A Must see for all Christians

If one of you pro posters can add a link
It Might Help :shrug:

I'm still three posts away from being able to add a ULR link

Thank You
Here you go.


I had to pause it at 6 and 1/2 minutes because I'm at work but it is pretty intense so far.

*runs and grabs popcorn and awaits Christians/theists to post their various apologies/explanations*

Zeit·geist [ zt gst, tst gst ] or
zeit·geist [ zt gst, tst gst ]



ideas and spirit of time: the ideas prevalent in a period and place, particularly as expressed in literature, philosophy, and religion

[Mid-19th century. < German, "spirit of the time"]
Thanks for the link Mikenostic :D

I doubt most will make it past the 911 part
it's a shame to :(

part three is really a must see
I just got past the George Carlin monologue. He's hilarious. I may have to finish watching this at home.
I had to take a screen shot of the movie:



Wasn't someone else of historical importance supposedly born on December
25th, of a virgin, with a star in the East...about 3000 years after Horus?


EDIT: It appears I posted this a bit too soon because they go on to say that Horus was crucified, dead for three days and rose from the dead. Horus also had 12 disciples, among other BC figures with eerily similar traits/backgrounds.
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No one knows Jesus' birthday. It's common knowledge that December 25th was choosen to coincide with the Winter Solistice. This is no revelation.
No one knows Jesus' birthday. It's common knowledge that December 25th was choosen to coincide with the Winter Solistice. This is no revelation.

Which would mean that even LESS is known about Jesus, and would thus require even MORE blind faith to assume he existed. tsk tsk tsk.

EDIT: Oh, and congrats: You are the first one to make an apology/excuse, as flimsy as it is though. Although I did expect one sooner.
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I have to admit
I thought the way the movie opens is really not going to do it any justice
it's really an awful beginning

But you have to see the rest
also this is nothing like jesus cramp
this movie is a must see ;)
i will have to download my sound card drivers to watch this piece of shit movies. Everyone wants to be a film maker, everyone want to have a web site, no one can accept that they really are just average.

oh, maybe this guy did not exist - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plato - And mikenostic when was his birthday?

I will make up a list later for you guys of people who could not have existed...LOL...fucking fools.

AND REMEMBER- all you geniuses were getting hard for that titanic guys crap 'documentary and i was the first to make any kind of argument (you can search it) as to how it was bullshit...i was the first anywhere as a matter of fact to point out specifics...before i even watched it. That would makeme superior, at least in some ways...ha ha ha.
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So far I have only watched the religion part and part of the WTC part, I'll watch the Federal reserve in a minute...

Religion - I don't see how anyone could possibly explain all these 'coincidences' that occur within all religions; the proof is right there, religion is a device created to control the masses, period.

WTC - If you seriously believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy, go watch Screw Lose Change and have all your questions answered.

Federal Reserve - Allegations with no actual proof...
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I don't see how anyone could possibly explain all these 'coincidences' that occur within all religions; the proof is right there, religion is a device created to control the masses, period.

er....um yeah, oh and maybe it is because these are aspects that are actually accurate...ok, but your controlled, arent we controlled from our first breaths? you guy just dont think. Sorry, this stuff HAS got to come out.

i will be gone for a few hours, when i get back the gloves are coming off.
er....um yeah, oh and maybe it is because these are aspects that are actually accurate...ok, but your controlled, arent we controlled from our first breaths? you guy just dont think. Sorry, this stuff HAS got to come out.

i will be gone for a few hours, when i get back the gloves are coming off.
Do us a favor, watch the film before you make any more comments. If I can watch it with an unbiased p.o.v., then I'm sure you can too.
My gloves are already off. We'll have the octagon ready for you, knuckles cracked and all.
who's admitting what here?

This is a very interesting piece of work. It seems to be a great mixture of historical fact, modern conspiracy theory and socialist propaganda all rolled into one neat package.
The third chapter is most interesting of all. The drive towards one world government and cashless society. Ironically the main climax of the most popular book in the bible “revelations” is all about an impending one world government and cashless society where no man can trade lest he have the mark of the beast. It begs the question –Do the authors of this film who bash religion at the beginning of it know that they are giving credence to that religion at the end of it? Or do they blame religion for creating a distasteful reality?:shrug: