A question for atheists

Dreamwalker said:
But don´t people act on the basis of what was taught to them?

human have a brains , leave them or accept them...

why only (for you) the people who left them are the open-minded , those having a great life , others dont?
mis-t-highs said:
if your happy being a believer then you will loose nothing, when you die, is the only time we will find out, I think, if your wrong and I am right, you wont know, you will be dead.
if your right and I am wrong, then thats great for you, you get to be with your master, and I will proberly say, oh shit.

thats correct, i'm on the safe side

have you ever seen a dead man similing , happy, smell good (nothing like a smell from earth)?

when you look at them , you say they are in other world?

this question for all...
However, to my understanding, isn't worshipping to be on the "safe side" pretty much just using the religion, and as such a greater wrong than just not believing in God, yet living a just life? I for one will not follow a religion simply because of threats of what may happen if I'm not religious.

If at the end of the day I'm wrong, all I can say to God is look, I was wrong, but I don't believe in blind faith. I did live a good life, so hopefully that counts for more than simply believing blindly. If I get punished for that, well, so be it. I won't submit to some God because of threats.


have you ever seen a dead man similing , happy, smell good (nothing like a smell from earth)?
Nope. They look like a dead body, devoid of life. They don't smell bad because the body is prepared before the funeral. And kept in cold storage if the funeral doesn't take place within the day, e.g. muslim rights.
firdroirich said:
"You only possess that which you cannot lose in a shipwreck." Regardless of your beliefs.

The believer is he who fears not hell, nor covets heaven as El Ghazzali put it - by this you shouldn't really be expecting to gain anything either.

so what you prefer, to travel on a ship with captin to known destiny or alone to unknown Destiny?

if i have a slim chnace that i'm correct, then i should not risk.
thats my believes
Sirius83 said:
However, to my understanding, isn't worshipping to be on the "safe side" pretty much just using the religion, and as such a greater wrong than just not believing in God, yet living a just life? I for one will not follow a religion simply because of threats of what may happen if I'm not religious.

If at the end of the day I'm wrong, all I can say to God is look, I was wrong, but I don't believe in blind faith. I did live a good life, so hopefully that counts for more than simply believing blindly. If I get punished for that, well, so be it. I won't submit to some God because of threats.


have you ever seen a dead man similing , happy, smell good (nothing like a smell from earth)?
Nope. They look like a dead body, devoid of life. They don't smell bad because the body is prepared before the funeral. And kept in cold storage if the funeral doesn't take place within the day, e.g. muslim rights.

first i see you are ready to risk , i'm not
second i have seen couple of them, they were happy and other smelled them i didn't

they were happy, smiling and they look like alive
btw sorry for being late, i was busy....

i hope i have answered you all :)
7x7 said:
human have a brains , leave them or accept them...

why only (for you) the people who left them are the open-minded , those having a great life , others dont?

We aren't the only ones but we no longer live in fear of eternal damnation we no longer feel the need to classify others as less than us because they don't believe what we do etc etc. You cannot entertain any information that may say that muhammed wasn't actually gods prophet, that maybe the quran isn't infallible, that there are no scientific miracles in the quran etc etc.
so what you prefer, to travel on a ship with captin to known destiny or alone to unknown Destiny?

if i have a slim chnace that i'm correct, then i should not risk.
thats my believes
first i see you are ready to risk , i'm not
second i have seen couple of them, they were happy and other smelled them i didn't

they were happy, smiling and they look like alive

Indeed, I am ready to risk, simply because it is what I feel is right. I'd rather think things through, be wrong about it and admit it, than following blindly because of some threat.

As for those bodies, they look at peace, usually because they die peacefully or because the funeral home made them presentable for the funeral. Nothing more, nothing less.
7x7 said:
i do have all of these and more..why you think religion keeps you away from it. why don't religions mix between them.

Quite simply, because more factual knowledge is being discovered every day
and the content of this knowledge contradicts existing beliefs. Anyhow,
if it is felt that putting religion into the mix does not deprive you of the itmes
listed then I would like to test the assertion with some questions (please
refrain from using the internet for research purposes when answering):

PREDICTED LOSS: Ability to distinguish between reality and fantasy.
QUESTION: What 'God' do you believe in and why do you believe in it?
On a sidenote, I realize that your belief is based on 'just in
case'; however, this particular 'God' was chosen over all
others and I would want to know why.

PREDICTED LOSS: Ability to effectively use reasoning.
QUESTION: What is 'good' and what is 'evil'?

PREDICTED LOSS: Ability to attain beyond a certain level of understanding
QUESTION: How did human beings come into existence?

PREDICTED LOSS: Ability to utilize / recognize factual knowledge,
QUESTION: Ovulation can be detected in female humans within 30 seconds
using nothing more than a cheap microscope, a slide, and some
spit (true or false)? Why?

PREDICTED LOSS: Accountibility
QUESTION: A fellow believer (your well trusted teacher and leader) informs
you that 'God' asked him to kill you because it is 'your time to
come home'. What do you do?

PREDICTED LOSS: Responsibility
QUESTION: You accomlished something in your life which you are convinced
is far beyond your abilities. Who / what is responsible for this

QUESTION: John is a fantastic member of society. He helps the poor help
themselves, opened a recreation center for kids on the street,
is extremely generous to strangers / friends / family, loves his
wife and children, and believes + worships the 'Devil'. John's
faith is so deep that he wears a large upside-down cross
around his neck, has 666 tatooed on the back of both of his
hands, and wears a black jacket with a large blood red
pentagram on it's back that has a catch phrase below it stating
'Got Satan'? John meets you and offers to give you a free
personal skydiving lesson. You have dreamed of skydiving but
could not simply because of the cost. Now it's free. You find
out that the only people at the event for miles will be yourself
John and his wife (another Satanist whom fly's the skydiving
plane). You also find out (with proof) that John is the most
experienced and successful skydiver instructor in your geography.
Do you trust him with your life?

QUESTION: How much time do you put into your belief per year? This
includes prayer, worship, personal time, visiting the religious topic
on sciforums, etc.?

QUESTION: How much money do you put into your belief this year. This
includes any form of donation / charity, cost of gas used for
getting to a place of worship, purchase of religious materials,
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7x7 said:
thats correct, i'm on the safe side

Originally Posted by mis-t-highs
if your happy being a believer then you will loose nothing, when you die, is the only time we will find out, I think, if your wrong and I am right, you wont know, you will be dead.
if your right and I am wrong, then thats great for you, you get to be with your master, and I will proberly say, oh shit.

have you ever seen a dead man similing , happy, smell good (nothing like a smell from earth)?

when you look at them , you say they are in other world?

this question for all...
they all get a death smile, mind you it's more like a grimace.
if you believe your on the safe side good for you, but quite honestly there is do safe side, your still dead.
and when I look at a dead person, I never say there in another world because they are just dead.
but I do try to celebrate there life.
the life of a human being, is one zillion times more important and more sacred, then any god or afterlife.
why you are saying i don't have a good life?

You spend your time preparing for death and an imaginary afterlife.

why you are saying i'm wasting time in worshiping god (25 minutes per day) is not a big deal

That time could be better spent reading a book, being with your kids and family, or any number of other things aside from worshipping an imaginary being. Would you worship an invisible pink unicorn?

why you are saying i'm close minded.?

Simple, you believe in gods.

so what will happen to me after death?

Absolutely nothing, you'll be dead.

i think i'm on the safe side.

The safe side of what?

if i'm correct = then i might end in heavens
if i'm wrong = then nothing will happen to me.

Other than the fact you completely wasted your life here on Earth worshipping an imaginary being.

i'm on the safe side.

You are the walking dead.
Sirius83 said:
Indeed, I am ready to risk, simply because it is what I feel is right. I'd rather think things through, be wrong about it and admit it, than following blindly because of some threat.

As for those bodies, they look at peace, usually because they die peacefully or because the funeral home made them presentable for the funeral. Nothing more, nothing less.

Actually , I'm not going to risk with something called hell (if it exists). Not with the descriptions we been told about it by God or prophet.
Not by 0.000000000000001% , I'n not going to risk

No, about bodies, not like that. It just for special peoples, not all. Not because of any funeral. Beside there are no real meanings for funeral in Islam. Warp the dead with white and dip him in.
@ Crunchy Cat

PREDICTED LOSS: Ability to distinguish between reality and fantasy.
QUESTION: What 'God' do you believe in and why do you believe in it?
On a sidenote, I realize that your belief is based on 'just in
case'; however, this particular 'God' was chosen over all
others and I would want to know why.

God I believe in is Allah (God in Arabic) I believe in it for many reasons like:
This universe has not created alone, there is nothing creates alone, I was not created from nothing and for nothing.
We have not chosen from multiple gods. There is only one. The god of all, the god of all creatures.

PREDICTED LOSS: Ability to effectively use reasoning.
QUESTION: What is 'good' and what is 'evil'?
This is large question:

Good like, helping poor, save a life , treat people good
Evil like: to kill someone, to lie, to cheat , to steal, etc..

PREDICTED LOSS: Ability to attain beyond a certain level of understanding
QUESTION: How did human beings come into existence?

We also have answer for that, God created first human adam and his wife Eve and here to go…
More reasonable to me than evolution THEORY.

PREDICTED LOSS: Ability to utilize / recognize factual knowledge,
QUESTION: Ovulation can be detected in female humans within 30 seconds
using nothing more than a cheap microscope, a slide, and some
spit (true or false)? Why?

I don't know, what is the point of this question. I study other subjects in life. i have no idea about Ovulation.

PREDICTED LOSS: Accountibility
QUESTION: A fellow believer (your well trusted teacher and leader) informs
you that 'God' asked him to kill you because it is 'your time to
come home'. What do you do?

Religions are not the same, my religion is very logic and there is nothing like that.

PREDICTED LOSS: Responsibility
QUESTION: You accomlished something in your life which you are convinced
is far beyond your abilities. Who / what is responsible for this

Nothing wrong to say, it is from God.


Do you trust him with your life?

I don't know honestly. Maybe , maybe not.

QUESTION: How much time do you put into your belief per year? This
includes prayer, worship, personal time, visiting the religious topic
on sciforums, etc.?

You can say 25minutes - 1 hour per day for worshiping.
Personal time mostly on computer , job , life…
Visiting religious forums (scifourms is the only one I do) I do have other activies at aother sports/life fourms.
In my religion it is totally forbidden to spend you whole day at worshiping. A man was seen by prophet at mosque at the time people go to work (at morning), prophet ordered him to go out and find job to do.
Other story, 3 men came to prophet and told him about their worshiping,
First one said: I pray all night
Prophet replied: and I pray and sleep
Second one said: I fast every day
Prophet replied: and I fast only few days.
Third one said: I have dedicated my life for worship. I will not marry and have children.
Prophet said: I worship and I marry and I have children.

This story simply says, consuming large time in worshiping is WRONG. Very logic

QUESTION: How much money do you put into your belief this year. This
includes any form of donation / charity, cost of gas used for
getting to a place of worship, purchase of religious materials,

Actually nothing. Maybe I will for once per life (when I go to visit Mecca) but I don't spend any money for worshiping. All I need I pure water (and if there are no water I can even used sand) and pure place to start a prayer.
BUT in my religion, WASTING MONEY is totally prohibited. Gambling for example?

About charity, it is up to you to pay or not. It is not A MUST. But look it at good side. Helping poor is not a waste of money.
mis-t-highs said:
they all get a death smile, mind you it's more like a grimace.
if you believe your on the safe side good for you, but quite honestly there is do safe side, your still dead.
and when I look at a dead person, I never say there in another world because they are just dead.
but I do try to celebrate there life.
the life of a human being, is one zillion times more important and more sacred, then any god or afterlife.

I don't think they get a death smile. I'm talking about snaile that remains at the face days and days if funeral delayd . not like any other smile.

Yes I believe I'm on the safe side. Our life is very short. Ask any person at the age of 80 or 90. ask him how he felt life. He would answer: very short.

I'm ready to waste an hour per day of my life to remain at safe side.

Hell is scary, and prardise is great

"What eyes have never seen and human can't imagine". I ready to waste more than an hour for this.

@ (Q)

why you are saying i don't have a good life?

You spend your time preparing for death and an imaginary afterlife.

Like what? Helping poor, don’t lie, treating people good?

These things are good for this life too.

why you are saying i'm wasting time in worshiping god (25 minutes per day) is not a big deal

That time could be better spent reading a book, being with your kids and family, or any number of other things aside from worshipping an imaginary being. Would you worship an invisible pink unicorn?

25 minues????

You must be kidding…

These 25 minutes are apart. 5 minutes for every pray. You are not losing big time. You still have 23 hours for everything else.

why you are saying i'm close minded.?

Simple, you believe in gods.

You must be close-mined by saying that. Saying about the other side is close minded beacse you don't match with his believe is A CLOSE MINDED.

so what will happen to me after death?

Absolutely nothing, you'll be dead.

So according to your believes, I will end up like you. Ok I can risk then by having a religion since nothing is going to happen for me after death.

Other than the fact you completely wasted your life here on Earth worshipping an imaginary being.

I'm not wasting any time….i don't waste my time at parties. Drinking, bars, bal blab la

PREDICTED LOSS: Ability to distinguish between reality and fantasy.
QUESTION: What 'God' do you believe in and why do you believe in it?
On a sidenote, I realize that your belief is based on 'just in
case'; however, this particular 'God' was chosen over all
others and I would want to know why.

God I believe in is Allah (God in Arabic) I believe in it for many reasons like:
This universe has not created alone, there is nothing creates alone, I was not created from nothing and for nothing.
We have not chosen from multiple gods. There is only one. The god of all, the god of all creatures.

It seems like the acceptance of 'God' in this case is based on accepting
the following assertions as 'True':

1) The Universe was not created alone (I assume alone means 'from nothing').
2) There is nothing that is created alone (I assume alone means 'from nothing').
3) You are not created from nothing and for nothing.
4) Islam has not chosen multiple Gods.

Is this correct?

PREDICTED LOSS: Ability to effectively use reasoning.
QUESTION: What is 'good' and what is 'evil'?
This is large question:

Good like, helping poor, save a life , treat people good
Evil like: to kill someone, to lie, to cheat , to steal, etc..

Thank you.

PREDICTED LOSS: Ability to attain beyond a certain level of understanding
QUESTION: How did human beings come into existence?

We also have answer for that, God created first human adam and his wife Eve and here to go…
More reasonable to me than evolution THEORY.

Thank you.

PREDICTED LOSS: Ability to utilize / recognize factual knowledge,
QUESTION: Ovulation can be detected in female humans within 30 seconds
using nothing more than a cheap microscope, a slide, and some
spit (true or false)? Why?

I don't know, what is the point of this question. I study other subjects in life. i have no idea about Ovulation.

I predicted that the utilization or recognition of factual knowledge would
be lost. I am testing this. I would challenge you to try and figure this out
through experimentation. I'll even buy you the equipment. All you have to do
is set up the experiement (and please feel free to run any ideas about it with me). If you feel this is too hard we can try something entirely different.

PREDICTED LOSS: Accountibility
QUESTION: A fellow believer (your well trusted teacher and leader) informs
you that 'God' asked him to kill you because it is 'your time to
come home'. What do you do?

Religions are not the same, my religion is very logic and there is nothing like that.

Let's say that your cleric says that 'Allah' asked him to kill you as he wants
to see you in paradise ASAP. Is there anything illogical about this?

PREDICTED LOSS: Responsibility
QUESTION: You accomlished something in your life which you are convinced
is far beyond your abilities. Who / what is responsible for this

Nothing wrong to say, it is from God.

Thank you.


Do you trust him with your life?

I don't know honestly. Maybe , maybe not.

Thank you.

QUESTION: How much time do you put into your belief per year? This
includes prayer, worship, personal time, visiting the religious topic
on sciforums, etc.?

You can say 25minutes - 1 hour per day for worshiping.
Personal time mostly on computer , job , life…
Visiting religious forums (scifourms is the only one I do) I do have other activies at aother sports/life fourms.
In my religion it is totally forbidden to spend you whole day at worshiping. A man was seen by prophet at mosque at the time people go to work (at morning), prophet ordered him to go out and find job to do.
Other story, 3 men came to prophet and told him about their worshiping,
First one said: I pray all night
Prophet replied: and I pray and sleep
Second one said: I fast every day
Prophet replied: and I fast only few days.
Third one said: I have dedicated my life for worship. I will not marry and have children.
Prophet said: I worship and I marry and I have children.

This story simply says, consuming large time in worshiping is WRONG. Very logic

Lets take the median then (43 minutes). That
equates to a little more than 10 full days every year spent.

QUESTION: How much money do you put into your belief this year. This
includes any form of donation / charity, cost of gas used for
getting to a place of worship, purchase of religious materials,

Actually nothing. Maybe I will for once per life (when I go to visit Mecca) but I don't spend any money for worshiping. All I need I pure water (and if there are no water I can even used sand) and pure place to start a prayer.
BUT in my religion, WASTING MONEY is totally prohibited. Gambling for example?

About charity, it is up to you to pay or not. It is not A MUST. But look it at good side. Helping poor is not a waste of money.

Allrighty, can you clarify something for me. Either
the message is that nothing is being spent or something is being spent (in
which case I would like to know the exact value). Please let me know.
7x7 said:
human have a brains , leave them or accept them...

why only (for you) the people who left them are the open-minded , those having a great life , others dont?

I do think you misunderstood me, I said humans act on the basis of what they are taught. At least partially, the influence of their surroundings also is a factor. But nonetheless people are greatly influenced by their upbringing.

And I wrote "people", I did not divide between believers and atheists.
Here is an interesting article, I don't think I could have done better at raising questions about the effects of islam than an arab. I am not posting this with the intent to say 7x7 you will lose olympic medals since they aren't such a big deal in themselves. I think in the bigger picture other activities in life, other facets of human development seem too often to fall by the wayside when so much focus and faith are directed towards your eventual death and the big prize or punishment you might get at the end. What does that do to the human condition when you focus on death and the fear of hell during the time you are actually ALIVE.

Some bits from the article

In the 1970s when Iran hosted the Asian Olympics, several mullas, including the late Ayatollah Khomeini, denounced the exercise as “a Jewish-Crusader conspiracy” to take Muslims out of mosques and into sports stadiums.

Some theologians are opposed to sports because it requires physical contact. And that, in a culture, which is uncomfortable with the human body as such, is always a source of alarm. Iranian mullas, for example, have tried for decades to ban free-style wrestling, a sports that has a history of 3000 years in the country, because of fears that it might encourage homosexual tendencies between adversaries whose almost naked bodies are bound to touch in the course of a match

I mean talk about paranoia, I used to wrestle when I was younger there was nothing gay about it.

Here is another tidbit that seems to tie in with another article from the arabnews regarding the way muslims tend to identify themselves

Some Muslim despots fear sports as an activity that could open spaces beyond the control of the regime. They are also uncomfortable with sports stars whose popularity could nibble at the prestige of the “supreme leader"

Is this because of the submissive mindset of the ummah in islam (I don't know so don't get insulted) the insh'allah mentality? And I mean the control thing think about it islam is the most controlling faith out there, it even tells you how to wipe your ass.

Here is an exerpt from the other article that I thought tied in with the above

The concept of dignity in America is individual. Ours is collective. What I mean is that an American sees himself as an independent unit within a whole. We see ourselves as dependant units that make a whole. Our dignity is that of our leader, not ours individually. How else could you explain the presence of so many who are actually willing to die for a man like Moqtada Sadr

Just ignore the america bit in there

Here is the rest of the article. Just pondering
Repo Man said:
An excellent refutation of Pascal's Wager is provided here.

These refutations are desparately hopeless, as they do not relate to the reality of the wager, namely one Almighty God as described in all bona-fide religious scripture.

Jan Ardena.
Jan Ardena said:
the reality of the wager [Pascal's], namely one Almighty God as described in all bona-fide religious scripture.
There are more problems: if you back the wrong god in the race you're going to go to hell anyway, so all your time and effort believing was wasted.
If you believe in god on this basis then your whole life is a continuous gamble. Most gods say you shouldn't gamble, so the very act of believing like this, even if your belief is justified, will get you sent to hell anyway.
Finally, a god that behaves like this would be perfectly capable of lying and sending believers to hell as well. It doesn't deserve belief or worship.