A lonely God?

*Originally posted by Taken
I seem to recall you insinuating that Cris' parents should have cast a demon out of him.

Nope, you're making that up, i.e. lying.

*Did you not also state that you assume that people on computers like you need to be brought to God the same way you were?*


*By the way...was Elijah a psychic? Hmmm, I guess all gifts of foretelling aren't from the devil. God seems to have mastered the art of bestowing such gifts as well.*

Are you nuts?

*I saw something on another post about rarely seeing people speak in tongues in exorsisms.*

I have to admit, I do believe that you are seeing things.

*Originally posted by Banshee
I have to come face god and he will cast me away to 'hell'?
Don't think so, for I am no 'sinner' and I am doing nothing wrong in my way of living my life just because I am not christian.

Do think so.

*Are you speaking in tongues?*

Yes, among others, I speak in the tongue called English.
I also write in that tongue.

Amazing, isn't it?
Only in english....???

Man, how pathetic...well, then I do speak in tongues, for I speak dutch, german, french and english...:p

I can even write in these languages.

Oh man, how demonic....cast me away, right to the highway to hell.;)

Have a nice quoting day Tony.

"Born with unusual abilities I was called posessed by the devil by my father at the age of four.
You think that is a nice way of loving your child?*"

"He probably didn't know how to cast out demons, such as the familiar spirit you have.'

You are right, it wasn't Cris, it was Banshee...but none the less you said it.

"None of that stuff worked on me to get me saved.
Why would I assume that people who use computers like I do, and browse the internet like I do, and post on Sciforums like I do, would be interested in the gospel from a perspective completely unlike what got me going? "

And you DID say that as well.
*Originally posted by Banshee
Only in english....???

Man, how pathetic...well, then I do speak in tongues, for I speak dutch, german, french and english...:

Not only in English.
I've written in three languages in this forum alone, not counting dutch.
I haven't used other languages I know yet.

*Originally posted by Banshee
none the less you said it.

But not about Cris.
Besides, Banshee herself has admitted to six, so what's the big deal if I quote her, anyway?

*And you DID say that as well.*

Still didn't say it.
Can you not tell the difference between a question and a statement?

It appears as though your Hindu background is interfering with your ability to understand that one third of Jesus' ministry was concerned with casting out demons.
If he was casting them out, then they had to be in, first.
Hindu backround? Not unless you believe in past lives. The only thing I know about Hindu is how to spell it. :O)
*Originally posted by Taken
Hindu backround? Not unless you believe in past lives. The only thing I know about Hindu is how to spell it.

Apparently, you share a lot of beliefs with Hindus.
On second thought, I should maybe have said Muslim or pre-Christian Jew.

While I don't think the beliefnet survey is particularly accurate, you came up with hardly any Christian beliefs in the top ten, which is kind of unusual for a professed Christian.
I could see something like RC showing up high in the list, since they are trying to counterfeit Christianity as closely as possible, but Islam, Hinduism, Jainism?

"1. Orthodox Judaism (100%)
2. Islam (94%)
3. Bahá'í (90%)
4. Reform Judaism (81%)
5. Orthodox Quaker (77%)
6. Jainism (75%)
7. Liberal Quaker (75%)
8. Sikhism (71%)
9. Liberal Protestant (69%)
10. Hinduism (68%)"
Oh, Ok...see the rest of us didn't realize the quiz was an authority we were supposed to take at it's face value. We thought it was for entertainment purposes, like 1-800-psychic.
But if YOU have faith in it then my goodness, What Were We Thinking?:D
*Originally posted by Taken
Oh, Ok...see the rest of us didn't realize the quiz was an authority we were supposed to take at it's face value

Perhaps you missed the connection, vague though it may have been, between what you believe and the questions you were asked?
You could have been randomly hitting the buttons, which is OK too.

And I did say it didn't appear to be particularly accurate.
Oh, so it isn't accurate, but if the results suit your purpose than you are willing to convict someone on their validation?
*Originally posted by Taken
Oh, so it isn't accurate, but if the results suit your purpose than you are willing to convict someone on their validation?

Far be it from me to convict you on your validation, whatever that might be.
But, I know how some of the questions would have to be answered to make Hinduism, or some of the others, show up high on the list.
Such answers would be wrong answers.
If one of the choices were that God is a red pointed hat, and you choose that, I'd say you have no idea who God is.

You may be believing things which are a hindrance to you.
Based on some of the things you've said in your posts, I'd say those things are a major hindrance.

Mind you the choices in the quiz are limited, too, and as I said before, not very accurate.
Very limited! And I do not recall haveing the choice of a red pointed hat. *smiles*
By the way, can we see your orriginal results?
Tony, Taken is very right here.

Why don't you give us the exact points you mean?

It is not a quiz....is your godbelieving based on some kind of quiz? I pity you for your tunnel vision.

You better read the posts made by Taken all over again and pay good attention at what he's written down, for he has very good points. Guess you don't have the ability to answer them in the right way because of your tunnel vision.

By the way, I made up the six, because of you calling me channeling demonS, in plural, like I was hiding several personalities inside of me.

That is not the case...I am who I am, just me alone.

You made more of it yourself. Read your former posts back, not only in this thread but also in the other threads of the Religion Forums and then you will see it for yourself...

If you go to church on Sunday, say a good prayer to yourself to get rid of your tunnel vision and be some more friendly and open minded to other members on the boards and stop f**king them up and taking them down all the time.

There is a lot of beauty on this Earth and it is NOT created by your god as far as I believe...

You can believe in your god (and his 'creations') in another way, with having respect for humans who think of it in a different way, you know...
*Originally posted by Banshee
Tony, Taken is very right here.

Why don't you give us the exact points you mean?

It is not a quiz....is your godbelieving based on some kind of quiz? I pity you for your tunnel vision.

There is a quiz thread, and I posted the "exact points" there.

*You better read the posts made by Taken all over again and pay good attention at what he's written down, for he has very good points.*

I guess "Psychic" means that you can't tell whether someone is male or female, just because they're pregnant.

*By the way, I made up the six, because of you calling me channeling demonS, in plural, like I was hiding several personalities inside of me.

That is not the case...I am who I am, just me alone.

Your "Psychic" sense tells you that?

*There is a lot of beauty on this Earth and it is NOT created by your god as far as I believe...*

You don't believe very far then.
It was a friendly gesture to you, poor Tony, surrounded by women...

If there were smilies with Trees on it, you should have got those.

Bye Tony, look for a nice quote.

Or do you have something interesting to say for a change, because I am so tired of you. I don't go into discussion with you no more.

Have a nice day.
Yang´s_Matrix said:
By Sir. Loone:

"All life in Heaven and on Earth has meaning and purpose to there existence! All was created by GOD for His good pleaser! Each person who ever lived on this Planet Earth has purpose for there existence and meaning! To love, to share, to give, to take, to worship there God the loving Creator !"

I do not understand why would God create us only to worship him... either he is wery self loving or he is wery lonely... which?

Also if God is omnipotent he ofcourse knows that what happens in the future, past and present in everywhere (he would know the every movement of every atom), therefore it would be like if I would love a tetris game which I would have coded myself and it would be played by computer and I would know every movement which it would do.
Christians` God is not lonely biblically speaking.
Proverbs 8:30 says "Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him; "
enton: Christians` God is not lonely biblically speaking.
Proverbs 8:30 says "Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him;
M*W: Proverbs is in the OT. Proverbs had nothing to do with the mythical character Jesus. However, somewhere in the NT there are homosexual references to Jesus. This has been discussed in a really old thread. I'm surprised you haven't resurrected it yet.