same value is represented in this resolution.

Is that what the resolution is addressing? Did it make it illegal to make pictorial representations of Mohammed?
Sure, but not when you're occupying, torturing and killing the people you are demonising.
No one is demonizing anyone. Criticism is not demonization nor is it anti-Islamic propaganda. You may not believe it, but in spite of the recent flaws in US foreign policy, our intentions are still good, to displace a dictator, establish a representative Democracy, eliminate a brutal totalitarian fundamentalist regime, and pursue the enemies of peace (the enemies of Islam itself).
I think supporting and arming dictators is generally wrong. I also think trying to limit what other people can say about a particular religion is wrong.
I withhold the right to criticize any religion in the world, no matter what my government happens to be doing to any particular nation.
What about Islam in general? What about non-American, non-British, Muslim commentators on Islam?
Let them eat cake. When a million Muslims are being killed, their actions are merely fuel to the fire that is burning from Palestine to Pakistan.

When you're in the crowd thats cheering on the rapist, keeping your pants on is not sufficient evidence of innocence.
SAM, you are a hypocrite:
I don't, I just recognize the ludicrousness of expecting social progressiveness in a society that you are actively undermining politically.

Ah, so being able to speak freely about religion is an example of social progressiveness? And yet we cannot have social progressiveness because you are afraid criticism of Islam would be used to justify violence against Muslims. So we can have no intellectual discourse, it's just us against them.
LOS ANGELES, March 10 — Three weeks ago, Dr. Wafa Sultan was a largely unknown Syrian-American psychiatrist living outside Los Angeles, nursing a deep anger and despair about her fellow Muslims.

Today, thanks to an unusually blunt and provocative interview on Al Jazeera television on Feb. 21, she is an international sensation, hailed as a fresh voice of reason by some, and by others as a heretic and infidel who deserves to die.

In the interview, which has been viewed on the Internet more than a million times and has reached the e-mail of hundreds of thousands around the world, Dr. Sultan bitterly criticized the Muslim clerics, holy warriors and political leaders who she believes have distorted the teachings of Muhammad and the Koran for 14 centuries.

She said the world's Muslims, whom she compares unfavorably with the Jews, have descended into a vortex of self-pity and violence.

Dr. Sultan said the world was not witnessing a clash of religions or cultures, but a battle between modernity and barbarism, a battle that the forces of violent, reactionary Islam are destined to lose.​

"Knowledge has released me from this backward thinking. Somebody has to help free the Muslim people from these wrong beliefs."

Someone call the Anti-Islam Defamation League!