A Request Directed to Sciforums' "Atheists"

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Oh, so you're posting while drunk, that helps explain the state of your comprehension. Try rehab, it seems to be working wonders for Rob Ford.
Sadly, I post while sober as I rarely drink. But your hypotheticals .. There's not enough alcohol in my house to allow me to get through your sick and twisted scenarios without wanting to stab my eyes out with an ice pick.
I have to question Capracus's grasp on reality in the face of the... suggested scenarios... he has proposed.
I think the moderators are trying to prove that we need more moderation in the religion forum by deliberately sidetracking this thread.
What we have here, folks is someone, namely Tiassa, who thinks that complexity conveys cleverness. He thinks his flowery rhetoric makes him look smart. Instead of making any sense to his readers, he’s just trying to make himself look good. He’s not here to inform you. He’s here to impress you.

The topic isn't an original one. We've all heard it before. The sad thing, though, is that we really have been subjected to a string of insults from the mods. We can handle atheism on an intellectual level, but we still struggle with it on emotional level.

Atheists are appealing to the intellect and sense of humanity. Stop trying to denigrate one side of a discussion by merely stating that we are being rude because we oppose religion. We're no longer burned at the stake but they continue to use either shame or guilt to control us. Tiassa is no different.

Perhaps, we do fall short on sentiments, but that’s because we constantly have to defend ourselves, which leaves little time for creativity. "Why we fail?" Didn't he say that? We are not failing, Tiassa. Get that through your head. Our numbers are rapidly increasing. So, we must be doing something right.

Let’s talk about persuasion, shall we? The pious are excellent at it. Art and religion go hand-in-hand. They have paintings, music, sculptures, you name it, they have it. It’s powerful, seductive, and inspirational, but it is pure propaganda.

"The purpose of art is to inform and delight, not to persuade and delight." —Horace

There is a difference. Information makes us stronger. Inducement robs us of our ability to observe things for ourselves. How can we use art to inform and embrace atheism? Well, it takes time, but science and art are starting to connect.

"If history had worked out differently, and Michelangelo had been commissioned to paint a ceiling for a giant Museum of Science, mightn't he have produced something at least as inspirational as the Sistine Chapel?"—Richard Dawkins

I loved this!

"Fed up with the discussions for accommodating religious beliefs at the expense of science, I’m thinking scientific accommodation of religion is akin to letting someone take your King’s Rook off the board because you’re winning."

Should we continue to accommodate belief because of what the belief brings to one's life? I think not.

Trolling too, is an art, but please, Tiassa, keep your artsy fartsy rhetoric on your blog where it belongs.
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That is some pretty kool-aide level stuff there Trooper... is that honestly what you believe?
Not a Matter of Their Understanding, But, Rather, Their Hatred

Bells said:

Do you understand of the notion woman's choice and women's rights in regards to her body and her pregnancy? You know, pro-choice?

That's the so called dry foot policy. In other words, while it's in her uterus, she's in control and she gets to decide - which is the pro-choice argument.. Her body, her choice...

It occasionally occurs to me to wonder how it is that this is so difficult for allegedly intelligent people to understand.

And then I remember how much some of these people hate women, and, well, yeah. Lex parsimonae.

What seems explicitly observable to you and I seems to really, really confuse people who reduce women to a mere vessel for a "person" to live inside, or a "location", or whatever.

My advice to women is to incorporate, then they can be people.
I think the moderators are trying to prove that we need more moderation in the religion forum by deliberately sidetracking this thread.

I'm not sure it's intentional.

While my criticism obviously doesn't apply to all Sciforums moderators, several of them seem to me to lack self-discipline. (And they certainly don't appear to be subject to external discipline.) So we see self-indulgent posts and self-indulgent writing styles full of misdirected passion, hyperbolic imagery and stream-of-consciousness drift.

Obviously many Sciforums participants who aren't moderators write equally badly. The moderators aren't the only reasons why threads eventually lose their intellectual coherence. But sometimes they do contribute to it.

I always want the truth... but I want the factual truth, not one dressed up with emotive reasoning instead of factual logic.

I'm not saying what you said is wrong per say... rather, it just seems like Tiassa's ... bluntness? (lets face it... most of the time Tiassa is as tactful as a sledgehammer, and that isn't a bad thing!) has rubbed some people the wrong way, and the sheer simplicity of the statement is being used to try and crucify the poster instead of being looked at and addressed as an issue or non-issue.
And it was started by a mod... coincidence?

gmilam - it takes two (or more in this case) to tango... dont' even try laying the blame at just Tiassa's feet for the constant derailment caused by some people's inability to let the past go (and instead they continue to attack out at those they feel have wronged them)
When women feel confident without the burka of make up, they will begin to be free.
The "freedom" of evacuating their wombs is no great progress.
gmilam - it takes two (or more in this case) to tango... dont' even try laying the blame at just Tiassa's feet for the constant derailment caused by some people's inability to let the past go (and instead they continue to attack out at those they feel have wronged them)
It's not entirely his fault. But he did cast the first troll...
I have encountered as many problem pregnancies as the average sciforummer.
I was probably one myself as the youngest in a poor family.
Fortunately for me, my mother was not a modern liberal woman.
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