A question for atheists

I looked up the contents of old books pertaining to history, archaeology, philosophy and religion.

Ok, when I asked for a list I was actually requesting some specific works. Ultimately of course, given that this section is predominantly about religion, I was enquiring as to what religious works you spent time studying/reading. Have you read the quran, (koran), in full - or perhaps the enuma elish, the vedas, the book of shadows, rig veda americanas etc?

I am rather curious as to what areas you concentrated your focus on, and why you did so.

Again the same in regards to 'history'. Are we talking Roman history? Seriously ancient history, (Sumerians, Babylonians etc)..

As for 'intensive readings on science encyclopedias', do you have a solid grasp of scientific understanding? Again, what specific areas of science etc?

Sad to say, I was not confident enough in all my searches by books.

Confident enough of what?

So, I tried to listen to TV preachers, especially those who had opened a religious program with Q & A portion.

So you were at this time specifically looking for a religion to call your own? It's why I have asked for further information concerning what you read/researched. Why, having read poetry and science manuals - have you made this seemingly giant leap to religion salesman on TV?

I then realized that the Bible is sufficient as a guide for people's life here on earth and beyond his life on earth.

I wholeheartedly disagree with you, considering it little more than an interesting look at early man. While there is 'love each other', which certainly sounds nice - that can be got from watching Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh on the other hand is not full of drowned humans, dead children and disasterous plagues.

So why, given that Winnie the Pooh is just as sufficient a guide to life, if not more so, would you conclude that the word of ancient shepherds is better for you?

However, there is also a vast difference between considering some writing as a decent guide to life and becoming a religious fundie.

Even an atheist can sit down and consider the bible as having extremely smart advice in it, (such as: better to live on the roof than in a house with a quarrelsome wife), but there is no need to take that to extremes. How did you make the move from a book you consider as a "sufficient" guide to living one's life, to worship of a supposed entity that you can only guess about? It is most probable that the religion salesmen on TV sold it to you.

Many people misunderstood the messages of the passages in the Bible as far as their preconception is concerned.

That most surely is completely personal, and thus a serious issue with the bible itself. Your claims/interpretations of that book will be disagreed on by pretty much everyone. You might as a majority agree on some things, but by and large it differs person to person. What you're doing here is claiming yourself right, them wrong.. and that is the absolute pinnacle of ignorance. You are in no position to do such a thing given the circumstances.

Oh, it was an amazing events in my readings since as long as I objected the findings of Campbell about the Bible being erroneous and fictitious, what I got from listening to "The Old Path" and "Ask Soriano, the Bible answers" were sufficient and efficient to support the Bible as an authentic writings from men inspired by God.

What you're saying here is that you had given yourself an answer before ever reading that book or watching TV, and that you only needed to hear someone confirm your already established beliefs and you'd consider it right. You basically let yourself hear exactly what you wanted to hear. It's cute, but dishonest.
I have wrote below points because theist are causing lot of problems.

This will happend to U (Original question of this thread)

1) Blind faiths, religious wars. double standards, ancient outdated wrong knowledge, beliefs in myths as real events of past, doctrines written by lunatics asumed to be gods words etc

2) Superstitions, lucky things, astrology etc

3) Shrouded thinking, where everything seems devine and by gods will (including injustice), important decesions in life in baseless Manner - astrologers, preist, black magic etc

4) No Garauntee of repatibility, actually you will be at mercy of randomness at each step of your life; Absolute ignorance of laws governing mechanics of universes phenomenons; Thoes who tried in the past were burnt alive now thats evil or what

5) carelessness due to the fact God is protecting U, irresponsible. What you have is what God gave U so there is no need of thinking about the millions suffering out there, god helps all. Speak on behalf of god justifing personal gains

6) waste of time and resources in religious activities and its defense, instead of world peace, protection, progress etc

7) Limited view of reality; waste of time ovre thoughts of afterlife and suffering due to past life sins instead of focusing on problem solving hence less productive; Limitations in asumption that god cannot exist

Who gives a dam to things that I wont remember or dont remember.

7) you will be used in the name of religon

8) godfearing and hence you will live like a coward all your life, instead of acting on morals and justice

9) shamlessness over gods inactivity to let billions suffer. Full of irrational unscientific talks

selective/repetative thinking habit by ignoring facts due to permentant brain wash.

10) Loss of evolutionary edge over Atheist just as Neanderthals lost it 30,000 years ago, e.g. U wont do stemcells research

11) Welcome to the real world

For me God = Appendix(organ) of Evolution.

I have blissfully ignored stubborn people in this thread.

BTW, some Atheists here are not aware that they are actually Rationalists.
SnakeLord said:
Ok, when I asked for a list I was actually requesting some specific works. Ultimately of course, given that this section is predominantly about religion, I was enquiring as to what religious works you spent time studying/reading. Have you read the quran, (koran), in full - or perhaps the enuma elish, the vedas, the book of shadows, rig veda americanas etc? .
Sorry. I don't divulge all my random readings here. But I have not read the Qur'an and I don't wish to read that Book. I even don't read the Eastern Philosophy category in sciforums (they're full of myths). Paganical works are widely e-published but I have not seen a reason to read them (that's my personal emotion). First thing is sure, I did investigate Rig Vedas and tales of english and americanas (short-stories like Rip Van Winkle) but I discontinued, they're full of myths or they were just written simply for literary appreciation. Maybe, I guess I will read Qur'an if I get a copy (since in our library city or school, no islamic advocates contribute a book known as Qur'an). I heard a preacher in local Cebu station named Ustaj Najib Razul. Those times I waited whether he will distribute free Qur'ans, but he collected money for print-out money reimbursement. Also, I had in my hands the Book of Mormon. But due to the fact that I found theur "Pearl of the Great Price" in the library and I read their "Basic Doctrine", I found that book mythical. Well, I guess, it's much better if I continue to read Edith Hamilton's "Mythology" rather than spending to "Another Language's names and Characters."

SnakeLord said:
I am rather curious as to what areas you concentrated your focus on, and why you did so.
Specifically, I do watched the episodes of the TV Series, Xena: The Warrior Princess, Hercules: The Legendary Journey (for recent TV myth shows). But I didn't give prominent watch to "Lord of the Rings" although I have had a compendium of it in a pocket book. I also appreciated X-Men movie. But all those shows/movies have not any value to compare to "The 10 Commandments" movie, though it's best to read the Bible recounting the life of Moses and the ten commandments.

So, that's the first one, mythology and the Bible. But I also had a pocketbook of LYALL WATSON: Supernature. But I am not concentrating on him, instead I often refer to my pocketbook "DICTIONARY OF ANTIQUITIES".(These are in my hands right now). In libraries, I cannot go often now because I am working as an internet shop attendant.

SnakeLord said:
Again the same in regards to 'history'. Are we talking Roman history? Seriously ancient history, (Sumerians, Babylonians etc)..[\QUOTE]I just read little of Western Civilization (Book I and II). But I had in my hand a copy of "History of Peloponesian War" and I had bought "World History" but still I often resort to Internet in search of new e-publication of Histories.

SnakeLord said:
As for 'intensive readings on science encyclopedias', do you have a solid grasp of scientific understanding? Again, what specific areas of science etc?
No. I don't wish to have "solid" grasp of scientific understanding because when I read I scientific journals and reports like nutrition and medicine, I often "doubt" their credibility even if they have been experts in their fields. But as I refer to the Bible, I found that the Genesis account tells also about nutrition and medicine. I concentrate more on archaeology and discoveries. I did read books on humanatomy and sociology and their wealth contributes normal thoughts. But now I just concentrate on analyzing the messages of the passages of the Bible in relationship with peoples outside the Bible in biblical times and in our times.

SnakeLord said:
Confident enough of what?
I'm not confident in all my conclusions about which facts/findings to trust and whose scientists to believe into.

SnakeLord said:
So you were at this time specifically looking for a religion to call your own? It's why I have asked for further information concerning what you read/researched. Why, having read poetry and science manuals - have you made this seemingly giant leap to religion salesman on TV?
No, religion cannot be owned. I just did readings to poetry and I found most of my favorite poetic authors recounted of religious and/or mythological events like Publius Ovidius Naso, Dante Aligheiri, Homerus, and Rizal. Even important american characters stated with reference to religious life: Lincoln: You want to test man's character, give him power; F.D. Roosevelt: The only thing to fear is fear. Well I always remember in my mind what King Solomon in the Bible tells:
And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. Ecclesiastes 12:12
and what St. John the Revelator says
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1
and of ourse the words of the Lord Jesus Christ
It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63
So, why should I suffer?

Interesting list. I've always suspected that "Jesus" was a really big practical joke played by the romans on the "christians".
But wow how freakin interesting that these stories evolve to be more effective at disseminating their hypothetically society-stabalizing (through commonality of value) meme. Fascinating. Abstract infections of mind.
enton said:
See. He seemed to be relating his experience to any televangelists, though he does not personally met whom I was talking about.
No one can argue with your beliefs. They are YOUR beliefs.
I can comment, though, on your absolute lack of critical thought and emotional need, but I won't. What would be the point? You aren't ready to progress beyond your emotional need to acceptance of all kinds balderdash. You obviously must fill that 'need' first and foremost, before rationality, before intelligence, before logic, before thought, before 'evidence'... Like yanking your hand from a hot stove. Perhaps I'll see you when your hand heals, if ever...