A Request Directed to Sciforums' "Atheists"

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You no like live in the moment advice?

I had a kinfolk who worked almost ever hour he possibly coud... which included a full time job wit LOTS of overtime plus bein a full time farmer... an he had a gole of it bein known how rich he was when he dyed... well... 1 of his kids once said they woud dance on his grave... but he acheived his gole and was know as bein a rich man when he dyed... but he seemed hapy... so each to ther own i supose.!!!

Myself... escept for some laid-off time ive always had a job... but overtime wasnt my cup of tea an was never realy necessary anyway... an i live mostly in the present... well wit-in my means... never bored (different projects in action an in the plannin stage)... but i also like thankin about the past... an i also perty much have my future planned out... hmmm... oh... to you'r queston... livin in the moment is a good part of my life... eh :)

I simply skip the bs of havin to forgive myself... lol... an jus dont have regrets to begin wit :)
I had a kinfolk who worked almost ever hour he possibly coud... which included a full time job wit LOTS of overtime plus bein a full time farmer... an he had a gole of it bein known how rich he was when he dyed... well... 1 of his kids once said they woud dance on his grave... but he acheived his gole and was know as bein a rich man when he dyed... but he seemed hapy... so each to ther own i supose.!!!

Myself... escept for some laid-off time ive always had a job... but overtime wasnt my cup of tea an was never realy necessary anyway... an i live mostly in the present... well wit-in my means... never bored (different projects in action an in the plannin stage)... but i also like thankin about the past... an i also perty much have my future planned out... hmmm... oh... to you'r queston... livin in the moment is a good part of my life... eh :)

I simply skip the bs of havin to forgive myself... lol... an jus dont have regrets to begin wit :)

You certainly seem like a happy enough person to me even if you failed spelling:p
Mmm, no. You see, we are protected from bigots like you in that we are allowed a freedom of expression and freedom to worship as we please (within the boundaries of common sense and morality... obviously human sacrifice would be right out).

There is no such thing as common sense or morality in your religion, it offers neither.

Too bad so many believers exploit their right to freedom of expression and worship, especially considering so many don't want to hear it.

It would be a fallacy to call me a bigot considering I have nothing against people, we are actually talking about religion, which is not a person, fyi. Hence, one cannot be bigoted towards and ideology or philosophy. And, I am not treating religions with fear or hatred, but instead a lack of respect, which I offer in kind to religions that don't respect me and are bigoted towards me.

Now that we have that confusion out of the way...

As such, if we wish to pray in public, we can do so.

That's offensive. Is there some reason why you can't do that in private?

Mmm, again, no. While yes, there are religions out there like that, and even sects of Christianity that believe such nonsense... that isn't what our faith believes.

Uh, yeah, it is. Read the Bible. If you personally wish to cherry pick the Bible as to what you want to believe, that is another hypocrisy for another thread.

While yes, we believe that part of our responsibility is to offer to teach those who do not follow our faith what it means to be Christian, it is also a part of our faith that we respect those who do not wish to be Christian and that we love them anyway. As Christ said simply "Love thy neighbor". There were no qualifiers on that, no ifs ands or buts... simply "love thy neighbor".

That too is highly offensive and is the least thing most Christians ever do.

People don't want love from strangers, especially ones knocking on their doors trying to sell it. People want respect, but your religion does not respect people, hence it always causes conflict.

Many people don't want to hear you teaching us your faith or what it means to be Christian. We are quite able to observe the hypocritical, immoral and disrespectful behavior of it's followers as they show us their "Christian" ways.

To the first; no joke. I'm not asking you to stop criticizing... indeed, criticism is necessary for growth! What I am saying is to do so RESPECTFULLY and TACTFULLY.

I will do no such thing. You are trying to take away my freedom of expression, the very same right you accuse me of taking from you. I have nothing against you personally, but I do not respect your religion.

Don't just go around all "hurr durr yurr religion is stupid"... that will do nothing but incite anger and, in the end, result in your dismissal.

You very well know I never say things such as, "hurr durr yurr religion is stupid". Please show me where I did and if not, don't threaten me with dismissal.

I'm bringing "the hammer" down on you, as you so eloquently put it, because you are being abusive to a large part of the community, atheists included, by your words and actions. Violence begets only violence.

That is a lie and you know it. Try being honest for a change.

My religion goes beyond basic human rights and extends into basic human respect and the betterment of the whole, not just "those that think like us". If you could take your blinders off for a moment, you might be able to see that.

Don't make me laugh. Your religion has nothing to do with human rights or anything beyond. I have no blinders on, but I think you do.
There is a problem with that... how would we know we were happy if we never had sadness/pain/anger to compare it against?

O lordy... i can see it now... if you wind up in my heaven you'r gonna be 1 of the trouble makers :D

[ Jus kiddin... all are welcome... no one is ever baned... an when someone is givin a vacation its a good thang... LOL ]

People i create will simply have that knowledge... an no one will experience more sadness/pain/anger than they want to experience.!!!
*sighs* (Q), I'm done arguing with you - it is obvious you have never set foot in a United Methodist church, much less a modern United Methodist church. It is also painfully obvious that you intend to take everything said in defense of ANY religion as a confrontational challenge to humanity as a whole...

It also occurs to me that you deliberately misrepresent the "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR" bit... a terribly tired and dreadfully pathetic tactic that will earn you no grace from anyone with the common sense to see past your irate fury.

As I said, you have three choices... ultimately, you will choose one of them and what happens to you as a result will be entirely up to you. You can either follow the rules (which are already rather lax in this sub forum) or find yourself facing discipline as you lash out at and abuse your fellow members. The choice is yours, and only yours...
O lordy... i can see it now... if you wind up in my heaven you'r gonna be 1 of the trouble makers :D

[ Jus kiddin... all are welcome... no one is ever baned... an when someone is givin a vacation its a good thang... LOL ]

People i create will simply have that knowledge... an no one will experience more sadness/pain/anger than they want to experience.!!!

Then you are saying you would not provide for free will? Self discovery, scientific progress, etc... none of that will exist if everyone just knows everything... to me, that is a horror of incredible proportions equatable to the book "A Brave New World"...
Perhaps you can explain to everyone why you feel an obsessive obligation to infringe on his basic and fundamental human rights to a religious belief?

He is free to believe any nonsense he wishes, as long as he does behind closed doors. Again, you haven't really been paying attention.

You know, since you have decided to complain about human rights and all.. Why do you directly infringe on his human rights and deny him his based solely on his religion?

I did no such thing. Once again, you have to fabricate and contrive from the emotionally charged because you can't yet form a valid argument.
You certainly seem like a happy enough person to me even if you failed spelling:p

"Luck" is jus anuther thang i dont have beliefs in... but luckily ive had over 60 good years so no mater what the future brangs i got no complaints.!!!

In the second grade we woud stand up an have spellin contests an one time i mispelled a 3 letter word... kinda embrassin at the time :eek:
*sighs* (Q), I'm done arguing with you - it is obvious you have never set foot in a United Methodist church, much less a modern United Methodist church.

LOL. Are you folks really so inept that you constantly have to make shit up all the time to support your failed arguments?

It is also painfully obvious that you intend to take everything said in defense of ANY religion as a confrontational challenge to humanity as a whole...

Again, making stuff up as you go along is not an argument.

It also occurs to me that you deliberately misrepresent the "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR" bit... a terribly tired and dreadfully pathetic tactic that will earn you no grace from anyone with the common sense to see past your irate fury.

Many, many, many believers have told me their versions of "Love thy Neighbor" and I have yet to see one of them walk the walk.

Aside from that, people aren't interested in your love, they would much rather you respect them. One way is to keep your religion behind closed doors.

As I said, you have three choices... ultimately, you will choose one of them and what happens to you as a result will be entirely up to you. You can either follow the rules (which are already rather lax in this sub forum) or find yourself facing discipline as you lash out at and abuse your fellow members. The choice is yours, and only yours...

Yes, I understand you wish to flex your muscles and threaten me. Yet, I have done nothing to warrant that, except maybe to piss you off because I don't respect your religion, which says an awful lot more about you than me. :)
"Luck" is jus anuther thang i dont have beliefs in... but luckily ive had over 60 good years so no mater what the future brangs i got no complaints.!!!

In the second grade we woud stand up an have spellin contests an one time i mispelled a 3 letter word... kinda embrassin at the time :eek:

Thats alright, I bet you had lots of friends anyway.lol
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
People i create will simply have that knowledge... an no one will experience more sadness/pain/anger than they want to experience.!!!

Then you are saying you would not provide for free will? Self discovery, scientific progress, etc... none of that will exist if everyone just knows everything... to me, that is a horror of incredible proportions equatable to the book "A Brave New World"...

The free-will lie woudnt be necesssary in my heaven sinse ther woudnt be any punishments... everbody woud know that free-will is an illusion... but anybody coud create a program in which they thout they had free will.!!!
Yes everbody woud know everthang... but coud experience "Self discovery, scientific progress, etc..." in programs they choose to create.!!!

An if thats a horror to you... you coud create a program that matches you'r current life an experience that... over an over if you like.!!!
LOL. Are you folks really so inept that you constantly have to make shit up all the time to support your failed arguments?

Again, making stuff up as you go along is not an argument.

Many, many, many believers have told me their versions of "Love thy Neighbor" and I have yet to see one of them walk the walk.

Aside from that, people aren't interested in your love, they would much rather you respect them. One way is to keep your religion behind closed doors.

Yes, I understand you wish to flex your muscles and threaten me. Yet, I have done nothing to warrant that, except maybe to piss you off because I don't respect your religion, which says an awful lot more about you than me. :)

Whatever makes you feel good mate... in the end, time will tell
Mmm, no. You see, we are protected from bigots like you in that we are allowed a freedom of expression and freedom to worship as we please (within the boundaries of common sense and morality... obviously human sacrifice would be right out). As such, if we wish to pray in public, we can do so. If we wish to say the Pledge of Allegiance and include the phrase "under God", we can do so. Likewise, if you wish to not stand during the Pledge, you may do so.

One, Q isn't a bigot. Hating religion is not hating the religious. Two, why should I have to ostracize myself from my classmates just because I don't believe in God? Why can't you do your pledge in the privacy of your own home, or on your front porch, on the corner of your street, rather than in my classroom?

Mmm, again, no. While yes, there are religions out there like that, and even sects of Christianity that believe such nonsense... that isn't what our faith believes. While yes, we believe that part of our responsibility is to offer to teach those who do not follow our faith what it means to be Christian, it is also a part of our faith that we respect those who do not wish to be Christian and that we love them anyway. As Christ said simply "Love thy neighbor". There were no qualifiers on that, no ifs ands or buts... simply "love thy neighbor". As a picture I'm fond of puts it:


Except even you don't follow that decree. Didn't you just call Q a bigot? That's judgment. And you certainly don't love people who you think are evil. You certainly judge them. Okay, you don't judge homosexuals because no harm comes to anyone--but what about pedophiles? Scum of the earth, right? But I don't think anyone would argue against the notion that pedophiles are born with those desires, or at least develop them prior to sexual maturity--and in any case it isn't a choice. You not only don't love them, but you probably hate them. And you sure judge them.

Of course, asking a person to love their neighbor is folly; it's not possible, just as not judging them is impossible. So I have to ask: What good is that message? If it's not only impractical but impossible, then what's the point? Wouldn't something much less extreme, and far more practically applicable serve everyone better?

To the first; no joke. I'm not asking you to stop criticizing... indeed, criticism is necessary for growth! What I am saying is to do so RESPECTFULLY and TACTFULLY. Don't just go around all "hurr durr yurr religion is stupid"... that will do nothing but incite anger and, in the end, result in your dismissal.

I'm sorry, where in the rules does it say calling religion stupid is prohibited? We aren't allowed to state our opinion of a particular religion? Since when?

My religion goes beyond basic human rights and extends into basic human respect and the betterment of the whole, not just "those that think like us". If you could take your blinders off for a moment, you might be able to see that.

No, it doesn't. Your religion only does that if a handful of quotes made by the fictional character Jesus are taken out of context. As I said above, such a thing as loving thy neighbor as yourself is impossible, and even if it were possible, it isn't practical, nor necessary for mankind to get on successfully. Not only that, even Jesus didn't believe that people who don't believe in him shouldn't be judged. In fact, he introduced the idea of hellfire, reserved especially for people who do not obey his commands.
Let me pose to you the same question... why should the religious be sequestered to "behind closed doors"? That isnt freedom... that is oppression plain and simple.
Let me pose to you the same question... why should the religious be sequestered to "behind closed doors"? That isnt freedom... that is oppression plain and simple.

Because Jesus told you to:

Matt 6:

5"When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. 6"But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you."
Let me pose to you the same question... why should the religious be sequestered to "behind closed doors"? That isnt freedom... that is oppression plain and simple.

Two things: Why do you disregard an entire post and feel a single question is an adequate response?

Second, I didn't say "behind closed doors," so I don't know why you suggest that I did, let alone put in quotes. This is what I said:

Why can't you do your pledge in the privacy of your own home, or on your front porch, on the corner of your street, rather than in my classroom?

You'll notice I'm specifically talking about keeping it out of the classroom.
I'm pretty sure the value of information isn't based on how hard it is to get. I mean, I acquire all sorts of valuable information everyday with a click of my computer, but that doesn't make it worthless information.

Oh God no (no pun intended).

The internet is great if you refer to scientific articles or want to download music, movies or what have you. But for every reasonable article there are 10 million unreasonable one. Like the story of the guy who posted photos of what he believed were fairies or the stories of the guy who can lick his own eyeballs. I would hardly call that worthwhile information.
I believe that everyone understood that, Tiassa. It’s akin to me asking if you understood the metaphor of the red and blue pill.
Well, I wouldn't say "everyone", but your point stands.
I took both. I don't think the system was ever designed for that. Screwed me over something awful. So here I am, drunk, messed up, questioning everything and laughing at every damned one of you.
And me, of course. More than anyone else.

I’m still uncomfortable and reluctant to speak out as it is.
Let me guess. Yank.
So easy to spot you guys, you know. Oh, I know. It's an American forum. Still, I don't believe there's another western nation so utterly squeamish about not believing in god.

Perhaps it's the Americans Tiassa is really annoyed with. Strident, argumentative niche dwellers?

Want to know something?
Go to a party in Australia, everyone gets a little drunk toward the end of the night, and if they're not throwing up, trying to score with a drunk teenage girl or sitting in a corner crying over their latest breakup with the best Sheila in the history of creation, they're waxing philosophical about their relationship with God.

It's quite the opposite, you see.

"Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but—more frequently than not—struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God.

Reason is the Devil’s greatest whore; by nature and manner of being she is a noxious whore; she is a prostitute, the Devil’s appointed whore; whore eaten by scab and leprosy who ought to be trodden under foot and destroyed, she and her wisdom… Throw dung in her face to make her ugly.

She is and she ought to be drowned in baptism… She would deserve, the wretch, to be banished to the filthiest place in the house, to the closets."—Martin Luther

And do you know, the very first time I was introduced to good old Marty L was when I were a younger man, playing Medieval, total War 2.
Those quotes were sometimes rather useful in determining who I should read up on.
What a fine fellow he was! Wonderfully disgusting little man.
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