A question for atheists

enton said:
There is a good destination for those who accept the teachings of God. Remember I'm talking here about the God of truth, peace, mercy and loving-kindness.

I don't know what destination atheists have right now. If they live in peace, then they have God because only the Invisible God is the author of peace. I remember a certain agnostic, a fellow in my own race, he once said "You will lose all you desire in this life if you continue to walk in the old way." I also remembered that time about Job 22:15 in the Bible which says:"Hast thou marked the old way which wicked men have trodden?"
I am of a higher moral caliber, than you as a christian(or any religion) could ever possibly reach.
as I do good because I wish too, not because it put's me in favour with a god.
there is nothing you can say, to justify your possition you are morally unclean.
enton said:
I don't know what destination atheists have right now. If they live in peace,
atheists do live in peace, it's the evil religious, that do all the killings.
A 'belief' is that with which one fills the space in a mind when there is no evidence to inspire critical thought and understanding, and one is still afraid of the dark.

'Beliefs' are childishly emotional fear responses with no foundation in intelligent evidentiary cogitation. Perhaps true believers are lacking this skill?
Emotionalism is not rational.

It seems to me that 'beliefs' are antithetical to critical thought in the moment and a constant re-evaluation of one's 'understanding' in light of the constant data-stream presented. Lazy 'thinkers' fill their heads with 'beliefs', 'faith', and 'convictions' because constant critical thought is too much work (if one are capable of such a thing at all...).

Concern with a possible 'life after death' (why do you fear death so?) also removes you from living in the 'present'. Instead of 'living', you are 'avoiding death'. 'Living' in greater ignorance and fantasy than one must. Besides, I don't think that happiness grows in such toxic waste.

I say, live an 'honest and authentic' life and let the chips fall where they may. I wouldn't want to even visit your imaginary 'heaven' comprised of weak, dis-honest, ass kissers anyway, and any god that would populate his 'yard' with such pathetic 'souls' is a psychotic emotionally crippled monstrosity anyway and can go to it's own hell! Talk about creating god in our own image!

In my humble opinion.
enton said:
Why? Did I ever say all religions are good? :p
you did'nt, but they are,thay nearly all contain an evil god/gods,and anything that makes you cower in fear and stops you thinking for yourself has got to be evil.
audible said:
you did'nt, but they are,thay nearly all contain an evil god/gods,and anything that makes you cower in fear and stops you thinking for yourself has got to be evil.
And why should I foolishly use fear when it is written
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. The Romans 8:28 King James Version
Hey nameless. I liked your post. Very elonquently written. And true BTW.

Though not all theist fall under the Lazy brain factor. That's why they become atheists in the first place. ;).

It is easy to surrender your mind to traditional theism, then to think clearly of what it is being tought to you. Most just accept it as fact and true, even thought the evidence is against their beliefs, this is why there's a contradiction of scietists being theist at the same time. These people go through great lengths to still believe their religious rhetoric. They are intellectually dishonest.

Godless, thank you. The world might be a better place if we were all godless.
Painting with such a broad brush is obviously hyperbole.
You are correct about scientists. There are emotionally held 'beliefs', and there are scientific 'evidences'. Some/most/all 'genius' scientists become babbling idiots when discussing their 'beliefs'. No true honest genius scientist would hold any 'beliefs'.
How do people respond to an argument using a quote from the very book that is in question? ..........
audible said:
so you dont fear your god. well theres hope for you yet.
And what are atheists hoping for? I guess they're hoping that they will not be hungry every now and then. :eek:
enton said:
And what are atheists hoping for? I guess they're hoping that they will not be hungry every now and then. :eek:
better to feed mankind, than to give homage to non-existence. people come first, and yes I'm lucky, I can keep my belly full, not so lucky those christians who starve to death in africa. but remember, my morals are vastly superior to yours as I give because I wish to help, not because I will gain favour from a god.
enton said:
And what are atheists hoping for? I guess they're hoping that they will not be hungry every now and then. :eek:
I hope to be happy for as long as possible and as often as possible. There's actually little else. Everything I do is driven by the hope / desire of being happy. If it doesn't make me happy - why do it?
Unfortunately I probably don't have the same standard of morals when it comes to helping people - as I probably do it 'cos it makes me feel happy (or feel less guilty, I should say) - not necessarily 'cos it helps the receiver. So ultimately rather selfish. But I can live with that.
But that is always how it has been when you really think about it. The religious people were the poor, the downtrodden, those who are life's failures, and as such have little choice but to wish and pray for things to get better.

It's the whole notion of jesus': it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to go to heaven.

The religious are, and always have been, peasants. That's why you see 97% religiosity in Africa compared to 13% religiosity in Japan. The only country that does not follow along with this pattern is USA.

Let's be honest, I know you religious folk would use the word 'praying', but in reality all it actually means is 'begging'. You're like hobo's, and I dare you to try and offer a difference between the two.

As Audible stated, "I can keep my belly full", and that's really all that it comes down to. Those who suffer continually are religious, those who win the lottery don't give a shit.

But then it makes me wonder... If those who don't believe are so successful generally, and those who do believe don't have what they need/desire, then how worthwhile is it in having your god? Oh yes, I'm aware when everyone's dead you'll have a city of gold and gemstones to live in.. wow! But really, we seem to be getting along better without your god than we ever would with him.

Perhaps it be better said as: We are content with what we have, whereas you need more. You're unhappy with your lot in life and need some lucky star/space entity fantasy to cling to in order to think it's ok that you're unhappy with your lot in life.

And yes, I have heard the majority of your stories: I was a serious alcoholic and was almost dead when I found god, or: I was in a serious car crash and found god, or: My mother died and I found god.

You are known as the 'born agains'. I would be curious to hear some more stories from you born agains.. tell me what personal tragedies and losses you went through that made you born again. Tell me all about how life dealt you such shit cards that you decided to start looking skyward, just like someone who buys a lottery ticket will cross his fingers with the same level of "faith" that you espouse is actually of some value in life. It's equivalent to simple hope because you want something better, nothing more.
And what are atheists hoping for?

The irradication of ALL religion and the education of the masses.

Is that too much to ask for?
And what are atheists hoping for?

I don't know about 'atheists', but I certainly am no 'theist'.
Your question presupposes that I must 'hope' for something, presumably because there is something 'missing/wrong/imperfect' in the 'moment'.
I do not 'hope'.
I'm just pointing out a 'problem' with your question.
Carry on..
And what are atheists hoping for?

I do hope, I hope that every theist would some day get their head out of their ass, and become aware their belief is just delusional, I hope they stay out of schools, I hope they stay out of government, I hope they turn their churchs into dance clubs, I hope that the money collected can get TAXED!. i HOPE that every tv evangelist would feed the hungry instead of their pockets. But then I realize this is only wishfull thinking. They are too stuborn and got their head buried up their ass!. :mad:

(Q) said:
And what are atheists hoping for?

The irradication of ALL religion and the education of the masses.

Is that too much to ask for?
Therefore the Bible is correct when it says "The fool saith in his heart "There is no god."
You displayed a complete oxymoronic ostentatious pretension. Why?

(Q) said:
The irradication of ALL religion and the education of the masses.
Then why bother to scrutinize religious posts? Well in my common sense, I am here for the sake of misled people. And it's not in my mind to spread gossip and deceit. My basis is Bible. And if you aren't interested enough. Then you better tell the admin to totally close/shut down the "Religion" category in this sciforums. That's my request. If the case is, this forum is still open, well one thing is for sure, atheists are religious people :D .