a q. for the christians


Registered Senior Member
why do we always here that a christian converted to isalm but dont hear that a moslim changed to be a christian?
my answer will be that islam is the most logic and complete religion
Originally posted by mohamed
why do we always here that a christian converted to isalm but dont hear that a moslim changed to be a christian?
my answer will be that islam is the most logic and complete religion

How about if, the concept of "we always hear" (note 'hear' misspelled lol) is one that is so open to interpretation and manipulation it is utter fucked up stupidity to consider using it in an argument? And how about if, you bring up some stats to back that up?
How about if we consider my post to be a request for you to either back up your statement with evidence (which it has none) or concede that it was an ill placed topic? And badly presented?
I thought I might save you the embarrassment later, but oh well. Fine with me.

What kind of discussion did you really intend to start with this topic??? It's not open to discussion at all. It is a random assertion. And misspelled.
ok i know that i miss spelled but i think the surface is not imp. but what is important is the mean that it is carry , and i dont think u r stupid to get my mean of this q. ?
Originally posted by mohamed
why do we always here that a christian converted to isalm but dont hear that a moslim changed to be a christian?
my answer will be that islam is the most logic and complete religion

Or the much more LOGICAL explain which is that if you are a Christian in a Muslim nation you will probably be killed, either by the government or by the fanatics lurking around.
u look u didnt got my q. well?
if any christian know this ruddah i think he will return from becoming amoslim but altough he or she know this ruddah and become a moslim this make a strong prove that they r persuated of islam
why do we always here that a christian converted to isalm but dont hear that a moslim changed to be a christian?
my answer will be that islam is the most logic and complete religion

If you're going to try to create some argument as to why your religion or beleif system is better than others please come up with a better argument than this. Othwise, don't say anything.
in egypt live about 6 millions christian in about 65 moslim and they living together in peace
Ha. Egypt is a pretty dangerous area to travel in. I'm certain that the Christians in that nation are concerned for their safety. Remember that Mohamad Atta was from that nation.
Note also that Islam is a heavily missionaric (?) religion, even mroe so than the already heavy Xtianity. Hordes of Muslim armies would raze India and such to convert people.

Perhaps the perseverance and the investment in proselytization would be paying off like that.
about kosheh.
it was a fight between two families in upper egyptfor a special causes.
i will ask u or i am inviting u to come to egypt to see how we living together in peace not only egypt but also lebanon , jordan, syria. touniessia morocco ......
so how about moslims in bosna or the whole arabs,moslims or christain in america after 11th sep.
what about palastenian and sheshan and india too
do u think moslims live in peaces there

Originally posted by Blackstone
didint you hear about the al kosheh tragedy? where 21 chistians were teared into 2 halves by muslim zealots ?
I don't believe that at all. It would have to be 42 halves. Unless christians synthesize when they're "teared."

<i>Remember that Mohamad Atta was from that nation.</i>

Yeah, and Timothy McVeigh was from the United States.
Originally posted by mohamed
why do we always here that a christian converted to isalm but dont hear that a moslim changed to be a christian?
my answer will be that islam is the most logic and complete religion

Greetings Mohamed -

For several years during the 1980's, my younger brother was a Christian Missionary to Palestine and the West Bank, and for quite some time lived with Palestinian 'Christians' in Ramallah. Part of his missions work was to assist in rebulilding part of the Bethlehem 'Christian' Bible College, located in Bethlehem. I'll give you now ONE GUESS as to WHY it had to be rebuilt? That's right, it was partly DESTROYED by militant Muslims whom went on a spree of violence and destruction against Palestinians who were professing Christians.

Now, to answer your question, there are and will continue to be many whom convert from Islam to Christianity. The reason we DO NOT hear much about it is indeed because there is fear in the converts, and good reason for it! Upon his permanent return to the U.S., many Christian Palestinians followed my brother here and have since become citizens of the U.S. Only then, were they able to openly practice their faith without the fear of "disappearing without a trace," or "having their homes destroyed" or "losing their employment" as had all previously happened to many of their Christian friends and relatives in Palestine, Israel, Jordan and Syria.

Also, the Bible warned that there will be those who leave the faith (Christianity) follow others, and here's what it has to say:

"The Spirit clearly says that in latter times some will abandon the Faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, who's consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. They forbid people to marry (i.e. Catholicism) and order them to abstain from certain foods (i.e. Islam, Judaism, Catholicism, Hinduism), which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. 1 Timothy 4:1-3. These verses were written some 500+ years before the birth of Mohammed. Now, you can claim the appearant accuracy of this written revelation to be mere coincidence...but I claim it be fulfilled prophecy.

Lastly, why do some professing 'Christians' convert to Islam? Because in all probability, they are NOT truly "saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, born-again" Christians, making them psuedo-Christians to begin with. I can't say that with great certainty, but it's a very safe assumption to make.

In His Name -

~ Disciple of Jesus