A physicist explains ghosts in our digital reality

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Your demand (not question) was not warranted. It is unworthy of response. In fact, I'm pretty sure you've already forgotten what your own point was!

Wasn't a demand , just a natural question. You made the claim after all...Russ. Which you were caught on. Oh well...

From post #24

My point is that I'm an engineer and I've been on three "ghost tours". So now you know of at least one sciencey type who has toured a haunted house (a bunch).
Wasn't a demand , just a natural question.
This is a demand, not a question:
...prove that you were actually there.
Questions have question marks after them. Demands end in periods.

That's really neither here nor there, though. The point is that it is a pointless/unnecessary demand: You probably wouldn't believe me no matter what "proof" I posted and I don't care if you do or not anyway!
This is a demand, not a question:

Questions have question marks after them. Demands end in periods.

That's really neither here nor there, though. The point is that it is a pointless/unnecessary demand: You probably wouldn't believe me no matter what "proof" I posted and I don't care if you do or not anyway!

Science asks for proof Russ. You know that. So what's the problem?
Science asks for proof Russ. You know that. So what's the problem?

The point is that it is a pointless/unnecessary demand: You probably wouldn't believe me no matter what "proof" I posted and I don't care if you do or not anyway!

You are certainly the epitome of the total dishonest anti science fraud river, to put it as politely as possible, and as Dywyddyr so aptly put it in post 26.
Science asks for proof Russ. You know that. So what's the problem?
Wrong again.
Science doesn't deal in "proof". That's for mathematics.
Every time you post you betray your (wilful) ignorance/ agenda.

More questions that need to be explained , by you and Russ.

Care to explain mathematically? The phenomenon?
No warranted question was ever asked...Only an agenda laden troll which even if you had received an answer to, your response (regardless of what Russ said) would have been another agenda laden question.
In other words river, as I have told you before, you are a total fraudster with zero credibility.

And you still do not get it even now, with regards to mathematics and theoretical proof.

More questions that need to be explained , by you ,Russ and dywyddyr

Care to explain mathematically? The phenomenon?

No warranted question was ever asked...Only an agenda laden troll which even if you had received an answer to, your response (regardless of what Russ said) would have been another agenda laden question.
In other words river, as I have told you before, you are a total fraudster with zero credibility.

And you still do not get it even now, with regards to mathematics and theoretical proof.

Difficult phenomenon to explain is it not, the three of you?
Difficult phenomenon to explain is it not, the three of you?

Not at all...And obviously an explanation/evidence/proof would be forthcoming, if the demand was [1]Warranted, [2] Expecting a genuine reply, [3] Was from someone with an ounce of credibility, [4] was applicable to science.

In the meantime, you certainly need to digest this accurate biography on yourself and your methodology.
Again, river, you are a fraud, and also a failure as you do not seem to have defrauded anyone of any note.
Don't bother (although his latest reply "prove it", post #25, should give you some idea of his sincerity - or lack of).
River has, over the years, participated in a number of threads where scientists/ physicists have been listed as as investigating "ghosts" and "haunted houses".
But, conveniently, he manages to forget each time the subject comes up [1].
Regardless of what you say he'll shift goalposts - or even subject - and stick with what he believes.

1 This attitude extends to just about anything where he's challenged: most recently I've had to list authors/ books I've read to show how I don't limit myself to accepted science and have a knowledge of the woo stuff too. On no fewer than 3 separate occasions in the last 6-9 months or so he's denied having been told that and asked again for me to provide a list.
Not at all...And obviously an explanation/evidence/proof would be forthcoming, if the demand was [1]Warranted, [2] Expecting a genuine reply, [3] Was from someone with an ounce of credibility, [4] was applicable to science.

In the meantime, you certainly need to digest this accurate biography on yourself and your methodology.

Again, river, you are a fraud, and also a failure as you do not seem to have defrauded anyone of any note.

What the heck does that mean?
It means that as a fraudster, you have failed in your mission, as you don't appear to have "frauded" anyone.
PS: not counting MR of course.

Being paranoid is not good pad.

Its not good to be so rigid in your thinking that anything outside your thinking or perspective is a personal threat to you.

My perspective is just that nothing more nothing less.

I have been thinking for over 30yrs.

Your new.
Being paranoid is not good pad.
But it's not me that's paranoid...It's you as most on this forum already know..... Your giants, your ghosts, afraid of bumping into an alien etc etc etc.
Its not good to be so rigid in your thinking that anything outside your thinking or perspective is a personal threat to you.
My thinking is confined to science, the scientific method, logic, evidence and common sense. They are no threat to me and neither are you. Although you probably are a threat to yourself.
My perspective is just that nothing more nothing less.
:) See? Paranoia!
I have been thinking for over 30yrs.
Sure you have. :) Trouble is your thinking is confined to supernatural nonsense, and your paranoid anti mainstream science persona which totally blinkers you to the real world.
But it's not me that's paranoid...It's you as most on this forum already know..... Your giants, your ghosts, afraid of bumping into an alien etc etc etc.

My thinking is confined to science, the scientific method, logic, evidence and common sense. They are no threat to me and neither are you. Although you probably are a threat to yourself.

:) See? Paranoia!

Sure you have. :) Trouble is your thinking is confined to supernatural nonsense, and your paranoid anti mainstream science persona which totally blinkers you to the real world.

Your a older newbe pad. Back off. You are out of your league.
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