a q. for the christians

Originally posted by mohamed
why do we always here that a christian converted to isalm but dont hear that a moslim changed to be a christian?
my answer will be that islam is the most logic and complete religion
What about those millions of moderate Muslims who have reconsidered their faith after the heinous task of Sep 11 perpetrated by some devout and true Muslims?

Many moderate Muslim-origin Americans even feel tremendously ashamed and embarrassed to identify themselves as Muslims. Many moderate or not so strong believers of Muslim descent are trying to hide their identity in the west, or many even declared that they are no longer Muslims.

The action of 9-11 by the Arab terrorists in NYC and Washington DC have exposed the true colour of Islam. Truth has a peculiar way of emerging out from the sealed bag.

No amount of testimonials from all the Mullahs of the world could undo the damage done by those 19 men from Arabic speaking nations of the world. And that’s for sure!
Christians have gone on their rampages.
ex) The Crusades

So have Muslims.
ex) The Muslim hordes that ran across Asia. 9 11. Bali. Etc.

So have Jews.
ex) The rampages described in the bible.

So have Hindus.
ex) Followers of Shiva and Vishnu slaughtering each other. Militant Hindus going after Muslims, and vice versa,

So have atheists, at least on a legal level. This was senseless legal rampaging.
ex) What I'm talking about is the stupid atheist who tried to get "Under God" out of the Pledge of A.

Any one group accusing another of being "terrorists" or "oppressors" seems stupid when illuminated with the twisted light of history.
Originally posted by Zero
Any one group accusing another of being "terrorists" or "oppressors" seems stupid when illuminated with the twisted light of history.
In light of your statement does the Sep 11 attack still seem stupid to you?
So? It's just been a while. What do you say to crusaders barging into someone else's land and slaughtering Muslims for the sake of some piece of cursed land? You just think 9 11 is worse because you weren't around during the crusades.
Listen. How many people died in the WTC? Not as many as the deaths due to the Inquisition or the Crusades. At least the people from the WTC got compensation, a hell of a lot of publicity, and a big deranged supergiant bumbling across the ocean to get revenge for them.

The victims of the Inquisition weren't so lucky, and were more numerous.

Not to mention the hordes of Jews who died in Medieval Europe. Noblemen would kill them just for their money.

What's more evil about 9 11 than the past atrocities done by Christians? This could work for any religion.
Originally posted by Zero
Listen. How many people died in the WTC? Not as many as the deaths due to the Inquisition or the Crusades. At least the people from the WTC got compensation, a hell of a lot of publicity, and a big deranged supergiant bumbling across the ocean to get revenge for them.
I think that is a terrible and disrespectful thing to say about the people who were maimed from this tragedy.
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Terrible and disrespectful thing to say to the people tortured under the Inquisition. Suck it!


so what if ppl converted to islam or converted to any other religion... numbers dont really make your religion better or your argument stronger... i could argue that there are thousands of muslims who dont really believe in islam yet they can't publicly state their disbelief cuz of social repercussions.. not to mention ruddah...

i believe everyone should have freedom to believe what they want.. not be forced to believe...

in this age we have to come to realize that unity is a very important ideal.... that is why racism, sexism, ageism etc etc are considered to be detrimental... yet religious followers keep bashin each other claimin to be better than this and that... none of you paint a pretty picture...
Originally posted by Zero
Christians have gone on their rampages.
ex) The Crusades

Greetings Zero -

For what it's worth, those weren't Christians who were responsible for the "Crusades", it was rahter the heretical Papacy and Catholicism (pseudo-Christianity) that was. If you know the history, when the Protestent 'reformation period' (led by Martin Luther) occured, Catholicism persecuted Christianity mercilessly, killing multitudes of Christians during that time!

In His Name -

~ Disciple of Jesus
So you're saying Catholicism isn't Christianity? Now we all know how much YOU know. Thanks for displaying yourself as stupid.
In Reply to Zero

Originally posted by Zero
So you're saying Catholicism isn't Christianity? Now we all know how much YOU know. Thanks for displaying yourself as stupid.

Hello Again Zero -

Roman Catholicism does not practice Christianity...it practices Roman Catholicism. It claims Christianity yet does not follow nor teach the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Rather, it follows and teaches the doctrine of Catholicism. The Bible itself warns of it. If you'd like, read 1 Timothy 4:1-3. Read the remaining passages in 1 Timothy 4, if you'd like to know why it is I share this warning with others.

I was born and raised in a strict Catholic household, attended Catechism class every Saturday, Catholic Mass every Sunday, received all the Catholic Sacrements, had 3 uncles who were Catholic priests and 2 aunts that were Catholic nuns. I was a member of the Knights of Columbus - Catholic Men's Fraternity and I practiced Catholicism myself for 5 years after becoming an adult. Lastly, over the past 17 years, I have taken opportunity to study the history and theology of Roman Catholicism. Believe me Zero, I know nearly as much as anyone can possibly know about Catholicism.

As for my being stupid...I respect your opinion, but really I'm not.

In His Name -

~ Disciple of Jesus Christ
one of the biggest differences that I"m aware of (there may be more) between 'christians' and 'catholics' is that christians believe they are 'saved' by believing in Jesus and following him, while catholics seem to believe that one must follow certain steps and do certain things to get into heaven. that makes them quite different
to the D of J

Ok so you're not only stupid, but also bigoted. You claim a sect of Christianity is not Christian. Do you hate the RCC or something?

Look, I thought the Protestants split away from the RCC. Correct me if I am mistaken. So let's see, the RCC was all a trick by Satan to mislead us right? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Disciple of Jesus

I know nearly as much as anyone can possibly know about Catholicism.

....and you never realised you were a Christian :confused:

Yes, you are a fool.

A person who believes in Christ is a Christian.

I converted out Islam. Thankfully to logical atheism and not to that ritualistic dogmatism called Christianity
Re: to the D of J

Originally posted by Zero
Ok so you're not only stupid, but also bigoted. You claim a sect of Christianity is not Christian. Do you hate the RCC or something?

Look, I thought the Protestants split away from the RCC. Correct me if I am mistaken. So let's see, the RCC was all a trick by Satan to mislead us right? :rolleyes:

Hello Again Zero -

OK, OK...so I'm stupid! Bigoted, No. I do not hate the RCC, I do however hate the fact that it claims to be "a Christian sect" as you put it yet doesn't practice Biblically sound, God honoring Christianity. Based on its very doctrine, the RCC routinely practices blasphemy and idolatry...Catholicism, period.

Study Martin Luther to learn of the reformation (Protestant movement) and you'll see that I merely echo his words. He must have been stupid and bigoted too.

If you've read 1 Timothy 4:1-3, what did it say? To the discerning Christian it says a lot...and sends a warning. Stupid or not, I'll heed the warning and continue to respect your opinion.

In His Name -

~ Disciple of Jesus
In Reply to Vienna

Originally posted by Vienna
....and you never realised you were a Christian :confused:

Yes, you are a fool.

A person who believes in Christ is a Christian.

Greetings Vienna -

Don't be confused... this fool never realized he was a Christian because he didn't practice Christianity. Rather, he foolishly practiced the teachings of Catholicism. Big difference.

Lastly, a Christian is a person who believes in Jesus Christ, then follows His example and teachings (as taught by He and His original disciples). The simple fact that Roman Catholicism has viewed their Popes as being intermediaries between God and man, disqualifies it from any claim of being a 'Christian' religion. This is heresy and blasphemy. FYI - Did you know that Pope John Paul the II has claimed himself to be "the VICAR of CHRIST"? Look this up, study it and then tell me if Catholicism is Christianity...or just Catholicism.

In His Name -

~ Disciple of Jesus
---Lastly, a Christian is a person who believes in Jesus Christ, then follows His example and teachings (as taught by He and His original disciples).---

did Jesus meant for so many different strains of christianity to emerge outta his word? if not, that means that all these sects are false and have been created so that they can practise a particular part which is feasible to them.... im not defendin the RCC... i think its a buncha bull also... but trynna prove one sect over the other is just a useless task...