A Quantum Hologram of Christ's Resurrection?

The History channel is basically a bunch of bullshit.

They're the ones who do shows on 'Ancient Aliens'.

As a source, they're nonsense, pandering to whatever audience gives them the highest ratings.
The History channel is basically a bunch of bullshit.

They're the ones who do shows on 'Ancient Aliens'.

As a source, they're nonsense, pandering to whatever audience gives them the highest ratings.

Television has always followed a root of entertainment foremost and education secondarily. Although the BBC for many years did work with the Open University program to try and at least establish some programs containing facts.

As for religion,...

Here's an angle obviously missed by people and awful lot. The universe is huge, but not just huge like so expansively huge that we can only view a fraction of it's whole. In fact it's not just huge it's "infinite". Now it this great expanse, humanity stuck on this bluey-green planet is far, far, far less than ant's (considering that this solar system could be referenced as a grain of sand upon a sandy shoreline).

So why would some all-powerful omnipotent deity choose one man to be his messenger stuck on this one little planet?
In essence the answer it's suggests how ludicrous the notions are that the "stories" were any more than pulp-fiction.
I suspect both the words "quantum" and "holographic" are used to make this sound all sciency unnecessarily. There is a lot if unfounded speculation in that there article.
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Now now, don't shout at the crackpots. They're sensitive* you know.

* "Sensitive", in this case, meaning "not as smart as they should be".
because evidence includes subjective experience.
No it doesn't.

In one sense, evidence has to be subjective, or it doesn't matter to us.

For example, unless one subjectively experiences the beneficial effects of a food or medication, it matters not whether it supposedly has beneficial effects on millions of other people.
...the story has no explanation as to how the shroud was created.(they do not know) and since there is no way to explain its creation....

Uh...not so much, sorry. :eek:

The shroud could be made by heating a bronze statue and then draping a piece of fabric around it to produce the now visible scorched image. (Yes, I have tried it, it works nicely.) "Scorched, as if the body within had given off a great flash of light!!!" The radiocarbon dating is accurate, it is a fake artifact made in the middle ages when such were quite common.

Jesus was indeed a real Palestinian Pharisee who founded what were known as the Jesus schools, teaching traditional Hebrew lore, though not particularly religious. The rest of the myth is just that - a myth.

How and why this was done and how the early Christian church was created are laid out pretty nicely in the book "Who Wrote the New Testament?" Mack, 1995 Harper Collins, NY, NY.

History buffs will enjoy the information about Constantine (and his momma), those with a serious science background and a shaky Christian faith should not read this one though. :eek:
If people believe in God on faith, why is this alleged evidence so important to them? I think that's a more interesting question.
I would give two answers to this.
1) The evidences provide both a confirmation and a strengthening for faith
2) The evidences are useful in discussion with those who do not believe but are truly seeking.
"In 2004, Dame Piczek became fascinated by the total absence of distortion of the Shroud image, a physical impossibility if the body had been lying on solid rock. Piczek’s work strongly suggests that the image of Jesus was projected as a quantum hologram onto the cloth as His body underwent the process of Resurrection."

Taken From http://www.khouse.org/articles/2008/847

Ah, every half-way decent yogi can levitate, or emit special energy and stuff. Nothing special.


If Jesus was capable of doing such things, he wasn't particularly special, much less would such things qualify him as being the one and only gateway to God.
If people believe in God on faith, why is this alleged evidence so important to them? I think that's a more interesting question.

I agree!

Believing something on the grounds of evidence is only as lasting as the evidence - which may be of very short duration.

Much of the evidence that theists claim to be evidence of God is actually indirect, circumstantial - a matter of interpretation.
@Signal --

In MOM's mind a "true seeker" is one who will be convinced by what he says, all the others are not "true" seekers.
@Signal --

One doesn't have to be a mind reader to see how he thinks. It's quite easy to read his intent and mindset from the words he chooses in his posts and the topics he picks.
One doesn't have to be a mind reader to see how he thinks. It's quite easy to read his intent and mindset from the words he chooses in his posts and the topics he picks.

Then you're just playing the same kind of game he does or might ...
It's a dangerous game.
@Signal --

Yes it is a dangerous game when one doesn't know how to play it, I do. Besides, the only real danger is being forced to make an apology if you're wrong, and I have absolutely no problem doing that.