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Free market, low interest, late term?

Sooooo... The woman has rights, up to a point? The woman has rights over her body, up to a point?

Of course. No one has such rights over their body as to commit harm. With respect to abortion, the breakpoint for causing harm is generally conceived as being roughly the start of the third trimester, although later term abortions are also performed.

How does that work within the context of women's rights?

Good heavens, I don't know: within the same limits of law and process that we're all subject to? I realise I'm talking to something that supports an effective open season, but I think even you probably get that the citizens of any given nation are all theoretically bound by laws. This variation on laissez-faire is interesting; you feel that there should be no boundaries on abortion, so that it can be undertaken at any point. What else are you advocating a free market system on? This is a dialectical departure for you and I'm curious about it.

So how does 'up to a point' fit into that? Do you think women are incapable of making rational decisions that affect them and their bodies? Or can they only do that, up to a point?

Well, what do you mean by "up to a point"? I mean, we could get into the etiological here, and ask you what you think that means. I'm not allowed, much as I'd like to, to simply stomp the accelerator all the way down to the mat every time I have to run out for bread. Beyond the legal limit, I'm at fault. So what do you think "up to a point" might mean? Is there some kind of legal, moral or ethical responsibility that could be invoked here?

What is "evil" about allowing a woman to have rights over her body full stop? Why do you think your up to a point is more valid than her wishes and her rights over her own body?

And past the 27th week of gestation, it's still really only her own body. I mean, it's not as though one could take the fetus out and have it live unsupported by the mother from that point on, right? If it's attached to her, well, its hers. Eminent domain be damned; this is Don't Tread On Me.

To reiterate, no one ever suggested that a deadline existed up to the point where the mother can stuff it back in. The only people who made such arguments have been pro-lifer's like Capracus.

And you really think someone argued that the deadline was based on a mythical stuff it back in limit? You really think that? I don't think even Capracus believes that. Am I supposed to believe that you really believe that? Really?

As actual pro-choice argue, what woman do you know waits until she's pushing the baby out to change her mind about having a baby? Can you name me one? Cite a single one? What woman can you name has waited until she's at full term to abort because she's simply changed her mind, as so many pro-life people try to claim? As the figures show, late term abortions are approximately 1% of all abortions done in the United States. 1%.

Here's a thought: what's the murder rate in Merry Ol' Auz for conventional murder: you know, the kind where victim and assailant both have 'dry feet' (what a cutesy phrase you've invented here!). It's about 1.3 in 100,000, right? Well, that's much less than 1% as a proportion of the population. So, because murder is so rare, clearly no laws against murder are required in Australia, owing to its incidental rarity. Compared to the abortion rate in Australia, which is probably between 10-20 per 1,000, not 1.3 per 100,000.

Even on an absolute scale there were maybe 70,000 abortions nationwide annually compared to about 300 murders. If 1% of all abortions in Australia were late-term then that's 700, or more than double by all accounting. So, clearly you must feel that no murder laws are required either; a kind of laissez-faire system is surely better than none. After all, how few people are we really talking about?

Now, you seem to find that allowing women to decide for themselves is "evil", because that is essentially what the 'dry foot policy' is, the woman determines for herself.

Actually, the 'DF' policy is where the woman has absolute decision at all points. So the first part of your sentence is weasel wording. It's the DF policy that's essentially evil, or permissive thereof.

Although I do find it interesting that you don't find the ridiculous and unrealistic analogy of stuffing it back into the womb and aborting it to be sick

Why the hell should I? And what do you have to do with it? I have absolute control of my opinions, my sense of justice and my appreciation of comedy, even black comedy. It affects no one... but maybe what you're saying is that it should be regulated. Is that right?

Interesting. And you believe that women's rights is an issue for religion? Riiigghhhttt... Next time, you should explain that it's women rights up to a point. Which is more hypocritical?

I laugh to ask, but where did I say that "women's rights is an issue for religion"? And what else do people have absolute - really absolute - rights on, with respect to society? Can I set my own interest rates? They only affect me, surely. Or, maybe it would be better to ask: where else do you think this laissez-faire system of yours works? What else is totally free, and why?

Do you think that forcing her to endure a pregnancy against her will and without her consent and go through childbirth against her will and without her consent (since she wanted to have an abortion but is not allowed to) less evil for you? How does forcing a woman to have a baby against her will fit into 'women's rights' in your opinion?

Now, what you need to do is go back and review where I expressed the above in bold. You can't 'make it fit' into the position you're arguing, so you'll have to start from scratch. Have you resigned yet?
Sooooo... The woman has rights over her body, up to a point?
OMG, 82 pages.
anyway . . .
i assume you are referring to abortions here.
the biggest problem i have with abortion is we, you, they, could be murdering the savior of our planet.
genius, intuition, instinct, they all are born
- my 2 cents.
So if I use hyperbole to demonstrate the like biological value of a chronologically similar fetus inside and outside the womb, that’s immoral? But when others advocate a policy that the former acquires freedom from termination simply due to its location and umbilical severance, that’s OK? That you go on about the imagery and ignore the obvious message contained is almost beyond belief. You can’t possibly be that obtuse.

One of these things is not like the other - one of these things is physically possible!

And I never said that the other was "ok"... I disagree with abortion in large part on the grounds that you are, in fact, terminating a potential life... but here's the rub; I also understand there are scenarios where such a thing is important... asking a woman who was just raped to carry a baby to term and then care for it is ridiculous. Asking a woman, who will die in labor (most likely taking the child with her) to continue with the pregnancy is foolish at best. There are a host of reasons when/where/why abortion would be appropriate... I, personally, feel that, after the first trimester, abortion without serious and incredible cause should be outlawed... but that would also require better methods of detecting pregnancy to ensure that a choice by that point is POSSIBLE.
Of course. No one has such rights over their body as to commit harm. With respect to abortion, the breakpoint for causing harm is generally conceived as being roughly the start of the third trimester, although later term abortions are also performed.
The breakpoint according to whom?

Do you believe you have a right to set a breakpoint based on your personal beliefs on the womb of women? Just out of curiosity..

Good heavens, I don't know: within the same limits of law and process that we're all subject to? I realise I'm talking to something that supports an effective open season, but I think even you probably get that the citizens of any given nation are all theoretically bound by laws. This variation on laissez-faire is interesting; you feel that there should be no boundaries on abortion, so that it can be undertaken at any point. What else are you advocating a free market system on? This is a dialectical departure for you and I'm curious about it.
Some laws attempt to ban abortions outright and others have gone so far as to criminalize miscarriages and women are in prison for miscarrying. So which law do you wish to go with?

I feel that women should be the ones to make the decision about something that affects them personally and physically. I would not impose my own personal opinions on the bodies and rights of other women. I also think women are more than capable of doing the right thing by themselves and for themselves and yes, for the child they are carrying. I also think and believe that women should be able to access safe and legal abortions. Obviously, you think this makes me monstrous and evil. I think men like you attempting to limit women's rights to even their bodies are evil.

Well, what do you mean by "up to a point"? I mean, we could get into the etiological here, and ask you what you think that means. I'm not allowed, much as I'd like to, to simply stomp the accelerator all the way down to the mat every time I have to run out for bread. Beyond the legal limit, I'm at fault. So what do you think "up to a point" might mean? Is there some kind of legal, moral or ethical responsibility that could be invoked here?
You were the one who used the sentence, you tell me what you think it means.

Certainly, the mother decides - up to a point

So what does this mean GeoffP? She decides up to the third trimester whereupon people wholly unconnected to her and her body and her rights decide that she suddenly loses all rights to decide for herself? She then loses all rights over her body? She then loses all rights? Is the third trimester the point where a woman's body belongs to society, ie, you and you get to decide for her?

In other words, women's rights and a woman's rights over her body is limited depending on the men and women around her as it is they who determine the extent of her bodily rights.

And past the 27th week of gestation, it's still really only her own body. I mean, it's not as though one could take the fetus out and have it live unsupported by the mother from that point on, right? If it's attached to her, well, its hers. Eminent domain be damned; this is Don't Tread On Me.
So the foetus now has more rights to her body and life than she does? Are you claiming society, ie you, have more rights to her body than she does? That the baby she is carrying is not hers?


Do you actually think women get late term abortions for fun? Nah, changed her mind, just kill it? Because your argument seems to go that way. What of a woman or young girl who is prevented from gaining access to an abortion earlier on? Should she be forced to have the baby?

Because what you clearly advocate is forcing women to have babies against their will.

And you really think someone argued that the deadline was based on a mythical stuff it back in limit? You really think that? I don't think even Capracus believes that. Am I supposed to believe that you really believe that? Really?
Oh no, Capracus went with that for maximum effect.

Regardless of the fact that it was clearly shown in the thread that late term abortion providers (those that weren't murdered by pro-lifer's that is) won't abort a healthy foetus past 34-35 weeks due to the health risks to the mother. Those who do have them past that date are usually because of something severely wrong with the baby. And as those providers advise, women who abort in the 3rd trimester don't get to that point without having weighed up all of their options. They haven't gotten to that point because they changed their minds. A very large portion get past the 30 week point and then discover severe abnormalities with the foetus. As a woman who faced the fear of having a scan at 38 weeks and being told that there might be something wrong, I sympathise with these women and I understand the sheer terror. As a person who knows someone who went through it, who after having assembled all the nursery furniture, bought baby clothes, started buying nappies and wipes, to be told at 33 weeks her baby had very little time left and was dying inside her and who ended up having an abortion at 36 weeks and being spat on by people standing outside waving placards, I find your argument and especially Capracus' hypothetical to be offensive in the extreme.

Not only did his argument disregard the mother's position and her very existence, but it was framed in such a way as to insult the intelligence of all women. If you people can't even acknowledge the mother's rights and her existence in the debate, then really, why should I take notice or give it due credence? If you believe that a woman's rights are limited "up to a point", why should I, as a woman, give you the notice you feel you deserve?

Here's a thought: what's the murder rate in Merry Ol' Auz for conventional murder: you know, the kind where victim and assailant both have 'dry feet' (what a cutesy phrase you've invented here!). It's about 1.3 in 100,000, right? Well, that's much less than 1% as a proportion of the population. So, because murder is so rare, clearly no laws against murder are required in Australia, owing to its incidental rarity. Compared to the abortion rate in Australia, which is probably between 10-20 per 1,000, not 1.3 per 100,000.

Even on an absolute scale there were maybe 70,000 abortions nationwide annually compared to about 300 murders. If 1% of all abortions in Australia were late-term then that's 700, or more than double by all accounting. So, clearly you must feel that no murder laws are required either; a kind of laissez-faire system is surely better than none. After all, how few people are we really talking about?
Why do you feel that resorting to outright lying is a good way to go about this discussion?

So a woman who aborts her child in the 3rd trimester is a murderer? Is that the analogy you are going with?

And kindly stop lying about me.

Actually, the 'DF' policy is where the woman has absolute decision at all points. So the first part of your sentence is weasel wording. It's the DF policy that's essentially evil, or permissive thereof.
So the DF policy is where the woman determines at all points and the DF policy is evil in your opinion, but the woman is not evil for asserting her rights under the DF policy that is what the pro-choice argument is about? That she gets the right to choose?

Oh my, talk about weasel wording on your part.

Why the hell should I? And what do you have to do with it? I have absolute control of my opinions, my sense of justice and my appreciation of comedy, even black comedy. It affects no one... but maybe what you're saying is that it should be regulated. Is that right?
Well you believe that using such analogies based solely outside the realm of reality and which would kill both the mother and her baby and which does not even acknowledge the woman in question to not be sick. You also used murder as an analogy to discuss and compare with abortion. You don't think using such extreme language is sick in and of itself?

Who are you trying to convince here? I say that a woman has the right to choose and determine for herself. You respond with analogy's about murder. Capracus responded with an analogy that rendered the woman in the same position as a dead and plucked turkey. I too have absolute control over my opinions. And in my opinion, you are a hypocrite.

The central basis of the pro-choice movement is that women decide. Not you, not your opinion. Not me or my opinions. Certainly not turducken man and his sick and twisted opinions. The woman who is pregnant decides for herself. Now, within the realms of reality, without delving into sick and frankly psychotic and twisted fantasies about how to kill a woman during childbirth, why do you equate a woman's right to decide after the 3rd trimester to be somehow relative to murder, if your analogy is to be taken in light of this issue? What if a woman and her doctor get the dates wrong? Should she be forced to continue with the pregnancy because she finds out she's 29 weeks pregnant and not 24 as she and her doctor had thought? What of a woman who is forced to wait a month after going to try and get an abortion at 23 weeks due to lack of funds, did not realise she was that far along, inability to access an abortion sooner? Yes, there are laws that seek to impose waiting periods of up to 4 weeks in a bid to get pregnant women past the cut off point where they can legally access an abortion.. Should she be forced to continue with a pregnancy she clearly does not want? These are the real life scenarios that women face on a day to day basis and what you just compared to murder and what Capracus just reduced to 'can she wait until it's out, have the umbilical cord re-attached and stuffed back inside and abort it then?'..

I laugh to ask, but where did I say that "women's rights is an issue for religion"? And what else do people have absolute - really absolute - rights on, with respect to society? Can I set my own interest rates? They only affect me, surely. Or, maybe it would be better to ask: where else do you think this laissez-faire system of yours works? What else is totally free, and why?
I don't know GeoffP, when did you say that women's rights was an issue for religion?

Or are you now going to backpedal and claim that religious ideology, that as AI put it, resulted in people protesting and harassing pregnant women in front of health clinics, is not an issue for women's rights?

But I forget, you already did that when you tried to claim that abortion and a woman's right to choose was not about women's rights, but about ethics. "Who shall decide" indeed..

Just a reminder, GeoffP, women's reproductive rights is a central basis of "women's rights". And if you are going to try to deny that, then good luck to you.

Now, what you need to do is go back and review where I expressed the above in bold. You can't 'make it fit' into the position you're arguing, so you'll have to start from scratch. Have you resigned yet?
If you deny women the right to abortions, even after the 3rd trimester, women who need or desire an abortion after that arbitrary timeline will end up either being forced to have a baby against her will and against her wishes or be forced into a position of acquiring a backyard or illegal abortion which could very well cost her her life.

Which do you think is a better option? Safe and legal abortions? Or forcing women to have a baby because her pregnancy has gone past an arbitrary line set at 27 weeks or a dangerous and sometimes deadly illegal abortion?

You know, try your best to assume that women are rational beings who know what is best for them and try to answer that question without resorting to stupid analogies such as the one Capracus tried to use and you tried to use by comparing it to murder rates.

Why do you think I should resign because I believe in a woman's right to choose? Is being pro-choice now worthy of being forced to step down?
The breakpoint according to whom?

Do you believe you have a right to set a breakpoint based on your personal beliefs on the womb of women? Just out of curiosity..

My nonexistent god! I had no idea I had suddenly become the collective polity and legal jurisprudence of a couple dozen Western nations. Do you have any idea how much raw power that means I must have? Anyway, do you believe you have a right to set a breakpoint based on your personal beliefs on the wombs of women? Just out of curiosity.

More seriously, of course, I'm starting to get the impression that you don't really respect laws against late-term abortion. How so, Bells?

Some laws attempt to ban abortions outright and others have gone so far as to criminalize miscarriages and women are in prison for miscarrying. So which law do you wish to go with?

Dear me, I think I chooooose... false dichotomy.

I feel that women should be the ones to make the decision about something that affects them personally and physically. I would not impose my own personal opinions on the bodies and rights of other women. I also think women are more than capable of doing the right thing by themselves and for themselves and yes, for the child they are carrying. I also think and believe that women should be able to access safe and legal abortions. Obviously, you think this makes me monstrous and evil. I think men like you attempting to limit women's rights to even their bodies are evil.

Oh noes: and here I am, in the company of billions of people all over the Western world and their legal systems. Are we all evil, Bells? Is society evil? Before you panic, I think it is too, but more on the economic side, really.

So what does this mean GeoffP? She decides up to the third trimester whereupon people wholly unconnected to her and her body and her rights decide that she suddenly loses all rights to decide for herself? She then loses all rights over her body? She then loses all rights? Is the third trimester the point where a woman's body belongs to society, ie, you and you get to decide for her?

In other words, women's rights and a woman's rights over her body is limited depending on the men and women around her as it is they who determine the extent of her bodily rights.

And you can write the head of your government here with your concerns. Tell me, with a fetus being essentially completely viable after the 27th week, why exactly would a mother have the right to decide its fate in lieu of any other considerations right up until birth?

So the foetus now has more rights to her body and life than she does? Are you claiming society, ie you, have more rights to her body than she does? That the baby she is carrying is not hers?

Wait, which is it you're pretending is true here: that the fetus exists as a theoretically independent body after the 27th week or thereabouts, or that it is an extension of herself like her appendix even at that point? And more rights? How is that?

Do you actually think women get late term abortions for fun? Nah, changed her mind, just kill it? Because your argument seems to go that way.

Do you think murders happen for fun? Just a spree thing? Granted, I'm sure some do. Why is the motivation for a termination later than 27 weeks important here? Can you elaborate?

Because what you clearly advocate is forcing women to have babies against their will.

Wait a second: I thought you implied that all women right up to birth intend to carry to term. How could it be 'against their will', then? The line you've drawn is with your very colourful 'dry feet' metaphor. But you say that all women intend to carry around that point.

Regardless of the fact that it was clearly shown in the thread that late term abortion providers (those that weren't murdered by pro-lifer's that is) won't abort a healthy foetus past 34-35 weeks due to the health risks to the mother. Those who do have them past that date are usually because of something severely wrong with the baby. And as those providers advise, women who abort in the 3rd trimester don't get to that point without having weighed up all of their options. They haven't gotten to that point because they changed their minds. A very large portion get past the 30 week point and then discover severe abnormalities with the foetus. As a woman who faced the fear of having a scan at 38 weeks and being told that there might be something wrong, I sympathise with these women and I understand the sheer terror. As a person who knows someone who went through it, who after having assembled all the nursery furniture, bought baby clothes, started buying nappies and wipes, to be told at 33 weeks her baby had very little time left and was dying inside her and who ended up having an abortion at 36 weeks and being spat on by people standing outside waving placards, I find your argument and especially Capracus' hypothetical to be offensive in the extreme.

I really couldn't care less, given your absolute and disgusting 'dry foot' concept. You're attaching modifiers to it now which were certainly not in evidence before: so now, in the absence of health risks to either baby or woman (you know, the expendable carrier) do you still feel that the mother - well, not 'mother'; putative embryo carrying system is I guess what you mean - has the absolute right to abort at any point before birth? You bring up timing again and again: perhaps a woman doesn't know she's carrying, and only finds out at week 27. And? The embryo - effectively a baby at this point - should just shrug and say "oh, right, my bad. Go ahead and terminate; we'll call this one a one-out. No, no, it was my fault really."

Why do you feel that resorting to outright lying is a good way to go about this discussion?

So a woman who aborts her child in the 3rd trimester is a murderer? Is that the analogy you are going with?

And kindly stop lying about me.

Well what should I do now, Bells? Do I pretend that I really think you didn't understand the analogy, or should I instead just call you out for disregarding the meaning? You're advocating laissez-faire access to abortion, such that there should be no legal restrictions, just the mother's choice. You argued that it occurs so rarely that it's unimportant. But homicide is even more rare, so on basis of your argument, we shouldn't bother with laws against that either. What now? Are you going to keep pretending about the nature of the analogy or address it honestly?

So the DF policy is where the woman determines at all points and the DF policy is evil in your opinion, but the woman is not evil for asserting her rights under the DF policy that is what the pro-choice argument is about? That she gets the right to choose?

Please go back to my statements and construe them in such a way that your statements above make sense. I have no idea what you're trying to say here.

Well you believe that using such analogies based solely outside the realm of reality and which would kill both the mother and her baby and which does not even acknowledge the woman in question to not be sick. You also used murder as an analogy to discuss and compare with abortion. You don't think using such extreme language is sick in and of itself?

"In and of itself"? Does that mean that you consider extreme late-term abortion (27th week +, as we've been discussing) to be prohibitively immoral?

The central basis of the pro-choice movement is that women decide. Not you, not your opinion. Not me or my opinions.

Well, it's when these kinds of movements start to preach to others that they become very offensive, you know. A person might get carried away and try to hold up this really reprehensible DF idea without control or modification as fit for public consumption. When people begin to advocate laissez-faire systems in social protections and responsibilities, alarm bells start to sound for me.

Here's what I wrote:

Oh. So because there's starvation in the world, we shouldn't debate ideologies you consider irrelevant.

Like - I don't know - women's rights? Gay rights? The minority voting franchise? Or is it that we shouldn't debate anything occurring in our little corner of the world? That's a curious choice of trump.

Where's the religious imperative in that?

The rest of your post was misrepresentation: I can be expected to deal a reasoned response for reasoned discussion, but not when someone is struggling for a purchase on spin. Try couching your comments again in context of "27th-week and later".
My nonexistent god! I had no idea I had suddenly become the collective polity and legal jurisprudence of a couple dozen Western nations. Do you have any idea how much raw power that means I must have? Anyway, do you believe you have a right to set a breakpoint based on your personal beliefs on the wombs of women? Just out of curiosity.
I don't know. You determined it should be 27 weeks and then gave an analogy to murder in regards to women who have abortions in the 3rd trimester. Why should I bother taking you seriously at all?

More seriously, of course, I'm starting to get the impression that you don't really respect laws against late-term abortion. How so, Bells?
Whatever gave you that idea?

I am of the belief that women should be allowed to control their destiny and are more than capable of making the correct decision for themselves. Why do you have an issue with this?

Dear me, I think I chooooose... false dichotomy.
Not really. You either believe women are rational beings and capable of choosing what is right for them or you do not. If you choose to limit people's choices over their own bodies, which if we have it your way, women would be forced to have unsafe and illegal backyard abortions or be forced to carry to term. That is not my choice to make, nor should it be yours. I simply believe women have the right to choose. Simple as that.

Oh noes: and here I am, in the company of billions of people all over the Western world and their legal systems. Are we all evil, Bells? Is society evil? Before you panic, I think it is too, but more on the economic side, really.
I think any society that deems it essential to control women's reproductive rights is inherently evil and decidedly sexist.

And you can write the head of your government here with your concerns. Tell me, with a fetus being essentially completely viable after the 27th week, why exactly would a mother have the right to decide its fate in lieu of any other considerations right up until birth?
Because as we have seen repeatedly, assigning personhood to a foetus has its own issues which often result in women being denied their rights, to the point of some women now being imprisoned for murder for miscarriages and stillbirths. Surely this cannot have escaped your notice?

The issue of viability is also one fraught with danger for the mother's rights. Viability is actually 24 weeks. 27 weeks is the start of the third trimester. By your logic, the 27 week or what you believe is the time of viability is the magic marker. Not all babies are viable at 27 weeks.

Then of course, if we use the viability mark as a means to determine the mother's rights based on the foetus fate or existence, or more to the point the rights of the foetus, then that would restrict the mother's rights and also her rights and her baby's rights to medical intervention should it be needed..

In other words, if a foetus is viable at 27 weeks, and its rights are now paramount, would the mother be within her rights to have an amniocentesis? Since it presents a risk to the viable foetus, such medical interventions could result in the doctor and the mother being imprisoned for endangering the person in her womb.

Wait, which is it you're pretending is true here: that the fetus exists as a theoretically independent body after the 27th week or thereabouts, or that it is an extension of herself like her appendix even at that point? And more rights? How is that?
My point is actually quite clear. I think you should ask yourself that question.

If you limit the woman's rights to her womb up to the 27 weeks, then any medical tests she may need to have could be banned if it poses a risk to the 'person' inside her. It would also mean that she loses her rights over her own body regardless.

At its heart, it is an evil proposition for the pro-life lobby which deems her existence and her rights to be inferior and her child's rights to be superior. So I find your question to be misleading and hypocritical and disingenuous and similar to the ones used by pro-lifer's constantly. At 27 weeks, you deem the mother's presence and her very existence to be second nature. She becomes the vessel. You apply language like an extension of herself like her appendix on purpose. Well that shit isn't going to fly with me, sorry.

Do you think murders happen for fun? Just a spree thing? Granted, I'm sure some do. Why is the motivation for a termination later than 27 weeks important here? Can you elaborate?
No I will not.

Since you are incapable of having this discussion without resorting to moronic and offensive analogies like murder, what is the point?

Wait a second: I thought you implied that all women right up to birth intend to carry to term. How could it be 'against their will', then? The line you've drawn is with your very colourful 'dry feet' metaphor. But you say that all women intend to carry around that point.
Well if you ban all abortions after the viability mark, and women are unable to access abortions after that date, then they would be forced to continue with the pregnancy, would they not?

Or are you going to deny that banning abortions past the point of viability and using analogies of 'murder' is not your real intent here?

And once again, stop presenting lies about me and stop lying about my supposed metaphors.

I really couldn't care less, given your absolute and disgusting 'dry foot' concept. You're attaching modifiers to it now which were certainly not in evidence before: so now, in the absence of health risks to either baby or woman (you know, the expendable carrier) do you still feel that the mother - well, not 'mother'; putative embryo carrying system is I guess what you mean - has the absolute right to abort at any point before birth? You bring up timing again and again: perhaps a woman doesn't know she's carrying, and only finds out at week 27. And? The embryo - effectively a baby at this point - should just shrug and say "oh, right, my bad. Go ahead and terminate; we'll call this one a one-out. No, no, it was my fault really."
Firstly, stop lying.

Do not lie about me and do not attribute things to me that are not actually mine.

Secondly, the time factor and not getting the dates right is a common issue with pregnancy. It is always give or take a few weeks. Do you think women who find they are really 28 weeks and not 25 weeks as they had originally been told by their doctor should be forced to continue with an unwanted pregnancy, yes or no?

Because this is what you refuse to acknowledge. When a woman is denied an abortion, then she is being forced to continue with an unwanted pregnancy. Is this acceptable for you?

Well what should I do here now, Bells? Do I pretend that I really think you were too stupid to understand the analogy, or should I instead just call you out for disregarding the meaning? You're advocating laissez-faire access to abortion, such that there should be no legal restrictions, just the mother's choice. You argued that it occurs so rarely that it's unimportant. But homicide is even more rare, so on basis of your argument, we shouldn't bother with laws against that either. What now? Are you going to keep pretending about the nature of the analogy or address it honestly?
I think you should apologise for attributing something to me that I actually never invented or did.

You have consistently lied and declared that I invented the dry foot policy and you have consistently lied that it is my analogy. So stop doing it and apologise your repeated lies.

What I advocate is women's right to choose. You are applying murder and Capracus is applying fuck knows what to it. And you think I should take you at your word? You are incapable of being honest, as is clearly evidenced by your repeated lies about my words and me in this thread.

Please go back to my statements and construe them in such a way that your statements above make sense. I have no idea what you're trying to pass off here.
Perhaps you think I am stupid?

So the dry foot policy of woman's rights over her body is evil, but the woman is not evil if she exercises her rights to choose?

"In and of itself"? Does that mean that you consider extreme late-term abortion (27th week +, as we've been discussing) to be prohibitively immoral?
I personally think that abortion is wrong, but I would never ever impose my personal beliefs on other women because unlike you, I think women are more than capable of doing what they need to do that is right for them. Hence I am pro-choice. I believe abortions should be legal and safe and I believe women should not be treated or deemed or compared to murderers if they choose to exercise their rights over their own bodies.

I think prohibiting late term abortions and making it illegal will result in women being sometimes forced to consider extreme measures which has been shown and known to result in their deaths due to complications that often arise out of backyard abortions and if they are lucky, complications that may result in their being made infertile.. That is if they are lucky.

Does this answer your question fully enough?

Well, it's when these kinds of movements start to preach to others that they become very offensive, you know. A person might get carried away and try to hold up this really reprehensible DF idea as fit for public consumption, without control or modification. When people begin to advocate laissez-faire systems in social protections and responsibilities, alarm bells start to sound for me.
I think it is more dangerous, and we know it is more dangerous because we have the reality and history of backyard abortions as a prime example of what happens when abortions are restricted and/or made illegal, to restrict a woman's rights to determine her reproductive rights.

Here's what I wrote:

Please locate the religious imperative in that. Thanks.
Please tell me what "ideologies" you were referring to?

The rest of your post was sheer misrepresentation: I can be expected to deal people a reasoned response for reasoned discussion, but not when someone is struggling for a purchase on spin. Try couching your comments again in context of "27th-week and later".
Considering you have repeatedly lied about me, declared and applied a standard to me that I never actually invented or came up with but was merely describing it, and since you are basing your opinions on what someone else has said and you clearly have not even read the thread or the discussions in which such comments were made, you are a fine one to talk about misrepresentation. Then again, this is something you do often.

How about you try couching your argument so that it isn't based on a lie in the first place?

Knowing you, however, you won't apologise for your repeatedly lying about me. So yeah, I guess I could say 'shove it' to this last statement of yours.
Bells, you should apologize to GeoffP for your evasiveness and your dishonesty in this thread--particularly in this latest post.

I mean, that is utter bullshit.
This Is What He Does, and This Is How He Does It

Bells said:

I don't know. You determined it should be 27 weeks and then gave an analogy to murder in regards to women who have abortions in the 3rd trimester. Why should I bother taking you seriously at all?

What he ignores is something that is important because it is at the heart of this particular chapter in the thread. Remember that this is a proposition of personhood versus guaranteed equal protection of all people, and the question of what happens when one of those "people" exists inside another.

At the time the fetus emerges and exists outside the mother's body, this question disappears.

Until then, what remains unanswered is the question anti-abortion advocates spent fifteen months avoiding ... in the thread containing the post that is the centerpiece of this part of the thread.

He is attempting to revive the argument without ever addressing the underlying question. And all so he can pitch an abusive temper tantrum.

To that end, if he had a genuine rational argument, he would actually make it.
Bells, you should apologize to GeoffP for your evasiveness and your dishonesty in this thread--particularly in this latest post.

I mean, that is utter bullshit.
I beg your pardon?

Lets see, he attributes something to me that is not mine, he assumes and declares I am monstrous and evil as a result, and I should apologise to him?

What planet are you from?

What evasiveness? What dishonesty? What? Pro-choice is now dishonesty? He has consistently used women's rights to complain about certain religions and his use of ideologies when it pertains to human rights in this thread is suddenly not about religion? Really? He questioned that reproductive rights and abortion rights is women's rights and then he refuses to even acknowledge it and attempted to dodge it. He based his assumption on what others have said, he did not even read the thread. If he had, he would never have made the assumptions he decided to make.

Oh wait, let me guess, you're just here protesting for the sake of protesting because "gasp", I'm disagreeing with GeoffP and calling him out on his hypocritical bullshit he peddles. Shame on me. Or are you now suddenly pro-life because well, to be pro-choice would be to be on the same side as I am.

No, I won't apologise to him. I don't apologise to people who openly lie about me. I certainly will not apologise to him for lying about me and to me repeatedly even after I asked him to stop.

What is utter bullshit? My pro-choice stance?

Please Balerion, since you have absolutely nothing to add to discussions here except to complain, go away.
"Missed it by THAT much"

I don't know. You determined it should be 27 weeks and then gave an analogy to murder in regards to women who have abortions in the 3rd trimester. Why should I bother taking you seriously at all?

Because a person to be taken seriously would. Now, again: do you believe you have a right to set a breakpoint based on your personal beliefs on the wombs of women? If not, why are you asking me that same question?

I am of the belief that women should be allowed to control their destiny and are more than capable of making the correct decision for themselves. Why do you have an issue with this?

Because ethics and morality dictate that the exercise of a woman's right over another human life be limited by relevant circumstance, much as the right of any person over any other person's life. Pregnancy is a special case in this regard, naturally; but my threshold above is considerably more or less conservative depending on the view of the receiver. Most nations also employ limits to abortion to protect the unborn from selected death at a point when neural cognition begins; this is a reasonable limit.

Not really. You either believe women are rational beings and capable of choosing what is right for them or you do not. If you choose to limit people's choices over their own bodies, which if we have it your way, women would be forced to have unsafe and illegal backyard abortions or be forced to carry to term. That is not my choice to make, nor should it be yours. I simply believe women have the right to choose. Simple as that.

I reject your deliberately simplistic binary offering above, for the obvious reason that it is an absurd Sophie's choice. You advance an immoral, bloodthirsty new 'deadline' which would in theory permit a woman to terminate a human life well past any reasonable deadline for the protection of the unborn. They are not ulcers, nor zits, nor cancers. They are organisms - and beyond the 27th week as a very extended limit, humans by any reasonable definition. No legal system in the world is so permissive, to my knowledge, and there is almost certainly a common moral refrain behind it.

I think any society that deems it essential to control women's reproductive rights is inherently evil and decidedly sexist.

Then you have abrogated your interest in that society, and no reasonable person should bother with your comments on it.

Because as we have seen repeatedly, assigning personhood to a foetus has its own issues which often result in women being denied their rights, to the point of some women now being imprisoned for murder for miscarriages and stillbirths. Surely this cannot have escaped your notice?

It is a mark of the primitive thinker that all decisions are binary. I'll let you ponder that.

In other words, if a foetus is viable at 27 weeks, and its rights are now paramount

Oh? Are they? Your language carries a charged kind of animus. What is it you're afraid of here?

If you limit the woman's rights to her womb up to the 27 weeks, then any medical tests she may need to have could be banned if it poses a risk to the 'person' inside her. It would also mean that she loses her rights over her own body regardless.

On what grounds? A concerned and sensible mother does take such risks. Why am I required to believe in your all-or-nothing fairy story?

At its heart, it is an evil proposition for the pro-life lobby which deems her existence and her rights to be inferior and her child's rights to be superior. So I find your question to be misleading and hypocritical and disingenuous and similar to the ones used by pro-lifer's constantly. At 27 weeks, you deem the mother's presence and her very existence to be second nature. She becomes the vessel. You apply language like an extension of herself like her appendix on purpose. Well that shit isn't going to fly with me, sorry.

I laugh in the face of your easily-donned outrage.

Since you are incapable of having this discussion without resorting to moronic and offensive analogies like murder, what is the point?

How sad that simple statistics eludes you so soundly.

Well if you ban all abortions after the viability mark, and women are unable to access abortions after that date, then they would be forced to continue with the pregnancy, would they not?

Or are you going to deny that banning abortions past the point of viability and using analogies of 'murder' is not your real intent here?

Define 'ban'. And look up the meaning of 'metaphor'; you're not using it right.

Firstly, stop lying.

Do not lie about me and do not attribute things to me that are not actually mine.

Identify this purported lie in the statement you reference:

Bells said:
I really couldn't care less, given your absolute and disgusting 'dry foot' concept. You're attaching modifiers to it now which were certainly not in evidence before: so now, in the absence of health risks to either baby or woman (you know, the expendable carrier) do you still feel that the mother - well, not 'mother'; putative embryo carrying system is I guess what you mean - has the absolute right to abort at any point before birth? You bring up timing again and again: perhaps a woman doesn't know she's carrying, and only finds out at week 27. And? The embryo - effectively a baby at this point - should just shrug and say "oh, right, my bad. Go ahead and terminate; we'll call this one a one-out. No, no, it was my fault really."

If you care to clarify, or can, please do.

Secondly, the time factor and not getting the dates right is a common issue with pregnancy. It is always give or take a few weeks. Do you think women who find they are really 28 weeks and not 25 weeks as they had originally been told by their doctor should be forced to continue with an unwanted pregnancy, yes or no?

Because this is what you refuse to acknowledge. When a woman is denied an abortion, then she is being forced to continue with an unwanted pregnancy. Is this acceptable for you?

Let's reverse this: instead, let us imagine a woman who finds she is really 28 weeks and not 25 weeks as she'd been told by their doctor. Does she have the right to terminate because someone got a date wrong? What does the woman lose by the loss of this choice? What does the 'embryo' lose by the loss of this choice?

I think you should apologise for attributing something to me that I actually never invented or did.

You have consistently lied and declared that I invented the dry foot policy and you have consistently lied that it is my analogy. So stop doing it and apologise your repeated lies.

Do you mean to say that you did not invent it? In that case, I apologise; you are seemingly only an apologist for sheer evil, and not its creator. I did a quick scan on Google but found no other references to it. Who's sick concept is it, then? Who bears the weight of that misstep?

Perhaps you think I am stupid?

So the dry foot policy of woman's rights over her body is evil, but the woman is not evil if she exercises her rights to choose?

Is this a variant on the "not me" defense that Tiassa rails against, in which you exculpate your opinion by pointing to the doings of others? If I naturally choose the woman too, in the absence of modifying factors, do you have some great 'gotcha' moment planned? Drop your sword, Damocles; I fear it not and so, I blame her also. You do not escape censure, however: you support this stance and do so publicly. Criticism will occur.

I personally think that abortion is wrong, but I would never ever impose my personal beliefs on other women because unlike you, I think women are more than capable of doing what they need to do that is right for them.

Perfect - let's explore that. What is "what is right for them"? I'm not looking for a tautological reference here: a person might do a wide host of things that they thought were "right for them", were they given a free hand even in a life or death decision.

We might ask a spectator if they'd shove someone off a bridge in order to theoretically save five lives; maybe the person to be shoved is a politician, or something, or the next Justin Bieber. Some say yes, some fewer say no, and there isn't really a right answer. But we don't actually give such free choices to people; if you shoved a person off a bridge, you'd be prosecuted whether some leprechaun or other such spirit told you to do it. Your choices have consequence. This is not really true for a woman in the philosophy you're supporting: she can abort or not abort with few consequences, and certainly no legal ones. It is a cert that most women will indeed make the decent choice; they will go to term if the thing is just too late.

Some will certainly not.

You asked earlier whether I knew such people. I know a couple petty criminals, sure, but no one having had a moral failure at the gatepost of a serious issue like that. But they will exist. I don't know any murderers either, but they exist also. You are stating your explicit support for a system without any overview or moderation and that, Bells, is a guarantee to abuse no matter what it is.

Please tell me what "ideologies" you were referring to?

Atheism, as in the thread. This is a religion now? What are it's trappings?

Considering you have repeatedly lied about me, declared and applied a standard to me that I never actually invented or came up with but was merely describing it, and since you are basing your opinions on what someone else has said and you clearly have not even read the thread or the discussions in which such comments were made, you are a fine one to talk about misrepresentation. Then again, this is something you do often.

How about you try couching your argument so that it isn't based on a lie in the first place?

Knowing you, however, you won't apologise for your repeatedly lying about me. So yeah, I guess I could say 'shove it' to this last statement of yours.

Oops! I did apologize. Now, Bells, it's your turn to apologise for slandering me, above: I've bolded the statement so it's not possible to miss it.

Of course, you won't do this, because it's not in your nature. Failure will result in retraction. But, don't blame me: I merely foretell.
Oh oh oh! Mr. Kot-ter!

What he ignores is something that is important because it is at the heart of this particular chapter in the thread. Remember that this is a proposition of personhood versus guaranteed equal protection of all people, and the question of what happens when one of those "people" exists inside another.

At the time the fetus emerges and exists outside the mother's body, this question disappears.

Until then, what remains unanswered is the question anti-abortion advocates spent fifteen months avoiding ... in the thread containing the post that is the centerpiece of this part of the thread.

This was an un-garbled message, although you again take up a binary position, and frankly the last paragraph is of no relevance or interest to me: I don't care about your previous thread, I don't think I participated in it and if I did I couldn't care less about what either. My definition is a simple and biologically valid one: late-term infants are rapidly getting to the state of cogitation. Even the 95% of the time they appear to spend in sleep-state is still... sleep-state. It's not 'vegetable state'. My freaking cat slept 95% of his life too, and we didn't consider that an ethically-cum-biologically valid reason to consider termination. DF is a nasty, vicious idea and it poses for misuse while you two dance around it and throw berries and mistletoe leaves at it.

He is attempting to revive the argument without ever addressing the underlying question. And all so he can pitch an abusive temper tantrum.

Oh stop crying, for ungod's sake. I know that your one-off dialectic demands you try to cast each discussion in a way that allows simplistic categorisation, but no one really cares. Still, it's amusing to watch you, the fellow who was castigating atheists for being insufficiently uniform, and then not uniform enough, sometimes in the same post, now desperately try to cram me into a pigeonhole you think is all prepared for the argument. Sorry, not going to pan out, I'm afraid. Since you've suddenly discovered a marked new respect for rationality, how about taking some of it out for a walk now? Don't worry, it won't bite you. Maybe.

Edit: ahhh - I reviewed the post that Tiassa seems to be sweetly posing as a moderation issue; you clever socks, you. Well, in fact, it does appear Bells didn't invent the concept, or so she says. I've never heard it before, mind, but I'm sure she will identify its source. And so, it is only actually monstrous that she suggests it. Please accept my humblest apologies for the confusion.

I beg your pardon?

Lets see, he attributes something to me that is not mine, he assumes and declares I am monstrous and evil as a result, and I should apologise to him?

No no, it's actually only monstrous that you support such a position. And as far as apologies go, you need to apologise me for misrepresentation on several separate issues. I realise this will not happen until you've got whatever you think is an overwhelming moral victory out of this so that you may condescend to grace me with a "sorry"; this victory is not going to happen, because what you're advancing is reprehensive. Is the world some big schoolyard tally-sheet for you? "Geoff said something mean to me, and I have to herring him at least ten more times to get even." Grow up.

Oh wait, let me guess, you're just here protesting for the sake of protesting because "gasp", I'm disagreeing with GeoffP and calling him out on his hypocritical bullshit he peddles. Shame on me. Or are you now suddenly pro-life because well, to be pro-choice would be to be on the same side as I am.

What the fuck is this binary selection of position now? Let me write this down straight here so you can see what you're doing: you are saying that either one is i) totally for a woman's right to abort a fetus at any time (and this, I remind you, is your concept above), or ii) one is now on the other "side", which you seem to define as anything but a DF card-carrier, with all the 'bad people' who live in the flyover places.

Well, the hell with that false dichotomy. You two amaze me. You have both lost the right, collectively and individually, to try and rail a thread off about nuance, ever again. You have no nuance, as far as I can tell. Either of you. You bitch endlessly about all the subtle issues that supposedly that mean 'ol Geoff just ain't a-seein, but the second you're backed off of something absurd you throw up a wall and demand I stand one side or the other. Consistency. Try it.

No, I won't apologise to him. I don't apologise to people who openly lie about me. I certainly will not apologise to him for lying about me and to me repeatedly even after I asked him to stop.

Bet you feel a bit silly I apologized now. It's okay: go on. Now it's your turn.
Oh, that was an apology was it? And slander you?

you are seemingly only an apologist for sheer evil, and not its creator.

So this isn't slander? This was part of your supposed apology.. I'm sorry, but you expect me to take this seriously?

I see, in GeoffP land, this isn't slander.. And only in your twisted mind where using murder as an analogy to women's right to choose and women's rights in general is this an apology...

Your position is clear. You wish to limit a woman's rights over her body if she is past 27 weeks pregnant. I believe women should have rights over their body all the time, pregnant or not. You obviously disagree.

Had you read the other abortion thread in question instead of leaping on the 'amg someone is against Bells bandwagon' that you often do, you'd have understood my position right from the start. Instead, you have done what you do, which is jump on the popular bandwagon without any knowledge and understanding of what it is you are even complaining about. So much so that you are demanding I resign for being pro-life after you falsely attributed things to me and you continued to do so knowingly.

You have also joined the popular and disingenuous religious pro-life side of applying ridiculous analogies to women's rights.. All of which completely disregard the mother's right and at times, remove her from the equation. You are so desperate that you are even asking for the definition of the word "ban". Could you be more desperate? Could you possibly be more ridiculous?

No, I do not believe that abortions should be restricted based on the personal opinions of men such as you who have nothing to do with the woman's right, her life or anything to do with her. In short, your opinion is your own. You think abortion is wrong after 27 weeks? Fine, don't have one. But don't think that it is acceptable to impose your beliefs on the rights of women and it is certainly not right for you to impose it on their wombs.

You have clearly not paid much attention to the women's rights movement and the reproductive rights movement because had you done so, you would have clearly recognised the dangers of arbitrary timelines and what that often entails to pregnant women. But hey, lets not recognise reality. It's best to use stupid and moronic comparisons to murder rates instead..

Here's a little secret, well not secret, but what you clearly do not understand..

Since you clearly did not bother to read the other thread or take part in it, you have instead jumped on the bandwagon of the psycho who also failed to recognise what was meant by 'dry foot'. What dry foot means is that while the baby is inside the mother, her rights over her body and herself are paramount since you know, it's her body. Yet for some bizarre reason, pro-lifer's like you seem to believe that it means she can apparently abort during childbirth. When the response and appeal to reality is given in response, people like you protest because it doesn't fit into the twisted and frankly sick and perverted analogies you decide to dream up. Unless of course you think that past the 27 week period, a woman is solely deemed an incubator and her rights over her body should disappear? Dry foot policy is about the mother's rights to her body. It's not just about aborting at 40 weeks as so many of you seem to believe it is. But hey, since simply reading the thread where this was discussed is just not worth your while because heaven fucking forbid you do something honestly for a change, it's just better to jump on the bandwagon and simply abuse all you deem worthy of abuse and lie.
I beg your pardon?

Lets see, he attributes something to me that is not mine, he assumes and declares I am monstrous and evil as a result, and I should apologise to him?

What planet are you from?

What evasiveness? What dishonesty? What? Pro-choice is now dishonesty? He has consistently used women's rights to complain about certain religions and his use of ideologies when it pertains to human rights in this thread is suddenly not about religion? Really? He questioned that reproductive rights and abortion rights is women's rights and then he refuses to even acknowledge it and attempted to dodge it. He based his assumption on what others have said, he did not even read the thread. If he had, he would never have made the assumptions he decided to make.

Oh wait, let me guess, you're just here protesting for the sake of protesting because "gasp", I'm disagreeing with GeoffP and calling him out on his hypocritical bullshit he peddles. Shame on me. Or are you now suddenly pro-life because well, to be pro-choice would be to be on the same side as I am.

No, I won't apologise to him. I don't apologise to people who openly lie about me. I certainly will not apologise to him for lying about me and to me repeatedly even after I asked him to stop.

What is utter bullshit? My pro-choice stance?

Please Balerion, since you have absolutely nothing to add to discussions here except to complain, go away.

You're incapable of discussing anything on its merits. With you, it's superficial, hyperbolic, or outright fabricated. You are the most insubstantial poster this side of Tiassa. I happen to be Pro-Choice as well. But Pro-Choice can have limits.

Why am I even bothering? This topic is clearly beyond your ability to discuss.
Instead of "dry foot policy", have a "having a foot policy".
Once your foot is recognisably human, you don't get your brains whisked.
You're incapable of discussing anything on its merits. With you, it's superficial, hyperbolic, or outright fabricated. You are the most insubstantial poster this side of Tiassa. I happen to be Pro-Choice as well. But Pro-Choice can have limits.

Why am I even bothering? This topic is clearly beyond your ability to discuss.
I think you have me confused with GeoffP. Not only has he lied and attributed things to me that I never, as he claimed, invented, but he also equated abortion with murder by the use of his analogies..

And what limits do you think should exist as a "pro-choice" Balerion. Please, enlighten me. Since you claim to be pro-choice and then advised that pro-choice can have limits, what limits can they have?
Instead of "dry foot policy", have a "having a foot policy".
Once your foot is recognisably human, you don't get your brains whisked.
Or how about pregnancy not be criminalised?

Because once you give personhood to a foetus which often occurs with arbitrary time limits because the foetus is now deemed a person with rights, then the mother's rights go out the window and the result is often horrifying, from forced c-sections to imprisonment for not following a particular course of treatment recommended by a doctor.

Women are humans too and they also have rights.
I think you have me confused with GeoffP. Not only has he lied and attributed things to me that I never, as he claimed, invented, but he also equated abortion with murder by the use of his analogies..

For one, he was mistaken regarding the Dry Foot idea. That's not the same as lying. And you need a better understanding of analogy. And where do you get off calling him a psycho? WTF is that about? This is why people complain about inconsistent moderation.

And what limits do you think should exist as a "pro-choice" Balerion. Please, enlighten me. Since you claim to be pro-choice and then advised that pro-choice can have limits, what limits can they have?

Here again you rely on superficiality to achieve your "point." You present an all-or-nothing picture of pro-choice by scoffing at the idea of imposing limits. But this is not the case. I mean, you consider yourself a free citizen, do you not? Yet your freedom is limited. Not only is your freedom as a whole limited, but the freedoms you do havee are theselves limited. The same is true--or should be, in my opinion--of abortion.

And are we really going to pretend you don't know what limits I'm talking about?
For one, he was mistaken regarding the Dry Foot idea. That's not the same as lying.

So he kept attributing it to me afterwards is what? A giant boo boo?

And you need a better understanding of analogy. And where do you get off calling him a psycho? WTF is that about? This is why people complain about inconsistent moderation.
I referred to Capracus' analogy of 'what if you reattached the umbilical cord and stuffed it back in' to be what a psycho would say. Or do you disagree?

Here again you rely on superficiality to achieve your "point." You present an all-or-nothing picture of pro-choice by scoffing at the idea of imposing limits. But this is not the case. I mean, you consider yourself a free citizen, do you not? Yet your freedom is limited. Not only is your freedom as a whole limited, but the freedoms you do havee are theselves limited. The same is true--or should be, in my opinion--of abortion.

And are we really going to pretend you don't know what limits I'm talking about?
So you can't answer the question?

What limits do you think should there be to "pro-choice"?

It's not a hard question. GeoffP clearly stated he believes his limit is 27 weeks, which I agree with on the basis that applying an arbitrary limit will often result in women being jailed for endangering the 'person' she is carrying and it will also mean that women will endanger their lives by having backyard abortions and it is why I think abortions should be legal and safe for women who seek to have them.

So what would you propose?
There are three possible standpoints.
1. You believe that the foetus is an individual human being, and you oppose abortion.
2. You believe that the foetus is just a bundle of cells, and abortion is not a problem.
3. You believe that the foetus is a human being, but one which should not survive without the consent of the mother.

The law reflects a communal assessment of which standpoint is just and right.
The current UK law sets the normal limit for abortion at 24 weeks, after which the foetus has legal rights.
It is not a matter of giving it personhood, but giving that foetus legal protection.
That really is the nub of the argument.
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