A Quantum Hologram of Christ's Resurrection?

How about someone crucified some poor guy and put an old cloth from the crusades on him? Hell, it's probably a Muslim!
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What facts? Haven't seen any yet. Other than radiocarbon dating placing the shroud at around 1400 CE.

Actually, this is hotly contested. A show on the history channel "The real face of Jesus?", and the wiki article and many sources cited in the wiki article say that the linin cloth in the area where the origial 1988 samples were taken is actually from a repair in the shroud, not from the original materal. The article also states:

"The technique used for producing the image is, according to W. McCrone, already described in a book about medieval painting published in 1847 by Charles Lock Eastlake ("Methods and Materials of Painting of the Great Schools and Masters"). Eastlake describes in the chapter "Practice of Painting Generally During the XIVth Century" a special technique of painting on linen using tempera paint, which produces images with unusual transparent features—which McCrone compares to the image on the shroud.[112]

This hypothesis was declared to be unsound as the X-ray fluorescence examination, as well as infrared thermography, did not point out any pigment.[113][114][115] It was also found that 25 different solvents, among them water, do not reduce or sponge out the image.[116] The non-paint origin has been further claimed by Fourier transform of the image: common paintings show a directionality that is absent from the Turin Shroud.[117] "

SO, the date may be correct and it was made in a strange way. I personally think it's Jesus but could it be proven 100%, no way.
There is the fact that there is no provenance to the artifact. There is no historical link between the event and the period of time in which it became known, more than 14 centuries later. Couple that with the proliferation and interest in fake artifacts during this time period, and it's unreasonable to believe that it is real.

If you believe in God it is not so unreasonable. But, as you say in a future post since we don't know who Jesus was, how tall he was, what he looked like, ect, ect. It could just be some dude.

The only way to prove otherwise would be if the ONLY way to repoduce it was some exotic method that they would not have had available at the time (such as bombarding it with B-mesons or gamma rays, then xrays, then alpha particles, then gamma rays again.)

Then again, this may only prove the ancient aliens guy correct :D
If people believe in God on faith, why is this alleged evidence so important to them? I think that's a more interesting question.
If people believe in God on faith, why is this alleged evidence so important to them? I think that's a more interesting question.

For me it does not affect my faith, it would just be really cool. Honestly, for how it was made it is cool either way at this point.
The only way to prove otherwise would be if the ONLY way to repoduce it was some exotic method that they would not have had available at the time (such as bombarding it with B-mesons or gamma rays, then xrays, then alpha particles, then gamma rays again.)
but then again, that would still not 'prove' that it was jesus..inference is not proof..

Then again, this may only prove the ancient aliens guy correct :D

the prob with aliens as God, it means that empirical proof of God does exist.


If people believe in God on faith, why is this alleged evidence so important to them? I think that's a more interesting question.
same as it is for atheist and the 'prove it'....validation..
but then again, that would still not 'prove' that it was jesus..inference is not proof..

the prob with aliens as God, it means that empirical proof of God does exist.

What would it prove then? What would become more likely at that point, aliens or God cuz it sure as hell wouldn't have been made by people.

Hell we couldn't even bombard it with B-mesons now.
What would it prove then? What would become more likely at that point, aliens or God cuz it sure as hell wouldn't have been made by people.

Hell we couldn't even bombard it with B-mesons now.

the aliens are ourselves from the future where we had to live underground from the radiation, we had evolved to look like the little grey men of popularity..we discovered time travel and traveled back to try and influence events to a more reasonable outcome..jesus was a product of such influence,they had to recover the body, to erase any evidence of their influence..(hey..they are still human,so they can still be stupid ..)

lack of any evidence to the contrary makes it just as valid as anything else..
the aliens are ourselves from the future where we had to live underground from the radiation, we had evolved to look like the little grey men of popularity..we discovered time travel and traveled back to try and influence events to a more reasonable outcome..jesus was a product of such influence,they had to recover the body, to erase any evidence of their influence..(hey..they are still human,so they can still be stupid ..)

lack of any evidence to the contrary makes it just as valid as anything else..

Hmmm.... I do think time travelers are more likely then aliens. ;)
Of course I would! Is there any reason that I shouldn't?
I thought it wasn't a question for science. But apparently theists love evidence when it supports their ideas and reject it when it doesn't. It's a little hypocritical.

same as it is for atheist and the 'prove it'....validation..

But it's not the same! You guys say that God can't be tested in this way, that it's a matter of faith. That you have all the evidence you need with your experiences.
I thought it wasn't a question for science. But apparently theists love evidence when it supports their ideas and reject it when it doesn't. It's a little hypocritical.

But it's not the same! You guys say that God can't be tested in this way, that it's a matter of faith. That you have all the evidence you need with your experiences.

There is not so much direct evidence against God, as there is evidence that there may not need to be a God. There is a difference. As technology advances this may not be the case, but for now I see no science that disproves God, it only shows the mechnisims that God used to create our world of matter and space.
hehe..notice how since no-one here can argue against the facts posited, that the focus is now on devaluing the author?

what happened to attack the idea not the author??

and did you notice that on the reconstruction of jesus from the shroud that they made him white?

Before anyone wastes their time, they may want to know WHO the author is and IF they have any formal education in physics.

New Scientist did an interesting article on "Quantum Consciousness" last month. Quantum is just a type of math - it's not "owned" by Physicists :)
I thought it wasn't a question for science. But apparently theists love evidence when it supports their ideas and reject it when it doesn't. It's a little hypocritical.
still qualifies for both parties..

But it's not the same! You guys say that God can't be tested in this way, that it's a matter of faith. That you have all the evidence you need with your experiences.

faith is not based on validation, validation is our own humanity trying to give itself worth. validation SHOULD not have anything to do with faith.(our own humanity tends to make it so..)
faith is not based on validation, validation is our own humanity trying to give itself worth. validation SHOULD not have anything to do with faith.(our own humanity tends to make it so..)

Many theists would disagree that proof should not supplement faith, however I think how good one is in being religious has nothing to do with proof.
No it doesn't! I wouldn't reject any reliable evidence for God, if there were any.

when did we start talking about you?

theists love evidence when it supports their ideas and reject it when it doesn't

Atheists love evidence when it supports their ideas and reject it when it doesn't.

see..applies to both sides..
@NM --

I don't know what you think an atheist is, but both Spidergoat and I are atheists and all we ask for from the theists is some fraking evidence. We've only been asking for about ten thousand years, and now that the theists have finally stopped killing us we think that it's about time that they produced some. Sadly, we've been disappointed at every turn.