A Request Directed to Sciforums' "Atheists"

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If Yazata hasn't outed himself on this site, it's unfair and rude of you to.

Thanks for looking out for me, Bells. I appreciate it.

But MR is right, I've freely and publicly said (on a different discussion board, true) that I'm bisexual. It isn't a deep dark state secret or anything. (I'm sure it's mentioned in my NSA dossier.) MR and I go back a long time on the internet, probably something like 15 years.

But most importantly, you don't know what Yazata's experience has been or currently is. And I think to declare him complicit on the issue of religious bigotry towards homosexuals is very very unfair.

MR's being gay is central to his identity, to who he is. MR was a Christian in his youth and apparently some very unpleasant and traumatic rejection that he suffered at the hands of other Christians as a result of his being gay were a major contributing factor to his present-day bitterness towards "religion". As he says, it's very "issue-based".

As for me, I've never had any faith to lose. I was born in San Francisco to a family that weren't all that concerned with who I was sleeping with. So my exploring my gay side wasn't really that big a deal to me. It was actually quite pleasant. (Probably the best relationship that I've had in my life was with another guy.) But I never really felt that it defined or shaped who I was, I never felt any trauma about doing it, I was never rejected or ostracized by anyone for doing it, and I didn't come away feeling embittered in any way.

Anyway, that's where we are coming from, I think. Again, thanks for being concerned, Bells.

Magical Realist said:
In any case, Yazata if you didn't want your sexual orientation mentioned online then I officially apologize. But having known you for 15 years I'm pretty sure you don't care what people think about it either way.

You understand me pretty well, MR. And no, I'm not upset at all.
*facepalms repeatedly*

This is a farce... it truly is. However, there has been little here that warrants any moderation response in accordance with the rules of this subforum (which, as discussed in the relevant thread, have been relaxed with the intention of "letting things sort themselves out"... after all:

So, given your request... I will simply disregard the tickets you have submitted. You requested it... sort it out yourself. I'm only going to take action when there is an excessive/egregious/absurd breach of protocol (or basic human rights).

We have no way of sorting out moderators, as you well know. I'll thank you to reopen the ticket so an administrator can view it.
Yazata, you don't need to explain anything. You haven't done anything wrong and you don't need to explain the why's, what's, when's and how's of not having the same opinion or experience as MR. If that makes sense? As I said to MR, his experience does not represent the whole and no one should feel obliged or obligated to argue for or against anything because of their sexuality, sex, race, etc. Just because you are bisexual does not mean that you should be forced to speak out about anything or against anything, etc. That's what I was disagreeing with.

Your sexuality has nothing to do with this thread. So you don't need to feel forced or pressured to explain anything about yourself. And you certainly should not feel that you need or have to explain anything because you said you were bisexual on another board. If that makes sense? And I responded to him because he made that an issue and it should never have been.

I just object to anyone feeling like they should be supporting something or speaking out about anything because of who they are. There should be no such obligation to condemn things because of one's sexuality, sex, religion, race, etc. It reminded me of the expectation that some had here that all Muslims who posted on this site should speak out and condemn acts of terrorism and when they didn't, how some were abused for it.
Yazata, you don't need to explain anything. You haven't done anything wrong and you don't need to explain the why's, what's, when's and how's of not having the same opinion or experience as MR. If that makes sense? As I said to MR, his experience does not represent the whole and no one should feel obliged or obligated to argue for or against anything because of their sexuality, sex, race, etc. Just because you are bisexual does not mean that you should be forced to speak out about anything or against anything, etc. That's what I was disagreeing with.

Your sexuality has nothing to do with this thread. So you don't need to feel forced or pressured to explain anything about yourself. And you certainly should not feel that you need or have to explain anything because you said you were bisexual on another board. If that makes sense? And I responded to him because he made that an issue and it should never have been.

I just object to anyone feeling like they should be supporting something or speaking out about anything because of who they are. There should be no such obligation to condemn things because of one's sexuality, sex, religion, race, etc. It reminded me of the expectation that some had here that all Muslims who posted on this site should speak out and condemn acts of terrorism and when they didn't, how some were abused for it.

Haven't you been telling us how we should behave as atheists? What we should do to be good atheists? What is the right way and wrong way to be an atheist? How Is this different?
We have no way of sorting out moderators, as you well know. I'll thank you to reopen the ticket so an administrator can view it.

no thanks, as there is nothing to review in this instance; Bells jumped to Yazata's defense because the subject at hand was inappropriate and unnecessary. Ones sexuality should not be used as leverage to try and sway a discussion.

You mention you have "no way of sorting out moderators"... tell me Balerion, how would you sort out other members?

What's a ticket? Does it really do anything?

The Unofficial Support system is designed as a place where members can bring issues to light outside the standard "post reporting" system. It is meant to be used as a way to bring larger issues to light, as well as to seek council and review. It is something a few of us have volunteered our time to to ensure that issues that could otherwise slip through the cracks would be seen and addressed. To my knowledge, none of the administrators are a part of it though.
You're the one who made it about your gender.
And you're the one who keeps resorting to stereotypical forms of arguments that sexists often use against women by accusing us of being overly emotional. Which is why I commented on it and asked you to cut it out.

I'm not emotional. I'm a big girl Balerion. I can take the knocks without getting emotional or running to daddy while crying that 'someone is being mean to me'..

Resorting to commenting about my emotional state is a means by which sexist men often used to shut women out of dialogue. Don't try to follow them down that road by using stereotypical comments in your zeal to have me not respond..
no thanks, as there is nothing to review in this instance; Bells jumped to Yazata's defense because the subject at hand was inappropriate and unnecessary. Ones sexuality should not be used as leverage to try and sway a discussion.
I'd like to hear that from someone who isnt invested in this discussion, thanks. Now reopen the ticket.

You mention you have "no way of sorting out moderators"... tell me Balerion, how would you sort out other members?

The ignore button is a powerful tool. Especially when used en mass.
Haven't you been telling us how we should behave as atheists? What we should do to be good atheists? What is the right way and wrong way to be an atheist? How Is this different?
So you think members of the LGBT community should behave a certain way? That they need to behave a certain way to be good LGBT and if they don't, then they aren't good? Is there a wrong way to be LGBT Balerion? Tell me, how does how one is born dictate how they should behave and what they should believe?

What about women? Should we behave a certain way? Argue for and against certain things? What about ethnic minorities? Should we all believe or argue exactly the same?

Heaven forbid that one's sexuality, gender, race, religious beliefs don't determine how or what we argue! Heaven forbid that we are all individuals and don't all have the same borg like mind.
And you're the one who keeps resorting to stereotypical forms of arguments that sexists often use against women by accusing us of being overly emotional. Which is why I commented on it and asked you to cut it out.

I said you were being emotional. Which you were. Your response was a knee-jerk reaction to something you misunderstood. Hence, emotional.

What you're saying here is that because you're a woman, you can't be accused of being emotional. Sorry, that's not going to fly. If you react irrationally, I'm going to say so. If you don't want to hear it, try thinking before you type.

I'm not emotional. I'm a big girl Balerion. I can take the knocks without getting emotional or running to daddy while crying that 'someone is being mean to me'..

Then act like it. Stop reacting so irrationally. Stop having tantrums.

And I didn't say anyone was being mean to me. I wrote a ticket that you were harassing Magical Realist. Which you were.

And is that what you think of the "Report" and Ticket functions? Crying? Good to know, Bells.

Resorting to commenting about my emotional state is a means by which sexist men often used to shut women out of dialogue. Don't try to follow them down that road by using stereotypical comments in your zeal to have me not respond..

So therefore when you react emotionally, no one is allowed to say so? And didn't you just comment about my emotional state? So it's okay when a woman does it to a man, but not the other way around?

Bullshit. You're just trying to shield yourself from a valid form of criticism.
So you think members of the LGBT community should behave a certain way? That they need to behave a certain way to be good LGBT and if they don't, then they aren't good? Is there a wrong way to be LGBT Balerion? Tell me, how does how one is born dictate how they should behave and what they should believe?

What about women? Should we behave a certain way? Argue for and against certain things? What about ethnic minorities? Should we all believe or argue exactly the same?

Heaven forbid that one's sexuality, gender, race, religious beliefs don't determine how or what we argue! Heaven forbid that we are all individuals and don't all have the same borg like mind.

Answer the question, Bells.
I have a great idea Balerion take this shit to another thread, your own thread would be great. Call it Balerion Bitchfest or Ticket's Get Your Tickets!
I have a great idea Balerion take this shit to another thread, your own thread would be great. Call it Balerion Bitchfest or Ticket's Get Your Tickets!

At least my contributions could constitute a thread. All we've gotten from you thus far is a series of juvenile, witless barbs from the sidelines.
He specifically said "this sect of Christianity." He obviously was not referring to you, so your accusation that he was lumping you all together is knowingly incorrect, and can be construed as an attempt to pick a fight.

Why is it that we need a Mod Wrangler in this thread? It seems everywhere I turn, moderators are acting like idjits. Did James R just select all the worst-tempered, rudest, least emotionally-mature people on the forum?

And if you bothered to pull your head out of the clouds and continue reading, you would see that I acknowledged that as soon as he replied... as you can see here:

We all know what I mean by Fundamentalism, don't we? If need be I will be glad to post links. Fundies are in every state but the hotbed of activity is in the Southeastern region of the U.S.
IMO true Christianity offers a doctrine of social justice, love and equality.

To which I acknowledged my mistake:

Sorry, missed that rather important modifier! My bad!

You have made it clear, Balerion... you are not here for discussion, nor are you here to contribute anything to the forums. You are here to stir the shit pot and incite discord, simple as that.

Then again, emailing me outside the forum and telling me to "stop being a cunt" is pretty telling... you are the very definition of a "fair weather friend"; more than willing to wave my banner so long as I'm supporting your cause, but the moment I waver from some perceived sense of loyalty to you, I'm a "cunt" and an "irrational brat"...

i think it's pretty clear who the brat is here... it's the one throwing a temper tantrum when he doesn't get his way and accusing everyone around him of wrongdoing while you perceive you can do no wrong.
At least my contributions could constitute a thread. All we've gotten from you thus far is a series of juvenile, witless barbs from the sidelines.

Look get your own thread and fish, bait, troll and bitch all you want or get back to the topic. Stop making it about you and the moderation, please.
At this time, the thread is being temporarily closed while I move Balerion's complaints into their own thread.

EDIT - just as a heads up... this may take some time... there's a lot of it.

Edit 2 - actually... nevermind. The thread has been pretty much a derailment of itself from the start, with intermittent bits of on topic discussion... I would almost be better off splitting the on-topic discussion, but even that is so intertwined... so thread re-opened.
And if you bothered to pull your head out of the clouds and continue reading, you would see that I acknowledged that as soon as he replied... as you can see here:

To which I acknowledged my mistake:

You're right. I'm sorry. I completely whiffed.

See? I can admit to my mistakes, too.

You have made it clear, Balerion... you are not here for discussion, nor are you here to contribute anything to the forums. You are here to stir the shit pot and incite discord, simple as that.

I don't think you actually mean that. I don't think the record supports it, either.

Then again, emailing me outside the forum and telling me to "stop being a cunt" is pretty telling... you are the very definition of a "fair weather friend"; more than willing to wave my banner so long as I'm supporting your cause, but the moment I waver from some perceived sense of loyalty to you, I'm a "cunt" and an "irrational brat"...

So we're sharing the contents of personal emails on the forum now? I can't believe you'd do me like that. And, I can't believe you'd put yourself at risk in such a way. I mean, I could TOTALLY blow up your spot right now--and you know what I'm talking about--but I'm not going to do that, because that would be supremely fucked up. And in spite of me thinking you're acting like a cunt, I still value your friendship. I guess that makes one of us, then?

i think it's pretty clear who the brat is here... it's the one throwing a temper tantrum when he doesn't get his way and accusing everyone around him of wrongdoing while you perceive you can do no wrong.

I know I do wrong. I just admitted as much up there. I'm calling Bells out on more of her shit, within the context of the thread. Why is that so evil? Why do you feel the need to put me down because of that? You know that I love this place and value it, and my battles are ones fought with the greatest interest of this site in mind. You know that.
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