A physicist explains ghosts in our digital reality

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Out of curiousity, what part of you thought this was acceptable before posting it?

I was going to report that but suddenly remembered Kittamaru never ever responds to my reports of insults and trolling. You see the problem with that vulgarity though don't you?
It's not that it is condoned. In many instances, it can be smacked down in a thread instead of just silenced. I would rather see people trying to educate others instead of calling them stupid and trying to silence them immediately. I take the approach of when all else fails, then we moderate.
Um, and when someone's lie or misrepresentation is pointed out as such and they fail to acknowledge it and simply carry on doing so or divert to something else?
You're claiming that SIXTY-TWO kids had time to wander up to (or past) the school boundary, get a look at this UFO, actually COMMUNICATE with said alien but that that interval wasn't long enough to "consult"?

Right..What they all experienced, presumably the same thing, and then what they immediately reported happened to the teachers. Those are two separate events, one following the other. They couldn't have happened at the same time. And there was no time to make up some lie in between.
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Right..What they all experienced, presumably the same thing, and then what they immediately reported happened to the teachers.
There you go again, inventing your own "data".
The word "immediately" is a fabrication of your own - it is not used in any of the sources you've provided. As I pointed out earlier.
Plus, of course, what record is there of what they reported the first time round to the teachers?
I strongly suspect that they rushed in (not "immediately however) and yelled "Flying saucer!", "Alien!" etc. And THEN, at a later period someone decided to collate their stories. And you've already stated that "consultation" between the kids DID occur later.

Those are two separate events, one following the other. They couldn't have happened at the same time.
I'm not sure what you mean by "two separate events".
My position is, and has been all along, that the time YOU (and other gullible folks) say was used in seeing the UFO/ talking to the alien was ACTUALLY used in making up the story.
I was going to report that but suddenly remembered Kittamaru never ever responds to my reports of insults and trolling. You see the problem with that vulgarity though don't you?

Report it for what, may I ask? Offending your "delicate sensibilities"? Alien anal-probing has been a thing for as long as I can remember... longer than most Americans had access to the Internet for.

Also, it is worth noting... don't dish out what you can't take in turn. Stop insulting others if you don't want to be insulted yourself.
My position is, and has been all along, that the time YOU (and other gullible folks) say was used in seeing the UFO/ talking to the alien was ACTUALLY used in making up the story.

So they were all screaming and excited about something that didn't happen? Something they all were told happened by other more devious kids who just wanted to play a prank on the teachers? No..not in your wildest dreams does such a thing happen. Your pedantic desperation to twist this event into a made up fantasy of 62 schoolchildren IS amusing though.
So they were all screaming and excited about something that didn't happen? Something they all were told happened by other more devious kids who just wanted to play a prank on the teachers. No..not in your wildest dreams does such a thing happen.

Oh really?

Two 13-year-old-girls accused of brutally stabbing a classmate to please make-believe horror character "Slender Man" will be charged as adults, a Wisconsin judge ruled on Monday.

So... you claim "Slender Man" is real as well? And actually told these two girls to stab their classmate? Cause, you know... kids don't get excited and act about things that don't exist, after all...
Hey everyone. It was just an urban legend that all these kids just claim to have seen in the field. Just like Slender Man! Yeah! That's it! lol!
You, and a couple of others here (no names mentioned but I'm sure that the rational members of Sci can work them out), are the main reason why I left for so long. I see that, overall, the forum has not only not improved in the intervening time it's actually degraded.
It may be time to for me to move on permanently.

While your sentiments are spot on and valid, moving on just gives these nutbags exactly what they wish for.
I'm sure most interested science people here would ask you to think again.
So they were all screaming and excited about something that didn't happen? Something they all were told happened by other more devious kids who just wanted to play a prank on the teachers? No..not in your wildest dreams does such a thing happen. Your pedantic desperation to twist this event into a made up fantasy of 62 schoolchildren IS amusing though.
Yup, an argument from incredulity by you.
We KNOW that children fabricate stories, some with far more serious consequences than "We saw a UFO" - example, example.
But of course if you admit that, and the possibility that it could have been a fabrication (whether started as a prank or for other reasons), that wouldn't suit your agenda.
PS you used the word "pedantic" incorrectly.
While your sentiments are spot on and valid, moving on just gives these nutbags exactly what they wish for.
I'm sure most interested science people here would ask you to think again.
Fortunately I spend most of my time on a different science forum, one where MR and similar posters wouldn't survive more than a few posts.
Yup, an argument from incredulity by you.
We KNOW that children fabricate stories, some with far more serious consequences than "We saw a UFO" - example, example.
But of course if you admit that, and the possibility that it could have been a fabrication (whether started as a prank or for other reasons), that wouldn't suit your agenda.
PS you used the word "pedantic" incorrectly.

Nope...62 kids do not run screaming from a field telling teachers they all saw something that was just made up. Just doesn't jibe with common sense. And as for pedantic, here ya go:

  1. of or like a pedant.
    "many of the essays are long, dense, and too pedantic to hold great appeal"
    synonyms verscrupulous, scrupulous, precise, exact, perfectionist, punctilious,meticulous, fussy, fastidious, finicky. https://www.google.com/search?sourc...ic&oq=pedantic&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3261j0j8
Fortunately I spend most of my time on a different science forum, one where MR and similar posters wouldn't survive more than a few posts.
I've often said, that this is the reason we seem to be bombarded by these weird and wacky individuals...This appears to be the only outlet they have for their nonsense.
Nope...62 kids do not run screaming from a field telling teachers they all saw something that was just made up. Just doesn't jibe with common sense. And as for pedantic, here ya go:

And Aliens obviously far in advance to our own technology, do the usual, and appear to lonely out of the way individuals or children, and ignore the seats of power or more obvious visitation points.
Then they go and never return! :rolleyes:
Like I say, only impressionable, gullible individuals could believe such nonsense.
Or is this just you as usual exerting your right to post nonsense and raise the angst of those that are interested in real science and the scientific method?
Hey everyone. It was just an urban legend that all these kids just claim to have seen in the field. Just like Slender Man! Yeah! That's it! lol!

Kindly prove that it cannot be an urban legend - I am curious to see your evidence.

After all, we have evidence (in a damn COURT CASE) that two kids were driven to attempted MURDER thanks to an urban legend... why is it so hard to believe that the legend/mystery couldn't make a bunch of kids think they saw an alien craft?
raise the angst of those that are interested in real science and the scientific method?

You should probably ask yourself why reading my posts raises your angst so much. What does my posted evidence and arguments do to you personally? Is it a threat to your security blanket of Science where everything is already understood and defined? Will you not sleep well tonight worrying about the possibility that reality is far more mysterious and strange than you have ever imagined?
You should probably ask yourself why reading my posts raises your angst so much. What does my posted evidence and arguments do to you personally? Is it a threat to your security blanket of Science where everything is already understood and defined? Will you not sleep well tonight worrying about the possibility that reality is far more mysterious and strange than you have ever imagined?

The reason reading your posts inspires angst and bile is simple - you attempt to pass your pseudoscience and hysterics off as irrefutable fact, then get pissy whenever someone proves you wrong (or you choose to simply ignore evidence that contradicts your claims).

Your actions have painted you as intellectually dishonest, a bigot, a crybaby, and generally an all-around unpleasant member of this community. If that is a bitter pill to swallow, tough shit - that's the truth. You want to change the truth, then change how you act. Quit ignoring evidence you don't like. Quit throwing a temper-tantrum every time someone says something you disagree with. Quite lying, quite plagiarizing, and quit quote-mining.
Agreed. Because they didn't do that.
Is this yet another invention of yours?
"the children came running into the Tuckshop, talking excitedly".

“They came running up here in such a panic, and even if we staged it they could have not all run together like that. They came up here like a living snake, we were in a staff meeting and we just heard them screaming and screaming… A child cannot make that up.” – Teacher from the school

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