A lonely God?

My dear, dear Tony.
You are so wrong about Jimi Hendrix, but I don't go there with you.
Jimi Hendrix is to good for someone like you and you do not know a thing about him.
Only that he died to soon, so forget it.
By the way, I posted the same track under another thread where you replied to Cris.
You will get it over and over. Now I am ticked off my 'friend'.
Shut your mouth about humans you don't know a thing about.
You better try to come lose from that channeling god all the time.
Are you a highschool boy from just 13 years old or have your parents forced all this christian crap into your (I guess) little head?

I feel deeply sorry for you. You will have a hard time when you lay off your Earth-bound body and go back to the Cosmos in stead of your beloved 'heaven'.
By the way, I am wondering if Peter will let you in. You are always so insulting and unfriendly. If I were you I should be careful, haha.
:p :p
*Originally posted by Banshee
You are so wrong about Jimi Hendrix, but I don't go there with you.

That would be demonese for "I am so right..."

*Shut your mouth about humans you don't know a thing about. You better try to come lose from that channeling god all the time.*

Veiled threats?
Your demons are getting pissed off.

*(I guess)*

I thought you said you were "Psychic," so why are you guessing?

*You will have a hard time when you lay off your Earth-bound body and go back to the Cosmos in stead of your beloved 'heaven'.*

Who said I was going to heaven for any but a short time?
Besides, are you going to be surprised when you find out that your "Cosmos" is located right in the middle of a lake of fire.
Well Tony, what is wrong with you?
Have you been doing research or something like that?
I do not go into this with you.

You better watch out for demons running loose, I gave them free for the evening.

Thanks for the laugh...again.

On your knees boy...PRAY
*Originally posted by Banshee
Have you been doing research or something like that?

No research required, demons are always wrong.
And so are the people who believe them

*You better watch out for demons running loose*

They'd better watch out for me.

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
(Luke 10:19, KJV).
Tony, you really make it to tempting to come after you.
Stick to your 'holy writing' and don't bother me any more with your stupid remarks.

Stay narrow-minded as you ae, you are a lost case...

Yup he is best ignored. As soon as you respond to him you simply encourage him to deluge you with more gibberish. He thrives on attention. Much like an unpleasant virus.
Well Cris, that is a good one.
You said that right, never thought of it, but he is the virus of Sciforums, haha.:p

I have had a very good laugh when I read it.
But I think I won't reply on him any more, he is such a narrow-minded, pityful creature.
Really no fun, talking to him, because he can never give a normal reply.

He ticked me off to many times now, I think he is foolish and only haunts us with his holy quotes.
Why can't he reply like a normal person, even christians can be nice humans to hang around with.
But Tony is a lost case.
He is stuck in the middle of his 'holy writing' and has no vision on the outside world what so ever.

So I won't reply to him, or I have to feel like it and then it is only to tease him.;)

Awright, good for you.

Laughing him off as I know you've done is Ok up to a point after that pity makes more sense.

Have fun
Well, I just replied to him in another thread. He thinks I am quoting the bible now.
That is insulting, I quoting the bible, man, what a craze.

I wonder, should he ever put off those eye shields he is wearing ?
Guess not, to afraid to see what really is going on in this 'holy' world.

Nice talking to you. Have a nice day.:p
Originally posted by Yang´s_Matrix
I do not understand why would God create us

why do we want to create ARTICIALLY INTELLIGENT beings?i surely dont understand.
There is no god who created us.

And artificial intelligence is one of the destroying inventions by the human race, they do the most crazy things these days.
And they are convinced that is good to create artificial intelligence, man, how can they only think of it, crazy humans.

I guess they get bored and want to have to do something new, haha.
Well, it ain't going to happen. And if it does, no, not for long.
What arrogance we humans have.
Really, it is unbelieveble.
What in the world do we need artificial intelligence for?

Perhaps these human inventors better try to figure out their own 'intelligence'.
Re: Re: A lonely God?

Originally posted by zion
why do we want to create ARTICIALLY INTELLIGENT beings?i surely dont understand.

AI is created to serve us. Why? Because we find that AI is more efficient in handling many human tasks.

Now back to God. What did God create us for? Are we handling something more efficient than God? Or we are to worship his glory? God needs to show off, but nobody is around to see. Isn't that a sign of loneness? If God has no need, then what's the point of the human creation? Are we unnecessary?
No, everybody here on Earth is here for a reason.

It has nothing to do with that d**m so called allmighty god of you all. It are the so called holy wars who lead Earth to Her destruction and therefor the human race shall be wiped away...again.

It happened before and it will happen again, just the Cosmos reacting upon the destruction, the hatefulness and the damaging of the Ecosystem in a so bad way by the human race.

Artificial Intelligence is something I have to laugh about, humans better look at how 'intelligent' they really are, haha.

But it can be another dangerous invention which will take a bad way and do even more damage.
Well, I can't care less.:mad:
Premise 1:
No research required, demons are always wrong.
And so are the people who believe them

Premise 2:
The bible is the inerrant word of God.

Premise 3:
The bible asserts that demons believe in God. (James 2:19, "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.")

God does not exist.
Hahaha, very good reply. Really very good.

Short and right to the point. I am sure you will get a 'nice' quote from Tony's channeling god and his bible.

Have fun.:p
*Originally posted by Banshee
Tony, you really make it to tempting to come after you.

What would you do if you did?
Your demons are egging you on right now, but they'd be trembling in fear quickly enough.

Besides, if you try to curse me, you'll have God cursing you in a hurry.

And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
(Genesis 12:3, KJV).

You'd be in rough shape even without God cursing you.

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
(Isaiah 54:17, KJV).

*Originally posted by Cris
like an unpleasant virus.

As opposed to the pleasant viruses, no doubt.
Cris, such dry wit.

*Originally posted by Banshee
That is insulting, I quoting the bible, man, what a craze.

It is kind of funny, but you can't help it, anymore than Satan could when he was quoting Psalm 91.

*What in the world do we need artificial intelligence for? *

To compensate for natural stupidity?

*Originally posted by synaesthesia
Premise 3:
The bible asserts that demons believe in God. (James 2:19, "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.")

God does not exist.

Hey, not bad!

Of course, you should try to remember that while the demons believe in God, they aren't actually out there trying to convince anyone he does.
As a matter of fact, they are out trying to convince people that he doesn't.
Hence, they are wrong.

However, a quick scan of the posts on this forum alone should convince you of their success rate.
Tony, you so quickly pointed out earlier that Moses wasn't a Christian, well lets play by your rules...YOU are not a Jew, you have no proof that you are of Abrahams blood line so therefore you are not a true Isrealite, only a child of God thru adoption. Therefor;those verses you just quoted in your defense are null and void. Abrahams seed was blessed, and his accusers were accursed by God, not yours. The pot calling the kettle black, th posts on this board are a tribute to YOUR success and the success of so many like you that call yourself a Christian and then let your testimony make a fool of you, and drive away the lost.
What the hell are you talking about Taken?

The Israelites were also adopted as children of God which is kind of the point of the whole adoption doctrine found in the NT.

Tony isn't driving anyone away. If you're offended by what the Bible says then maybe you need to rethink your beliefs.

"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?"
Galatians 4:16

It's interesting you want to call yourself a classical Christian yet you can't bear to offend people. Jesus constantly offended the Jews. The prophets of the OT were constantly being ordered to slaughter the wicked.

What Bible are you reading?

I was refering to something Tony said in another post, Tony knows what I meant. I can get in a Bible quoting match with the best of 'em. The Bible is the sustenance of a believer. I do not find the Bible offensive, but it is wrong to use it to offend the lost or the weak in faith.
1 Cor 3:1 And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to infants in Christ.
1 Cor 3:2 I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able,
1 Cor 3:3 for you are still fleshly. For since there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not fleshly, and are you not walking like mere men?
1 Cor 3:4 For when one says, "I am of Paul," and another, "I am of Apollos," are you not mere men?
1 Cor 3:5 What then is Apollos? And what is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, even as the Lord gave opportunity to each one.
I do not argue His information, so much as his use of it. It isn't a testimony to glorify God or the Son, but a crusade to be right, and to know it all. None of us, no matter how strong our faith hold that title. He isn't preaching to the choir, as far as I can tell He is preaching to the unbelieving, and his tactics are not Biblicly based.
"but it is wrong to use it to offend the lost or the weak in faith"

Where did you come up with that one? Christ quoted the scriptures to unbelievers. The apostles quoted scripture to the unbelievers.

What's the difference between quoting scripture and paraphrasing?

"I can get in a Bible quoting match with the best of 'em"

I highly doubt that when your defense of spoon feeding people is a portion of scripture which doesn't mean what you pretend it does.

1 Peter 2:2
"As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:"

And yet you deny people the sincere milk of the word instead opting for your interpretations.. How Christian of you. You're so pretentious as to think you can speak better than God.

At least Tony is wise enough to let God speak for Himself.
