A physicist explains ghosts in our digital reality

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That would be wrong.
What you actually wrote was "If anything, consulting with each other only strengthened their recall of the event".
The way this is written directly assumes that consultation happened and the "if" refers only to the outcome of that consultation.
Or is your command of English as flawed as your grasp on logic, reality and honesty?

And yet still you offer no evidence of them consulting with each other before they reported the event to the teachers. Why is that?
And yet still you offer no evidence of them consulting with each other before they reported the event to the teachers. Why is that?
Because I haven't claimed that they did so.
As I pointed out in post #216.
Tell me, do you intend to continue trying to debunk a claim I didn't make, a claim I have specifically stated I hadn't made?
Is that because it's easier to attack strawmen than own up to your dishonesty?
Because I haven't claimed that they did so.
As I pointed out in post #216.
Tell me, do you intend to continue trying to debunk a claim I didn't make, a claim I have specifically stated I hadn't made?
Is that because it's easier to attack strawmen than own up to your dishonesty?

Good. I'm glad we agree no consultation had a chance to occur. Moving on...
Good. I'm glad we agree no consultation had a chance to occur. Moving on...
Your lack of integrity is showing again.
And your (deliberate) lack of ability to confuse "not making a specific claim that X happened" with "agreeing that X didn't happen".
In point of fact, while I haven't claimed that "consultation" did occur there certainly was chance for it to happen, given that the children were unsupervised for a period of time before making that claim - as stated in the report and quoted more than once.

You, and a couple of others here (no names mentioned but I'm sure that the rational members of Sci can work them out), are the main reason why I left for so long. I see that, overall, the forum has not only not improved in the intervening time it's actually degraded.
It may be time to for me to move on permanently.
Your lack of integrity is showing again.
And your (deliberate) lack of ability to confuse "not making a specific claim that X happened" with "agreeing that X didn't happen".
In point of fact, while I haven't claimed that "consultation" did occur there certainly was chance for it to happen, given that the children were unsupervised for a period of time before making that claim - as stated in the report and quoted more than once.

I see. So now you're back to saying consultation DID occur, once again based on no evidence whatsoever. Make up your mind..

You, and a couple of others here (no names mentioned but I'm sure that the rational members of Sci can work them out), are the main reason why I left for so long. I see that, overall, the forum has not only not improved in the intervening time it's actually degraded.
It may be time to for me to move on permanently.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass...
I see. So now you're back to saying consultation DID occur
When will you learn to read?
Let me go through it:
You stated "I'm glad we agree no consultation had a chance to occur".
My reply was "while I haven't claimed that "consultation" did occur there certainly was chance for it to happen".

Which part of "I haven't claimed that consultation did occur" made you think that I'm "back to saying consultation DID occur" (which is a falsehood twice over since I hadn't claimed that anyway, so I can't "go back" to it)?

Do you have to put in much effort to be that stupid/ dishonest or does it come naturally?
Do you extend that stupidity/ dishonesty into your real life, or is it reserved solely for on-line?
And yet still you offer no evidence of them consulting with each other before they reported the event to the teachers. Why is that?

Why is it required...? It is pretty much safely assumed it happened (or do you propose that, instead, all those people scattered in random directions and ran, despite the fact that humans show a fairly strong pack mentality?)
When will you learn to read?
Let me go through it:
You stated "I'm glad we agree no consultation had a chance to occur".
My reply was "while I haven't claimed that "consultation" did occur there certainly was chance for it to happen".

Which part of "I haven't claimed that consultation did occur" made you think that I'm "back to saying consultation DID occur" (which is a falsehood twice over since I hadn't claimed that anyway, so I can't "go back" to it)?

Do you have to put in much effort to be that stupid/ dishonest or does it come naturally?
Do you extend that stupidity/ dishonesty into your real life, or is it reserved solely for on-line?

Trolling insults as usual. Are you having trouble finding the exit door?
If I wasn't doing a good job, there'd be no attempts to lock my threads and infract me for posting this information. Obviously the information is threatening to many people's worldview here. Hence the attempts to censor it.

Actually, belief has nothing to do with your threads being locked... they get locked because they are garbage and a disgrace to what was, at one time, a website of decent scientific repute and discussion. Now, thanks to members like you, it is a garbage dump of ignorance and foolishness.
Actually, belief has nothing to do with your threads being locked... they get locked because they are garbage and a disgrace to what was, at one time, a website of decent scientific repute and discussion. Now, thanks to members like you, it is a garbage dump of ignorance and foolishness.

Agreed. The problem is of course that the nature of these type of people, will see them defyingly posting more and more, just to stir the angst of the more scientifically inclined.
That's his goal and the goal of others.
Trolling insults as usual. Are you having trouble finding the exit door?
I wonder how you can consider factual statements as trolling insults.
Either you didn't understand what was clearly written out - in which case you're stupid, or you DID understand but chose to misinterpret - in which case you're dishonest.
Which is it?
I'd really like to know.
(Personally, given your previous dishonesty, I'm going with the latter).
I wonder how you can consider factual statements as trolling insults.
Either you didn't understand what was clearly written out - in which case you're stupid, or you DID understand but chose to misinterpret - in which case you're dishonest.
Which is it?
I'd really like to know.
(Personally, given your previous dishonesty, I'm going with the latter).

Truth be told, I'd like to know as well... but I've stopped really paying attention as much simply because until our Administration makes up their mind on if they wish to allow this kind of dishonest and insulting behavior to continue, or if they wish to actually put a stop to it.

If you and others wish for it to stop, I would recommend making this known - granted, I'm not saying to PM the admins every day... but it might get results *shrug*
I recently reported deliberate dishonesty (from a different poster) and got the reply "Unfortunately, your recent report has been rejected: Post in thread 'Are You A Quantum Creationist?' - This can be pointed out in the thread."
It thus appears that lying and wilful misdirection is condoned, I remember when it was different.
I wonder how you can consider factual statements as trolling insults.
Either you didn't understand what was clearly written out - in which case you're stupid, or you DID understand but chose to misinterpret - in which case you're dishonest.
Which is it?
I'd really like to know.
(Personally, given your previous dishonesty, I'm going with the latter).

You're the one dancing on the fence of whether the kids consulted with each other or not. Your own ambivalence is the problem here. So while you are NOT claiming it happened, you ARE claiming it had a chance of happening? When praytell? After the event of seeing the beings and the ship, they all ran into the school screaming. Were they secretly conspiring as they were running, getting their stories all straight? "Okay guys, we all saw such and such. Got it? Now keep running to the teachers to tell them what happened!" There was no chance for them consulting together and agreeing on some completely fabricated story. Besides, people just don't do that, especially kids.
Wrong. The children immediately began screaming and ran to the school. There was simply no time to make anything up:

"The smaller children were very frightened and cried for help. They believed that the little man was a demon who would eat them. Black African children have heard legends of tokoloshis, demons who eat children. The children ran to the tuck shop operator, but she did not want to leave the shop unattended and so did not go.

The late Cynthia Hind, known as Africa's foremost UFO investigator, investigated the case the next day. When she was first contacted, she asked the headmaster of the school, Colin Mackie, to have the children draw pictures of what they had seen. When she arrived at the school, he had about 35 drawings for her. The drawings were of very similar objects."

Some were allegedly scared. Others were excited by it and more curious.

“They ran to the edge of the school yard to see what this thing was. They saw this small creature walk around on top of the craft while another came down to check out the children. He was all in black, with a very tight suit. The children said he had big eyes ‘like rugby balls’.

“The children had direct eye contact with this creature. There seems to have been some kind of communication with the children about the state of the world — what we are doing to the planet, the destruction we are causing, although not all the children got this message. Some of the children were traumatised, others were excited. The young children were the most traumatised as they were at the front of the group.

The younger ones were apparently afraid, but not all of them were. Some have described it as running to their teachers, but the teachers were in a meeting and they ran to the tuckshop lady. In short, the children were unsupervised while they were playing outside.

Perhaps you should stop putting your own slant on the story, MR.

You have a case where around 62 kids collaborated to lie about something they saw and even drew detailed pictures of roughly the same incident? Let's see it.
There have been numerous studies conducted with children, especially young children, and false memories and implanted memories.


http://idml.medicine.arizona.edu/Ar...susceptible to the false memory illusion .pdf

Children are very susceptible to it and there have been numerous studies performed on dozens of school aged children where even a few words can lead to rich stories about something they experienced or saw.

Note in this experiment the subjects were manipulated into believing the incident was different from what they witnessed. This makes sense. People told they are remembering something different from what others saw may update their own stories. But that doesn't prove people will naturally do this with no false feedback. In the case of the 62 children, no false feedback was given them. If anything, consulting with each other only strengthened their recall of the event and their confidence in their own accounts. Add to that the fact that it was an emotionally jarring experience, and the prospect of them all getting it wrong becomes highly unlikely.
Ermm, the problem is that they would have consulted with each other in the first place. This is why eye witnesses to crimes are generally not allowed to speak to each other before they speak to the police. They are kept separate, so that they cannot possibly impart information and create false memories.

This isn't an example of collaborated accounts confabulating false details. It's merely showing the natural decay of memory. This is to be expected over several years. But the account of the 62 kids had no such time to decay. They were interviewed in a matter of days.
In which time they were literally able to get their stories straight.

In the words of one of those children when interviewed as an adult:

Tracking down one of the Ariel School experiencers took some doing, but eventually I connected with Sarah* in what she referred to as “a most stubborn old Rhodie [white Rhodesian] bar” in downtown Harare.

Of the more than 110 children and staff who had been at the school, which sits just outside the small agricultural centre of Ruwa, when the aliens landed in 1994, she thought she was probably the only one still in the country.

“Everyone’s fucked off to Canada or the UK,” she said. “Or died.”

When it became clear to her drinking buddies that we were going to talk UFOs, eyes began to roll.

“Christ, Sê, not ET again,” someone muttered.

She ignored him.

“Whaddya wanna know? Actually, it’ll be simpler if I just shoot. It happened, OK. Sixty-two kids between the ages of about six and 12 saw the aliens land and get out of their little ships. When the kids returned to class they were completely freaked and couldn’t stop nattering about little men who looked a bit like Michael Jackson. The teachers told them to shut up, as teachers are wont to do, and classes proceeded.

“But the next day the school received a bunch of calls from parents wanting to know why their kids were spooked. It got so that the teachers started to freak out, too, and a local UFO expert called Cynthia Hind was invited to speak to everyone. It was via her, I think, that we heard about a famous shrink who was coming from the US to assess the children. What was his name now … Mack, Dr John Mack, who I heard was killed by a drunk driver a few years back.”

Not only were these children allowed to discuss it among themselves, but they were also told that a UFO specialist was coming to see them, and they were asked to draw pictures of what they had seen.. Gee, no surprises there that they all drew similar drawings. And that was from a UFO site.

Comparisons to Michael Jackson aside, the fact that these children were clearly given so many hints and leads, it's no wonder they all drew the same thing and that their stories were so identical.

I know that children don't scream and run and tell their teachers about something they made up.
They didn't.

The teachers had all entered the staff room for a meeting and the only adult outdoors was the tuckshop mistress, who was soon swamped by children claiming they had seen “three or four objects coming into the rough bush area … disc-like objects coming in along the power lines and finally landing in the rough, among the trees. The children were a little bit afraid, although they were also curious.”

False memories and leading children to believing something or having seen something they hadn't seen is pretty easy to do.

Here's another compelling case of a ufo sighting:
It isn't compelling.

At all. And this was already discounted in one of the many closed UFO threads and the authorities said it was a weather event. How many times have you posted this now?

So are you saying these events never happened? That a "crank site" just made them up?
Wouldn't be a first time.

Crank websites are known to make things up. Don't believe me? Visit a 9/11 crank website.

People can choose to believe whatever they want. They often do. I'm just putting out the information that will enable them to make an informed choice on the matter.
If that is what you were doing, then we wouldn't have a problem.

The problem with you is that you take those videos as absolute evidence of the existence of aliens and you lose your proverbial shit when anyone dares to question your absolute belief in them or to express doubts or disbelief in your claims.

Putting stuff out there for people to make an informed choice or decision would entail approaching these subjects objectively. You are yet to understand what that actually means. You don't post objectively.

If I wasn't doing a good job, there'd be no attempts to lock my threads and infract me for posting this information. Obviously the information is threatening to many people's worldview here. Hence the attempts to censor it.
If doing a good job entails plagiarism, misrepresenting articles, posting things out of context, using quote mining sites which misrepresent studies, failing to reference what you are quoting and citing, posting contradictory material and claiming both are correct even though they completely contradict each other and literally cancel each other out.. Then sure, you are doing a great job MR and that is why your posts are being locked, because you are doing such a good job!
I recently reported deliberate dishonesty (from a different poster) and got the reply "Unfortunately, your recent report has been rejected: Post in thread 'Are You A Quantum Creationist?' - This can be pointed out in the thread."
It thus appears that lying and wilful misdirection is condoned, I remember when it was different.
It's not that it is condoned. In many instances, it can be smacked down in a thread instead of just silenced. I would rather see people trying to educate others instead of calling them stupid and trying to silence them immediately. I take the approach of when all else fails, then we moderate.

That would certainly create a problem for yourself after all your anal probing by your Alien visitations.:rolleyes:


Out of curiousity, what part of you thought this was acceptable before posting it?
Thanks for basically proving everything I said about this, that the kids didn't have time to consult and make up one story. I didn't really need your help though. The articles quoted explain what happened clearly enough.

As for yet another lie of yours:

If doing a good job entails plagiarism, misrepresenting articles, posting things out of context, using quote mining sites which misrepresent studies, failing to reference what you are quoting and citing, posting contradictory material and claiming both are correct even though they completely contradict each other and literally cancel each other out.. Then sure, you are doing a great job MR and that is why your posts are being locked, because you are doing such a good job!

You have access to my infractions list. List all the times misquoting and failing to reference and posting contradictory material got me infracted or got my thread locked. I'll wait..
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You're the one dancing on the fence of whether the kids consulted with each other or not.
And again you're diverting and being dishonest.

you ARE claiming it had a chance of happening?
When they were originally out and unsupervised.

When praytell? After the event of seeing the beings and the ship, they all ran into the school screaming.
So wait a minute.
You're claiming that SIXTY-TWO kids had time to wander up to (or past) the school boundary, get a look at this UFO, actually COMMUNICATE with said alien but that that interval wasn't long enough to "consult"?

Were they secretly conspiring as they were running, getting their stories all straight? "Okay guys, we all saw such and such. Got it? Now keep running to the teachers to tell them what happened!"
Given the fact that their stories were similar but not identical, much like the drawings they did, how long would it take to share a basic idea?

There was no chance for them consulting together
This is a claim you have repeated ad nauseam but still haven't justified.

Add in the statement - from you - that they were allowed to consult afterwards don't you think that could have given them time to "straighten their story"?

Besides, people just don't do that, especially kids.
That would be completely false.
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